Stretching according to Stretch Zone

Stretching according to Stretch Zone:
We are thinking about stretching all wrong: Many assume that the static reach-and-hold method is just what our
muscles, joints, ligaments and tendons need to permanently improve elasticity and increase muscle length. Yet
the latest research indicates that this is far from the best approach to achieve full range of motion and active
mobility. “Some studies show that elasticity gains only last for 15 minutes following the stretch,” (Jon Schriner,
D.O. Medical Director of Michigan Center for Athletic Medicine). After that time, the temporary elastic improvement
moves back to its baseline. Additionally, muscle length does not necessarily change despite what the word
“stretch” implies. Yes, the muscle lengthens as it stretches, but at the same time the stretched muscle temporary
lengthens, its opposing muscle shortens. When that stretch is released, both muscles move back to equilibrium.
Despite this fact, most of us feel that burn left by strained muscles and assume that our method is working.
Think of a car seatbelt. If you pull too quickly it locks. If you continue to force it, you’re just stretching the
material itself—that’s what it means to micro-strain a muscle, But if you were to pull your car seatbelt nice and
smoothly and in control, it will come out much farther.
Rather than pulling on our limbs to the point of soreness,
Stretch Zone® works through the nervous system to achieve
lasting flexibility gains. The method rests on the notion that
manipulating our muscle’s nervous energy is a major key to
unlocking our body’s functional flexibility. This nervous
energy, known as the stretch reflex, is our body’s automatic
defense against the dangers of overstretching. Any movement
that goes too far or too fast or is held for too long, past that
current active range of motion, your body will resist with the
stretch reflex. Once the reflex kicks in, your body has
effectively said “no more” and resists the stretch. Any further
attempt at stretching becomes futile straining.
When your body is stabilized correctly, it doesn’t have fear. It can relax and allow the full stretch to occur.
Stretch practitioners are taught to position, stabilize, isolate and manipulate muscles in order to work with that
nervous tension. The great benefit of practitioner assisted stretching is the ability to control and alter the timing
of and even overcome the stretch reflex.
The Stretch Zone® Conversion Kit takes stabilization to a whole new level. The practitioner systematically
positions, stabilizes, isolates and stretches your’ muscles using comfortable straps and adjusts them based on
body part throughout the session. The straps work to stabilize the limb or part of body that the practitioner is
not working on, thus allowing the stretched muscle and the person on the table to completely relax. With that,
the practitioner has the unique opportunity to control the body’s nervous tension, and slowly bring the muscles
past their current range of motion and back to neutral tension before the stretch reflex fires. So we go almost
there to that little kick that the muscle gives, and then we move back, and then we move back in. If you do that
repetitively you can keep going a little further and further without the stretch reflex firing.
21408 W. Dixie Hwy. Aventura, Florida 33180
And before you ask…
Yoga & Pilates are not synonyms for stretching!!!
Yoga n.
1. A Hindu discipline aimed at training the consciousness for a state of perfect spiritual insight and tranquility. 2. A
system of exercises practiced as part of this discipline to promote control of the body and mind.
Yoga is used to prepare the body and mind for meditation and healing from everyday stress. Yoga means “to
join or yoke together,” and it brings the body and mind together into one harmonious experience. What most
people associate with Yoga practice is Hatha Yoga which incorporates physical movements and postures, plus
breathing techniques. The long held “stretches” within Yoga are to get into and maintain postures. The real
purpose of practicing yoga postures is to develop the strength of body and calmness of mind in order to sit in
meditation for 30-60 minutes without moving. This is far from the goal of achieving functional flexibility.
Pilates n.
1. Pilates (/pɪˈlɑːteɪz/;[1] German: [piˈlaːtəs]) is a physical fitness system developed in the early 20th
century by Joseph Pilates, and popular in many countries, including Germany,[2] the United States and the
United Kingdom.
Pilates is a body conditioning routine that may help build muscle tone, balances musculature, supports correct
posture, and teaches to move with ease and grace. The Pilates method seeks to develop controlled movement
from a strong core and it does this using a range of apparatus to guide and train the body. Each piece of
apparatus has its own repertoire of exercises and most of the exercises done on the various pieces of Pilates
apparatus are resistance training since they make use of springs to provide additional resistance. Pilates
Principles are: concentration, control, centering, flow or efficiency of movement, precision and breathing.
Yes, AIS, PNF & Fascial Stretch Therapy are effective forms of table stretching.
Each works with the nervous system in different ways to achieve optimal flexibility. They all have merit, yet
are all limited by their own fundamentalism. Stretch Zone® has its methods but is not fanatic about adhering to
a specific modality or methodology. The Stretch Zone® Method is not a one size fits all methodology.
The only thing that Stretch Zone® is dogmatic about is the proper
positioning, stabilization, isolation and stretching the muscles in
the correct order and doing so with some regards to the stretch
reflex. Ergo, the SZM® is not just complimentary to, but enhances
the effectiveness of many other modalities.
The Stretch Zone® Conversion Kit takes the positioning and
stabilization of clients to a whole new level. It was built to
conveniently convert any standard massage table (stationary or
portable) into a practitioner-assisted stretching table. The
adjustable belts, pads and straps allow for the speedy extension of
muscles further than the central nervous system would normally
permit making an imprint on neuromuscular system.
21408 W. Dixie Hwy. Aventura, Florida 33180