Curriculum vitae, MERITS. Name: Åke Edvin Johansson, born July

Åke Edvin Johansson, born July 12th 1955 in Stockholm.
Grundskola (primary school) 1971.
Gymnasium (secondary school) 1974.
Fil.kand. (B.Sc.), Stockholm University 1978 (20 p. earth science,
20 p. chemistry, 20 p. quarternary geology, 60 p. mineralogy and petrology).
Fil.Dr. (Ph.D.), Stockholm University 1984, in Mineralogy and Petrology.
Title of thesis: Geology and Genesis of Lead-Zinc veins in Sweden
(Meddelanden från Stockholms Universitets Geologiska Institution nr 262).
"Docent" at the Department of Geology, Gothenburg University, 1992.
Employments: Summer 1976, 1977, 1978: "Extra geologist" at the Geological Survey
of Sweden, field work in the Swedish Caledonides.
Sep. 1978 - May 1979: "Extra geologist" half time at the Geological Survey of Sweden,
office work.
July 1979 - June 1981: Research assistant (Forskningsassistent) half time at the
Department of Geology, Stockholm University (financed by the Swedish Board for
Technical Development, STU).
July 1981 - June 1984: "Doktorandbidrag" full time at the Department of Geology,
Stockholm University.
Oct. 1984 - June 1987: Research assistant (Forskningsassistent) full time at the
Laboratory for Isotope Geology, Swedish Museum of Natural History (financed by the
Natural Science Research Council, NFR).
July 1987 - June 1991: Research assistant (Forskarassistent) full time at the Laboratory
for Isotope Geology, Swedish Museum of Natural History (financed by NFR)
July 1991 - June 1995: “Förste intendent” full time at the Laboratory for Isotope Geology,
Swedish Museum of Natural History (financed by research grant from NFR).
July 1995 onwards: “Förste intendent” full time at the Laboratory for Isotope Geology
(from 2013 Department of Geosciences), Swedish Museum of Natural History
(permanent position financed by the museum).
Main research projects: (more details further below under “Overview of research activities”)
Pb-Zn veins in Sweden (Ph.D.-project 1979-1984, supported by STU)
Precambrian geology of Blekinge (1984-1990, supported by NFR)
Single zircon U-Pb analyses and other isotope studies of Proterozoic
rocks within the Svalbard Caledonides (1991-1996, supported by NFR)
Caledonian vs. Grenvillian or older tectono-magmatic activity on
Nordaustlandet, Svalbard (1996-2000, supported by NFR)
Mesoproterozoic evolution of Bornholm and Blekinge (2001-2009,
supported by VR 2004-2005)
Gabbroic rocks of Roslagen, east-central Sweden (2008-2010, supported by SGU
and Magn. Bergvalls stiftelse)
Timing of migmatization in separate tectonic domains in the 1.91.8 Ga Svecokarelian
orogen, east-central Sweden: Phase II study (2012-2014, supported by SGU)
Proterozoic supercontinent reconstructions, in particular the ‘Samba’ connection
between Baltica, Amazonia and West Africa (intermittently since 2006 without any
particular financing)
Longer research visits abroad:
USGS, Denver, USA (1981, Pb isotope techniques, 5 months)
ETH, Zurich, Switzerland (1990, Single zircon U-Pb dating, 2 months)
Univ. Montpellier II, France (1999, Ar-Ar dating, 2 months)
Publications: 57 peer reviewed scientific publications in Swedish and international journals 1980-2015.
22 popular geology publications, mainly in Swedish. See separate publication list.
Teaching activities: Courses in radiogenic isotope geology at the Institution of Geology and
Geochemistry, Stockhom University (together with Per Andersson and Kjell Billström) from
2000 and onwards (every second year or every year). Lectures in isotope geology as part of
other courses several times. Lectures on Swedish regional bedrock geology as part of basic
geology course at SU.
Supervision: Two undergraduate theses (Carin Ivarsson, U-Pb dating of Stockholm granite, 1990; Åsa
Lundin, Petrografisk undersökning av metagabbro från Avesta-trakten, 2010).
Supervision of one Licentiate-student (Kristina Zarins: Proterozoic bedrock of Bornholm,
geochronology, structural geology and tectonic modelling) 2005-2007 (together with Hemin
Koyi, UU).
Supervision of many guest researchers at LIG, including visitors through the EU-funded
HIGHLAT-program 2002-2004 and SYNTHESYS program 2005 and onwards.
Postdoctoral visitors: Alexander Larionov, 1999-2001.
Examiner (opponent) of one Ph.D.-thesis (Emma Rehnström, LU, 2003) and two Licentiate theses
(Lena Lundqvist, GU, 1996; Wen Zhang, SU, 2012). Member of several examination
committees at Stockholm, Uppsala, Luleå, Lund and Göteborg Universities.
Former member of the editorial board of GFF. Member of the HIGHLAT evaluation board at the
Swedish Museum of Natural History 2002-2003, and of the SYNTHESYS evaluation board 2004-2005.
“Deputy TAF leader” within SYNTHESYS 2006-2009.
Deputy head of the Laboratory for Isotope Geology at the museum 2001 to 2012.
Outreach activities and popularization of geology:
Responsible for the webpages of the Department of Geosciences ( ), and for
webpages on geology on the website of the museum (
Involved in the making of the geology part of the evolution exhibition of the museum (1996),
as well as an earlier exhibition about isotope geology (1986), activities in connection with the
250th anniversary of the museum (1989), and geological texts to a photo exhibition about
mountains around the globe (Jordens berg, 2007).
Responsible for “Geology Day” activities at the museum (each year starting at 2001). Member
of the board of “Föreningen för Geologins Dag” from 2009, chairman from 2013.
“Jourhavande geolog” (Geologist-on call, answers e-mail questions on geology from the
Several publications in popular geology (see separate list)
Overview of research activities
My Ph.D. project from 1979 to 1984 involved studies of lead and sulfur isotopes as well as geology,
mineralogy, geochemistry and fluid inclusions on Swedish Pb-Zn-bearing veins, financed by the former
STU. As part of that project, I spent five months at the U.S. Geological Survey in Denver, Colorado, in
1981, to learn lead isotope techniques.
During the period 1984 to 1991 I worked with age determinations and petrogenetic studies of the
Precambrian crust in southern Sweden using the U-Pb, Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd systems. Title of project:
"Isotope studies of the Precambrian continental plate in southernmost Sweden" (financed by NFR). In
1990 I spent 2.5 months at the ETH in Zurich, Switzerland, to work with single zircon dating techniques.
From 1991 to 2001 I worked on projects in the Svalbard Caledonides coordinated by prof. David G.
Gee, Uppsala University, and financed by NFR. My work was focussed on age determinations using UPb on zircons. It also involved whole rock geochemistry and Sm-Nd isotope studies. The project has
included three seasons of field work and sample collection on Svalbard financed by the Swedish Polar
Research Secretariat, and also involved cooperation with Russian geologists from S:t Petersburg and
Apatity (later on staying in Stockholm as guest researcher / post-doc). The first years, the work was
focused on the Ny Friesland Caledonides, whereas the focus in the later years was on the Nordaustlandet
part of Svalbard`s Eastern Terrane. In 1999 I spent two months as a guest researcher in Montpellier
(France) doing Ar-Ar analyses of Svalbard samples.
From 2001 to 2008 most of my work has been focused on the Precambrian evolution in Blekinge
(analysing new and reanalysing old samples) and on Bornholm. This project has partly been funded by
VR, and taken place in cooperation with Svetlana Bogdanova and Audrius Cecys (Lund University) and
Hemin Koyi (Uppsala University). The work on Bornholm has involved supervision (together with
Hemin Koyi) of one Licentiate student, Kristina Zarins.
As a spin-off from the above project, I also published a discussion on the plate tectonic relations
between Baltica, Amazonia and West Africa during the Proterozoic, the so called ‘Samba model’
(Johansson, 2009), with a follow-up publication on the configuration of the supercontinent Rodinia, and
how to go from Rodinia to Gondwana (Johansson, 2014).
During the years 2008-2010 I have worked on a project on early Svecofennian gabbro intrusions in the
Roslagen area (Rådmansö gabbro, etc), funded by SGU. This worked has included whole rock
geochemistry, mineralogy and mineral chemistry, as well as Sr and Nd isotope geochemistry. As an
addition to this project, I have also been looking at a belt of mafic intrusions across northern Uppland,
and mafic dykes at the Dannemora mine (see below). Altogether, this work has resulted in three
published papers.
During the years 2012-2014, my main research project has been dating of migmatization in
Svecokarelian rocks in Uppland, east-central Sweden, together with Michael Stephens from SGU, and
financed by SGU. In addition, I have been working on other smaller projects together with students from
various universities, such as a paper on the Dannemora mafic dykes with Peter Dahlin from UU; a
project involving Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd isotope analyses of a large number of drill core samples from the
basement of Poland in cooperation with people from the the Polish Geological Survey (PGI); I have also
taken up the Bornholm granitoid geochemistry studies again with addition of Hf isotope data on zircons;
and continued my intermittent work on Proterozoic supercontinent reconstructions mentioned above.