MCV Newsletter - November 2013

Managing Coastal Vulnerability (MCV) Newsletter
November 2013
(WALIS – LIS: a sub project of Regional & Urban Scenario Planning(RUSP))
Staff Appointments
The agenda and potential members of this group
will be discussed and finalised by the WALIS
Marine Group before distribution. It is intended that
the agenda be forwarded well in advance of the
meeting to allow members time to give considered
thought to the issues.
Discussion about a facilitator for the meet was also
raised and suggestions for a suitable person would
be welcomed.
We have succeeded in securing 2 exceptional
Spatial Information Officers for the MCV Team.
Chris Barber
Helen Tait
Chris has just arrived from the UK. His experience
encompasses Geography Education, Marine
Environmental GIS and project mapping of the UK
Rail Infrastructure system to high accuracy. Chris
brings to the group a range of software and project
management skills.
Helen joins us with extensive experience in various
spatial themes including Geology, Marine and
Remote Sensing. Helen was a member of the
Transport Spatial team in recent years and brings
those contacts and a wealth of experience to the
MCV team.
Waterline Reference Group
At WALIS Forum there was good support from WA
spatial experts about the formation of a Waterline
Reference group.
Rodney Hoath and I have met and compiled a list
of potential group members and agenda for
discussion. A venue in Perth is the preferred
location and the suggested date for the meeting is
February 2014
Edition 2, November 2013
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Ralph spent a full 2 days at the WALIS forum. This
included gathering information about SLIP future
and Google functionality. The day before the
Forum was spent attending an NGIS event
featuring the Google team and various speakers.
Over the 3 days there was a huge number of
people that I discussed MCV with. Day 2 of Forum
also saw me presenting the MCV project outline
including its complexities and the proposed
methodology using AODN & SLIP.
 Overall support to establish a waterlines
reference group to help resolve WA Coastal
 Sending MCV staff on a Google Boot camp
being held by NGIS (Perth). This training content
is being enhanced after discussions with NGIS
to gain maximum benefit.
 Preliminary discussions about an AODN
workshop for MCV staff. This would involve
bringing some AODN staff to Perth from
Tasmania. There are some other alternative
possibilities of training MCV staff in File
formatting, data loading, portal operation and
future development discussions.
Stakeholder Survey
The stakeholder survey was launched at the
WALIS Forum, however because there was only a
small marine presence at the Forum it was no
surprise that I only received 1 survey returned.
In the last week I have taken the survey and
explanatory fliers and sent them by email to a
number of Emails of organisations associated with
Coastal Engineering. I have also asked Dr. Agi
Gedeon to assist by sending the same email to the
WAMSI email group. Hopefully we will get some
good responses. I will also be contacting the data
custodians to supply information about recent data
requests to identify common customer demands. I
have also received a report from Dr Nathan
Quadros that he compiled regarding “Bathymetry
Acquisition Stage 1 - User Needs Analysis”
(Investigating the data needs and challenges
experienced by users of near-shore bathymetry).
Private Industry Interest
Private Industry leaders have agreed in principal
to support some sort of Data indexing system.
Scientific/GIS leaders will be meeting in the next
month to discuss this further. Ralph may be invited
to attend or present to the meeting.
Data/Activity status by Agency
Reference group
Reference group
Reference group
Reference group
Ready to post
Ready to post
Ready to post
Ready to post
Landgate (Floreat)
Sea Surface temp MODIS
Sea Surface Temp NOAA
Chlorophyll MODIS
K490 Optical Attenuation
EOMAP – MODIS (SSC, Phytoplankton) Metadata
Edition 2, November 2013
Department of Parks & Wildlife
Marine habitats
Mangrove Communities
Marine Parks & reserves
Metadata & Index
Department of Planning
Storm Event Areas
Index Metadata
Coastal Vulnerability Projects Report-Metadata
Status Coastal Planning
Landform Change
Indicative Coast Risk
Department of Water
Floodplain Area
Coastal Topographic Lidar
(Priority: High –Medium - Low)
Landgate (Midland)
LWM Coastline
MHWM Coastline
HWM Coastline
Nautical Line (Map Coast)
Topo Ground Surface
Topo Cultural
Topo Hydrographic
Topo Transport
Department of Transport
Database Tender preparation
Marine Contours
Ready for Updating
Coastline Movements
Ready for Cleaning
Real Time Swell & Waves
Not required
Real Time Tide & Storm
Not required
Historic Tide & wave
Ready for reformat
Coastal Infrastructure
Ready for update
Marine Use Boundaries
Not required
Navigation Hazards
Ready for update
Coastal Sediment Cells
Index - Metadata
To be assessed
Navigation Aids
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Index & Metadata
Index & Metadata
Department of Fisheries
Aquaculture and Pearling Leases
Fishing boundaries
Fish Habitat Protection Areas
Ocean temperature data
Ready to post
Ready to post
Ready to post
Department of Minerals & Petroleum
Mining Tenements
Ready to post
Petroleum Fields
Ready to post
Petroleum Titles
Ready to post
Petroleum wells
Ready to post
Petroleum Pipelines
Ready to post
WA Coast (WA smartline)
Ready for reformat
State & Federal data managed by separate agency