The Rise and Fall of Civilizations

The Rise and Fall of Civilizations
The unit in a nutshell:
This unit will focus on: 1.Things that cause the rise and fall of
2. How geography impacts a civilization
We will work on the following skills, too!
1. Paragraph writing
2. Your researching skills
3. Listening well, and speaking when appropriate
Unit targets for understanding: Check the box when:
I can explain what “rise” means
I can explain what “fall” means
I can explain different things that help a civilization “rise” and “fall”
I can explain the role that geography plays in a civilization’s successes and activities
I can make judgments about the Viking, Anglo-Saxon and Frank peoples
I can argue which of the 3 civilizations was the strongest
I can use books and the internet to find information that I need for a project
Unit targets for creating: Check the box when :
I have completed my practice graphics on the rises and falls of the civilizations
I have handed in my paragraph on one of the rises/falls for paragraph help
I have researched my part of the debate on strongest/weakest civilization
I have studied for the test to the best of my ability
For this unit you will be marked on 3 things: a debate, a paragraph, and a test
Criteria for the Group Project (“What is a Civilization”)
Task: You and your group are going to create your own civilization
Goal: Understand the 8 features of a civilization, and how they are tied together
1. It must be a civilization that could
have existed in our normal world between the years
500 and 1000 CE. So no aliens, flying things,
or vengeful spirits. (Etc… you get the point.)
2. You will have to divide the work
between the group members equally, as
you are being graded primarily on your solo contributions.
How to do it:
Step 1: Decide with your group where and when in the world you want your sort-ofimaginary civilization to exist. To be done on Friday (if not decided on Friday, this is
Step 2: Divide the 10 components of the project evenly. You should be a group of 5 - so
everyone should have 2 elements. They are:
1. Government
2. Religion
3. Commerce
4. Arts/Culture
5. Knowledge Transfer
6. Public works
7. Technology
8. Social Structure
9. Rise of your civilization 10. Things that could make your civilization fall
Step 3: Help create the rubric - so that you know how you are being marked on this!
Step 4: Discuss your civilization as a group, clear your ideas with each other, make sure
that nothing conflicts (ie. You aren’t going to be a peaceful civilization which specializes
in making swords as their primary artwork. You aren’t going to invest in ports and
harbours if all of your trade is over land…)
Step 5: Write drafts of your paragraphs/ draw your images/ bring in your poster boards
Step 6: Read over the whole group’s paragraphs. Help edit. Make sure that it all makes
sense together
Step 7: Put it all together on the poster board, and be ready to answer questions on it!
Step 8: Write 2 appropriate questions for other groups, ask them, and give them written
comments on their civilizations.
Due: The beginning of the second Friday (February 20th)
The 10 Elements
_______________________ (name) will be looking at Government…. SO…..
1. Choose your form of government from the list below:
- King
- King and council
- Emperor
- Military dictator
- Monarchy (king or queen)
- Religious leader
2. Write a short “history” of your most successful leader/ ruler - the one that really made
your civilization “what it is!”
3. Write a short paragraph (6-8 sentences) explaining how your government works, and
the roles and responsibilities that it has (ie. how does it collect taxes? Some of the laws
that they created? Etc…)
* If you feel like it, you can draw a picture of your most famous leader too
_________________________ (name) will look at your civilization’s religion
1. Choose your religion from the list below - All of which were religions during this time
period (500-1000)
This will likely depend on where you are
located!!! Please get the ok before moving on from #1! You can pick more than 1.
- Christianity (Catholicism)
- Islam
- Judaism
- Daoism
- Shintoism - Confucianism
- Jainism
- Zoroastrianism
- Hinduism
- Buddhism
2. Write a paragraph explaining 2 things: first, how did your civilization come across the
religion (either it was started there, or else how?) second, what are the main beliefs of the
religion (this is researched, not made up!)
* Feel free to draw symbols of the religion, temples, churches, statues etc…
_____________________________(name) will look into Commerce
1. Decide on your civilization’s economy: Are they on a barter system, a monetary
system, or a bit of both?
2. If they are on a full or partial monetary system, design the coin! And show us the value
(ie. what can you buy with 1 coin? How much might a goat cost?) If they are on the
barter system, create a table showing what the trade value might be
3. Work with your group to figure out who they would do trade with! Write it in a
______________________________ (name) will look into Arts/Culture
1. Draw and write about 2 of the following 6 art forms of your civilization:
- music
- visual art (painting/sculpting)
- architecture
- metalwork
- theater
- festivals
- other? Run it by the teacher!
*Main thing to write about: what are some common themes in the art (nature? Important
people? Religion? Historical events? Warfare? Other?)
______________________________ (name) will look into public works
1. Choose at least 2 “public works” types to discuss
- schools/ universities
- theaters
- city/country walls
- town squares
- ports/harbours
- temples/churches
- barracks/castles
- road networks
- aqueducts
2. In your paragraph (min. 10 sentences) you will discuss the major public works
achievements of your civilization. When was what built, and why? (ie. in _________
(year) the _______________ (name) civilization opened trade with ___________.
Therefore, a series of water ports were created to make this trade easier!) or (
____________________ (emperor) was obsessed with elephant parades, so in
_______________- (year) he tore down a section of ____________ city to create a giant
town square where his elephants could dance. - This latter one could only be in a place
where elephants live - otherwise it goes against Rule #1.
You can also have pictures/diagrams/ maps if you want!
____________________________ (name) will work on social structure
1. You will need to work closely with the person doing government - since the rulers are
part of the society!
2. You need to decide on what the structure of your society is - who belongs to it? Who is
most highly valued? What roles do each play?
Include as many of the following groups as you want, as long as it makes sense with your
civilization in general
- Ruler (see gov person for type)
- nobles/barons
- military generals
- knights
- warriors
- merchants
- government officials
- traders
- skilled workers
- labourers
- farmers (you need this
- slaves
- religious workers (bishops, rabbis etc…)
3. Create a visual representation of your society’s structure, and write a paragraph to go
with it. Your paragraph (min 8 sentences) should have a quick run-down on what the
different groups do for the society. Specifics!
_______________________________ (name) will work on Knowledge Transfer
1. Write a paragraph about how your society passes information from one person to
2. If they have a written language, give us a sample of it (ie. our characters, or another
writing form?)
3. Include other things that concern “Knowledge Transfer” in your paragraph. It should
be a minimum of 6 sentences.
_________________________________ (name) will work on Technological
1. Draw a picture of a couple of the technological developments that helped your
civilization out! Again, remember the time period that you are working in! Internet, for
example, is not possible then!
2. Accompany your drawing (s) with a paragraph (6-8 sentences) explaining how that
(those) innovations helped your civilization.
________________________________ (name) will work on the rise of your
1. Talk with your group about this! You need to explore why your civilization became
strong and successful! What did you do to achieve this? (Again, this has to mesh with the
other stuff!!!!)
2. You can either write a paragraph on this, or write a short speech by your head ruler
explaining “your civilization’s rise to fame” to your people. (min 8 sentences)
________________________________ (name) will work on the potential fall of your
1. You are going to pretend to be an advisor to the ruler of your people.
2. “Explain to your leader” (in the form of a paragraph) at least 4-5 things that he should
watch out for - things that could weaken your civilization!
3. Feel free to illustrate some of these “dangers”!