Jeanne Schueller, UW-Madison, WAFLT 2014 Du bist, was du isst

Du bist, was du isst
Food, Identity, and Film in German Language Courses
WAFLT 2014
Jeanne Schueller (
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Guiding Principles from SLA
Lesson Phases
Adapted from: Donna Clementi & Laura Terrill
Use authentic materials
ACTFL Webinar on Lesson Planning (2013)
Consider the gap between the learners’ linguistic &
cognitive ability and their cultural & historical background
Gaining attention
Piquing interest
Teach real-life strategies
Engaging students
Establishing context
Employ task-based activities for meaningful learning
Providing input
Prepare the viewer
o Activate relevant background knowledge
III. Eliciting performance
o Contextualize clip (or film)
Providing (ongoing) feedback
o Develop hypotheses & expectations
Extend the viewing tasks
IV. Facilitating student reflection
o Expand content to another context
o Apply information in an individual way
o Analyze and explore linguistic and non-linguistic aspects of communicating
Adapted from Communicative Language Teaching in Action (Brandl 2008)
Previewing Activities
o Connection between food & (cultural) experiences
Interview, milling + survey
o E.g., childhood memories, likes & dislikes, favorites …
Food “discoveries”
o Combination of ingredients that tastes good together (to you) E.g., bananas & peanut butter,
ketchup & eggs, dark chocolate & chili pepper, mac ‘n cheese with hot dogs
Cultural similarities/differences between TL culture(s) & US
o Sausage & sauerkraut, yogurt & müsli, chocolate & hazelnuts, French fries & mayonnaise, tuna fish
on pizza
o Food venues: McDonald’s, Imbissstand, Döner, bakeries
Working with Film Clips
Image only (image on/sound off)
o Highlight visual content
o Reduce cognitive overload
Sound only (image off/sound on)
o Focus attention on music, background noise, sound effects, voices, or language
Still photos
o Grab students’ attention
o Ask questions about objects, people, relationships, setting, sequence of events, predictions about
future events, …
Jumbled sequence
o Show beginning & end of sequence; students guess orally or in writing about the middle
o Show sequence out of order; students discuss correct order
o Show sequences from different parts of a film; students discuss which comes earlier in the film and
Adapted from Brandl (2008: 255-257)
Jeanne Schueller, UW-Madison, WAFLT 2014
Analyse des Trailers
Welche Eindrücke und Stimmungen vermittelt der Trailer?
Welche Personen werden gezeigt und was erfahren wir über ihre Beziehungen zueinander?
Was erfahren wir über die Themen und die Handlung des Films?
Ein Plakat analysieren
Welche Figuren/welches Motiv werden abgebildet?
In welcher Beziehung stehen die Figuren zueinander?
Was erzählt das Plakat über den Inhalt des Films?
Was erfahren wir über die Hauptfiguren?
Welche Farben dominieren? Was symbolisieren die Farben evtl.?
Wie wird der Filmtitel graphisch abgebildet?
Macht der Filmtitel neugierig auf den Film Was verrät er über die Handlung?
Verdeutlicht das Plakat ein bestimmtes Filmgenre? Wenn ja—welche Genremerkmale sind erkennbar?
Welche Stimmung wird vermittelt?
An welche Zielgruppe richtet sich das Plakat?
Weckt das Plakat Interesse an dem Film?
Standbilder beschreiben/vergleichen
Erklären Sie kurz, was in diesen Szenen passiert, wie die Figuren sich in jeder der hier dargestellten Szenen
fühlen, und welche Themen oder Motive sich auf diese Fotos beziehen.
Eine Geschichte zum Standbild erfinden
Expansion Activities & Student Reflection
Write a story in which you describe how ______ (a food dish) was first discovered/made.
Research food trends in the target culture. How are they similar or different from your own culture? What
do these trends reveal about the target culture? About cultural products, practices, and perspectives?
Interview a native German speaker about childhood memories associated with food, such as rituals,
traditions, etc.
Interview a student who has studied abroad in Germany, Austria, or Switzerland about his/her impressions
of the food, practices, and personal food-related experiences while abroad, or foods they missed from home.
Report to the class on any of these topics (presentational language use).
Student Project Ideas
Create a menu for a fictitious restaurant
Review & critique a food-related German film
Review a German cooking show/episode
Review area restaurants/food carts
Cook meals related to the films
Videotape a cooking show “episode”
Videotape a news report of a food-related crime
Videotape a “missing” scene from a movie
Videotape a trailer for one of our movies
Dub an excerpt of cooking show into German
Jeanne Schueller, UW-Madison, WAFLT 2014
Food-related Feature Films
Anleitung zum Unglücklichsein (2012) Dir. by Sherry Hormann
Bella Martha (2001) Dir. by Sandra Nettelbeck
Bon Appetit (2011) Dir. by David Pinillos
Die Entdeckung der Currywurst (2008) Dir. by Ulla Wagner
Es muss nicht immer Kaviar sein (1961) Dir. by Géza von Radványi
Kebab Connection (2005) Dir. by Anno Saul
Kebab mit Alles (2011) Dir. by Wolfgang Murnberger
Pommes essen (2012) Dir. by Tina von Traben
Salami Aleikum (2009) Dir. by Ali Samadi Ahadi
Solino (2002) Dir. by Fatih Akin
Soul Kitchen (2009) Dir. by Fatih Akin
Sushi in Suhl (2012) Dir. by Carsten Fiebeler
Essen verändert die Welt (2013) Dir. by Regine Lettner
Oma und Bella (2012) Dir. by Alexa Karolinski
Taste the Waste (2010) Dir. by Valentin Thurn
Sources & Additional Resources
Leitfragen zur Filmanalyse (© A.Thiele 8/2007)
Methoden der Filmarbeit (Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (bpb) & VisionKino 2012)
Deutsche Welle “So isst Deutschland” (videos, images, texts)
Filme sehen lernen: Grundbegriffe der Filmanalyse (PPT) (Peter Schott, Goethe Institut Nancy)
Glossar zur Filmanalyse (Eric Horn)
Filmkritik (Carmen Breitenbach)—for younger students
Filmhefte (Didaktisierungen zu deutschen Filmen) from Goethe Institut Brussels
Filmhefte from the Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (bpb)
Filmhefte und Begleitmaterialien (Kinofenster)
Cineplex: Intermediate German Language and Culture Through Film
(Schueller, Zachau, Collenberg-Gonzalez, 2014) Focus Publishing
Cinema for German Conversation
(Schueller, 2009) Focus Publishing
Schreiben lernen (Chapter 7 „Filme interpretieren“)
(Dykstra-Pruim & Redmann, 2011) Yale University Press
Essen verändert die Welt (3-part series available to stream for free online)
Das Lieblingsessen (Kurzfilm; available free online)