Appendix 10.5 Conflicts of Interest – StreetGames Principles for Identification and Management. Introduction StreetGames takes seriously the process of managing the inevitable conflicts of interest that arise in the day to day functioning of the organisation. We recognise that a network organisation – such as we are - is particularly vulnerable to actual and perceived conflicts. It is our ambition to make it clear that StreetGames’ ways of working are transparent. Our approach and procedures will develop over time. We will use good practice guidelines, initially informed by the Charity Commission, to shape a StreetGames way of working. Effective management of conflicts of interest is a whole organisation priority. It runs through from projects in the network to staff, contractors and Trustees. Appropriate training will therefore be provided to those staff involved in the assessment and management of conflicts of interest and all staff will be made aware of their responsibilities in this area through induction and staff meetings. StreetGames has a separate policy for dealing with Conflicts of Interest relating to Trustees (Policy 13). For projects in the network, StreetGames will ensure that the expectation to declare conflicts of interest is built into the procedures for allocating resources e.g. the Doorstep Sport Club application process. Definition and risk to StreetGames A conflict of interest is any situation in which a trustee, contractor or staff member’s personal interests, or interests which they owe to another body, and those of the charity arise simultaneously or appear to clash. 1 Conflict of interest is a state of being and not necessarily a practice. The issue is not the integrity of the individual concerned. It is about the management of a potential to profit from a person’s position; or the potential for an individual to be influenced by conflicting loyalties. Even the appearance of a conflict of interest can damage the charity’s reputation, so conflicts need to be managed carefully. It is important to reinforce that the existence of a conflict of interest does not in itself suggest inappropriate or illegal behaviour. How StreetGames will manage conflicts of interest The first stage in the StreetGames management of conflicts of interest is the identification and declaration by the individuals concerned. StreetGames is committed to the following actions: 1 All trustees, staff and contractors to complete and sign declaration of interest forms on commencing their relationship with StreetGames Within the agenda, and at the start of all formal governance meetings including Board meetings, Finance and Audit Committee there will be provision for declaring conflicts. Adapted from The Charity Commission ‘Charity Requirements and Guidance’ 1|Page StreetGames Draft COI statement – Aug 13 Appendix 10.5 Conflicts of interest that arise within the everyday operations of the organisation to be recorded, along with the decisions taken on their management. Declaration of interest forms for staff, trustees and contractors to be reviewed and updated annually and any individual who becomes aware of a new conflict of interest in the interim period between updates to pro-actively update their details. Once they have been declared, StreetGames will pro-actively manage conflicts of interest to maintain the good reputation of the charity and protect our staff, contractors and trustees from the negative effects that can be created by perceived conflicts. Each declared conflict of interest will be reviewed on its own merit and a judgement made upon the appropriate management response. The assessment process for the management of conflicts of interest relating to staff, contractors and projects will be as follows: 1. All declarations of interest to be reviewed by the appropriate first-line management. In the case of StreetGames staff and contractors this will be the Deputy Chief Executive and Finance Director. For projects applying for resources this will be the functional or programme lead. 2. Those conflicts warranting further discussion to be shared with the Internal Control Peer Review Group. 3. Where the Internal Control Peer Review Group is unable to determine the appropriate response, conflicts to be referred to the Chief Executive for final decision. 4. Where a conflict reaches Stage 3 of the process above (referred to Chief Executive), then those conflicts and the decisions on their management will be reported to the Audit Committee. Where conflicts arise in the course of day-to-day operations, decisions should be recorded and logged in the Conflict of Interest register of decisions held by the StreetGames Office Manager. Below are the most common management options for conflicts of interest and how StreetGames will seek to apply them. In the active management of conflicts of interest StreetGames will consider: a) the removal of the individual concerned from any related decision making process b) the involvement of the individual as one of a decision-making group following a risk/benefit analysis – the rationale for this to be recorded in the register of decisions c) asking the individual to completely remove the conflict e.g. by the individual concerned ceasing their relationship with the other organisation or individual. 2|Page StreetGames Draft COI statement – Aug 13 Appendix 10.5 Policy on the management of undeclared interests. Where any trustee, staff member or contractor is found to have deliberately withheld information relating to a conflict of interest, whether or not that brings the charity into disrepute and/or puts the work of the charity at risk financially then the following procedures will apply Staff – disciplinary process and potential termination of employment Contractors – breach of contract and potential termination of contract Trustee – breach of trust as defined by the Charity Commission and potential removal from office Review of the implementation of these principles This statement of principles will be reviewed every three years in line with the StreetGames Policy Review cycle through the Finance Committee and its implementation reviewed as part of the cycle of the StreetGames Audit Committee. 3|Page StreetGames Draft COI statement – Aug 13