Evidence of the Existence of Dark Matter Justin P. Skycak Marian HS October 9, 2012 Humans are extremely visually-oriented beings: for a great deal of us, seeing is believing. This might explain why many astronomers were skeptical and disregarded Swiss astronomer Fritz Zwicky’s findings [2] when he discovered dark matter within the Coma cluster in 1933 [1]. However, the vast majority of scientists have come to accept the existence of dark matter as more recent studies have backed it with a plethora of evidence. Observations involving mass discrepancies in galaxies and clusters, cosmic background radiation sources and fluctuations, the structure of the universe, and big bang nucleosynthesis’s impact on baryon density all support the existence of dark matter. Discrepancies between galactic mass calculations using the mass-luminosity relation and the orbital velocity law have led to the conclusion that galactic matter is mostly dark and does not add luminosity to the system. A galaxy’s velocity can be calculated by analyzing the Doppler shift of its light emissions, and it can be used in Hubble’s law to calculate the galaxy’s distance. The galaxy’s luminosity can then be calculated with the luminosity-distance formula and the mass-luminosity relation can be used to mass the galaxy. On the other hand, using the orbital velocity law requires scientists to measure the velocity and orbital radius of the farthest objects orbiting the galaxy. Although this method is slightly more difficult, Doppler shifts in the hydrogen gas surrounding most spiral galaxies can be analyzed to determine the gas’s velocity. Since the orbital velocity law states that the mass of a galaxy is proportional to the product of the radius and square of the velocity of the orbiting object, the gas’s velocity should decrease as its orbital radius increases. However, this isn’t the case: even as the radius grows, the velocity of the gas remains roughly constant. This indicates that the farther an object is from the center of the galaxy, the greater the amount of mass it orbits. Elliptical galaxies are less organized than spiral galaxies and usually lack surrounding hydrogen gas, but the diversity of the Doppler shift spectrum of a region of stars indicates the magnitude of its orbital velocity and allows for the calculation of the speed of the orbiting objects. Still, the velocity remains constant as the orbital radius increases. Just as in spiral galaxies, objects in elliptical galaxies are found to orbit an increasing amount of mass as the radii of their orbits lengthen. In many galaxies, the mass measured by the orbital velocity law is as much as 50 times the mass inferred by the massluminosity relation, and these large mass-luminosity ratios indicate that there must be matter surrounding the galaxy which does not contribute to its luminosity. [2] In clusters of galaxies, too, discrepancies between cluster mass calculations from the mass-luminosity relation and the orbital velocity law can be found. Standard candles can be used 1 to estimate a cluster’s luminosity [14], the luminosity distance formula can be used to calculate its distance, and the mass-luminosity relation can be used to mass the luminous matter in the cluster. Doppler shifts in the cluster’s light emissions can be used to calculate the orbital velocities of the galaxies the orbital velocity law can be used to mass the clusters. Alternatively, the average speed of the intracluster medium between the galaxies in the clusters is indicated by its x-ray emissions and can also be paired with the orbital velocity law to calculate the total mass of the cluster. The results are consistent with those of the Doppler shift analysis. Similar to those of galaxies, the mass-luminosity ratios of clusters can range from 10 to over 100 solar masses per solar luminosity [2]. Another method to determine the mass of objects in space is gravitational lensing. Gravitational lensing occurs when gravity forces light to bend around a massive object, and the light distortion can be used to calculate the light-bending angle. Since the light-bending angle depends on the strength of the gravitational force, it can be used to calculate the mass of the lensing object. There are several types of gravitational lensing that can be used to for this purpose, such as strong lensing, weak lensing, flexion, and microlensing. Strong lensing occurs when clusters and galaxies bend light to such an extent that it follows multiple paths around the lensing object. An “Einstein Ring” forms when the background light comes from directly behind the gravitational lens, and the radius of the ring is proportional to the square root of the mass of the lens. If the background light source is slightly off, it can appear in multiple spots and their locations and distortions can be used to calculate the lensing object’s mass. Weak lensing is caused by large-scale structures and although the light deflection is minimal, circular galaxies are often distorted enough that they appear as ellipses. The magnitude of distortion can be used to determine the mass of the lens. Flexion is caused by substructure and the outer areas of halos, and the amount of distortion falls between that of strong and weak lensing. Light is not deflected enough to make use of strong lensing mass calculation techniques, and the area is on too small of a scale for weak lensing mass calculation techniques. However, there is a known relationship between mass and flexion distortion that can be used to mass the gravitational lens. Microlensing occurs when distance causes the lens to appear much smaller than the background light source and the bent light shows up as a single more luminous object. The duration of microlensing depends on the mass of the lens—a longer duration indicates a greater mass, while a shorter duration signifies a smaller mass [3]. Recent studies held the mass-luminosity ratio calculations in accord with those derived from the orbital velocity law [2], providing more significant evidence for the existence of dark matter. A careful analysis of cosmic microwave background radiation can provide evidence for the existence of dark matter, too. Many dark matter candidates are capable of pair-annihilating and producing a variety of radiation [6] which can be detected by cosmic ray detectors. The Pamela telescope has observed more positrons than initially expected in cosmic radiation, and the Fermi Large Area Telescope found an even larger excess [5]. The Fermi Gamma Ray Space Telescope detected unique gamma ray emissions coming from the center of the galaxy which may be attributed to dark matter, and the Wilkinson Microwave Astronomy Probe (WMAP) 2 discovered higher levels of microwave radiation near the center of Milky Way as well [7]. WMAP discovered temperature fluctuations of 0.0002 Kelvin in cosmic background radiation [8], which indicates differences in temperatures [9] and densities [10] of clumps of matter in early universe. Knowing that various combinations of baryonic (normal) matter and nonbaryonic (dark) matter would result in unique growth rates of the clumps, scientists were able to conclude that the ratio of nonbaryonic matter to baryonic matter in the universe is approximately 6 to 1 [9]. Dark matter also plays an indispensable role in the structure of the universe. Although the universe is expanding, the space within galaxies tends to remain constant [2]. If baryonic matter had been the only type of matter, it would have been too hot to for these gravitationally bound systems to form in the time they did [4]. The gravity of dark matter would have been necessary to bring expanding matter together in this amount of time. It would have collected the first gas clouds, which would condense to form stars within the dark matter halos, explaining the constant velocities of objects increasingly farther from the center of galaxies and clusters. The process would then have repeated with galaxies to form clusters, and it is expected to repeat with clusters to form super-clusters. This matches what we see in the universe, and scientists have evidence that super-clusters are already beginning to form [2]. Lastly, dark matter is supported by the well-tested and widely accepted theory of big bang nucleosynthesis. According to the theory, the big bang produced large amounts of helium-4 and smaller amounts of deuterium, helium-3, and lithium-7. Deuterium was not produced often after the big bang because it is so weakly bonded and tends to combine to form helium-4, so the current amount of deuterium must be the lower limit to the amount of deuterium produced by the big bang. Knowing the cosmic background radiation temperature and that deuterium production during the big bang depended on baryon density [11], scientists were able to determine that baryonic matter accounts for 4% of the universe’s critical density [15]. Since then, scientists have found that the total mass density of the universe is at least 20% of the critical density [12]. This leaves a large amount of mass unaccounted for, which points to the existence of dark matter. Everywhere astronomers look, there is evidence for dark matter. Mass discrepancies in galaxies and clusters, cosmic background radiation, the structure of the universe, and big bang nucleosynthesis’s impact on baryon density all reveal that although we can’t directly see it, dark matter exists. Many projects including the COUPP collaboration, PICASSO, CDMS, and others [13] have embarked on a journey to detect dark matter, learn more about its properties, and prove its existence once and for all. 3 References [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] Knill, Oliver. “Zwicky, Fritz.” (2006): 1. Web. 29 Sept 2012. Bennett, Jeffery, et al. The Cosmic Perspective. 3rd ed. San Francisco: Addison Wesley, 2004. 679-696. Print. Sutherland, Will. “Microlensing.” Encyclopedia of Astronomy and Astrophysics. (2001): 1. Web. 29 Sept. 2012. Massey, Richard, et al. The dark matter of gravitational lensing. (2010): 2-9. Web. 28 Sept. 2012. Profumo, Stefano. Fundamental Physics from the Sky: Cosmic Rays, Gamma Rays, and the Hunt for Dark Matter. (2012): 1-3. Web. 29 Sept. 2012. Fry, Alexander. “Dark Matter Confronts Observations.” The Astronomist. N.p. 4 May 2010. Web. 29 Sept. 2012. Hooper, Dan, and Tim Linden. Gamma Rays from the Galactic Center and the WMAP Haze. 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