Historical Foreward - Diocese of Portsmouth

Maryvale Institute
Certificate in Catechesis
This is a two-year, distance-learning course leading to the Certificate in Catechesis. It is intended
for anyone seeking to learn more about their faith, as well as those looking for formation to equip
them to work with children and adults in parishes, schools and families.
1. Authorisation
This course is authorised by the Archbishop of Birmingham and received approval from the
Sacred Congregation for the Clergy in 1989.
2. Aims
 Formation of a solid foundation in the Catholic Faith, including knowledge of Scripture,
Doctrine, Liturgy, Prayer and Catechesis
 Personal growth in faith and spiritual life, especially through study days and retreat days
 Development of methods for communicating and sharing the faith effectively
 Development of specific catechetical skills needed for different age groups
3. The Value of Distance Learning
The particular method of learning and teaching which has been developed by the Maryvale
Institute is based on the Open University’s distance-learning methodology, so as to enable lay
people, religious and clergy to study and undertake formation in the context of their own lives,
family commitments, and work.
Students study each module in their own time following the reading and the exercises that are
suggested in the module course books so that each student actively takes on the responsibility of
Students are supported individually by tutors who respond to their written work. The method of
marking assignments, by careful notes, is specifically designed to be of maximum help to the
student at a distance, and is undertaken by markers who are all experienced in theology,
catechesis and distance-learning methodology
4. Entry Requirements
This course in catechesis is open to all who would like to learn more about their faith so that they
can confidently hand it on to others.
5. Commitment needed
As well as attendance at the study days and the retreat day each year, students need to be
prepared to spend some hours each week on the course material. For some students this is likely
to be spent in blocks of work, others spread it out throughout the week. This is the value of this
type of learning as it fits into students’ busy lives.
6. Structure and Outline
Students working towards the Certificate submit a short essay totalling about 1200-1500 words,
plus a lesson plan for each module. This enables the student both to articulate what they have
learned from their study and also consider how they could pass on what they have learned to
others. Work is based upon study of the Course Book, with sections of the Scriptures, Catechism
and Vatican II documents as key sources.
A day to introduce the course and study skills
Introduction to Catechesis
Foundations of Faith.
A day to introduce the next two modules of the course.
Jesus Christ
Methods of Teaching
A day to introduce the next two modules of the course.
The Church
Ways of Praying
RETREAT DAY A day for personal spiritual development.
A day to introduce the next two modules of the course.
The Old Testament
The New Testament
A day to introduce the next two modules of the course.
Liturgy and Sacraments A
Liturgy and Sacraments B
A day to introduce the next two modules of the course.
Life in Christ - Catholic Moral Teaching:
Mary in the Mystery of Christ and the Church
RETREAT DAY A day for personal spiritual development.
7. Course Content
A course book is provided for each module forming a comprehensive introduction to the main
areas of the Catholic Faith over the two years of the course. The course books introduce the
student to the particular subject and stimulate thinking and reflection by posing questions and
review exercises. The course books also indicate further reading, particularly the Scriptures, the
Catechism, and the documents of the Second Vatican Council, but also wider reading if time
allows. The course books also assist in linking each particular subject with the rest of the
A key component of the course is the practical aspect of catechesis. As well as the module on
catechetical methodology all the other modules include exercises which draw on and develop
good catechetical practice so that the study of the faith is always in the context of passing it on in
whatever situation students find themselves. Each study day also includes practical guidance on
passing on a particular aspect of the faith.
8. Assessment
Methods of Assessment have been devised to bring about a positive appreciation of the work
accomplished as well as helping to hone catechetical skills.
 Essays - assignments of approximately 1,200-1,500 words submitted at the end of each
module. These are sent by the student to Maryvale with copies retained by the student for
their own records.
 Lesson plans, on an aspect of the subject studied. This is to show how the student would
present material to various groups of adults or children.
All assignments are sent to Maryvale either electronically or by post and are read by an
“Academic tutor” assigned to the student, who encourages the student, makes suggestions and
sets targets for development. There is no written or oral examination. All assessment is modular.
Once assessed, assignments are returned to the student.
9. Student Support
Maryvale provides a unique system of support for students through its method of distance
learning including:
 Course-books. These are also referred to as modules. There are six per year to be worked
through at your own pace, contacting the Course Director at any time if you have questions
arising from your reading.
 Study Days are held at the beginning of each term. Each module is introduced by experts in
the subject. You will also meet with Maryvale staff and other students and can discuss the course
with them and share experiences. Students are also encouraged to exchange contact details and
keep in touch with each other in between the study days. Refreshments and lunch are provided at
these days, as are liturgical celebrations.
 A Retreat Day is held at the end of each year of the course, to help you in your personal
spiritual formation too.
 The Course Director at Maryvale provides you with encouragement, support and advice.
Contact can be made by telephone 0121 360 8118 ex 163, or e-mail fedirector@maryvale.ac.uk
and help will be provided to enable you to tackle any practical or study questions.
 Academic Tutors receive your assignments, comment helpfully on your work and grade it.
 The Librarians at Maryvale are available to help you regarding required and further reading
materials. Phone – 0121 360 8118 – or e-mail - library@maryvale.ac.uk
 The Bookshop Manager at Maryvale can order books for you. You may phone - 0121 360
8118 - or e-mail - bookshop@maryvale.ac.uk
10. Essential books needed throughout the course are:
 The Holy Bible. For the purposes of your study we recommend the New Jerusalem Study
Bible - very useful with notes and cross references – or the new RSV
 The Catechism of the Catholic Church.
 Vatican Council II: The Conciliar and Post-Conciliar Documents, Volume 1, edited by
Austin Flannery O.P. (Dominican Publications, 1998)
Or single booklets of these key documents of Vatican II: Lumen Gentium, Sacrosanctum
Concilium, Gaudium et Spes, and Dei Verbum
These documents are also available online at www.vatican.va
*Catechesi Tradendae is also useful - available online at www.vatican.va
These books are all available in the Maryvale bookshop.
11. Unforeseen circumstances
If you find that things do not go according to plan and you get behind with your assignments,
don’t worry, just get in touch with the Course Director and a study plan can be worked out to
keep you on track.
12. Application and Fees
Application forms for the course should be completed please and returned to the FE Admin
Team at the Maryvale Institute with:
 The Parish Priest’s consent form
 The registration fee of £25.00. (cheques made payable to Maryvale Institute)
13. Further details
If you have any more questions about the course and if you would like to find out whether it is
running near you, please contact us on feenquiries@maryvale.ac.uk or ring 0121 360 8118
14. Further study
The Maryvale Certificate in Catechesis may be the first stage of a longer process of study through
Maryvale. Many students continue their studies by progressing to one of our degree courses,
such as the Bachelor in Divinity or Philosophy. Others stay at FE level and study Scriptures or
the Catechism in more depth or specialise with the courses in RCIA Catechesis or New
Evangelisation and Ministry. Some, who already have a first degree, opt to do postgraduate
studies at Masters or even PhD level
Whatever happens in the future we know from the feedback of countless students that you will
have a truly positive experience on the MCC course that will deepen your faith and enrich your