DEUTSCH 4H- Frau Kochefko German 4 Honors is a course that encompasses the theme “Gestern und Heute”- “Yesterday and Today” throughout the year. We will be looking at a variety of topics from the current and historical standpoints. Below is a prospective outline of the units we will be focusing on: September: Topic: “Beziehungen”-“Relationships” Readings: “Ein Abschied”, “Tagebuch”, “Die Geschichte vom kleinen Herrn Moritz”, “Caroline über Wiesen laufend”, “Meine Freunde und ich”, “Ein Freund zum vorzeigen” and “Traumman” “Die Verlobung” Grammar: present tense, past tense- conversational and narrative, modal verbs (present and past)- use of könnte & würde, future- werden, prepositions & the four cases. Writing: “Summer” essay, “journal/diary assignment”, “Traummann/Traumfrau”- wanted poster, “ending of the story short essay” Speaking: skit- Ein Abschied & dialogs related to going out with friends and relationships. Picture sequences Listening: dialogues/tapes/CDs & song by Rosenstolz “Ich bin Ich” Visual: Deutsche Welle clipsOctober: Topic: “Generationen”- “Generational differences” Readings: “Probleme zwischen den Generationen”, “Verhältnis zu anderen- Eltern und Freunden”, “Oma Erzählt”, “Vorurteile abbauen- Alten Leuten helfen”, “Ein Tisch ist ein Tisch”, “Der Mann mit dem Gedächtnis”,“Die Jugend hat das Wort”, Stationen Chapter 3- Heidelberg “Wieviel kostet das Studentenleben? & Chapter 4- Hamburg “Jung, Dynamisch und du?”,Chapter 8- Jung und Alt- Kaleidoskop Grammar: transitional phrases used in writing, expressing surprise, disappointment, annoyance and displeasure, making assumptions, suggesting/recommending/warning, comparative & superlative forms, conjunctions & word order- als, wenn, wann, ob- dass and weil clauses, “Jugendsprache”, Du/Sie. Writing: “Oma/Opa interview”, “opinions essay- persuasive piece- do problems exist between generations? Yes/no?, how can we prevent problems between generations?”, Persuasive piece of writing- taking a stand. Speaking: Socratic seminar- pro/against a topic using newly acquired expressions. Skits/dialogs between generations, ein Tisch ist ein Tisch board exercises, picture sequences Listening: CDs and tapes involving longer narratives given by a person. Visual: Ein Tisch ist ein Tisch clip- Der Mann mit dem Gedächtnis clipNovember/December: Topic: “Kultur”- “Culture”- Famous people and German works Readings: “Volk der Dichter und Denker”, “Struwwelpeter”, “Max und Moritz”, “Bärenhäuter”, “Der Fischer und seine Frau”, “Schneewitchen” or other fairy tales, the history of “Stille Nacht” Films: “Joyeux Noel”- a French/German film about the Christmas truce that occurred between Scottish, French, and German troops in the trenches of World War I. “Rumpelstilzchen”- an East German version of the beloved fairy tale or “Hansel und Gretel” Grammar: past tense review (sp. Narrative), adjective endings, passive voice, narration in speaking and writing. Writing: Q & A related to the stories, Quote bookmark from “Der Fischer und Seine Frau” and explanation of favorite scene, “Bärenhäuter” symbolism essay, “Struwwelpeter essay” Speaking: telling a story about an event, summarizing something orally, board exercises, dialogs , picture sequences Listening: CDs/tapes of stories with follow up Q & A, “Stille Nacht” song Visual: films aforementioned PROJECT: Fairy tale book and Gingerbread display group project & bookmark contestMIDTERM EXAM January: Topic: “Wie steht’s mit einem Nationalbewusstsein?” “National Identity” Readings: “German National Identity- World War I, World War II, East/West,” “Wie sehen uns die Jungen Deutschen?”, “Wie sehen junge Amerikaner die Deutschen?” “Der Einfluss der USA” “Das Brot” “Nachts Schlafen die Ratten doch” excerpts from “Die Weisse Rose” “Der Widerstand” , Stationen Chapter 2- Muenchen, Stationen Chapter 12- Die Deutschen, Chapter 9- Stereotypen- Kaleidoskop, Films: “Sophie Scholl” & “Stauffenberg” Deutsche Welle clip Writing: Widerstand essay/ sign, Germany map with symbols and explanation, stereotypes essay Grammar: commands, subjunctive I & II, conditional (wenn, dann….) expressing feelings, reflexives Speaking: dialogs & Hans and Sophie Scholl skits, picture sequences Listening: Deutsche Welle clipVisual: films aforementioned. February: National Identity II: “Ost/West & Türken Deutscher Sprache” - “East/ West and Turks in Germany” Readings: news articles related to East/ West, Heimkinder, “Aussenseiter” “Meine Nichte Kismet”, “Ich kann nicht sein wie du”, Stationen Chapter 1- Berlin “Die Wende” Stationen Chapter 6- “Wie wird man Deutsch?”, Chapter 3- Deutschland im 21 Jh.- Kaleidoskop, Chapter 7- Multikulturelle Gesellschaft- Kaleidoskop Films: “Goodbye Lenin!” & clips of the fall of the Berlin Wall and Heimkinder Writing: reaction paper to East/West/Turks in Germany, Berlin Wall quote essay, Valentines Day cards. Grammar: Verbs with prepositions, transitional phrases, expressing sentiment and opinionsubjunctive and conditional, word order & conjunctions. Speaking: East/West German simulation & Socratic seminar, picture sequences Listening: dialogs and news clips & “Liebe Ist” song, Visual: films and clips PROJECT: Berlin Wall brick March: Topic: “Die Macht der Medien” - “The Might of the Media” Readings: “Werbung- Ja oder Nein?”, “Image- Werbung”, “Meinungen”, “Spass”, “Schülerzeitung”, “Das letzte Buch” “Fernsehmärchen Nr.2”, readings from German newspapers and magazines- use of Schlagzeilen (headlines), Horoskop, Ratschlag… giving advice- Dear Abby style, “Wohnungssuche”, formal and informal writing of letters and emails. Chapter 2 Kommunikation- Kaleidoskop Films: German commercials & Werbung online Writing: German news article with catchy headline, Problem letter with response (Dear Abby), written horoscope, opinion of a news article, house advertisement- what you are looking for in a tenant/home, Email to a formal person, Email to a friend. Grammar: Commands, tense review, adjective endings, Verbs with prepositions, Subjunctive I and II, Du/Sie. Speaking: Werbung- German commercials, dialogs and skits, picture sequences Listening: German commercials and ads. Visual: aforementioned. PROJECT: German commercial group project April: Topic: “Umweltschutz” “Environmental awareness” & “Gesundes Leben” “Healthy Living” Readings: “Aktiv für den Umweltschutz”, “Umwelttips für Schüler”, “Sprich dich aus.. Mir wird schlecht, wenn ich an die Umweltverpestung denke”, “Tips und Gedanken zum Umweltschutz”, “Geschichten aus dem Harz”, “Stress vermeiden vor dem Abitur”, “Inline Skating”, “Gesunde Ernährung”, “Rollstuhlbasketball”, & health tips from German magazines, Chapter 10- UmweltKaleidoskop Writing: Umwelt poster and explanation, Gesundheit article, Grammar: relative pronouns, genitive, relative clauses, verbs with prepositions, reflexives. Speaking: skit “at the doctor” skit: Umwelt, picture sequences Listening: Umwelt clip (German news)- cds and tapes PROJECT: Umwelt group poster. Gesundheit poster May/June: Topic: Der Krimi - the German Mystery. Readings: “Geheime Mission” Writing: Q & A from chapters and summaries and reactions to chapters. Grammar: review of all grammar from the year & idioms. Speaking: in class skits and mini-plays from mystery books, picture sequences. Listening: tapes that correspond to Geheime Mission Visual: The Third Mann FINAL EXAM