Horse Test/Key

2013 FFA Horse Selection
Team Written Test
Fill out one scan card per team
Multiple Choice (2 points each)
In general, how many pounds of feed will a 1000 pound horse consume
each day?
a. 5 pounds b. 20 pounds
c. 40 pounds
d. 60 pounds
Mastication refers to what?
a. Chewing
b. Digestion
c. Rumination d. Swallowing
Protein is broken down into what basic compounds before it is
a. Vitamins
b. Minerals c. Amino acids
d. Starch
Which vitamin can the horse make in its body from sunlight?
a. Vitamin A b. Vitamin D
c. Vitamin E
d. Vitamin K
The main site where forage is digested in the horse is the:
a. Stomach b. Esophagus c. Small intestine
d. Large intestine
What two minerals are present in salt?
a. Sodium and Calcium
b. Sodium and Phosphorus
c. Sodium and Potassium
d. Sodium and Chloride
What is the most essential nutrient required by the horse?
a. Water
b. Protein
c. Carbohydrate
d. Vitamin
_______ 8.
Name the section of the small intestine closest to the stomach:
a. Jejunum
b. Ileum
c. Duodenum
d. Cecum
Which nutrient can supply the most energy per gram of feed?
a. Protein
b. Vitamin
c. Carbohydrate
d. Fat
If adequate forage is available, how many hours per day on average will
free-ranging horses spend grazing?
a. 1-2
b. 5-7
c. 10-12
d. 18-20
______ 11.
Which of the following is NOT a method for processing grain?
a. Grinding
b. Caking
c. Pelleting
d. Extrusion
______ 12.
What product is commonly added to horse feed to reduce dust and
improve palatability?
a. Molasses b. Soybean meal
c. Beet pulp d. Alfalfa meal
______ 13.
Which of the following is NOT a cool-season grass used for horses?
a. Red clover
b. Orchardgrass
c. Bromegrass d. Timothy
Body condition score is used to estimate fat cover on a horse’s body and
is measured on a scale of what?
a. 0-5
b. 1-5
c. 1-9
d. 1-10
______ 15.
Where is the primary site for fat digestion in the horse?
a. Stomach b. Small intestine
c. Cecum
d. Large intestine
______ 16.
Blister beetles are toxic when eaten by horses and can be found in:
a. Alfalfa hay b. Corn
c. Oats
d. Beet pulp
______ 17.
Which of the following is NOT a common grain fed to horses?
a. Sunflower
b. Oat
c. Corn
d. Barley
______ 18.
Which classification has the highest daily energy needs?
a. Average maintenance horse
b. Early lactating mare
c. Lightly exercising horse
d. Late pregnancy mare
______ 19.
Eating too much grain or lush forage at one time can lead to what
disease of the horse’s foot?
a. Navicular disease
b. Colic
c. White line disease
d. Laminitis (founder)
______ 20.
What behavior occurs when horses eat quickly and aggressively and do
not thoroughly chew their food?
a. Bolting b. Cribbing c. Weaving
d. Slobbers
______ 21.
Which vitamin is essential for the process of blood clotting?
a. A
b. C
c. E
d. K
______ 22.
Horses should never receive less ____% of their body weight in forage
per day.
a. 0
b. 1
c. 10
d. 20
______ 23.
Which forage would be most likely to have the highest protein content?
a. Alfalfa b. Bromegrass
c. Timothy
d. Tall Fescue
Which part of the gastrointestinal tract has the largest capacity?
a. Stomach
b. Small intestine
c. Cecum
d. Large colon
______ 24.
______ 25.
What hormone helps regulate blood sugar (glucose) levels?
a. Oxytocin b. Insulin
c. Glycine
d. Gastrin
2013 State FFA Horse Evaluation
Test Answer Key
1. B
2. A
3. C
4. B
5. D
6. D
7. A
8. C
9. D
10. C
11. B
12. A
13. A
14. C
15. B
16. A
17. A
18. B
19. D
20. A
21. D
22. B
23. A
24. D
25. B