Mrs. Thompson’s Lesson Plans 2nd Grade/2014-2015 Homeroom 8:00-8:30 8:30-9:10 Reading Large Group ELACC2RI2, ELACC2L5, ELACCRI6, ELACC2RI6, ELACC2RL7 9:10-9:50 Reading Small Groups ELACC2RF3, ELACC2RF4 MONDAY Breakfast & Morning Work TUESDAY Breakfast & Morning Work WEDNESDAY Breakfast & Morning Work THURSDAY Breakfast & Morning Work Large Group: Vocabulary warm up. Introduce the GPS wall for Mr. Putter and Tabby. Introduce setting using the new story. READING GROUPS1. Guided Reading- Guided Reading: Complete the story walk through, and have the higher students create sentences using the sight words. 2. Literature Circle- students will choose a job to present a part of the leveled story. 3. Reading skill Group – Spelling word journal 4. Writing activity- Subject verb agreement 5. Ipad- My On Large Group- Vocabulary warm up. Read the story to the class and complete the phonics hunt game and watch the electric company video from online classroom, READING GROUPS1. Guided Reading- Guided Reading: Complete the story walk through, and have the higher students create sentences using the sight words. 2. Literature Circle- students will choose a job to present a part of the leveled story. 3. Reading skill Group – Spelling word journal 4. Writing activity- Subject verb agreement 5. Ipad- My On Large Group- Vocabulary warm up. Watch the brainpop video for setting and play game on online classroom. Partner read the story and complete the Daily grade for comprehension and phonics. READING GROUPS1. Guided Reading- Guided Reading: Complete the story walk through, and have the higher students create sentences using the sight words. 2. Literature Circle- students will choose a job to present a part of the leveled story. 3. Reading skill Group – Spelling word journal 4. Writing activity- Subject verb agreement 5. Ipad- My On Large Group- Vocabulary warm up. Library READING GROUPS1. Guided Reading- Guided Reading: Complete the story walk through, and have the higher students create sentences using the sight words. 2. Literature Circle- students will choose a job to present a part of the leveled story. 3. Reading skill Group – Spelling word journal Week of: March 23-27 B R E A K Activity 9:50-10:40 Social Studies/ Health 10:40-11:05 B R E A K PE Students will learn about cardinal directions and use them to find their way through the maze. B R E A K Music Students will use the world map to practice using latitude and longitude to identify the different coordinates on the map. B R E A K PE Play smart board game using different interactive maps. B R E A K Art Students will create their own map that will include a compass, grid, and a map key. SS2CG4 Mrs. Thompson’s Lesson Plans 2nd Grade/2014-2015 FRIDAY Breakfast & Morning Work 11:05-11:35 ELA Grammar Skill/ Writing ELACC2W1 Introduce opinion writing using oreo poster and take a stand cards. Students will work in groups to state their opinion and give two reasons why. Listen to the book “Hey Little Ant” on youtube. Then complete the page for reasons why you should or shouldn’t squish the ant. Week of: March 23-27 4. Writing activity- Subject verb agreement 5. Ipad- My On Large Group- Vocabulary warm up. Test over setting and phonics. READING GROUPS1. Guided Reading- Guided Reading: Complete the story walk through, and have the higher students create sentences using the sight words. 2. Literature Circle- students will choose a job to present a part of the leveled story. 3. Reading skill Group – Spelling word journal 4. Writing activity- Subject verb agreement 5. Ipad- My On Lunch 11:40-12:10 Calendar 12:10- 12:30 MCC2.OA.1, MCC2.OA.2, MCC2.MD.8, MCC2.NBT.2 Recess 12:301:00 Lunch Recess Calendar Computer Science 2:10-2:30 S2E3 MCC2.OA.1, MCC2.NBT.6, MCC2.NBT.7, MCC2.NBT.8 Chapter 6: Lesson 6: Add Three Digit Numbers Use addition songs to warm up. Complete the on my own worksheet together. Small Groups 1. Moby Max Math 2. Guided practice- board game review 3. Clickers 4. Packet Calendar Lunch Math Small Group 1:10-1:40 Math Large Groups 1:40-2:10 B R E A K Recess 5. roll and write or spin and write Chapter 6: Lesson 6: Add three Digit Numbers Complete My Homework page independently. Small Groups 1. Moby Max Math 2. Guided practice- board game review 3. Clickers 4. Packet 5. roll and write or spin and write Play map twister. Daily Wrap Up & Skills Review Read Aloud Snack & Pack Up 2:303:00 Daily Close 3:00 Watch Brainpop jr. on water cycle and learn the song. Daily Close Set up water cycle in a bag and draw the cycle on the bag. Daily Close Mrs. Thompson’s Lesson Plans 2nd Grade/2014-2015 Students will use the opinion writing graphic organizer to help them to begin to construct their paragraphs on whether or not to squish the ant. Lunch Recess Calendar Week of: March 23-27 Chapter 6: Lesson 7: Rewrite ThreeDigit Addition Complete the On My Own page together, and then My Homework page independently. Students will create their own water cycle picture. Daily Close Read Pebble Go Articles on the Water Cycle. Daily Close Magic School Bus the water cycle. Daily Close Small Groups 1. Moby Max Math 2. Guided practice- board game review 3. Clickers 4. Packet 5. roll and write or spin and write Write their paragraphs. Lunch Recess Calendar Chapter 6: Lesson 8: Problem Solving Strategy: Guess, Check, and Revise Complete the On My Own Together. Small Groups 1. Moby Max Math 2. Guided practice- board game review 3. Clickers 4. Packet 5. roll and write or spin and write Students will revise, edit, and publish their paragraphs. Lunch Calendar Recess Chapter 6: Lesson 8: Problem Solving Strategy: Guess, Check, and Revise Complete the My Homework page independently. Small Groups 1. Moby Max Math 2. Guided practice- board game review 3. Clickers 4. Packet 5. roll and write or spin and write Mrs. Thompson’s Lesson Plans 2nd Grade/2014-2015 Verb test Lunch Calendar Recess Week of: March 23-27 APPLY ADDITION & SUBTRACTION CONCEPTS Chapter 5: Lesson 4: Problem-Solving Strategy: Use Logical Reasoning Complete the My Homework page together. Play strategy match up Small Groups: Small Groups 1. Moby Max Math 2. Guided Place Value using base ten blocks. Low group- will work on identifying. Average and high will identify place value for larger numbers. 3. Clickers 4. Subtraction Packet 5. Place value game Introduce how planets orbit around the sun and create a model. Daily Close