Home Research Publications Journal Club People Contact Links JOURNAL CLUB ARCHIVE 12/16/13 Kosaku Shinoda 12/9/13 Bill Krause 12/2/13 Martin Valdearcos Contreras Ernie Yulyaningsih Direct Proteomic Quantification of the Secretome of Activated Immune Cells An Integrated Serotonin and Octopamine Neuronal Circuit Directs the Release of an Endocrine Signal to Control C. elegans Body Fat Mitofusin 2 in POMC Neurons Connects ER Stress with Leptin Resistance and Energy Imbalance Evidence for NG2-glia Derived, Adult-Born Functional Neurons in the Hypothalamus Dendritic Peptide Release Mediates Interpopulation 10/21/13 Shi-Bing Yang Crosstalk between Neurosecretory and Preautonomic Networks MitoNEET-driven alterations in adipocyte mitochondrial 10/14/13 Dylan Lowe activity reveal a crucial adaptive process that preserves insulin sensitivity in obesity Jose Heredia (Chawla Lab) and Stuart Smith (German Lab) 10/1/13 MetaboRIPS in Gladstone Conf Rm C&D at 4 pm (note special day of the (*Tuesday*) week) Jess Porter Identification of an Adipogenic Niche for Adipose Tissue 9/23/13 Abate Remodeling and Restoration Tracking adipogenesis during white adipose tissue 9/16/13 Linet Mera development, expansion and regeneration Jillian Leptin Engages a Hypothalamic Neurocircuitry to 9/9/13 Varonin Permit Survival in the Absence of Insulin Megan Adipocyte Lipid Chaperone aP2 Is a Secreted 8/26/13 Robblee Adipokine Regulating Hepatic Glucose Production Melanocortin 4 Receptors Reciprocally Regulate 8/19/13 James Warne Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Preganglionic Neurons Neonatal leptin exposure specifies innervation of 8/12/13 Allison Xu presympathetic hypothalamic neurons and improves the metabolic status of leptin-deficient mice Hypothalamic programming of systemic ageing **8/7/13** Ivan Rudenko involving IKK-β, NF-κB and GnRH 11/18/13 7/22/13 Suneil Koliwad 7/15/13 Yi Wang 7/8/13 7/1/13 6/24/13 6/17/13 6/10/13 6/3/13 5/20/13 5/13/13 5/6/13 4/29/13 4/22/13 4/15/13 4/8/13 4/1/13 3/25/13 3/11/13 3/4/13 Omega-3 Fatty Acids Prevent Inflammation and Metabolic Disorder through Inhibition of NLRP3 Inflammasome Activation Rare variants in single-minded 1 (SIM1) are associated with severe obesity Stephanie Van A guide to analysis of mouse energy metabolism Veen Kosaku Betatrophin: A Hormone that Controls Pancreatic β Cell Shinoda Proliferation MetaboRIPS: Xin Chen Lab and Miyuki Suzawa (Ingraham MetaboRIPS Lab) (Gladstone Rm C&D) Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition reduces food Paula Jossan intake and weight gain and improves glucose tolerance in melanocortin-4 receptor deficient female rats Martin Gene silencing in adipose tissue macrophages Valdearcos regulates whole-body metabolism in obese mice Contreras EBF2 Determines and Maintains Brown Adipocyte Linet Mera Identity Acute and long-term suppression of feeding behavior by Bill Krause POMC neurons in the brainstem and hypothalamus, respectively Neurotransmitter Switching in the Adult Brain Regulates Shi-Bing Yang Behavior Bi-directional interconversion of brite and white Si Sonne adipocytes Diabetes Center Retreat No JC MetaboRIPS: Masako Asahina (Ashrafi Lab) and Ari MetaboRIPS Molofsky (Locksley Lab) (CVRI SC159) Fgf10-Expressing Tanycytes Add New Neurons to the Ernie Appetite/Energy-Balance Regulating Centers of the Yulyaningsih Postnatal and Adult Hypothalamus Leptin regulates glutamate and glucose transporters in Allison Xu hypothalamic astrocytes Jess Porter Conserved Shifts in the Gut Microbiota Due to Gastric Abate Bypass Reduce Host Weight and Adiposity MetaboRIPS: Kosaku Shinoda (Kajimura Lab) (Gladstone MetaboRIPS Rm.C&D) Inhibition of Leptin Regulation of Parasympathetic Jillian Signaling as a Cause of Extreme Body WeightVaronin Associated Asthma Kana Ohyama TRPV4 Is a Regulator of Adipose Oxidative 2/25/13 2/11/13 1/14/13 1/7/13 12/17/12 12/10/12 11/26/12 11/19/12 11/5/12 10/29/12 10/22/12 10/15/12 10/1/12 9/24/12 09/17/12 9/10/12 8/27/12 8/20/12 Metabolism, Inflammation, and Energy Homeostasis MetaboRIPS: Camella Wilson (E Weiss Lab) and Aras Mattis MetaboRIPS (Willenbring Lab) in HSW1128 Targeted estrogen delivery reverses the metabolic James Warne syndrome Ablation of TRIP-Br2, a regulator of fat lipolysis, Megan thermogenesis and oxidative metabolism, prevents dietRobblee induced obesity and insulin resistance Christophe Ablation of Sim1 neurons causes obesity through Paillart hyperphagia and reduced energy expenditure MetaboRIPS MetaboRIPS: Catie Gleason (Pearce) and Atabai Lab Polysome Profiling in Liver Identifies Dynamic Suneil Regulation of Endoplasmic Reticulum Translatome by Koliwad Obesity and Fasting MetaboRIPS: James Warne (Xu) and Jonas Sjolund MetaboRIPS (Balmain) PTEN Loss in the Myf5 Lineage Redistributes Body Fat Haruya Ono and Reveals Subsets of White Adipocytes that Arise from Myf5 Precursors Jamila Neuropeptide Transmission in Brain Circuits Newton MetaboRIPS: Louise Olofsson (Xu) and JP Upton (Oakes) in MetaboRIPS N-225 Stephanie Van The Number of X Chromosomes Causes Sex Veen Differences in Adiposity in Mice Jess Porter Antibiotics in early life alter the murine colonic Abate microbiome and adiposity Protein Modularity, Cooperative Binding, and Hybrid Linet Mera Regulatory States Underlie Transcriptional Network Diversification IKKβ/NF-κB disrupts adult hypothalamic neural stem Ivan Rudenko cells to mediate a neurodegenerative mechanism of dietary obesity and pre-diabetes Metabolism Research in Progress Series: Yong Pan (Verdin MetaboRIPS Lab) Kosaku Temporal coding of insulin action through multiplexing Shinoda of the AKT pathway Leptin action through hypothalamic nitric oxide James Warne synthase-1–expressing neurons controls energy balance Shi-Bing Yang Deconstruction of a neural circuit for hunger 8/13/12 8/6/12 7/23/12 7/16/12 7/9/12 7/2/12 6/25/12 6/18/12 6/04/12 05/14/12 05/07/12 04/30/12 04/23/12 04/16/12 04/02/12 03/19/12 03/05/12 02/27/12 Time-Restricted Feeding without Reducing Caloric Intake Prevents Metabolic Diseases in Mice Fed a High-Fat Diet. Melanocortin-4 receptor signaling is required for weight loss after gastric bypass surgery Complement C1q Activates Canonical Wnt Signaling and Promotes Aging-Related Phenotypes Hyperresponsivity to Low-Dose Endotoxin during Megan Progression to Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis Is Robblee Regulated by Leptin-Mediated Signaling Daniele Enteric glia are multipotent in culture but primarily form Rottkamp glia in the adult rodent gut A PGC1-α-dependent myokine that drives brown-fat-like Louis Sharp development of white fat and thermogenesis FoxO1 Target Gpr17 Activates AgRP Neurons to Yi Wang Regulate Food Intake Ernie Involvement of Doublecortin-Expressing Cells in the Yulyaningsih Arcuate Nucleus in Body Weight Regulation Hypothalamic Neuropeptide Y (NPY) Controls Hepatic Sofie Nielsen VLDL-Triglyceride Secretion in Rats via the Sympathetic Nervous System Fasting Activation of AgRP Neurons Requires NMDA Ivan Rudenko Receptors and Involves Spinogenesis and Increased Excitatory Tone IRS2 Signaling in LepR-b Neurons Suppresses FoxO1 Jillian to Control Energy Balance Independently of Leptin Varonin Action Kosaku Pten Positively Regulates Brown Adipose Function, Shinoda Energy Expenditure, and Longevity Rapamycin-Induced Insulin Resistance Is Mediated by James Warne mTORC2 Loss and Uncoupled from Longevity Regulation of GABA and Glutamate Release from Shi-Bing Yang Proopiomelanocortin Neuron Terminals in Intact Hypothalamic Networks Jamila Tanycytes of the hypothalamic median eminence form a Newton diet-responsive neurogenic niche Direct leptin action on POMC neurons regulates Daniele glucose homeostasis and hepatic insulin sensitivity in Rottkamp mice Shingo Fibroblast Growth Factor-21 Regulates PPARγ Activity Kajimura and the Antidiabetic Actions of Thiazolidinediones Megan Dysfunction of lipid sensor GPR120 leads to obesity in Martin Valdearcos Contreras Christophe Paillart Shingo Kajimura both mouse and human Distinct Roles for Specific Leptin Receptor Signals in Sofie Nielsen the Development of Hypothalamic Feeding Circuits Martin Autophagy in Hypothalamic AgRP Neurons Regulates Contreras Food Intake and Energy Balance Clement Remodeling of the arcuate nucleus energy-balance Cheung circuit is inhibited in obese mice MLK day No Meeting Suneil Obesity is associated with hypothalamic injury in Koliwad rodents and humans NPY and MC4R Signaling Regulate Thyroid Hormone Yi Wang Levels during Fasting through Both Central and Peripheral Pathways Adipocyte NCoR Knockout Decreases PPARγ Haruya Ono Phosphorylation and Enhances PPARγ Activity and Insulin Sensitivity Transplanted Hypothalamic Neurons Restore Leptin Ivan Rudenko Signaling and Ameliorate Obesity in db/db Mice Kosaku Dynamics of human adipose lipid turnover in health and Shinoda metabolic diseases Jamila SfN review Newton Jess Porter Eosinophils Sustain Adipose Alternatively Activated Abate Macrophages Associated with Glucose Homeostasis Neuropeptide Y and Agouti-Related Peptide Mediate Complementary Functions of Hyperphagia and Allison Xu Reduced Energy Expenditure in Leptin Receptor Deficiency Stephanie Van Distinct Hypothalamic Neurons Mediate Estrogenic Veen Effects on Energy Homeostasis and Reproduction Diabetes Center Retreat No Meeting Nicotine Decreases Food Intake Through Activation of James Warne POMC Neurons Hunger States Switch a Flip-Flop Memory Circuit via a Shi-Bing Yang Synaptic AMPK-Dependent Positive Feedback Loop Columbus Day No Meeting Peroxisome proliferation-associated control of reactive Louise oxygen species sets melanocortin tone and feeding in Olofsson diet-induced obesity Christophe Leptin Action via Neurotensin Neurons Controls Orexin, Paillart the Mesolimbic Dopamine System and Energy Balance Robblee 02/13/12 02/06/12 01/23/12 01/16/12 01/09/12 12/19/11 12/12/11 12/05/11 11/28/11 11/21/11 11/14/11 11/07/11 10/31/11 10/24/11 10/17/11 10/03/11 10/10/11 09/26/11 09/19/11 09/12/11 09/05/11 08/29/11 08/22/11 08/15/11 08/01/11 07/18/11 07/11/11 06/27/11 06/20/11 06/13/11 05/23/11 05/16/11 05/09/11 05/02/11 04/18/11 04/11/11 04/04/11 An ADIOL-ERβ-CtBP Transrepression Pathway Negatively Regulates Microglia-Mediated Inflammation Labor Day Desnutrin/ATGL Is Regulated by AMPK and Is Haruya Ono Required for a Brown Adipose Phenotype Rats Moderate Long-Term Modulation of Neuropeptide Y in Yi Wang Hypothalamic Arcuate Nucleus Induces Energy Balance Alterations in Adult Rats Shingo Protection from Obesity and Diabetes by Blockade of Kajimura TGF-β/Smad3 Signaling Proliferative Hypothalamic Neurospheres Express NPY, Ivan Rudenko AGRP, POMC, CART and Orexin-A and Differentiate to Functional Neurons Knockdown of NPY Expression in the Dorsomedial Allison Xu Hypothalamus Promotes Development of Brown Adipocytes and Prevents Diet-Induced Obesity High-fat feeding promotes obesity via insulin Shi-Bing Yang receptor/PI3K-dependent inhibition of SF-1 VMH neurons Jamila Endo Conference review Newton James Warne Endo Conference review Concepts and Controversies in Scaling Metabolic Rate: What Andrew Pierce Can We Do? Role of Hypothalamic Melanocortin System in Christophe Adaptation of Food Intake to Food Protein Increase in Paillart Mice Louise Rapid, reversible activation of AgRP neurons drives Olofsson feeding behavior in mice Genetic rescue of nonclassical ERα signaling Clement normalizes energy balance in obese Erα-null mutant Cheung mice Differential Distribution of Tight Junction Proteins Ivan Rudenko Suggests a Role for Tanycytes in Blood-Hypothalamus Barrier Regulation in the Adult Mouse Brain Role of Ucp1 enhancer methylation and chromatin MeeJ Kim remodelling in the control of Ucp1 expression in murine adipose tissue Abrogation of growth hormone secretion rescues fatty Andrew Pierce liver in mice with hepatocyte-specific deletion of JAK2 Jamila Early-Life Exposure to Testosterone Programs the Newton Hypothalamic Melanocortin System Suneil Koliwad No Meeting 03/28/11 03/21/11 03/07/11 02/07/11 01/31/11 01/24/11 01/10/11 12/13/10 12/06/10 11/29/10 11/08/10 11/01/10 10/25/10 10/18/10 10/11/10 10/04/10 Long-range gene regulation links genomic type 2 Nadav Ahituv diabetes and obesity risk regions to HHEX, SOX4, and IRX3 Simultaneous POMC gene transfer to hypothalamus Christophe and brainstem increases physical activity, lipolysis and Paillart reduces adult-onset obesity. Brain insulin controls adipose tissue lipolysis and James Warne lipogenesis AGRP neurons are sufficient to orchestrate feeding Shi-Bing Yang behavior rapidly and without training Activation of Central, But Not Peripheral, Estrogen Receptors Is Necessary for Estradiol’s Anorexigenic Effect in Ovariectomized Rats & Intrauterine Position Clement Cheung Affects Estrogen Receptor {alpha} Expression in the Ventromedial Nucleus of the Hypothalamus via Promoter DNA Methylation Louise Deficiency of lipoprotein lipase in neurons modifies the Olofsson regulation of energy balance and leads to obesity CRTC3 links catecholamine signalling to energy Andrew Pierce balance Jamila Neuroscience meeting review Newton Leptin Rapidly Improves Glucose Homeostasis in Shi-Bing Yang Obese Mice by Increasing Hypothalamic Insulin Sensitivity Diet-induced obesity in zebrafish shares common Nadav Ahituv pathophysiological pathways with mammalian obesity Christophe Lack of leptin activity in blood samples of Adélie Paillart penguin and bar-tailed godwit Postnatal Sim1 Deficiency Causes Hyperphagic MeeJ Kim Obesity and Reduced Mc4r and Oxytocin Expression Disruption of hypothalamic leptin signaling in mice leads Louise to early-onset obesity, but physiological adaptations in Olofsson mature animals stabilize adiposity levels SIRT1 Deacetylase in POMC Neurons Is Required for Ivan Rudenko Homeostatic Defenses against Diet-Induced Obesity Rai1 haploinsufficiency causes reduced Bdnf Melissa expression resulting in hyperphagia, obesity and altered Meucci fat distribution in mice and humans with no evidence of metabolic syndrome. Interleukin-6 signaling in liver-parenchymal cells James Warne suppresses hepatic inflammation and improves 09/27/10 Clement Cheung 09/20/10 Hélène Favre 09/13/10 Jamila Newton 08/16/10 Allison Xu 08/09/10 Louise Olofsson 08/02/10 Andrew Pierce 07/26/10 James Warne 07/19/10 Ivan Rudenko 07/12/10 Ritu Malhotra 06/21/10 Melissa Meucci 06/14/10 Shi-Bing Yang 06/07/10 Hélène Favre 05/24/10 05/17/10 Clement Cheung Christophe Paillart 05/03/10 Jen Wade 04/19/10 Jamila Newton 04/12/10 Louise Olofsson systemic insulin action Hypothalamic AMPK and fatty acid metabolism mediate thyroid regulation of energy balance A sensitive period for environmental regulation of eating behavior and leptin sensitivity Agrp Neurons Mediate Sirt1's Action on the Melanocortin System and Energy Balance: Roles for Sirt1 in Neuronal Firing and Synaptic Plasticity Synaptic input organization of the melanocortin system predicts diet-induced hypothalamic reactive gliosis and obesity Kisspeptin Directly Excites Anorexigenic Proopiomelanocortin Neurons but Inhibits Orexigenic Neuropeptide Y Cells by an Indirect Synaptic Mechanism Hyperleptinemia Is Required for the Development of Leptin Resistance Melanocortin signaling in the CNS directly regulates circulating cholesterol Neurogenesis in the ependymal layer of the adult rat 3rd ventricle Cyclooxygenase-2 Controls Energy Homeostasis in Mice by de Novo Recruitment of Brown Adipocytes Signaling through Tyr985 of Leptin Receptor as an Age/Diet-Dependent Switch in the Regulation of Energy Balance Dopamine D2 receptors in addiction-like reward dysfunction and compulsive eating in obese rats Thyroid hormone exerts negative feedback on hypothalamic type 4 melanocortin receptor expression Pomc-expressing progenitors give rise to antagonistic neuronal populations in hypothalamic feeding circuits Cholecystokinin Knockout Mice Are Resistant to HighFat Diet-Induced Obesity The Action of Leptin on Appetite-Regulating Cells in the Ovine Hypothalamus: Demonstration of Direct Action in the Absence of the Arcuate Nucleus Segregation of Acute Leptin and Insulin Effects in Distinct Populations of Arcuate Proopiomelanocortin Neurons Identification of neuronal subpopulations that project from hypothalamus to both liver and adipose tissue 04/05/10 Ivy Aslan 03/29/10 Andrew Pierce 03/22/10 James Warne 03/15/10 Ivan Rudenko 03/08/10 Inma Valle Asencio 03/01/10 Hélène Favre 02/22/10 Melissa Meucci 02/08/10 Shi-Bing Yang 02/01/10 Ritu Malhotra 01/11/10 01/04/10 12/14/09 11/30/09 11/23/09 11/16/09 11/02/09 10/26/09 Jamila Newton Clement Cheung polysynaptically Leptin therapy in insulin-deficient type I diabetes Double-Stranded RNA-Dependent Protein Kinase Links Pathogen Sensing with Stress and Metabolic Homeostasis Divergent Regulation of Energy Expenditure and Hepatic Glucose Production by Insulin Receptor in Agouti-Related Protein and POMC Neurons PTP1B and SHP2 in POMC neurons reciprocally regulate energy balance in mice Role of the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis in metabolic regulation by JNK1 Critical Role of Arcuate Y4 Receptors and the Melanocortin System in Pancreatic Polypeptide-Induced Reduction in Food Intake in Mice Hypothalamic-Specific Manipulation of Fto, the Ortholog of the Human Obesity Gene FTO, Affects Food Intake in Rats Synchronized Network Oscillations in Rat Tuberoinfundibular Dopamine Neurons: Switch to Tonic Discharge by Thyrotropin-Releasing Hormone Autophagy regulates adipose mass and differentiation in mice Trophic effects of leptin Regulation of adaptive behaviour during fasting by hypothalamic Foxa2 +supplement The obesity susceptibility gene Cpe links FoxO1 Louise signaling in hypothalamic pro-opiomelanocortin neurons Olofsson with regulation of food intake & supplement Molecular therapy of obesity and diabetes by a Andrew Pierce physiological autoregulatory approach Proopiomelanocortin Expression in both GABA and Ivan Rudenko Glutamate Neurons Dominant role of the p110beta isoform of PI3K over James Warne p110alpha in energy homeostasis regulation by POMC and AgRP neurons + supplemental data Modulation of Blood Pressure by Central Ivy Aslan Melanocortinergic Pathways Jacqueline Adult Type 3 Adenylyl CyclaseDeficient Mice Are Siljee Obese 10/19/09 Jen Wade 10/05/09 Inma Valle Asencio 09/21/09 Hélène Favre 09/14/09 Melissa Meucci 08/31/09 Baran Ersoy 08/24/09 Louise Olofsson 08/17/09 Clement Cheung 08/10/09 Shi-Bing Yang 08/03/09 07/27/09 07/20/09 07/13/09 06/22/09 06/15/09 06/01/09 05/18/09 05/11/09 05/04/09 Palmitic acid mediates hypothalamic insulin resistance by altering PKC-θ subcellular localization in rodents Neuronal Protein Tyrosine Phosphatase 1B Deficiency Results in Inhibition of Hypothalamic AMPK and Isoform-Specific Activation of AMPK in Peripheral Tissues Inactivation of the Fto gene protects from obesity FoxO1 inhibits leptin regulation of pro-opiomelanocortin promoter activity by blocking STAT3 interaction with specificity protein 1 White Adipose Tissue Cells Are Recruited by Experimental Tumors and Promote Cancer Progression in Mouse Models Loss of GABAergic Signaling by AgRP Neurons to the Parabrachial Nucleus Leads to Starvation Leptin Acts via Leptin Receptor-Expressing Lateral Hypothalamic Neurons to Modulate the Mesolimbic Dopamine System and Suppress Feeding Cold-activated Brown Adipose Tissue in Healthy Men Identification and Importance of Brown Adipose Tissue in Adult Humans High-Fat Diet Induces Apoptosis of Hypothalamic Andrew Pierce Neurons Regulation of Pancreatic β Cell Mass by Neuronal Allison Xu Signals from the Liver Leptin-Dependent Control of Glucose Balance and Ivan Rudenko Locomotor Activity by POMC Neurons Jamila Endo meeting review Newton James Warne ADA meeting review Jacqueline Central Nervous System Imprinting of the G Protein Siljee Gsα and Its Role in Metabolic Regulation 5-HT inhibition of rat insulin 2 promoter Cre Jamila recombinase transgene and proopiomelanocortin Newton neuron excitability in the mouse arcuate nucleus James Warne Leptin Targets in the Mouse Brain Hindbrain Leptin Stimulation Induces Anorexia and Christian Hyperthermia Mediated by Hindbrain Melanocortin Vaisse Receptors Loss of Hypothalamic Response to Leptin During Hélène Favre Pregnancy Associated with Development of 04/27/09 04/20/09 04/13/09 04/06/09 03/23/09 03/03/09 02/23/09 02/09/09 02/02/09 01/26/09 01/12/09 01/05/09 12/15/08 12/08/08 12/01/08 11/24/08 11/17/08 Melanocortin Resistance Melissa MRAP and MRAP2 are bidirectional regulators of the Meucci melanocortin receptor family Obesity induces functional astrocytic leptin receptors in Woo-ping Ge hypothalamus Neuromedin B and Gastrin-Releasing Peptide Excite Arcuate Nucleus Neuropeptide Y Neurons in a Novel Florence Lee Transgenic Mouse Expressing Strong Renilla Green Fluorescent Protein in NPY Neurons Inma Valle Differential Responses of Orexigenic Neuropeptides to Asencio Fasting in Offspring of Obese Mothers Intestinal Gluconeogenesis Is a Key Factor for Early Ivy Aslan Metabolic Changes after Gastric Bypass but Not after Gastric Lap-Band in Mice A Mathematical Model of Murine Metabolic Regulation Shi-Bing Yang by Leptin: Energy Balance and Defense of a Stable Body Weight Requirement of Bardet-Biedl Syndrome Proteins for Baran Ersoy Leptin Receptor Signaling Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress Plays a Central Role in Andrew Pierce Development of Leptin Resistance + supplement Jacqueline Keystone meeting review Siljee Maternal High-Fat Diet and Fetal Programming: Clement Increased Proliferation of Hypothalamic PeptideCheung Producing Neurons That Increase Risk for Overeating and Obesity Regulation of Feeding and Metabolism by Neuronal and Jen Wade Peripheral Clocks in Drosophila + Supplement Jamila Evidence for defective mesolimbic dopamine exocytosis Newton in obesity-prone rats PDK1 Deficiency in POMC-Expressing Cells Reveals James Warne FOXO1-Dependent and -Independent Pathways in Control of Energy Homeostasis and Stress Response A Stress Signaling Pathway in Adipose Tissue Liz Unger Regulates Hepatic Insulin Resistance + Supplement Ablation of CD11c-positive cells normalizes insulin Andrew Pierce sensitivity in obese insulin resistant animals Jacqueline b-Arrestin–Mediated Localization of Smoothened to the Primary Cilium +Supplemental data Siljee Louise Ablation of estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) prevents Olofsson upregulation of POMC by leptin and insulin 10/27/08 11/03/08 10/20/08 10/13/08 10/06/08 09/29/08 09/22/08 09/15/08 09/08/08 08/25/08 08/18/08 08/11/08 08/04/08 07/28/08 07/21/08 07/14/08 07/07/08 06/30/08 Overexpression of CART in the PVN Increases Food Intake and Weight Gain in Rats Melissa Synaptic release of GABA by AgRP neurons is required Meucci for normal regulation of energy balance Evidence for Constitutive Neural Cell Proliferation in the Hélène Favre Adult Murine Hypothalamus A FLEX Switch Targets Channelrhodopsin-2 to Multiple Woo-Ping Ge Cell Types for Imaging and Long-Range Circuit Mapping Hypothalamic IKKb/NF-kB and ER Stress Link Allison Xu Overnutrition to Energy Imbalance and Obesity + Supplemental Brain-specific carnitine palmitoyl-transferase-1c: role in Inma Valle CNS fatty acid metabolism, food intake, and body Asencio weight UCP2 mediates ghrelin's action on NPY/AgRP neurons Shi-Bing Yang by lowering free radicals Selective inactivation of Socs3 in SF1 neurons Florence Lee improves glucose homeostasis without affecting body weight New role of bone morphogenetic protein 7 in brown Baran Ersoy adipogenesis and energy expenditure + Supplement Imaging structure and function in the CNS (Cold Spring Jamila Harbor) Newton Resveratrol Delays Age-Related Deterioration and Sayali Mimics Transcriptional Aspects of Dietary Restriction Ranadive without Extending Life Span Starvation after AgRP neuron ablation is independent of Jen Wade melanocortin signaling Chrisitan Leptin reverses weight loss–induced changes in Vaisse regional neural activity responses to visual food stimuli Upper intestinal lipids trigger a gut-brain-liver axis to James Warne regulate glucose production + Supplementary Information Regulation of AgRP mRNA transcription and peptide Liz Unger secretion by acute and chronic inflammation Louise Leptin controls adipose tissue lipogenesis via central, Olofsson STAT3–independent mechanisms Agouti-Related Peptide and MC3/4 Receptor Agonists Clement Both Inhibit Excitatory Hypothalamic Ventromedial Cheung Nucleus Neurons Andrew Pierce Silencing of estrogen receptor alpha in the ventromedial Sandy Do nucleus of hypothalamus leads to metabolic syndrome 06/23/08 05/19/08 05/12/08 05/05/08 04/29/08 04/22/08 04/15/08 04/08/08 04/01/08 03/25/08 03/17/08 03/11/08 03/04/08 02/28/08 Various presenters Inma Valle Asencio ADA / Endo meeting summaries TrkB Agonists Ameliorate Obesity and Associated Metabolic Conditions in Mice Oxytocin deficiency mediates hyperphagic obesity of Sandy Do Sim1 haploinsufficient mice Acute effects of leptin require PI3K signaling in Florence Lee hypothalamic proopiomelanocortin neurons in mice Melissa Leptin promotes adult hippocampal neurogenesis in Meucci vivo and in vitro Activation of Stat3 Signaling in AgRP Neurons Promotes Locomotor Activity Baran Ersoy Stat3 is required in hypothalamic Agrp/Npy neurons for normal energy homeostasis Bardet–Biedl syndrome proteins are required for the localization of G protein-coupled receptors to primary Jacqueline cilia Siljee Identification of Ciliary Localization Sequences within the Third Intracellular Loop of G Protein-Coupled Receptors Serotonin 5-HT2C Receptor Agonist Promotes Jamila Hypophagia via Downstream Activation of Melanocortin Newton 4 Receptors Obesity and Hypertriglyceridemia Produce Cognitive Andrew Pierce Impairment Disruption of leptin receptor expression in the pancreas Allison Xu directly affects β cell growth and function in mice PYY modulation of cortical and hypothalamic brain areas predicts feeding behaviour in Ali Reed humans + Supplementary information + Background materials Christian Disruption of the RIIβ subunit of PKA reverses the Vaisse obesity syndrome of agouti lethal yellow mice The Acyclic CB1R Inverse Agonist Taranabant Mediates Weight Loss by Increasing Energy Expenditure and Decreasing Caloric Intake Jen Wade Background material: Endocannabinoids and related Nacylethanolamines in the control of appetite and energy metabolism: emergence of new molecular players Christian Vaisse, Allison Keystone meeting review Xu et al. 02/13/08 02/05/08 01/29/08 01/14/08 01/07/08 12/11/07 12/17/07 11/19/07 11/13/07 10/29/07 10/01/07 09/17/07 08/27/07 08/13/07 07/23/07 07/09/07 06/25/07 Enhanced Leptin-Stimulated Pi3k Activation in the CNS James Warne Promotes White Adipose Tissue Transdifferentiation + Supplemental Data The central melanocortin system directly controls Liz Unger peripheral lipid metabolism+ Supplimentary Material Targeted Deletion of AIF Decreases Mitochondrial Inma Valle Oxidative Phosphorylation and Protects from Obesity Asencio and Diabetes Tumor-induced anorexia and weight loss are mediated Sandy Do by the TGF- beta superfamily cytokine MIC-1 Developmental Switch in Neuropeptide Y and Melissa Melanocortin Effects in the Paraventricular Nucleus of Meucci the Hypothalamus Silencing of OB-RGRP in mouse hypothalamic arcuate Baran Ersoy nucleus increases leptin receptor signaling and prevents diet-induced obesity Melanocortin-4 Receptor Activation Stimulates Jacqueline Hypothalamic Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor Siljee Release to Regulate Food Intake, Body Temperature and Cardiovascular Function Jamila SfN meeting review - Topics on neuroscience imaging Newton SfN meeting review - Topics on neuroendocrine regulation of Andrew Pierce energy balance Jamila Endocrine Regulation of Energy Metabolism by the Newton Skeleton Disruption of Intraflagellar Transport in Adult Mice Christian Leads to Obesity and Slow-Onset Cystic Kidney Vaisse Disease + supplemental data Hyperphagia and Early Onset Obesity due to a Novel Sayali Homozygous Missense Mutation in Prohormone Ranadive Convertase 1/3 Jennifer Wade Creation of a genetic model of obesity in a teleost TLR4 links innate immunity and fatty acid-induced Andrew Pierce insulin resistance Role of hepatic STAT3 in brain-insulin action on hepatic Ali Reed glucose production Insulin Action in AgRP-Expressing Neurons Is Required Allison Xu for Suppression of Hepatic Glucose Production Chemical chaperones reduce ER stress and restore Inma Valle glucose homeostasis in a mouse model of type 2 Asencio diabetes 06/11/07 Liz Unger 05/29/07 Baran Ersoy 05/07/07 Gabe Loeb 03/19/07 Jacqueline Siljee 03/26/07 Melissa Meucci 02/12/07 Andrew Pierce 01/22/07 Sayali Ranadive 01/08/07 Hélène Favre 12/11/06 Allison Xu 10/30/06 Noelle Huskey 09/24/06 Andrew Pierce 07/10/06 Christian Vaisse Baran Ersoy Melissa Meucci Simone Tchu 06/05/06 Gabe Loeb 05/22/06 Hélène Favre 05/08/06 Merisa Piper 04/10/06 Noelle Huskey 08/28/06 08/07/06 07/24/06 Hypothalamic resistin induces hepatic insulin resistance Deorphanization of a G protein-coupled receptor for oleoylethanolamide and its use in the discovery of small molecule hypophagic agents A Key Role of Leptin in the Control of Regulatory T Cell Proliferation A Central Thermogenic-like Mechanism in Feeding Regulation: An Interplay between Arcuate Nucleus T3 and UCP2 Anorectic estrogen mimics leptin's effect on the rewiring of melanocortin cells and Stat3 signaling in obese animals Altered Expression of SOCS3 in the Hypothalamic Arcuate Nucleus during Seasonal Body Mass Changes in the Field Vole, Microtus agrestis Role of the Central Melanocortin Circuitry in Adaptive Thermogenesis of Brown Adipose Tissue A brain-specific microRNA regulates dendritic spine development Modulation of neuropeptide Y expression in adult mice does not affect feeding miR-7b, a microRNA up-regulated in the hypothalamus after chronic hyperosmolar stimulation, inhibits Fos translation Enhanced leptin sensitivity and improved glucose homeostasis in mice lacking suppressor of cytokine signaling-3 in POMC-expressing cells Serotonin reciprocally regulates melanocortin neurons to modulate food intake Vaccination against weight gain Overfeeding in identical twins: 5-year postoverfeeding results Hypothalamic mTOR signaling regulates food intake Low-dose leptin reverses skeletal muscle, autonomic, and neuroendocrine adaptations to maintenance of reduced weight Forkhead protein FoxO1 mediates Agrp-dependent effects of leptin on food intake Reactive oxygen species have a causal role in multiple forms of insulin resistance Divergent regulation of proopiomelanocortin neurons by leptin in the nucleus of the solitary tract and in the 03/27/06 Mehdi Skhiri arcuate hypothalamic nucleus Ghrelin controls hippocampal spine synapse density and memory performance University of California, San Francisco - Diabetes Center © 2008 UC Regents. All rights reserved. Last Modified: March 3, 2014