AP World Unit 2 Daily Syllabus: Organization and Reorganization of Human Societies, c. 600 BCE. to c. 600 CE. Key Concepts A. The Development and Codification of Religious and Cultural traditions 1.) Codifications and further developments of existing religious traditions provided a bond among the people and an ethical code to live by 2.) New belief systems and cultural traditions emerged and spread often asserting universal truths (Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Daoism, Zoroastrianism) 3.) Belief systems affected gender roles. Buddhism and Christianity encouraged monastic life and Confucianism emphasized filial piety. 4.) Other religious and cultural traditions continued parallel to the codified, written belief systems in core civilizations. 5.) Artistic expressions, including literature and drama, architecture, and sculpture, show distinctive cultural developments. B. The Development of States and Empires 1.) The number and size of key states and empires grew dramatically by imposing political unity on areas where previously there had been competing states 2.) Empires and states developed new techniques of imperial administration based, in part, on the success of earlier political forms. 3.) Unique social and economic dimensions developed in imperial societies in Afro-Eurasia and the Americas 4.) The Roman, Han, Persian, Mauryan, and Gupta empires created political, cultural, and administrative difficulties that they could not manage, which eventually led to their decline, collapse, and transformation into successor empires or states C. Emergence of Transregional Networks of Communication and Exchange 1.) Land and water routes became the basis for transregional trade, communication, and exchange networks in the Eastern Hemisphere 2.) New technologies facilitated long-distance communication and exchange 3.) Alongside the trade in goods, the exchange of people, technology, religious and cultural beliefs, food crops, domesticated animals, and disease pathogens developed across far-flung networks of communication and exchange (Christianity to Ethiopia) Day/Date W, 9/19 Assessment or Assignment to be Turned in Unit 1 Test Class Activity Unit 1 Test Th, 9/20 CCOT Chart Lesson on POV Homework CCOT Chart Work on Core Civilizations CC Essay POV Practice AP World Day/Date F/M 9/21-24 T, 9/25 Assessment or Assignment to be Turned in POV Practice Core Civilizations CC Essay W, 9/26 Class Activity Go to Library to work on Religion Project Finish discussing POV Lecture on Empire—key characteristics and Classical Empires— Persian, Roman, Han, and Mauryan/Gupta Finish Lecture on early empires Th/F, 9/27-28 Ch. 4 Reading Quiz Salt and Iron Debate Activity M, 10/1 Salt & Iron Debate Questions Han & Rome Class Activity Discuss Comparison of Han & Rome India under the Maurya and Gupta Empire What’s Wrong with this Country? Activity—Make sure you have your books Classical Empires Roundtable T, 10/2 W/Th, 10/3-4 Ch. 2 Reading Quiz Asoka Questions F, 10/5 What’s Wrong with this country T, 10/9 Ch. 3 Reading Quiz CC Essay Outline W/Th, 10/1011 Women’s Documents Analysis F, 1012 Ch. 5 Reading Quiz Chinese Philosophies Activity M, 10/15 Chinese Philosophies Assignment Collect Hellenic Discuss contributions of Greeks Compare Chinese and Greek Traditions Socratic Seminar: Women in Classical Societies How to Write an AP World DBQ Homework Work on CC Essay Work on Religion Project Begin reading Chapter 4 Read Chapter 4 Study for Chapter 4 Rdg Quiz Read Salt and Iron Debates Rdg Read Chapter 2 Salt & Iron Debate Questions Read Han & Rome and complete assigned Docs. Rome and Han Chart Study for Chap. 2 Rdg Quiz Asoka Rdg & Questions Begin Reading Chapter 3 Prepare for Classical Empires Roundtable Study for Chap. 3 Rdg. Quiz Read Women in Classical Societies and Prepare for Socratic Seminar CC Essay Outline Read Chapter 5 Women’s Documents Analysis Rome and Han DBQ—Due Oct. 19 Prepare for Chinese Philosophies Activity Study for Chap. 5 Rdg Quiz Chinese Philosophies Assignment Read Hellenic Civilization Documents and answer Questions Read Hinduism, Buddhism, and Judaism Readings and answer Questions AP World Day/Date T/W, 10/16-17 Th, 10/18 F, 10/19 Civilization Questions Assessment or Assignment to be Turned in Collect Rdgs Questions PPT (These will be posted on my website) Han & Rome DBQ M/T, 10/22-23 W, 10/24 Th, 10/25 Unit 2 Test Class Activity Homework Discuss Hindu, Buddhist, and Jewish beliefs— Compare and Contrast with China and Greece Religion Presentations Prepare to Present Religion PPTS Finish Religion Presentations The Spread of Religions Activity (Bridging World History Complete Maps outlining the various trade routes and products that were exchanged Classical Silk Roads Activity Read Strayer Chapter, “Commerce and Culture” and annotate Finish DBQ Prepare for Classical Silk Roads Activity Study for Unit 2 Test