Branding Checklist - Mandatory elements Print out the checklist below to help ensure that Strategy branding is correctly applied. Please refer to the Branding user guide for more detailed instructions. Item Detail Strategy logo Positioning Top right on the front of all outputs Size Minimum size is 65 x 15.7mm (print) or 72 pixels/inch (web) Colour Correct colour mode (CMYK, RGB, PMS) used Format Correct format (ie .eps, .jpg, .tif, .png) used Positioning Bottom right on the front of all outputs Size Minimum crest width is 20mm (print) or Minimum crest height is 64 pixels (web) Format Correct format (ie .eps, .jpg, .png) used Positioning Bottom left on the front of all outputs Size DIN (Arial as substitute) 14pt bold font Naming National VET E-learning Strategy (Strategy) Defined Ensure the Strategy is defined correctly using an approved definition Positioning Ensure the appropriate copyright statement is used and positioned correctly Option Choose from two different copyright options Positioning Positioning varies depending upon type of output, an acknowledgements section is built into all Strategy templates - for reports, documents, case studies and electronic resources. Content Amount of information included will depend upon the type of output Positioning Last page/section on any outputs Content Generic Strategy contact details must be included; Strategy staff can also negotiate to include their specific contact details here, in some instances. Positioning Where an output or event is solely funded by the Strategy, it must have the Strategy logo, as the dominant brand and the DIISRTE logo. Note: where an output or event has additional funding contributed by other organisations, their logos can be included but their placement must be negotiated with the Secretariat to ensure mutual sign off. Australian Government department logo (DIISRTE) Strategy URL Strategy definition Strategy copyright statement Acknowledging authors and third party contributions Strategy contact information Using the Strategy logo with other logos Done