Year 6

Compare and order fractions.
Add and subtract fractions with different
Solve problems involving fractions, decimals and
Read, write and convert between standard units.
Solve problems involving conversion.
Ratio and proportion
Solve problems involving the relative sizes of two
quantities where missing values can be found.
Solve problems involving unequal sharing and grouping
using knowledge of fractions and multiples
Solve problems involving similar shapes where the
scale factor is known or can be found.
Interpret and construct pie charts and line graphs
and use these to solve problems.
Calculate and interpret the mean as an average.
Geometry (position and direction)
Describe positions on the full coordinate grid (all four
Draw and translate simple shapes on the coordinate
plane, and reflect them in the axes.
Continue to develop an understanding of the history
of music.
Improvise and compose music for a range of
purposes using inter-related dimensions of music.
Continue to use and understand musical notations.
This term, the whole school focus is ‘resilience’. Year
6 are focusing on ‘perseverance’.
Discuss the impact of war on countries.
Empathise with others, discussing opinions in an objective
Use timelines to identify
key events in history and
their effect on the wider
Use primary and secondary
sources to gather
information on topics and
decide on the usefulness.
Compare the similarities and
differences between
countries, focusing on the
human and physical geography.
Use maps, atlases and globes
to locate countries and
describe the features.
Information writing.
Journalistic recounts.
Narratives – stories from
other cultures and those
with historical setting.
Year 6
Miss Buckley, Mr Dias and Mr Koumi
Mrs Seaman and Mrs Pollington
RE – Buddhism
Explore and understand the key beliefs of
Explore the meaning of holy books, making
links to personal beliefs and views.
Understanding the importance of religious
symbols and artefacts.
Explore religious stories and the impact
they have on religion.
Our PE day is Tuesday.
Develop an understanding of team
Begin to show consistency in ball
Use a range of techniques and tactics
when defending and when trying to
keep possession of the ball.
MFL – school, films & opinions
Make statements about the school environment.
Express preferences on school subject.
Identify different film genres.
Understand and give opinions on films.
Improve mastery of key skills, including
sketching, direct observation, shading
and painting.
Create sketch books to record
observations and ideas to review and
Develop ideas over time.
Select appropriate materials and tools to
design and make.
Research artists and art to develop a
knowledge of art throughout history.
Evolution and inheritance
Recognise that living things have changed over
time and that fossils provide information about
living things that inhabited the Earth millions of
years ago
Recognise that living things produce offspring of
the same kind, but normally offspring vary and are
not identical to their parents
Identify how animals and plants are adapted to
suit their environment in different ways and that
adaptation may lead to evolution.
Scientific enquiry
Planning different types of scientific enquiries to
answer questions, including recognising and
controlling variables where necessary.
Reporting and presenting findings from enquiries,
including conclusions, causal relationships and
explanations of, and degree of trust in results, in
oral and written forms such as displays and other
Identifying scientific evidence that has been used
to support or refute ideas or arguments.
Use technologies effectively to collect data, analyse,
evaluate and present data and information.
Use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly;
recognise acceptable/unacceptable behaviour;
identify a range of ways to report concerns about
content and contact.