Missouri Western State University SWK 340- Three Credit Hours Human Behavior in the Social Environment II Tuesday 12:30–15:20pm- Wilson Hall Room 205 Department CJLSSW- Spring 2014 Geri Dickey PhD., LCSW Office #: Wilson Hall – 203-C Office Hours: (Monday-1pm- 2:00pm), (Tuesday-11:00am -12:00pm), (Wednesday-1pm – 2:00pm), (Thursday-11am- 12:00pm), or by appointment. Office Telephone: 816-271-4350 E-mail gdickey@missouriwestern.edu COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is designed to introduce social work students to various theoretical models used to view and understand how human behavior is shaped by groups, organizations and communities. The ecological and strength perspectives are employed for understanding human behavior within the context of these systems. Attention is also placed on the influence of social class and ethnicity on human behavior. This course will look at the different worldviews of diverse populations in order to help students develop and achieve cultural competencies. Prerequisite for BSW majors: SWK 250 and SWK 330 with a grade of “C” or better. COURSE OBJECTIVES 1. Students will develop an understanding of traditional and alternative theories that attempt to explain human bio-psycho-social-spiritual-cultural behavior within a systems framework with a focus on groups, organizations, communities and institutions. (Program objectives: 7, 8, 11 & 13) 2. Students will gain an understanding of how knowledge about human behavior in different contexts is a precursor to generalist social work practice. (Program objectives: 4, 5, 7, 8, 11 & 13) 3. Students will gain more knowledge about multicultural social work practice and cultural diversity. Students will understand the impact of diverse characteristics such as gender, race, ethnicity, age, disability status, sexual orientation, and social class on human behavior with groups, organizations and communities. (Program objectives: 4 &5) 4. Students will become knowledgeable about diverse organizations and community structures and processes as well as races and social class in order to practice within the Social Work Code of Ethics as well as in order to work effectively within these settings/contexts. (Program objectives: 3, 4, 5, 7, 11 &13) 5. Students will be encouraged to be involved with awareness of self and as it pertains to working as social workers within groups, organizations and communities. (Program objectives: 2, 4 & 7) 6. Students will develop critical thinking skills. Students will be given opportunities to ask questions, assess the established facts and issues involved and assert a concluding opinion. (Program objectives: 2 & 4) COURSE REQUIREMENTS; STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: Any student enrolled in this course who has a disability that prevents the fullest expression of abilities should contact the instructor as soon as possible so that we can discuss class requirements and identify appropriate accommodations. Before accommodations can be granted, students must provide an Accommodation Request Form from the office of Disability Services. It is imperative that arrangements be made as soon as possible. ACADEMIC MISCONDUCT: Academic honesty is required in all academic endeavors. Violations of academic honesty include any instance of plagiarism, cheating, seeking credit for another’s work, falsifying documents or academic records, or any other fraudulent activity. Violations of academic honesty may result in a failing grade on the assignment, failure in the course, or expulsion from the University. When a student’s grade has been affected, violations of academic honest will be reported to the Provost or designated representative on the Academic Honesty Violation Report forms. Please see 2008-09 Student Handbook and Calendar for specific activities identified as violations of this policy and the student due process procedure. This handbook is also available online at www.missouriwestern.edu/handbook/index.pdf (University policy) any student who submits someone else’s work as his/her own will receive a grade of zero on that assignment. Cheating on an exam will result in a zero for that exam. Plagiarism on any written assignments will result in a zero for that assignment. Further disciplinary action may also be employed at the discretion of the instructor. METHODS OF INSTRUCTION: This course will be taught using a variety of instructional methods including lecture, discussion, roll playing, individual and group exercises, videotapes, student group presentations/papers, possible guest speakers. COURSE TEXTS: Kirst-Ashman, K (2011). Human Behavior, Communities, Organizations, and Groups in the Macro Social Environment. 3rd Edition. Belmont, CA: Thomas Brooks/Cole. Sue, D.W., (2006). Multicultural Social Work Practice. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. Course Evaluation: Your grade in this course will be dependent upon the accumulation of percentages as outlined below. Class participation and attendance will be factored in evaluation of performance. A total of two excused absences are given before attendance becomes a factor in grade evaluation. Social Service Agency Midterm Assignment Midterm Exam Social Service Agency Final Research Paper Final Exam 10% 25% 15% 25% Diversity Activity/Reaction Paper 15% Resources File Assignment 5% Critical thinking journal Assignment 5% The individual assignments are graded on a percentage. Therefore, they are weighted, in order to calculate your final grade you must multiply the grade you made for each assignment by the assigned percentage prior to totaling the grade for all assignments and dividing by one hundred. I=Incomplete due to extenuating circumstances which have been discussed and agreed upon by your instructor W=Withdraw when MWSU policy is followed Note: *****Papers are expected to be turned in on time, unless an exception is granted prior to due date. For each day papers are late, your grade can be effected up to one letter grade. Course Attendance: Class attendance and arriving on time for class is expected. Missing more than two (2) classes could result in a lowering of your final course grade by one letter grade. At this stage of your academic career professional values and behaviors are being developed. Therefore, acts of responsibility and classroom engagement will be rewarded when calculating final grades. I do not wish to penalize students for illnesses or emergencies; this is life and not the objective of this attendance policy! However, on the other hand, I think that students who regularly attend class, who are prepared and participates, should be rewarded. Thus, students who do not attend class, or are not prepared will not be receiving extra consideration at final evaluation. Other Course Expectations: 1. In addition to class attendance, students are expected to come to class prepared. 2. Be on time. This communicates respect, as well as, professional behavior. 3. Appropriate classroom behavior is expected. Inappropriate behavior may result in expulsion from the class. Classroom behavior includes displays of respect for the instructor and others, alertness and attentiveness. 4. Cell phones are to be turned off during class. Computers can be used for note taking, but permission must be granted, and will be subject to checks during class time. If students are using the computer for anything other than note taking sanctions will be applied. Please be prepared to be called out in class if you cannot abide by the above requirements. 5. The use of extra credit will be deemed at the professor’s discretion. Course Tentative schedule subject to change… Assignments: 1. Resource File Need to start NOW! The purpose of this assignment is for you to begin developing a working knowledge of local, country, state and federal resources available. This assignment will aid you as you begin your practicum next year. Prior to developing your resource file you will sign up to research resources in a certain area (Note: most of you will need to do more than one area in order to meet the minimum requirement). You are to gather information on the resources and compile it into a handout to be given to your professor. In some instances you may have brochures that you have found. You will need to know the following (but not limited to): What need does this community resource address Location Contact person and telephone # if there is one Criteria e.g. income based, gender, abuse… Is it a free resource or does it have to be paid back Application process (if any) Your grade will be based on how well the information provided on the resources is presented, and how many resources you find. Thus, making it necessary to not only look locally but in the surrounding counties, state and federal level as well, and possibly researching more than one area. Grading is as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 20 resources 19-18 resources 17-10 resources 9-5 resources 4-0 resources 100 points 90 points 80 points 70 points 60 points 2. Mid-Term Test: The mid-term test will test for reading comprehension over class discussion, power-points used during lecture and chapters covered upon this date. 3. Social Service Agency: Mid-Term Assignment The mid-term assignment is essentially the preparation necessary to successfully complete the research requirements for the Final Paper. The objective of this assignment is to utilize the readings and class discussions by preparing a report about how the environment (social, political, economic and physical) affects the behaviors of people in organizations and communities and how do the individuals in turn affect their environment. General Guidelines: Each student will select one social service agency. This can be in your home community or another community. Each student will interview at least three (3) staff members at various organizational levels (e.g. executive director, program director, board member, professional worker and a client/consumer (if possible). Ensure confidentiality for ALL interviewee. Incorporate concepts & management principles. Set up interviews—the student DOES NOT have to have completed the interviews by the midterm date. Provide the dates/times for these interviews. Write a paragraph or two on what services this agency provides. Develop a list of questions that you want to ask during your interview. These may or may not be the same for each person you interview. The questions are based around what concepts and management principles (at least 5) you want to learn about. The following are examples: Staff, Executive Director, Program Director….. 1. Position and length of service at the agency 2. What are some of the most rewarding and challenging events of a typical day/meeting? Illustrations? (Challenges can be physical, procedural, time pressures, social/interpersonal, emotional etc.). 3. To what extent is the agency structured appropriately (e.g. lay out of the departments, personnel in the departments, procedures followed by different departments) to process clients and facilitate your work? How would you restructure the organization if you were given an opportunity? 4. What organizational goals do you assist in fulfilling at this agency, and how? Clients: 1. What has been your experience when you interacted with employees of this agency? 2. How do you view this agency and the employees e.g. what do you like about the agency and the employees? 3. What (services, employees, processes are oppressive/discriminatory) can use some change? Illustrations? 4. How does your current situation (homelessness, unemployed, domestic violence) affect your experiences at the agency? Illustrations? Writing guidelines: Title and author of the paper APA style 4. Diversity Activity/Reaction Paper The purpose of this assignment is to gain a deeper understanding of the barriers, difficulties, biases, prejudices…that other people in our society experience based on race, sexual orientation, illness, poverty… Your assignment is to assume a different “identity” and become that person experiencing discrimination. Some examples include but are not limited to the following: go to the local food kitchen, apply for services as a HIV status person, use a wheel chair all day, and use a motorized cart at Wal-Mart. Do not identify yourself as a student doing a research assignment. Pay careful attention to your inner feelings, thoughts, actions… Write a reaction paper based on your experience. Your paper should include your thoughts, feelings, reactions but not be limited to just these things. Also, how has this experience changed you? Does it change how you will relate to people? The paper should be approximately three (3) pages, double-spaced, 1” margins and 12 point font. Per the University’s rules, each student will need to fill out and sign a Waiver. These will be distributed in class. 5. Critical Thinking Partner Dialogue Journals This assignment is designed to develop your critical thinking skills which are vital to social work. Prior to class on Tuesdays you will need to read the assigned reading(s) and journal your “reactions and/or thoughts.” What does the text make you think about? You can supplement with class lectures, and/or class discussions. Use the rubric provided to guide you in this process. On Tuesday of each week, you will switch your journal with a classmate (keeping the same partner throughout the semester). It is your job to write comments to that classmate about what they wrote. Read the assigned readings and then write in that journal. ALWAYS bring the journal back on Thursdays to your Practice II class to hand back, so your partner has time to read assigned readings and journal for the following week. The journal switch will occur outside of class time. Each student is required to manage this piece of the journal assignment. Please write your name on the FRONT of your journal, and the Chapter(s) of the assigned readings at the top of each journal page. NOTE: I may ask to see how you are doing anytime throughout the semester. 6. The FINAL paper will have the following sections 1. Introduction to the paper which describes the purposes of the assignment and what was done to fulfill the assignment. Include information about the social service agency. What type of agency is it for example, non-profit, for-profit…etc, services provided, organizational structure (include an organization chart), other pertinent information. 2. Body using the three interviews, incorporate the concepts and management principles into the paper. Define the concept/principle and then explain how the concept is relevant to a section of the interview. REMEMBER: you need to have at least 5 concepts/principles from the chapters on Organizations. Conclusion: What did you learn from this assignment about behaviors of people within organizational contexts? As a potential employee, what more would you like to learn about this agency? What implications does the existing organization structure and process have for workers and clients? If you were the CEO, what would you do differently to make the structure and process more conductive for and responsive to workers and clients and in line with social work values? Writing guidelines: Title and author of the paper APA style Final (See Tentative Schedule) The final exam will test for reading comprehension over class discussion, powerpoints used during lecture, as well as the chapters that were cover after the midterm exam. Critical Thinking Journal Rubric Minimum Marginal Average Proficient Advanced 1 2 3 4 5 Making connections and Developing Voice __x5= __/25 No personal response is made to the issues, concepts raised in the text Analysis conveys little evidence of a personal response to the issues/concepts raised in the text Analysis conveys some evidence of a personal response to the issues/concepts raised in the text Analysis conveys evidence of a personal response to the issues/concepts raised in the text. Student demonstrates that he/she is beginning to develop critical thinking skills Reflection __x5=___/25 Does not reflect on own thoughts and learning & no examples are provided Reflects on own thoughts and learning but does not provide many examples Demonstrates an ability to reflect on own thoughts and learning but examples are minimal Knowledge Base __x5___/25 Is not comprehending or reflecting on what is heard, read or viewed Demonstrates some basic comprehension of texts but does not make connections with the bigger picture Comprehends the surface level meaning of texts and begins to relate issues to general knowledge and experiences. Effort and Legibility __x5___/25 No effort and/or not legible Little effort and/or sloppy Some effort and/or somewhat legible Demonstrates an ability to reflect on own thoughts and learning & provides examples consistently Is able to make inferences and comprehends deeper meaning on most occasions. Relates text and issues raised consistently to experiences. Work is legible & demonstrates much effort Analysis conveys extensive evidence of a personal response to the issues raised in the text. Student demonstrates personal growth & development of critical thinking skills. Reflects well on own thoughts and learning. Provides many examples Comments: Is able to make inferences well and comprehends deeper meaning consistently, demonstrating insight and relevance to experiences. Work demonstrates legibility & much effort was made with originality and initiative. Journal points earned: _______/25 points Clary S08 Tentative Course Schedule (All chapters correspond to the 3rd edition of the textbook, it is your responsibility to adjust if you have a different edition) Date Jan 14 Jan 21 Jan 28 Feb 4 Feb 11 Feb 18 Feb 25 Mar 4 Topic Introduction to course/syllabus Introduction to ACAT Introduction to Macro Social Environment Multicultural Social Work Practice Organizations Culturally competent social work practice Social Service Organizations Organizational Structure/Dynamics More on Organizations Women, Sexual minorities, Elderly persons & those with Disabilities Midterm Exam CT Journal Diversity in the Macro social environment Afro-American, Asian-American & Native American Biracial/multiracial, Latino/Hispanic & Immigrant/Refugee populations Mar 11 SPRING BREAK Mar 18 Mar 25 Apr 1 Communities: Theories and Concepts Assessment of geographic communities Neighborhood Empowerment Apr 8 Social Justice and global community 17th Apr 15 No Class/SWK Institute Barriers to Multicultural Social Work April 22 Paper MUST be personally handed in to Professor or special arrangement made prior to 4/22 Reading/Assignments WELCOME Kirst-Ashman, Chpt. 1 Sue, Chpt. 1 Kirst-Ashman, Chpt. 5 Sue, Chpt. 2 Kirst-Ashman, Chpt. 6 Kirst-Ashman, Chpt. 7 Kirst-Ashman, Chpt. 8 Sue, Chpt. 14 Midterm exam Critical Thinking Journal Due (Feb 25) Kirst-Ashman, Chpt. 12 Sue, Chpt. 12 Sue Chpt. 13 Social Service Midterm Assignment Due (March 4th) FINISH Diversity Paper…Its due when you come back! As well as have some FUN! Kirst-Ashman, Chpt. 9 Diversity/Reaction paper due (March 18th) Kirst-Ashman, Chpt. 10 Kirst-Ashman, Chpt. 11 Resource files due (April 1th) Kirst-Ashman, Chpt. 13 (make sure you have excused absences for Thursday Classes!) Institute Mandatory Attendance on 4/17 Sue, Chpt. 7 Critical Thinking Journals due (April 15th) Sue, Chpt. 8 Social Service Agency Final Paper Due 4/22 May 6 FINAL May 6th 11:30 am – 1:20 pm Wilson 205- Final