Supplementary Material for: A tree-ring reconstruction of East Anglian (UK) hydroclimate variability over the last millennium Richard J. Cooper1, Thomas M. Melvin2, Ian Tyers3, Rob J. S. Wilson4, Keith R. Briffa2 1 School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich, NR4 7TJ 2 Climatic Research Unit, School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich, NR4 7TJ 3 Dendrochronological Consultancy Ltd., 65 Crimicar Drive, Sheffield, S10 4EF School of Geography and Geosciences, University of St Andrews, Fife, KY16 9AL 4 Corresponding author: Contents: Supporting Figures: - Site separation distance versus correlation strength (Figure SM1) - 10-year/100-year high-pass chronology climate sensitivity (Figure SM2) - Spatial drought analysis (Figure SM3) - Northern France vs East Anglian precipitation (Figure SM4) - East Anglian oak NAO sensitivity (Figure SM5) - Spatial sea level pressure (SLP) analysis (Figure SM6) - Additional regression materials (Figure SM7 – SM12) Supporting Tables: - Summary information for the 30 modern and historical oak chronologies (Table SM3) - Soil properties at modern chronology sites (Table SM2) - Reconstructed vs. Instrumental extreme years (Table SM3 – SM6) Supporting References Supporting Figures Correlation Coefficient 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 y = -0.0019x + 0.6575 R² = 0.3171 p<0.01 0.2 0 0 20 40 60 Separation Distance (km) 80 100 Figure SM1 Plot showing the relationship between site separation distance (km) against inter-site correlation strength for the nine modern oak chronologies over the 1879-1981 common period. All chronologies detrended with a 10-year high pass smoothing spline. Site separation distance is able to explain 31.7% of inter-site correlation variability, with correlation reducing by 0.19 per 100 km increase in distance 0.6 Correlation Coefficient 0.5 (a) 0.4 Previous Current 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S pJJA pSON DJF MAM JJA Oct-Aug MAMJJ -0.1 Month/Season 0.6 0.4 (b) Previous Current 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 -0.1 J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S pJJA pSON DJF MAM JJA Oct-Aug MAMJJ Correlation Coefficient 0.5 Month/Season Figure SM2 Correlation coefficients for individual monthly and various seasonal measures of East Anglia precipitation variability calculated for the period 1901-2009 against a 10-year and b 100-year high-pass smoothed chronologies. Significant correlations (p<0.05) are shown in blue. Correlations closely match those derived using the RCS East Anglian chronology, thereby emphasising the robustness of these associations regardless of standardisation procedure 1901-2002 1952-2002 1901-1951 Figure SM3 Spatial field correlations of 0.5o x 0.5o latitude/longitude gridded European scale MAMJJ self-calibrating Palmer Drought Severity Index (scPDSI) (CRUTS2.1; Mitchell and Jones 2005; van der Schrier et al. 2006) against the RCS East Anglian oak chronology for early, late, and full length periods. All correlations significant at p<0.1. In common with the spatial patterns derived for precipitation, positive association is established between East Anglian oak growth and the scPDSI across England, northern France, Benelux, and southern Scandinavia 1 Correlation Coefficient 0.8 52-53N 0-2E 49-53N 0-2E 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 Year (AD) Figure SM4 31-year moving period correlations between the East Anglian chronology and two gridded precipitation datasets. Stronger correlations, particularly during the early period, are obtained when correlating against the gridded data that includes part of northern France (49-53oN, 0-2oE) than when using precipitation data solely for East Anglia (52-53oN, 0-2oE). 0.8 DJFM JA MAMJJ Correlation Coefficient 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 1820 1840 1860 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 Year (AD) Figure SM5 31-year moving period correlations between the East Anglian chronology and winter (DJFM), summer (JA), and MAMJJ Gibraltar-Iceland NAO index (Jones et al. 1997) for the period 1822-2009. Grey shading represents non-significant correlation at the 95% significance level. This figure reveals no statistically significant associations between East Anglian oak growth and the NAO during winter, summer, or MAMJJ periods (a) (b) Figure SM6 European spatial field correlations of gridded 5o x 5o latitude/longitude MAMJJ mean sealevel pressure (SLP) (Trenberth and Paolino 1980) against a gridded (49-53oN, 0-2oE) instrumental precipitation and b the East Anglian oak precipitation reconstruction for the period 1899-2009. Negative associations are demonstrated between SLP and both instrumental and reconstructed East Anglian precipitation series. Thus, low SLP is associated with high precipitation and increased oak growth. All correlations significant at p<0.1 400 300 250 200 150 100 50 1900 Actual Decadal Actual Annual Recon. Annual Recon. Decadal 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Year (AD) Figure SM7 Split period calibration and verification procedure for the scaled (Esper et al. 2005) reconstruction of MAMJJ precipitation over the period 1901-2009. Calibration shown for both annual and decadal smoothed timescales. Note the reduced underrepresentation of extreme years compared to the OLS regression approach, but also now the overrepresentation of precipitation in years highlighted by circles MAMJJ Precipitation (mm) 400 350 (a) 300 250 200 Scaling OLS 150 100 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 1980 2000 Year (AD) 350 (b) MAMJJ Precipitation (mm) MAMJJ Precipitation (mm) 350 Calibration Period 1956-2009 Verification Period 1901-1955 300 250 200 150 1900 Scaling OLS 1920 1940 1960 Year (AD) Figure SM8 Comparison of the OLS linear regression and scaling techniques at a annual and b decadal smoothed timescales for the period 1901-2009. This figure demonstrates how the regression based variance reduction associated with the OLS regression approach is partially overcome by using the scaling approach, thereby reducing the underrepresentation of extreme wet and dry years. However, this in turn increases the chances of over estimating precipitation in the reconstruction 325 Reconstructed Precipitation (mm) Reconstructed Precipitation (mm) 400 Scaling - Annual y = 0.5914x + 99.938 R² = 0.3653 p<0.01 300 200 Scaling - Decadal y = 0.6421x + 87.535 R² = 0.4447 p<0.01 300 275 250 225 200 100 50 150 250 200 350 225 300 OLS - Annual Reconstructed Precipitation (mm) Reconstructed Precipitation (mm) 350 y = 0.3653x + 160.92 R² = 0.3653 p<0.01 300 250 275 300 Actual Precipitation (mm) Actual Precipitation (mm) 250 200 150 275 OLS - Decadal y = 0.4447x + 140.84 R² = 0.4447 p<0.01 250 225 200 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 200 225 Actual Precipitation (mm) 250 275 300 Actual Precipitation (mm) Figure SM9 Late period (1956-2009) annual and decadal smoothed calibration scatter plots for both the OLS linear regression and scaling reconstruction approaches 150 Annual Residuals Decadal Residuals Linear (Annual Residuals) (a) (b) 25 Frequency Distribution Precipitation Residual (mm) 100 30 y = 0.1351x - 264.06 R² = 0.0123 50 0 -50 Annual Residuals Decadal Residuals 20 15 10 5 -100 0 -150 1900 -100 -80 1920 1940 1960 Year (AD) 1980 2000 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 Residual (mm) Figure SM10 OLS regression residuals. a Time series of annual and decadal regression residuals with linear trend line demonstrating no significant trend in the annual residuals. b Percentage frequency distribution plot of the annual and decadal regression residuals reveals the residual precipitation indices to be normally distributed 80 100 35 Annual Residuals Decadal Residuals Linear (Annual Residuals) (a) Residual (mm) 100 y = 0.0868x - 169.69 R² = 0.004 50 0 -50 (b) 30 Frequency Distribution 150 Annual Residuals Decadal Residuals 25 20 15 10 5 -100 0 -150 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 Residual (mm) 2000 60 Year (AD) Figure SM11 Scaling residuals. a Time series of annual and decadal scaled residuals with linear trend line demonstrating no significant trend in the annual residuals. b Percentage frequency distribution plot of the annual and decadal residuals reveals the residual precipitation indices to be normally distributed. Scaled residuals show improved normal distribution and reduced trend in the annual residuals compared to the OLS regression approach 400 MAMJJ Precipitation (mm) 350 Verification Period 1901-1955 Annual R2 = 0.24 Decadal R2 = 0.07 CE = 0.20 CE = 0.00 Annual R2 = 0.36 Decadal R2 = 0.47 Calibration Period 1956-2009 300 250 200 150 100 50 1900 Actual Annual Recon Annual Recon Decadal Actual Decadal 1910 1920 1930 1940 Full Period 1901-2009 Annual R2 = 0.32 DW = 1.93 Decadal R2 = 0.41 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Year (AD) Figure SM12 Split period calibration and verification procedure for the OLS regression reconstruction of MAMJJ precipitation for the 100-year high-pass spline oak chronology over the period 1901-2009. Calibration is shown for both annual and decadal smoothed timescales. Verification statistics reveal a robust annual, but non-robust decadal, reconstruction of precipitation in East Anglia, emphasising that the RCS derived chronology is a better proxy for past precipitation variability 80 100 Supporting Tables Table 1 Summary information for the modern (bold) and historical (fine) East Anglian oak ring-width chronologies. Mean RBAR refers to the mean inter-series correlation; EPS (0.85) shows the minimum number of trees required to achieve an Expressed Population Signal value of 0.85 Site Name County No. of series Full Length Latitude Longitude Elevation (m) Mean RBAR N (EPS 0.85) Mean Age Mean TRW (mm) Babingley Norfolk 19 1840-1994 52.48 0.29 10 0.38 10 130.32 2.86 Blickling Norfolk 74 1670-2008 52.48 1.13 46 0.28 15 191.11 1.56 Bradfield Suffolk 11 1879-1984 52.12 0.49 85 0.45 7 81 2.03 Felbrigg Norfolk 28 1715-2009 52.54 1.16 55 0.33 12 153.36 2.44 Foxley Norfolk 29 1797-2009 52.45 1.01 39 0.37 10 123.24 2.57 Hethersett Norfolk 22 1828-2008 52.35 1.10 41 0.35 11 134.77 2.43 Hevingham Norfolk 32 1806-1981 52.44 1.15 20 0.37 10 95.56 2.07 Sandringham Norfolk 33 1758-1988 52.49 0.30 30 0.39 9 128.03 2.91 Sotterley Suffolk 62 1590-2004 52.24 1.36 25 0.38 10 188.84 1.85 Ballingdon Bridge Suffolk 12 1484-1790 52.02 0.43 26 0.38 10 93.17 2.23 Cambridge Cambridgeshire 31 802-1760 52.12 0.07 16 0.43 8 94.23 1.34 Castle Acre Priory Norfolk 26 1237-1386 52.42 0.40 30 0.31 13 79.81 2.09 Denton Norfolk 14 1220-1568 52.26 1.21 35 0.37 10 86 1.82 Ely Cathedral Cambridgeshire 11 891-1179 52.23 0.15 29 0.31 13 117.91 1.28 Felbrigg Hall Norfolk 16 1536-1684 52.54 1.16 55 0.41 8 95.25 1.82 Hapton Norfolk 6 1432-1533 52.31 1.12 30 0.53 5 74.67 2.03 Harleston Norfolk 4 1693-1768 52.24 1.17 30 0.6 4 69.25 2.83 Ipswich Suffolk 8 1008-1293 52.03 1.09 20 0.17 25 111 1.34 Kings Lynn Norfolk 18 1244-1583 52.44 0.25 10 0.2 22 109.11 1.73 New Buckenham Norfolk 17 1271-1683 52.28 1.04 50 0.35 11 101.76 1.59 Norwich Norfolk 26 781-1426 52.37 1.18 10 0.33 12 99.54 1.66 Otely Hall Suffolk 42 1386-1553 52.09 1.13 66 0.37 10 90.71 2.54 Oxburgh Hall Norfolk 14 1221-1591 52.34 0.34 15 0.45 7 135.5 1.16 Paston Norfolk 22 1356-1568 52.51 1.26 20 0.27 16 117.68 1.26 Peterborough Cathedral Cambridgeshire 127 887-1656 52.34 0.14 17 0.28 15 151.66 1.16 Semer Bridge Suffolk 2 1501-1696 52.04 0.55 29 N/A N/A 87.5 2.09 Sutton Suffolk 5 1508-1615 52.03 1.21 12 0.5 6 80.4 2.41 Tacolneston Norfolk 3 1497-1594 52.3 1.09 60 0.43 8 85 2.05 Thetford Norfolk 3 1461-1530 52.24 0.45 20 0.75 2 58.67 2.15 Tibenham Norfolk 5 1525-1640 52.27 1.08 50 0.51 6 100.2 2.28 Table SM2 Generalized soil properties for the nine modern oak chronology locations from the (National Soil Resources Institute, 2010) Site Texture Acidity/Basicity Permeability Fertility Babingley Sandy Very acidic Naturally Wet Very Low Blickling Loamy Slightly acidic Freely draining Low Slightly impeded ModerateHigh Bradfield Loamy/Clay Slightly acidic Felbrigg Loamy Slightly acidic Freely draining Low Foxley Loamy/Clay Slightly acidic, but base-rich Seasonally-wet, impeded drainage Moderate Hethersett Loamy/Clay Acidic Slightly impeded ModerateHigh Hevingham Loamy Slightly acidic Freely draining Low Sandringham Sandy Slightly acidic Freely draining Low Sotterley Loamy/Clay Slightly acidic, but base-rich Seasonally-wet, impeded drainage Moderate Table SM3 Comparison of the actual 20 driest MAMJJ seasons in the gridded instrumental precipitation series and the 20 driest seasons reconstructed from the East Anglian oak chronology. The reconstruction successfully estimates 10 of the 20 driest seasons in the instrumental record (highlighted in orange) Reconstructed Season 1949 1996 1957 1976 1956 1972 1943 1944 1934 1907 1933 1959 1948 1938 1909 1935 1989 2006 1970 1995 Driest Reconstructed Precipitation (mm) 178.0 185.3 195.2 207.5 211.2 212.1 213.4 214.3 214.5 214.7 216.3 217.8 218.0 218.5 219.1 220.9 221.6 221.6 221.8 224.2 Instrumental Season 1976 1921 1996 1990 1949 1961 1943 1938 1959 1944 1995 1929 1957 1952 1974 1904 1945 1962 1934 1955 Driest Instrumental Precipitation (mm) 97.8 121.9 134.3 148.8 149.9 164.9 170.9 172.7 178.9 181.7 188.0 191.5 192.8 194.6 196.5 198.5 202.4 202.8 203.4 203.4 Table SM4 Comparison of the actual 20 wettest MAMJJ seasons in the gridded instrumental precipitation series and the 20 wettest seasons reconstructed from the East Anglian oak chronology. The reconstruction successfully estimates 8 of the 20 wettest seasons in the instrumental record (highlighted in blue) Reconstructed Season 2001 1917 1979 1980 2000 1982 1947 1922 1937 2008 1942 1964 1999 1927 1958 1939 1901 1978 1966 1929 Wettest Reconstructed Precipitation (mm) 323.6 313.5 309.7 306.9 300.1 299.9 293.0 289.3 287.1 280.7 278.7 276.7 274.8 274.3 274.1 273.7 271.5 271.0 270.8 270.1 Instrumental Season 1981 1987 2007 1985 2008 2001 1937 1978 1903 1969 1910 1980 1988 1983 1927 1964 1951 1931 1963 1979 Wettest Instrumental Precipitation (mm) 332.8 329.4 326.4 325.1 319.7 314.9 312.4 310 309.8 302.9 300.7 300.7 299.0 297.8 295.8 291.6 290.9 290.8 290.4 288.4 Table SM5 Comparison of the 20 highest instrumental MAMJJ mean sea level pressure (SLP) seasons over East Anglia (Trenberth and Paolino 1980) and the 20 driest seasons reconstructed from the East Anglian oak chronology. The reconstruction successfully estimates 8 of the 20 highest pressure (i.e. driest) seasons (orange) Reconstructed Season 1949 1996 1957 1976 1956 1972 1943 1944 1934 1907 1933 1959 1948 1938 1909 1935 1989 2006 1970 1995 Driest Reconstructed Precipitation (mm) 178.0 185.3 195.2 207.5 211.2 212.1 213.4 214.3 214.5 214.7 216.3 217.8 218.0 218.5 219.1 220.9 221.6 221.6 221.8 224.2 Instrumental Season 1938 1990 1945 1943 1949 1973 1997 1976 1921 1929 1955 1961 1982 1948 1996 1944 1967 1953 2003 1906 Highest Instrumental Mean SLP (mb) 1020.2 1019.8 1019.6 1019.5 1019.3 1019.1 1018.9 1018.8 1018.8 1018.4 1018.2 1018.1 1018.0 1018.0 1018.0 1017.9 1017.9 1017.8 1017.7 1017.7 Table SM6 Comparison of the 20 lowest instrumental MAMJJ mean sea level pressure (SLP) seasons (Trenberth and Paolino 1980) over East Anglia and the 20 wettest seasons reconstructed from the East Anglian oak chronology. The reconstruction successfully estimates 6 of the 20 lowest pressure (i.e. wettest) seasons (blue) Reconstructed Season 2001 1917 1979 1980 2000 1982 1947 1922 1937 2008 1942 1964 1999 1927 1958 1939 1901 1978 1966 1929 Wettest Reconstructed Precipitation (mm) 323.6 313.5 309.7 306.9 300.1 299.9 293.0 289.3 287.1 280.7 278.7 276.7 274.8 274.3 274.1 273.7 271.5 271.0 270.8 270.1 Instrumental Season Lowest Instrumental Mean SLP (mb) 1930 1916 1931 1937 1932 1936 1928 1934 2008 1924 1909 1947 1927 2001 1903 1910 1912 1951 1985 1922 1012.9 1012.9 1013.1 1013.1 1013.2 1013.2 1013.2 1013.4 1013.4 1013.6 1013.6 1014.0 1014.1 1014.1 1014.1 1014.1 1014.1 1014.2 1014.4 1014.5 Supporting Material References Esper J, Frank DC, Wilson RJS, Briffa KR (2005) Effect of scaling and regression on reconstructed temperature amplitude for the past millennium. Geophysical Research Letters 32: L07711 Jones PD, Jónsson T and Wheeler D (1997) Extension to the North Atlantic Oscillation using early instrumental pressure observations from Gibraltar and South-West Iceland. International Journal of Climatology 17: 1433-1450 Mitchell TD, Jones PD (2005) An improved method of constructing a database of monthly climate observations and associated high- resolution grids. International Journal of Climatology 25: 693–712 National Soil Resources Institute (2010) SoilscapesTM. Cranfield University, Accessed 26/08/2010 Online: http://wwwlandisorguk/soilscapes/ Trenberth KE, Paolino DA (1980) The Northern Hemisphere sea level pressure data set: Trends, errors, and discontinuities. Monthly Weather Review 108: 855-872 van der Schrier G, Briffa KR, Jones PD, Osborn TJ (2006) Summer moisture variability across Europe. Journal of Climate 19: 2828-2834