Non-Academic Assessment Meeting Friday, February 3, 2012 9:00

Non-Academic Assessment Meeting
Friday, February 3, 2012 9:00 a.m.
Present: Molly Mott, Sarah Todd, Patty Todd, Bruce Alexander, Sue Law, Joanne Fassinger
A. Approved minutes from December 9, 2012
B. Changed name from Student Service and Administrative (SSAC) Assessment Committee to
Non-Academic Assessment Committee (NAC) –more user-friendly
C. Discussed mid-year assessments (formative evaluations) conducted in Student Affairs and
Support Services during January, 2012
D. Reviewed Assessment Repository in ANGEL
E. Reviewed planning document- discussed scheduling in-service and topics
F. Discussed outstanding 2010-11 Outcomes and 2011-2012 Goals and Objectives. Joanne
Fassinger will be facilitating retreat on doing this for the Advancement Division. Molly to
touch base with Shawn Miller re: Administrative Division.
 Procurement & Travel
 HR
 Accounting
 Student Service Center
 Admissions
 Alumni
 Career Services
 PR
 Sponsored Research
Non-Academic Assessment Meeting Minutes
Friday, March 23, 2012 9:00 a.m.
Present: Sarah Todd, Sue law, Carli Schiffner, Bruce Alexander, Joanne Fassinger, Shawn
G. Approved Feb 3, 2012 minutes
H. Discussed In-service and topics:
-Writing goals and objectives (broad topic, Sarah? Help from the committee)
-Assessment ‘jargon’, assessment defined (specific topic, Carli and Molly will work on
Need to have an in-service planning meeting at end of semester to plan out
assessment activities for fall 2013 (Molly to organize with food)
 HR (in progress)
 Accounting
 Student Service Center
 Procurement and Travel (draft submitted, Shawn will add some data, to be reviewed again
and resubmitted to the Committee)
Advancement (hard deadline of April 16th; Joanne to champion)
Career Services
Sponsored Research
Non-Academic Assessment Meeting
Friday, April 27, 2012 9:00 a.m. FOB 620
J. Approved March 23, 2012 Minutes
K. Discussed In-service (develop over summer with IR)
a. Writing goals and objectives (IR)
b. Dealing with Assessment Jargon (Jargon Busting):
Assessment vs. Evaluation
Direct vs. Indirect evidence
Learning Goals vs. Learning Outcomes
Institutional effectiveness
Baseline date
Authentic assessment
Formative Assessment vs. Summative Assessment
Performance-Based Assessment
Performance Criteria
Reliability vs. validity
Nice discussion point: “Are our assessments designed to look backwards or
Other ideas:
-Closing the loop
-Best practices
-CAS standards
L. Outstanding:
 HR
 Accounting
 Student Service Center
 Procurement and Travel (draft submitted, Shawn will add some data, to be reviewed
again and resubmitted to the Committee)
Advancement – Julie Parkman will submit for Advancement
Career Services
Sponsored Research
Non-Academic Assessment Meeting Minutes
Friday, May 25, 2012 8:30 a.m. FOB 620
Present: Miller, Shawn; Kennedy, John; Todd, Patricia; Alexander, Bruce; Fassinger, Joanne;
Todd, Sarah
M. Approved April 27, 2012 Minutes
N. Update on outstanding items:
 HR -revisit
 Accounting-Shawn will work with Collin
 Student Service Center-need to be pre-reviewed
 Procurement and Travel (draft submitted, Shawn will add some data, to be reviewed
again and resubmitted to the Committee)
Advancement – the 1st draft for all of the following areas was submitted by Julie
Parkman in Advancement. Subsequently, Molly Mott and Patty Todd reviewed the
drafts and made edits and suggestions; edits will be forwarded back to areas and final
draft resubmitted to NAC within 2 weeks.
 Admissions
 Alumni
 Career Services
 PR
 Sponsored Research
O. Discussed self-assessment of the committee
Sarah will investigate a template that can be used by all committees to evaluate their
effectiveness (questions could include: did we accomplish our charge for the year?)
Committee needs to set yearly goals and objectives
P. Need to finish in June
a. outstanding goals, objectives
b. 2011-2012 outcomes review and next year’s goals and objectives
Q. Submit end of year summary to CUSP (see attached draft), needs to tie into institutional
scorecard as well
Non-Academic Assessment Meeting Minutes
Thursday, July 19th, 2012
Present: Miller, Shawn; Kennedy, John; Todd, Patricia; Alexander, Bruce; Sue Law, Todd,
Sarah, Molly Mott
A. Discussed Planning Document – revisions to include specific meeting dates, will send meeting
B. Molly will send Executive Summary (narrative and institutional scorecard) to committee for
review on July 27, 2012. Please provide feedback by July 30th, 2012.
C. Presented Non-Academic Assessment Repository on ANGEL. Still being built, will be ready for
review July 27, 2012 (committee will be enrolled in it). Please provide Molly with feedback on
user-friendliness and content by July 30th, 2012.
D. Sarah Todd (Institutional Research) gave in-service on “Assessment Jargon.” Resources will
be posted to Repository under Building a Culture of Assessment>In-Services
E. Sarah will be sending members the link to the self-assessment survey. Please complete;
results will be collated by Sarah and shared with committee. Feedback will be used to
improve the workings of the committee.
F. Retreat (reviewing 11-12 Outcomes and 12-13 Goals and Objectives) planned for Wednesday,
August 1st from 12pm -4 pm. VPs, Directors, and committee members invited
a. Meet in the Roos House Mezzanine space for lunch. Sue Law will arrange lunch1212:12:30
b. During lunch, logistics of the retreat will be discussed.
c. After lunch, divide into work groups. 12:30 -3 pm Sarah and Molly will be ‘floaters’ –
helping groups review goals, objectives, and outcomes.
d. Groups will be given hard copies to work on. 3-4 meet back together and report out
Non-Academic Assessment Committee Meeting Minutes
September 5th, 2012
Present: Shawn Miller; John Kennedy; Sue Law; Sarah Todd; Molly Mott; Joanne Fassinger;
Julie Parkman
A. Reviewed committee charge
B. Reviewed committee membership
 Reappointments for Shawn Miller, John Kennedy, Sue Law, Sarah Todd, Joanne
Fassinger, Julie Parkman
 Need replacement for Bruce Alexander (Facilities): Molly to contact Natalie for
 Karen Spellacy (Interim Provost) to replace Carli Schiffner as Academic Assessment
Committee rep.
 Add Nicole Campbell (Admissions)
 Add Terry Waldruff (Business)
 Add Johanna Lee (Tutoring Services)
 Invite JD Delong (Middle States rep.)- Molly to invite
 Send committee charge to all new members
C. Suggestion to post meeting minutes to Assessment Webpage
D. Discussed results of the self-assessment survey:
a. Positive feedback; results posted to NAC Repository
b. Need to add question related to number of hours committee members devote to
committee activities
E. Need to draft 2012-2013 committee goals and objectives:
- Include objectives related to the committee’s charge
- Incorporate feedback from self-assessment survey
o Need a goal that addresses the need for more campus support of the
committee; how to educate campus on activities of the committee and
importance of assessment (in response to question#7 on the survey)
o Sarah to craft an objective related to the Institutional Scorecard
o Draft to be sent to the committee for review, comment, and feedback
F. Reviewed Planning Document (schedule of committee dates & events)
a. Change in-service from October to November
b. Subcommittee formed to develop and plan in-service:
i. Sarah, Sue, and Julie
G. Need to review 2012-2013 GO; drop dead date Sept. 28; cc Sarah
H. Need to send draft of ‘Closing the Loop’ document for review, comment, and feedback. Final
version to JD Delong for Middle States (include Student Opinion Survey results)
Non-Academic Assessment Committee Meeting Minutes
October 17th, 2012
10 am FOB 620
A. Approved Sept. 5, 2012 minutes
B. Introduced new members:
 Nicole Campbell (Admissions)
 Terry Waldruff (Business)
 Johanna Lee (Tutoring Services)
 Guests- Courtney Bish and Lashawanda Ingram
C. Reviewed draft of 2012-2013 committee goals and objectives: Approved
D. Outstanding items:
 Subcommittee to develop and plan in-service for spring 2013: Sarah T,
Sue L, and Julie P.
E. Shared with committee various areas that did well in the SOS (Student Opinion
F. Reviewed 2012-2013 GO from the following areas:
 Health Services
 Dean of Students
 Residence Life
 Notes:
o All areas need to include Who, How many times, and When in all
o The categories Goals, Objectives, and Outcomes will be pulled into
the Institutional Scorecard by IR
o Other categories in the assessment template (scorecard) such as
Planning Notes, Assessment Tools, Budget and Formative
Evaluation are used at the department and division level to show
and articulate the ‘process of assessment ’
o Need to include 2 columns from Institutional Scorecard:
Institutional Goal and Institutional Objective (This has been doneplease see revised template, reviewed by IR)
G. Other discussion:
 Need to review and develop the Comprehensive Survey by November
2012 (need to include follow-up questions from SOS)
 Timing for the administration of the survey is important. It was
decided/confirmed that the week of March 25-29 would be best
(request email address at end of survey for iPad give-away (Molly to
touch base with CF)
 Sarah T. to send Lashawanda I. a sample of a survey that can be used
to assess programming
Non-Academic Assessment Committee Meeting Minutes
Dec. 5th 2012
A. Approved October 17th, 2012 minutes
B. Discussed areas under NAC responsibility:
Decision made to keep current structure and committee name
 Reporting structure irrelevant
 Academic Assessment Committee oversees credit- bearing areas
 Non-Academic Assessment Committee oversees all others (need to pull in
EOP, IR, and Registrar areas)
C. Discussion of assessment (goals and objectives) under areas of transition
-Reach out to Natalie (CFO) for how to proceed with transition areas
D. Plans to help areas finish their scorecards
-Molly to work individually with areas after Jan 1, 2013, to help with outstanding
assessments/ conversions to scorecard