
The Strategic theme enables you to sort through the clutter and find the best route. It is not a skill that can be taught.
It is a distinct way of thinking, a special perspective on the world at large. This perspective allows you to see patterns
where others simply see complexity. Mindful of these patterns, you play out alternative scenarios, always asking,
"What if this happened? Okay, well what if this happened?" This recurring question helps you see around the next
corner. There you can evaluate accurately the potential obstacles. Guided by where you see each path leading, you
start to make selections. You discard the paths that lead nowhere. You discard the paths that lead straight into
resistance. You discard the paths that lead into a fog of confusion. You cull and make selections until you arrive at the
chosen path--your strategy. Armed with your strategy, you strike forward. This is your Strategic theme at work:
"What if?" Select. Strike.
Student Strategies:
Never stop questioning.
Use your analytical skills to understand and to work beyond barriers. You see many alternatives.
Attempt to do things in different, creative ways. Stay away from routine.
Look at difficulties as an opportunity to create new strategies. View this almost as a game.
Try to approach solutions with an open mind; think of different ways of to get things done.
Brainstorm for solutions when approaching a problem. Write down all possible ways of approaching the
problem, then think about the consequences of each and decide which would be the most effective and
efficient solution.
Don't be afraid to express yourself and your ideas.
Be a little controversial and shake up the status quo.
Be open to new things and participate in new experiences, as long as they don't violate your values.
Learn from your failures and see how you can change them to successes.
Generate multiple solutions to problems. Never believe there is only one solution.
Whenever you envision a pattern or plan of action, write it down.
Once you have a plan or pattern, analyze it to see if there is a more simple way of taking it on.
Make time to think, reflect and contemplate. This is where you gain strength, creativity and energy.
Academic Life
Analyze and question concepts to come up with your own explanations.
Take what you learn and incorporate it into your life. Apply it to real-life issues.
Reflect and write down your ideas when you learn.
Keep a journal of your reflections. This is a powerful way for you to learn. Review it before exams.
Read and use outside information as an important resource.
Don't be afraid to be different; discuss with professors the various approaches you can take to tackle an
Participate in research or develop your own research project.
If you find yourself over-analyzing material, ask other highly motivated students about their comprehension
of the class, and use that as your gauge of how much you really understand.
Study Techniques
Integrate class concepts when writing papers or studying for exams.
Work in groups to generate new ideas and clarify or build upon those you create.
If you are writing a paper on a piece of literature, tape the piece on the wall or on your mirror. Whenever you
see it, read over it again and write down ideas that come to your mind.
Be creative in your studying; make up games to pass the time or develop mnemonic devices and anecdotes
to relate information.
Be innovative in your studies; choose means of doing assignments that really make you passionate.
When assigned a project, do a little bit more than expected; it is not difficult for you to expand on an idea,
and you will learn more about the subject.
Use creativity in your schoolwork.
If you find yourself taking too much time on a paper or project, follow a published plan for how you take on a
paper or project and how much time to spend in preparation and revision.
Work with groups and assume a leadership role within the group. You see the future more clearly than many.
Select patterns that best achieve your leadership goals (always have your followers in mind).
Class Selection
Take an independent-study class.
Co-curricular Activities
Participate in activities that stimulate your mind and that you find interesting.
Learn from extra-curricular experiences as well as academics; not all knowledge comes from within a
Participate in cultural activities and exchanges to better understand the world around you.
Become a tutor and mentor. These roles help you live out what you are learning and will help develop your
future career.
Find a career that encourages individual thinking and hands-on work.
Consider psychology, as it requires understanding situations and being able to discover or provide effective
problem solving.
A career in law may excite you, as it requires the use of logic to build cases and finding creative and effective
ways to present them.
Choose careers that will allow you to be a leader and voice your ideas.
You may enjoy a career in which you will be able to interact with a diverse group of people.
Choose a career that enables you to keep developing your ideas and challenging old ones.
Look for a career that enables change and growth to occur, and allows you to develop your talents.
You can see the big picture and the big idea and keep them in focus while dealing with the pieces and steps
ahead. There is hardly a career and absolutely no profession in which this would not be valuable.
Be a leader with your ideas.
Work in a group, organization or career that you know is important and does important work. Then recognize
that your strategic thinking will contribute to its effectiveness.
A consultant's role will be natural for you. The question is, who do you want to consult with you and what do
you want them to consult you about?