Jennifer Murphy 1 Student: Marty D.O.B: Present Level of Performance: Intelligence -Strengths: -excellent visual-motor coordination and spatial orientation skills -general knowledge and linguistic abilities are in the normal range -Weaknesses: -experiencing difficulty distinguishing essential and nonessential detail and sequencing the timing of a series of events -problems defining words, identifying similarities between two words, using computational skills and reasoning, and demonstrating social judgment Mathematics -Strengths: -geometry -able to identify shapes, sizes, color, and number patterns -measurement -able to identify objects and estimate and measure the length and heights of objects and lines -time and money -able to interpret graphs and compute costs -Weaknesses: -multiplication -unable to multiply more than onedigit numbers, fractions, and decimals -division -could not perform multi-step division tasks -fractions -difficulty identifying fractions, putting fractions in order, and converting fractions to percentages -word problems -skills were poor -difficulty solving problems that contained nonessential information Date: September 19, 2013 Position: Test Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised (WISC-R): -Full Scale IQ of 113 -Verbal Scale IQ of 102 -Performance Scale IQ of 124 Keymath-Revised (Keymath): -Overall grade equivalent was a 3.1 Jennifer Murphy 2 Reading -Strengths: -word recognition -able to read one- and two syllable words -oral reading -reading words with single initial consonant sounds and words with short vowel sounds -Weaknesses: -word recognition -cannot read words with more than three syllables -oral reading -reading words that contain the long vowel and silent “e” -reading “ai,” “ea,” “ie,” and “ou” vowel blends in certain words -difficulties sounding out multisyllabic words and a reliance on semantic or syntactic cues -comprehension -difficulty with passages written at a third grade level -trouble with questions involving large amounts of information and interpreting abstractions Written Language -Strengths: -uses a variety of sentence patterns -makes mechanical changes pointed out by the teacher -Weaknesses: -avoids using pre-writing tools to organize his thoughts -semantic webs or outlines -stories don’t follow a chronological sequence -reports not do not fully develop the topic -focuses on one event or detail instead of fully supporting the major idea -ignores the need for punctuation -spelling interferes with communication to the extent that it is hard to distinguish the word intended -difficulty with vowel sounds -editing his own work -rarely revises the content or organization Brigance Diagnostic Inventory of Basic Skills (Brigance): Writing Portfolio: Jennifer Murphy 3 of his writings Other (Marty’s View) -Strengths: -working with others -using computers -projects -loves working with his hands and taking things apart to fix them -working with other people interested in teaching others how to fix things -Weaknesses: -reading -writing -test taking Annual Goals Intelligence: -distinguishing essential and nonessential detail and sequencing the timing of a series of events -be able to define words, identify similarities between two words, use computational skills and reasoning, and demonstrate social judgment Mathematics: -multiplication -able to multiply more than onedigit numbers, fractions, and decimals -division -perform multi-step division tasks -fractions -identify fractions, put fractions in order, and convert fractions to percentages -word problems -improve skills -solve problems that contain nonessential information Reading: -word recognition -read words with more than three syllables -oral reading -read words that contain the long vowel and silent “e” Interest Inventory: Test Wechsler Intelligence Scale for ChildrenRevised (WISC-R) Keymath-Revised (Keymath) Brigance Diagnostic Inventory of Basic Skills (Brigance) Jennifer Murphy 4 -read “ai,” “ea,” “ie,” and “ou” vowel blends -be able to sound out multisyllabic words and a reliance on semantic or syntactic cues -comprehension -be able to comprehend passages written at a third grade level -be able to answer questions involving large amounts of information and interpreting abstractions Written Language: -use pre-writing tools to organize thoughts -semantic webs or outlines -stories follow a chronological sequence -reports fully develop the topic -fully support the major idea -notice the need for punctuation -increase spelling skills -edits his own work -revises the content or organization of his writings Writing Portfolio Short Term Objectives – Condition, Behavior, Criteria Intelligence -distinguishing essential and nonessential and sequencing the timing of a series of events Mathematics -able to multiply more than one-digit numbers, fractions, and decimals Reading -read words with more than three syllables Written Language -use pre-writing tools to organize thoughts -semantic webs or outlines Goal Area & Placement Intelligence -individual Mathematics -small group 5-7 Reading -small group 3-5 Written Language -small group 4-6 Schedule Intelligence -regular class Mathematics -regular class Reading -separate class Written Language -regular class Materials/Resources Intelligence -none Mathematics -none Reading -reading specialist Written Language -teaching aide Jennifer Murphy 5