Student evaluation form - Anglia Ruskin University

This evaluation encompasses the underpinning principles and values inherent within the NHS
Constitution. It is an evaluation of your practice learning experience and will support the
University and its practice partners in the monitoring and development of the clinical learning
environment. Please remember to respond professionally.
Student Evaluation of Clinical Learning Experience
Name of Trust/Healthcare Organisation:
Dates of Placement:
Name of Clinical Placement:
NHS Constitution Values:
Respect and Dignity; Everyone Counts; Compassion
1. Were you made to feel welcome and introduced to the healthcare team?
Yes/No (Please explain your response)
NHS Constitution Values:
Respect and Dignity; Everyone Counts; Compassion
2. When were you given the name of your mentor?
Before arriving on your clinical placement
On your first day
By the 3rd day
By the end of the first week
NHS Constitution Values:
Commitment to Quality of Care; Improving Lives
3. Did you regularly receive feedback, either formal or informal, regarding your performance from
the healthcare team?
Yes/No (If No, please explain your response)
Please give some examples of how this feedback helped you develop your competence
NHS Constitution Values:
Commitment to Quality of Care; Improving Lives
5. Were you given formal feedback, documented in your practice book by your mentor, within the
following time scale?
Mid- way through your clinical placement
Yes / No (If No, please explain your response)
At the end of your placement?
Yes / No (If No, please explain your response)
NHS Constitution Values:
Commitment to Quality of Care
6. Was your mentor available to support you in clinical practice to ensure the validity of your
summative assessment?
Yes / No (If No, please explain your response)
NHS Constitution Values:
Improving Lives; Everyone Counts; Compassion
7. Were you encouraged to contribute to the development of patient services?
Yes / No (If No, please explain your response)
NHS Constitution Values:
Working Together for Patients; Everyone Counts; Compassion
Please identify any issues that you encountered as a student in this clinical area.
If there were any problems, who was contacted and what help was provided?
NHS Constitution Values:
Commitment to Quality of Care; Everyone Counts; Respect and
Compassion; Working Together for Patients; Improving Lives
10. During your placement were you able to observe the NHS Constitution values being
embedded in all aspects of patient services?
Yes/No (Please explain your response)
Thank you for taking the time to complete this evaluation