Placement Description Form – CA_ANX

Module description:
For the 2015-16 academic year, placements will run throughout the entire MSc academic i.e., until
mid-Sept 2016.
Upon formal enrolment into the MSc course, students will gain access to RISIS (expected to be by
Week 1), where all the placements will now be advertised.
The selection process will run throughout the Autumn term with all students expected to have
found a placement by the end of term. Note that if a student is accepted for a placement before this
time, they can start working upon it straight away.
The requirement remains that a student completes at least 140 hours. More can be undertaken in
agreement with the student. Once a student has been selected, a Placement Agreement form,
outlining the nature of the work, the agreed-upon hours etc., must be completed and signed by
both the supervisor and student, and returned to Jackie Mercer in G41. Without this, a placement
is not ‘official’.
At the end of the placement, the supervisor will be required to provide a set of marks reflecting the
student’s performance. (A student report will no longer be required for assessment.)
Please ensure that you have enough work available for a student to undertake.
The information in the form below will be uploaded onto RISIS to be viewed by students.
In the Placement outline section:
Please provide as much information as possible, in particular, how you will select students (e.g.,
interview, informal meeting, via writing).
If you will be interviewing students, please provide the date/s on which these will take place in this
Include details any special selection requirements you may have e.g., send CV/statement of
interest to the contact person beforehand.
On RISIS, the student will apply for the placement in the way in which you specify below in the
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PYM0PL Placement Description Form
Placement title
Diagnostic assessment of children and adolescents with symptoms of anxiety
Placement outline
Your role:
The successful applicant(s) will carry out semi-structured diagnostic assessments with children and
adolescents with symptoms of anxiety who have been referred to the Anxiety and Depression in
Young People (AnDY) Research Unit/Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust Child and
Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) Anxiety and Depression Care Pathway. It is likely that
these assessments will be the first time that young people and their parents/guardians have attended
the University or CAMHS, so it is essential that they are conducted in a sensitive and professional
Diagnostic assessments will be completed using the Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule for
Children and Parents (ADIS-IV-C/P). The diagnostic assessment itself will require you to work
unaccompanied with both young people and their parents/guardians; the broad assessment process,
however, will involve working alongside another ADIS-C/P assessor and a lead clinician from the
NHS CAMHS Anxiety and Depression Care Pathway (typically a Clinical Psychologist). As well as
conducting the diagnostic assessment, you will be required to contribute to the associated clinical
notes and assessment report and liaise with other organisations/professionals involved in the young
person’s care (e.g., school, children’s services). You will also be required to attend weekly group-based
clinical supervision led by a Clinical Psychologist. There may be the opportunity to become involved
with other clinical research activities at the AnDY Research Unit (e.g., data collection, entry, and
Training provided:
To prepare you for your role as an assessor, you will take part in a comprehensive induction and
training programme that includes the following modules:
Overview of the AnDY Research Unit and Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
CAMHS Anxiety and Depression Care Pathway
Introduction to information security, governance, and data protection
Professionalism and work place etiquette
Communication policies and dealing with compliments/complaints
Interpersonal skills
Understanding the importance of research data
Risk training
Safeguarding training
Good Clinical Practice
Clinical contact skills
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Report writing
Use of electronic patient records system (RiO)
Using Routine Outcome Monitoring (ROMs) (including an overview of the CYP-IAPT
Introduction to DSM diagnostic criteria and diagnostic assessment using the ADIS-IV-C/P
The Children's Act (1989), Mental Health Act (1983) and Mental Capacity Act (2005)
Opportunities offered
The placement will offer you high-quality training and supervision opportunities and the chance to
have direct contact with a clinical population. In addition, via applied work, you will have the
opportunity to further your understanding of mental health diagnoses and the diagnostic assessment
process. Importantly, the placement will provide you with a privileged opportunity to gain insight
into the lives of young people with anxiety, as well as the chance to develop and demonstrate core
clinical and interpersonal skills required for working with this population. There will also be
opportunities to contribute to AnDY/CAMHS outreach activities (e.g., Mental Health Awareness
Week activities).
The placement will provide excellent experience for students wishing to pursue a career in clinical
psychology (or related clinical discipline) or clinical research.
Commitment required
The placement will require a commitment of 1-2 days per week throughout the whole of the MSc
year. All placement students are required to undergo enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS)
checks (previously Criminal Records Bureau checks) and complete mandatory NHS checks and
training prior to beginning work. Throughout the placement students will be expected to attend
weekly supervision sessions and regular NHS and research team meetings.
Application process
General information
Based on evidence from previous MSc cohorts, it is anticipate that demand for this this placement will
be high. While the application process is likely to be very competitive, we encourage all interested
and committed students to apply. If you do wish to apply, please send an up-to-date CV to Dr Ray
Percy at along with a brief supporting statement (max. 500 words)
explaining (a) what you hope to gain from the placement, and (b) why your experience and skills
make you a strong candidate. Please clearly label your e-mail with the subject: Application for
AnDY placement: CA_ANX. If you have any questions prior to application, please contact Ray at
the above e-mail address.
If you are interested in more than one AnDY placement, please indicate this in your supporting
statement. You do not need to submit separate applications. You should ensure that your
supporting statement reflects your interest and experience relevant to each of the placements you are
applying for. The deadline for applications is 17:00 hrs on Monday 5th October 2015.
Application forms will be reviewed by members of the team and strong applicants will be shortlisted
for interview.
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Interviews for all AnDY placements will take place on Thursday 8th of October (AM and PM) and
Friday 9th October (AM only). If you submit an application please make sure that you are available
on these days in the event that you are shortlisted for interview.
Confirmation of placement
Successful applicants will receive their placement offer via e-mail on Monday 12th October. We will
require notification of your intention to accept or decline the offer by Friday 16th October in order to
proceed. We expect that placements will commence in Week 4 of term (i.e., w/b Monday 19th
Type of skills required from student
A range of skills and attributes will be required by students who undertake this placement. These
include but are not limited to:
A professional and sensitive manner
An ability to demonstrate a high degree of empathy and warmth
An ability to engage with children, adolescents, and their parents/guardians
A high level of commitment
Excellent time management and organisation skills
An ability to work effectively both alone and as part of a team
An ability to think in a reflective and analytical way
Excellent oral and written English communication skills
The ability to communicate effectively with people from a variety of backgrounds
Ray Percy
Research Clinical Psychologist
0118 378 5260
Site where student(s) will be based
Anxiety and Depression in Young people (AnDY) Research Unit, School of Psychology and Clinical
Language Sciences, University of Reading.
For more information about AnDY please visit
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How many placements can you offer?
Maximum x6
Will an interview be required?
if yes, please make sure interview dates are included
in placement outline above
Is a DBS check required?
If applicable, are you able to pay travel expenses?
Please send the completed form to Eva Feredoes, Placement Module Convenor: