CALL FOR PAPERS Key Dates Online submission Online abstract submission closes Notification of acceptance to authors Early Bird Closes OPEN 15 February 2016 March 2016 April 2016 INVITATION TO SUBMIT AN ABSTRACT We invite online abstract submissions to the 14th AIFS Conference 2016. Before submitting an abstract, please ensure that you read the Abstract Submission Guidelines and Instructions. Submit abstract button – link to Oxford abstracts [link is coming] ABSTRACT SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS By submitting an abstract, you agree to the following: Your abstract MUST be no more the 250 words and MUST be one (1) paragraph Your abstracts must be print ready, please read it carefully. The acceptance of an abstract does not imply provision of travel, accommodation or registration for the AIFS Conference, nor any other costs associated with preparation or presentation of the abstract, or any costs associated with attendance at the AIFS Conference. All authors presenting at the AIFS Conference must register and pay to attend. You confirm that at least one author will register to attend and present the paper at the AIFS Conference. You give us permission to publish your abstract submission and/or PowerPoint presentation on the AIFS Conference website, on CD Rom, in hardcopy and online if it is accepted for presentation. You confirm that the submission has been approved by all authors. PRESENTATION FORMATS Submission will be presentation types: accepted for the following Oral Submission Submissions are invited for papers reporting original research findings, papers reporting work-in-progress, methodological papers, policy analysis, case presentations, professional practice issues or evaluations of family service programs. Papers will be grouped into NOTE: Authors may indicate their preferred presentation style by selecting ‘oral’ or ‘poster’ or ‘either’ on the abstract submission form. The Scientific Program Committee, will allocate session types based on their assessment of which presentation format is best suitable to the topic and in line with the conference program schedule. themes and presented in concurrent sessions. Twenty minutes, plus ten minutes for discussion, will be allocated for each individual paper. Three papers will be presented in the course of each one-anda-half-hour session. Masterclass program AIFS is including Masterclasses/workshops in the 2016 Conference to encourage greater participation and discussion on current and crucial issues of importance to Australian families and those working to improve their lives. Submissions for workshops should include: Topics Speakers Activity – workshop activity to encourage greater sharing of experience/information The Masterclasses will generally run for 1.5 hours. The number of participants in the classes will be limited and participants will need to register online before the conference begins. To submit your Masterclass proposal follow the same steps as submitting a single abstract. Symposia Symposia submissions should propose a set of closely related papers on a particular topic, the content of each paper, and the names of a convenor and a discussant. Each symposium, of one-and-a-halfhours duration, will usually consist of 3 - 4 papers followed by a discussant responsible for drawing together themes, coordinating discussion and directing questions from the floor to particular speakers. Submitting a Symposia A convenor must initially submit an overview of the symposium online via the link provided above. Once the overview has been submitted the convenor then invites presenters to submit abstracts under the symposium name. Poster Presentations Posters provide a visual display of new techniques, programs, research or professional innovations. KEY WORDS Using the online abstract submission form you will be able to select between one to three of the following categories that best fits your submission. These keywords will be used by the Scientific Program Committee to place abstracts in sessions and assign them to the reviewers. Family violence Child abuse and neglect Protecting children Sexual assault Out of home care Work-family policies/issues Income security Labour force participation Cultural diversity Migrants/immigration Rural and remote issues Natural disasters Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families Service provision/practice Child development Parenting Ageing Prevention and early intervention Outcomes and impact of programs, policy and services Disability Post separation policies/issues Trauma/Recovery Family law Sustainable communities /community resilience Adolescence Poverty Knowledge translation/Dissemination Early years Social policy Demography Evaluation/Methodology Family wellbeing/functioning/welfare Housing Gambling and other addictive behaviours Fathering Adoption Defence families/families in the military Childcare and early childhood education ABSTRACT SUBMISSION GUIDELINES & INSTRUCTIONS Please read the following instructions on how to use the Oxford Abstracts Submission System to submit, edit or withdraw an abstract for the AIFS Conference 2016. Download instructions [PDF] All abstracts must be submitted in electronic format. The length should be one paragraph and no more than 250 words. The closing date for submissions is 15th February 2016. SCHOLARSHIPS A limited number of scholarships may be offered to Indigenous researchers or practitioners who are in circumstances that do not readily permit participation in the AIFS Conference. These scholarships are to assist with travel and conference fees. As part of your submission process, please ensure you complete the following when submitting your abstract: A statement (maximum 80 words) outlining the benefits to you in attending the AIFS Conference. Please explain why, in the absence of this assistance, you might not be able to attend the AIFS Conference. The name and contact details (eg phone number, email address) of two referees who can be contacted to discuss your application for scholarship funding.