ICC 500-2013 STANDARD DEVELOPMENT BALLOT AND PUBLIC COMMENTS AGENDA FOR COMMITTEE MEETING #5 SEPTEMBER 2013 BALLOT COMMENTS FROM BALLOT OF CAR ON PROPOSALS SUBMITTED ON ICC 500-2008 – PUBLIC COMMENTS ON THE FIRST PUBLIC COMMENTS DRAFT FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF ICC 500-2013 ICC 500-2013 Development – Ballot and public comments agenda – August 2013 Page 1 IS-STM10-11/12 Section 106.3 Revise as follows: 106.3 Special cases. Special inspections shall be provided for proposed work comprised of: 1. Construction materials and systems that are alternatives to traditional materials and systems prescribed by the applicable code. 2. Unusual design and construction applications. 3. Anchors post-installed in hardened concrete for shelter anchorage in accordance with Section 106.3.1. 106.3.1 Special Inspections to Verify Anchor Installation. Special Inspection to verify the anchor installation, capacity and foundation adequacy according to the anchor manufacturer and shelter anchorage and foundation requirements provided in the shelter design information required in Section 107.2.1, quality assurance plans required in Section 107.3.2, and foundation and anchorage criteria required in Section 309. Section 202 Add new definitions as follows: SPECIAL INSPECTION. Inspection of construction requiring the expertise of an approved special inspector in order to ensure compliance with this standard and the approved construction documents. SPECIAL INSPECTOR. A qualified person employed or retained by an approved agency and approved by the building official as having the competence necessary to inspect a particular type of construction requiring special inspection. IS-STM10-1 (Public Comment) Proponent: Tom Bennett, National Storm Shelter Association, Michael L. Vaughn, National Storm Shelter Association, Further modify as follows: 106.3.1 Special Inspections to Verify Anchor Installation. Special Inspection to verify the anchor installation, capacity and foundation adequacy according to the anchor manufacturer and shelter anchorage and foundation requirements provided in the shelter design information required in Section 107.2.1, quality assurance plans required in Section 107.3.2, and foundation and anchorage criteria required in Section 309. As an alternative to this special inspection, the AHJ (Authority having ICC 500-2013 Development – Ballot and public comments agenda – August 2013 Page 2 jurisdiction) may accept a process from a qualified producer, design professional and third party reviewer which can assure proper installation. Reason: Section 106.3.1 of ICC/NSSA Standard for Design and Construction of Storm Shelters (ICC500-2013 Edition) as proposed would add costly inspection. The National Storm Shelter Association has established a “Safe room Qualified status” which requires a design engineer of record to design the shelter/safe room, work with the safe room manufacturer to develop a Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) and very comprehensive installation checklist which would include all scenarios to ensure a quality installation. The shelter/safe room design, QAP and installation checklist are then to be submitted to an independent third party reviewer. The third party reviewer must have submitted their qualifications and experience to the NSSA for approval. The third party reviewer is not to be part of the same firm as the design engineer of record. NSSA is confident in the producer/installation members that use the QAP to train their staff in the checklist. Many safe rooms are installed in the heart of tornado alley in remote areas miles from major cities bases. Special inspection will be costly and may force some to go without qualified shelter to meet this requirement. Not to mention the added cost would likely be hundreds if not one thousand plus dollars for an inspection to something they likely were not present to inspect. IS-STM10-2 (Public Comment) Proponent: Robert M. Krchak, Architect representing self Revise as follows: 106.3 Special cases. Special inspections shall be provided in accordance with Chapter 17 of the IBC and for proposed work comprised of: 1. Construction materials and systems that are alternatives to traditional materials and systems prescribed by the applicable code. 2. Unusual design and construction applications. 3. Anchors post-installed in hardened concrete for shelter anchorage in accordance with Section 106.3.1. 4. Anchors post-installed in clay and concrete masonry units in accordance with Section 106.3.1. 5. Installation of pre-fabricated or panelized storm shelter components and assemblies, including opening protective devices, not requiring special inspection during fabrication in accordance with 106.2.1 Exception. Section 202 SPECIAL INSPECTION. Inspection of construction requiring the expertise of an approved special inspector in order to ensure compliance with this standard and the approved construction documents. ICC 500-2013 Development – Ballot and public comments agenda – August 2013 Page 3 SPECIAL INSPECTOR. A qualified person employed or retained by an approved agency and approved by the building official as having the competence necessary to inspect a particular type of construction requiring special inspection. Add new Definition as follows: BUILDING OFFICIAL. The officer or other designated authority charged with the administration and enforcement of this code, or a duly authorized representative. Reason: Modify first sentence: The additional requirements for special inspection as generally required by Chapter 17 of IBC may be considered as not applicable to shelters if not specifically identified. Delete “for shelter anchorage”: This Standard address only shelter construction. Restating “shelter anchorage” seems redundant. If the intent of the term was “anchorage of shelter structural elements” then the deletion of the term remains appropriate as by not stating a the specific component the statement covers both anchorage of structural elements and all other elements that are critical to the shelter function such as doors, windows, opening protectives. Experience has shown that proper installation of post installed anchors, for these latter items, is often times lacking. Add item #3: Post installed anchors are used in clay and concrete masonry units as often as in concrete. The proper installation of post installed anchors in these materials seems to be more difficult for contractors than installation in concrete and therefore the need for verification is more critical. Add Item #4: Because of the Exception in 106.2.1 pre-fabricated components and assemblies may have fabrication oversight but if not installed properly their function may be compromised. Therefore, adding the special inspection during the installation process adds some verification of proper installation. Experience has shown that without this special inspection proper installation is oftentimes lacking. Reason for adding New Definition: The definitions for Special Inspection and Special Inspector are taken from the 2012 IBC and use the term “Building Official”. As the term building official has special meaning in the IBC and carries a definition if Chapter 2 of the IBC the same definition should be added to the ICC 500. Also, the terms that have definitions in Chapter 2 of the Standard have been changed to italic. This is consistent with the method used in the IBC for indicating, within the text of the code and within definitions, that the word or words in italic are provided with a specific definition in Chapter 2. It is recommended that this method of identification be used throughout the Standard. ICC 500-2013 Development – Ballot and public comments agenda – August 2013 Page 4