S1 Setting the minimum inter-event time To set the minimum inter-event time (MIT), we estimated the scale of temporal autocorrelation of the rainfall time series (Dunkerley, 2008; Morris, 1984). The temporal autocorrelation (r) between rainfall amount at time ti and rainfall at time h hours later, ti+h, was calculated for all separation times h using the acf function in R (R Core Team, 2013). The temporal autocorrelation decreases with larger separation times h. At the separation time where the autocorrelation drops below a threshold, here set at r = 0.05, rain events were assumed to be independent. This threshold separation time was used as a measure of the MIT. Several common and frequently applied theoretical autocorrelation functions in geostatistics (e.g. Webster & Oliver, 2007) were fitted through the empirical autocorrelation function. A double exponential model (Eqn S1) fitted the rainfall time series most parsimoniously and better than a single exponential model or a (double) spherical model, indicating that multiple scales of temporal autocorrelation need be distinguished. Hence multiple MIT criteria were employed in further analyses. π = 1 − (σ1 [1 − π − β πΌ1 ] + σ2 [1 − π − β πΌ2 ] + π0 ) (πΈππ π1) In eqn S1, α and σ represent the range and partial sill of the two exponential models. The intercept c0 (‘nugget’) was not significant and was therefore excluded from the model (Table S1). The effective ranges, i.e. the MIT values, were set to the range where 95% of the sill was reached and was calculated as 3·α following Webster & Oliver (2007). As a result, mean MIT values ± 95% confidence intervals were 1.45 ± 0.06 hours and 10.01 ± 0.34 hours. In order to match the half hourly measurement frequency, we set the MIT to 1.5 and 10 hours. Table S1. Fitting parameters for the double exponential model and associated statistics. The root mean square error (RMSE) and normalized root mean square error (RMSE / data range) of the fit were respectively 0.008 (-) and 0.8%. Variable Estimate Std. Error t value P α1 3.22 0.18 18.3 < 0.001 α2 0.47 0.03 14.2 < 0.001 c0 0.003 0.009 0.299 0.77 c1 0.40 0.02 17.6 < 0.001 c2 0.58 0.02 23.9 < 0.001 1 References Dunkerley D (2008) Identifying individual rain events from pluviograph records: a review with analysis of data from an Australian dryland site. Hydrological Processes, 22, 5024-5036. Morris CD (1984) A stochastic model for a small-time-interval-intermittent hydrologic process. Journal of Hydrology, 68, 247-272. R Core Team (2014) R: A Language and Environment for Statistical Computing, R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria. URL http://www.R-project.org/. Webster R, Oliver MA (2007) Geostatistics for Environmental Scientists, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, England. 2 S2 Frequency distributions of rain characteristics Figure S2. Frequency distributions of rain amount per event (a), rain event duration (b), mean rain event intensity (c) and pre-rain drought length (d). The number and vertical black line represent the median value. Event characteristics are calculated for an MIT of 10 hours and response timeframe of one day. 3 S3 Estimating physical CO2 displacement by rain The contribution of physical displacement of air in the peat matrix by an average 6.1 mm rain event to the observed decrease in ecosystem net CO2 uptake can be estimated using the ideal gas law (Eq. S3). Here, a mean growing season temperature (T) of 281.5 K, a volume displacement of an average 5.6 mm rain event (V) of 0.0061m3 m-2 and the gas constant R (8.3145 J mol-1 K-1) were used to estimate the CO2 displacement CD (gC m-2) for a given area A of 1 m2. M and n are the molar mass (gram mol-1) and moles of C (mol), respectively. Henry’s law was applied to estimate the partial CO2 pressure (P) of air in the peat matrix, assuming the CO2 concentration in the air filled pores is in equilibrium with a measured pore water CO2 concentration of about 0.002 M (Nilsson & Bohlin, 1993). A van ‘t Hoff temperature correction following Washington (1996) was applied to obtain a CO2 Henry coefficient of 18.3 atm M-1 for the given temperature. πΆπ· = ππ ππ = π΄π π π΄ πΈπ. π3 An average rain event of 5.6 mm could result in an emission of 0.11 gCO2-C m-2, which corresponds to 22% of the mean rain induced decreased ecosystem net CO2 uptake of 0.54 gCO2-C m-2 per rain event (fulfilling the selection criteria). It thus seems very unlikely that physical displacement of CO2 is the dominant process responsible for the increased net atmospheric uptake. References Nilsson M, Bohlin E (1993) Methane and carbon dioxide concentrations in bogs and fens – with special reference to the effects of the botanical composition of the peat, Journal of Ecology, 81, 615–625. Washington J (1996) Gas partitioning of dissolved volatile organic compounds in the vadose zone: Principles, temperature effects and literature review, Ground Water, 34, 709-718. 4 S4 Potential reduction in GPP by decreased light availability It is estimated that over an growing season, daytime rain events may result in a reduction of net ecosystem C uptake that corresponds with about 10% of gross primary production (GPP) at the mixed mire complex studied. Reduced light availability associated with rain events is likely the main reason for reduced net ecosystem carbon uptake due to rain events (Table 3, Figure 4). The aim of this supplementary material is to determine whether the decreased light availability due to rain is large enough to reduce GPP with 10%. GPP was estimated from half-hourly NEE measurements by the procedure described by Barr et al. (2004) and Peichl et al. (2014). Next, the median GPP during median pre-rain and post-rain light conditions (± 10 μmol m-2 s-1) was estimated. The pre-rain and post-rain light conditions were extracted from the rain event analysis (Table 3). The reduction in GPP due to decreased light availability (R; %) was calculated as: π = 100 πΊππππ πΈ − πΊππππππ πΊππππ πΈ (π4.1) Another way to estimate of the reduction of GPP due to light availability was obtained by fitting the frequently employed rectangular hyperbolic model through the light – production relationship to obtain a light response curve: πΊππ = πΌ β πππΉπ· β πΊπππππ₯ πΌ β πππΉπ· + πΊπππππ₯ (π4.2) Here, πΌ is the initial slope of the curve and πΊπππππ₯ the maximum (light saturated) GPP. Both parameters were significant (P < 0.05) and the goodness of fit (R2) is 0.49. The results of the calculations (Table S4) indicate that, when purely based on reduced light, rain would decrease GPP with at least 31%. This is well beyond the estimated effect of rain on net C uptake, and supports the view that positive effects of rewetting may be offset by the more dominant effect of light on GPP. Table S4: Light availability (PPFD) and calculated gross primary production (GPP) during pre- and post-rain conditions for two response timeframes (0.5 and 1 days). PPFD and GPP are represented with mean values, n is the number of GPP and PPFD observations and R the reduction in GPP. Subscripts 1 and 2 indicate whether GPP is estimated with the median (1) or light response curve (2) based method. Unit PPFD GPP1 GPP2 n R1 R2 μmol m-2 s-1 μmol C m-2 s-1 μmol C m-2 s-1 count % % Pre-rain 320 2.53 2.85 894 Timeframe = 0.5 day Post-rain 157 1.70 1.79 1397 33 37 Timeframe = 1 day Pre-rain Post-rain 381 205 2.82 1.95 3.14 2.16 900 1214 31 31 References Barr AG, Black TA, Hogg EH, Kljun N, Morgenstern K, Nesic Z (2004) Inter-annual variability in the leaf area index of a boreal aspen-hazelnut forest in relation to net ecosystem production. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 126, 237–255 Peichl M, Öquist M, Löfvenius MO et al. (2014) A 12-year record reveals pre-growing season temperature and water table level threshold effects on the net carbon dioxide exchange in a boreal fen. Environmental Research Letters, 9, 055006 5