
GMACC – Ag Committee Minutes – May 1, 2015 – 2nd Street Diner
Members present: Rob Thuringer, Craig Walker, Darrell Gerdes, Susan Hilmoe, Amber Steinberg, Tom Bloom, and
Carolyn Rudebusch. Also present were Stan Rauch Prairie village and Rosie Jamison - GMACC.
Chairman Rob Thuringer called the meeting to order.
Agenda: There were no additions to the agenda.
Minutes: Tom Bloom moved, Craig Walker seconded, the agenda and the April 3rd minutes for approval.
Old Business:
Youth Group – Rob reported that the Youth Crop Education program will meet at Kasey Gehrels farm
west of Wentworth on Saturday. Brian Telkamp of Helena will also meet with the group. Rob asked the
members present to contact their students to remind them of the meeting. Susan Hilmoe reported that
the notebooks and information for the Chamber’s records are current. Rob took them for the students
and will continue to update for a sample Chamber copy.
The Ag producer address list for the 2015 Ag Appreciation Event has been finalized. Chamber has
prepared the personalized letters.
Rosie reminded the Ag Committee members that contacts for Ag events sponsorships need to be
completed by May 8th. Members should e-mail Rosie with their information.
Rosie reported that a donation of $300 along with a thank you had been sent to the Madison Fire
Department for their support to all of the members and ag producers throughout the year.
Members agreed the assignment of a lead person for each committee event was a good idea. The lead
person should provide direction and information about their event.
New Business:
Prairie Village Northern Bull Ride Event – June 12th beginning at 6:30 P.M.
Stan Rauch reported that grass had been planted around the arena/tractor pull area; last year was a
record high in ticket sales and that the procedure for tickets at the gate worked well with the Ag
Committee and PV staff; the gates open at 4:00 P.M. and that workers should be there at 5:00-5:30 P.M.
Workers can sign up during the June Ag Committee meeting for working the event.
Rosie reported the fliers have been printed, there will be advertising in the newspaper and the banner will
be updated after the sponsorship calls have been completed. It was suggested that Kevin Jaspers do a
radio ad again this year. Rosie also reported that it is important to have more than one person from the
Chamber counting the tickets for proper accounting and Chamber staff and committee protection.
The letter to producers with the bull riding event information will include the sponsor list and two adult
tickets to the event plus the Ag Committee Brochure. Tickets need to be signed when entering the gate.
Kids will receive a different colored ticket at the gate and will not be included within the adult drawing.
Kids will also receive a DQ coupon at the gate. Tickets at the gate are $12.00 for adults; $5.00 for kids
under age. Ag Committee pays PV $10 per adult ticket and $5 for each child ticket
There will be five $20.00 Chamber Bucks drawings during intermission of the Bull Ride
Madison Fire Department will provide a beverage tent and PV a food stand.
Upcoming Chamber Events:
June 1 - Lake’s Grand Opening
June 2 - Sioux Valley Annual Meeting at 4:30 at McCrossan Boy’s Ranch
June 6 - Lake Appreciation Day
June 19 - Golf Classic
8:00 AM
Recorder Carolyn Rudebusch
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