PRIORITISATION METHODOLOGY FOR APPLICATION OF BRIDGE MONITORING SYSTEMS FOR QUICK POST-EARTHQUAKE ASSESSMENT Piotr Omenzetter (corresponding author) The LRF Centre for Safety and Reliability Engineering The University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen AB24 3UE, UK Poonam Mangabhai Watercare, 2 Nuffield St, Auckland 1023, New Zealand Ravikash Singh Beca, 6 Garden Place, Hamilton 3204, New Zealand Rolando Orense Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The University of Auckland Private Bag 92019, Auckland, New Zealand 1 ABSTRACT To facilitate quick post-earthquake assessment of bridge condition, monitoring systems can be installed onto structures. However, due to high cost it is impractical to monitor all bridges within a network. Bridges which are exposed to increased hazards, are vulnerable and have high failure consequences pose the greatest risk to network functionality should they fail in a seismic event, and would therefore benefit the most from implementation of monitoring systems and quick condition assessment methodologies. This paper outlines a methodology to prioritise bridges for monitoring and quick condition assessment based on their seismic risk. The methodology uses four factors to determine risk, i.e. seismic hazard, vulnerability, failure impact and uncertainty of available data and assessment methods. The hazard factor accounts for the seismicity levels at bridge sites and length of time of exposure to hazard. Structural and geotechnical aspects have been combined to determine the vulnerability of each bridge. Impacts quantify the consequences of bridge failure on safety and network functionality. The uncertainty premium accounts for the quality, variability and limitations of data and risk assessment methods used. The overall risk calculated for each bridge within a stock enables prioritisation of structures for monitoring and quick post-disaster assessment. The whole spectrum of approaches to bridge monitoring and condition evaluation comprises bridge specific monitoring data used for quick and accurate analyses for the most critical, high risk bridges; data sourced from wide-area strong motion arrays used for quick but less accurate assessment for medium risk structures; and traditional visual inspection based assessment of low risk bridges. A discrete scoring system was adopted and detailed tables that enable scoring the hazards, vulnerabilities, impacts and data and assessment uncertainties developed. The proposed methodology was applied to a selection of bridges from the city of Wellington, New Zealand to test its applicability and performance. A comparative study with another seismic risk assessment method was also conducted. The results showed that the methodology effectively prioritised bridges depending on seismic risk. The methodology was also able to determine if risk at a particular bridge site was predominantly related to hazard, structural vulnerability, geotechnical vulnerability or impact. The methodology is simple, quick and flexible and can be adapted based on the level of accuracy required. The uncertainty premium allows risk to be determined given variable data and assessment method quality which has the benefit of being able to tailor data collection and assessment to the needs of each network and available resources. KEY WORDS: bridges; condition assessment; disaster response; risk; road networks; structural health monitoring. 2 1. INTRODUCTION Today, the need to protect and maintain road assets and their functionality has become a necessity for any local authority or national road and highway operator to ensure the needs of communities and economy are adequately met. Bridges are critical and expensive components within the transportation network providing essential infrastructure, services and interconnections within the various road networks that underpin the life of communities. However, bridges are subject to various natural hazards, of which earthquakes are, in many countries, one of the most important. Legislative documents often require that all lifelines (including the road network) be able to function to the fullest possible extent during and after an emergency (Seville and Metcalfe 2005). Complex topography and constraints of built environment often dictate transportation networks lacking in redundancy and failure of a small number of bridges may have significant negative consequences at the time of natural disaster. Following an earthquake, bridges may be closed due to safety concerns, and may only be re-opened for use once site investigations have been carried out. Due to the large number of bridges within any network and limited resources for inspections, this can be a time consuming process and may lead to traffic delays and congestion thus hampering quick post-disaster recovery and rebuilt. Furthermore, adequate functionality of the critical links within the transportation network of the affected area is necessary immediately in the aftermath of an event to ensure access to such services as hospitals, evacuations centres and airports, and operation of search and rescue, fire and emergency supply services and others. To exacerbate the challenges brought about by limited resources, judging the soundness of a bridge stroked by an earthquake is difficult because of the subjective and qualitative nature of visual inspections (Phares et al. 2007). Research into strategies, tools and technologies that will assist in quick post-earthquake assessment of bridge damage, condition and performance and overcome, or at least lessen, the aforementioned problems is urgently required. Monitoring systems can collect real time data and, with appropriate and careful data interpretation, provide information about the condition and performance of bridges. This will provide asset managers and emergency response centres with valuable information to assist decision making following a seismic event. While it is not expected, or necessary, or practical to completely replace visual inspections by monitoring systems, the latter can be a useful component in the whole spectrum of assessment methods. However, to achieve the maximum benefit from monitoring systems they need to be implemented in a strategic, planned and targeted way, and well-integrated into the entire post-disaster response plans and practices. 3 This research is a part of a larger vision to develop strategies and tools that will enable quick postearthquake assessment of bridge damage, condition and performance using data collected by monitoring systems. To realise such a vision the following objectives need to be fulfilled: Developing a methodology for prioritisation of bridges for application of quick assessment and sensing technologies. This will take into account bridge importance in the network and seismic risks, including structural and geotechnical risks. Developing methodologies for using existing wide-area free-field seismic data for postearthquake bridge condition and damage assessment. This assessment will take into account both structural and geotechnical failures affecting bridges. The focus will be on correlating simple measures extracted from the strong motion data with structural, foundation and soil performance and damage. Developing guidelines for instrumentation to be installed on bridge structures and in their vicinity for measuring seismic excitation and responses (bridge specific instrumentation). This instrumentation will record structural, foundation and soil responses as appropriate. The focus will be on optimal, affordable hardware and simple measurements, such as accelerations and tilts, which can help in assessment of seismic damage. Developing a methodology for quick condition and damage assessment based on correlating simple measures extracted from data collected by bridge specific instrumentation with structural, foundation and soil performance and damage. Developing guidelines for integration of monitoring and quick assessment results into the emergency planning and response practices of organisations responsible for post-disaster functionality of transportation networks. This paper reports on the research related to the first objective, i.e. the development of a prioritisation methodology for selection of bridges for strategic application of monitoring systems and quick assessment using monitoring data. The need for such a methodology stems from the fact that due to the cost of monitoring systems it is unrealistic, if ever necessary, to instrument all, or even the majority, of the bridges on a network. Furthermore, immediate information about postearthquake condition is not necessarily required for all bridges but only for those whose failure is more likely to result in larger consequences to network functioning. The question then arises as to which bridge structures should be monitored and quickly assessed. Considering seismic risk of each bridge at a network level provides a rational basis for selection and underpins the proposed methodology. 4 The outline of the remainder of the paper is as follows. In the next section, a discussion of the benefits of bridge monitoring systems is presented. The following section contains a short review of representative approaches to assessment of seismic risk to bridges. This is followed by the main thrust of this paper, i.e. the presentation of the general philosophy and then details of the developed risk-based prioritisation methodology that enables rational selection of bridges for monitoring and quick post-earthquake condition assessment. An example of methodology application to a selection of bridges within the road network of Wellington, New Zealand is provided and discussed. A comparative study with another simple risk assessment method used in New Zealand is also conducted for validation and exploration of the performance of the proposed method. Finally, a set of conclusions rounds up the paper. The proposed methodology was developed in the New Zealand context and the following discussions will make references to the local practices, however, it is general enough to be applicable, after suitable modifications, in other countries and regions. 2. MONITORING SYSTEMS The overall objective of using monitoring systems is to measure data and interpret them using engineering knowledge so that structural condition and reliability can be quantified objectively (Aktan et al. 2002). Traditional visual inspection techniques can be expensive and time consuming, are qualitative, subjective, and only capable of assessing outward appearances (Phares et al. 2007). It is, therefore, desirable to supplement them with monitoring. Over the past several decades, considerable research has been conducted and marked progress achieved in that area, including better sensor and system development, data storage and transmission, and data interrogation, processing and interpretation for extracting information about structural performance and reliability (Wenzel 2009). Inaudi and Walder (2011) recommend monitoring to be undertaken in the following broad range of situations: New structures with innovative design, construction techniques, or materials. New structures with poorly understood risks, including geological, seismic, meteorological, environment, construction, and quality risks. New or existing structures which are representative of a larger population of similar structures, where information derived from monitoring can be extrapolated to the wider population. 5 New or existing structures that are critical at a network level, such that their failure or deficiency would have a serious impact on the network functioning. Existing structures with known deficiencies, problems and/or very low rating. Candidate structures for replacement or refurbishment, where the real need for interventions can be assessed a priori and repair efficiency evaluated a posteriori. There are already numerous cases of planned and proactive integration of monitoring into newly constructed innovative, landmark and/or record breaking structures (Abdelrazaq 2011). However, the above list also envisages applications of monitoring to existing, potentially numerous, structures in hope to better manage their risks. Despite the existing examples of successful applications of monitoring to such cases (Tozser et al. 2011), it can be argued that most of such projects are ad hoc in their nature and reactive to existing identified problems rather than proactive, are not well integrated into the overall asset management or disaster/emergency response planning, and their benefits are not always clearly demonstrated. Potential general benefits of using monitoring are often summarised as follows (Abdelrazaq 2011): Reducing uncertainty about structural condition and performance. Discovering hidden structural reserves. Discovering deficiencies that may be missed by traditional assessment techniques. Increasing safety and reliability. Ensuring long term quality of aging infrastructure. Allowing better informed asset management. Increasing knowledge about in-situ structural performance. The above list, examined from the point of view of organisations responsible for post-disaster functioning of transportation networks, makes monitoring a useful tool as the potential benefits address their key challenges, i.e., the need for advanced knowledge about bridge condition and performance, and reliable data for ensuring that bridges can perform to the expected level. Monitoring systems can collect data in real time and can help detect damage to the structure, which can be in the form of changes to the material and/or geometric properties of the system (Gastineau et al. 2009). They can aid decision making immediately following a seismic event or be used for long term condition monitoring. 6 In spite of these benefits, structural monitoring has only made limited transition from the research domain into widespread practical applications. In order to achieve a widespread, planned and proactive integration of monitoring into post-disaster response practice and realise its potential benefits it is necessary to establish a sound philosophy guiding the implementation of monitoring systems to bridges. By doing so, monitoring systems can be strategically deployed to enhance the post-disaster response processes and help address their current limitations in a cost effective way. This paper argues that such a philosophy should be based on considering the risk that failures of individual bridges present to the functioning of the entire transportation system and outlines a riskbased method for prioritisation of bridges for implementation of monitoring systems and quick condition assessment using monitoring data. 3. RISK ASSESSMENT METHODS FOR BRIDGES This section presents a short introduction to bridge risk assessment. It is not intended to be wide, let alone exhaustive, but instead presents only the general concepts and principles involved as well as representative approaches, and also lays the ground for the proposed risk-based prioritisation methodology. The examples are selected mostly from studies concerned specifically with seismic risk investigations but also include more general methodologies. The commonly accepted definition of risk is the probability of failure multiplied by the expected impacts (or consequences) of failure. Failure probability itself is a function of hazard occurrence probability and structural vulnerability to the given hazard (Standards New Zealand 2004a). Most of the bridge seismic risk assessment schemes have been developed in the context of prioritisation of structures for seismic retrofit or replacement. While not intended to contribute to decisions pertaining to the selection of structures for monitoring, they nevertheless provide useful examples of approaches and methodologies that can inform this study. The main objectives of seismic retrofit of bridges (Kapur 2006) are to: Minimise the risk of bridge collapse via identifying bridges most vulnerable in a seismic event. Prioritise refurbishment and replacement projects to minimise loss of life and disruption to commerce, i.e. focusing on those structures with the greatest consequences of failure. Accept moderate damage in less important structures and give priority to bridges that pose a greater risk to public safety and network functionality disruptions. 7 Applied Technology Council (1983) published guidelines for retrofitting of highway bridges that included a preliminary seismic risk assessment procedure and a detailed evaluation methodology. The preliminary screening was based on assigning scores in the range between 0 and 10 for site seismicity, bridge vulnerability and bridge importance. The risk was determined as a weighted sum of the scores. The detailed evaluation required determining the demand to capacity ratios of key structural components such as expansion joints and bearings, columns, piers, footings, abutments and foundations via non-linear structural analysis. Basöz and Kiremidjian (1995) developed a screening tool with the objective to identify high risk bridges most in need of seismic retrofit based on vulnerability and importance. The methodology incorporates tools such as network analysis, fragility analysis and value models to prioritise bridges. The method is very comprehensive but it can be very time consuming and costly to collect the required data and carry out detailed assessment; for example Bush et al. (2012) analysed the current state of bridge asset management in New Zealand and concluded that many types of data would not be readily available. New Zealand Transport Agency (NZTA) (the operator of the country’s state highway network) uses a two-stage methodology it inherited from its predecessor Transit New Zealand (1998). The first stage is an initial screening procedure which ranks bridges based on seismic hazard, importance of the bridge and vulnerabilities associated with the bridge, and uses relative weights to rank these factors. The next stage in the methodology is a more detailed assessment of high ranking bridges which requires a review of the results from the preliminary screening and specialist judgment. The initial screening process requires less costly data and was considered useful as a preliminary assessment tool. (The procedure for initial screening outlined in Transit New Zealand (1998) is adopted in this paper for validation of the proposed new method of risk assessment in Section 6.1, where it is also described in more detail.) In real life applications of risk analysis to bridges detailed and refined probabilistic information about both failure probability and consequences may often not be available. Many simple, yet practical, risk assessment schemes circumvent these limitations by assigning numerical scores for hazard, H, vulnerability, V, and impacts, I, and risk R can then be succinctly expressed in the following form: 𝑅 =𝐻 ×𝑉×𝐼 (1) However, even those scores can only be reasonably determined if enough information is available. For example, if vulnerability is judged using only simple desktop revisions of as-designed documentation there is considerably more uncertainty involved compared to a situation when more 8 information is available such as as-built documentation, non-destructive testing and/or monitoring results, structural analysis results etc. To address such uncertainties resulting from different data quality and assessment practices, Moon et al. (2009) modified the above risk formula to: 𝑅 =𝐻 ×𝑉×𝐼×𝑈 (2) where U is the uncertainty premium penalizing relative lack of information used for, and simplifications in, risk assessment. Applying an uncertainty factor brings further insights into the risk analysis as it accounts for data and assessment techniques which will likely differ between bridges. One would expect that as bridge importance increases, for example due to high road usage, more regular inspections and therefore more data will be available for this bridge compared to other bridges. However, this may not always be the case in practice as there are gaps in the current assessment process. Bush et al. (2013) proposed a move toward improving data collection by strengthening the link between the data collected and its purpose in the assessment process. They aimed to achieve this balance by linking data collected for bridges with their level of risk and criticality within the transportation network. Bridges of low risk and criticality would only require basic data collection regimes, whilst bridges with high criticality and risk demand advanced data collection techniques. The risk assessment framework proposed by Moon et al. (2009) allows for comparison of different levels of data quality. This has the benefit of reducing costly site investigations, and encourages the use of data that may already be available, albeit acknowledging their limitations. In this research it was felt, based on inspection of available information that further differentiation of uncertainty levels and premiums is required, and individual premiums related to the assessment of hazards, UH, vulnerabilities, UV, and impacts, UI, were introduced. Furthermore, several different aspects of vulnerability and impacts may receive different scores and to combine, or aggregate those, root-mean-squares (RMS) is used. The adapted formula for the total risk for a bridge thus becomes: 𝑅 = RMS(𝑈𝐻,𝑖 × 𝐻𝑖 ) × RMS(𝑈𝑉,𝑖 × 𝑉𝑖 ) × RMS(𝑈𝐼,𝑖 × 𝐼𝑖 ) (3) where subscript i refers to individual vulnerabilities and impacts. Omenzetter et al. (2011) considered uncertainties related to the available information about structural and functional capacity and loads and other demands imposed on the structure. Even if correct in their expected values, both are typically known only with some uncertainty. In some cases, e.g. when undiscovered serious problems exist, even the mean values can be misestimated. To account for these uncertainties and errors, conservative assumptions must be made that increase the apparent risk. More data, and more importantly better quality and more reliable data, and 9 information inferred from such data can reduce such uncertainties and eliminate erroneous assumptions. Thus, better estimation of risk factors in most cases reduces the risk in the first place. In some cases, when previously unknown and unexpected problems not covered by the conservativeness of less refined risk estimations surface, the risk may actually increase, but this increase is then underpinned by evidence. Monitoring systems can provide such additional data for improved risk assessment. Omenzetter et al. (2011) also demonstrated that the overall networklevel-aggregated risk reduction is most efficient when efforts to collect better quality data focus mostly on those structures that already present the highest risks, whilst not ignoring totally less atrisk ones. As can be seen from the above discussions, monitoring systems have a potential for making a positive contribution to better post-disaster response and recovery as they help to better understand and manage the risks associated with operating an affected transportation network. The next section outlines how we propose to prioritise bridges for monitoring and quick post-earthquake assessment. 4. TIERED, RISK-BASED PRIORITISATION OF BRIDGES FOR MONITORING AND QUICK ASSESSMENT The risk-based philosophy adopted in this study assumes that some bridges, i.e. those that pose more risk to the operation of the transportation system, will be selected for monitoring and quick post-disaster assessment of their condition. The whole spectrum of approaches to bridge condition evaluation is presented in Table 1. In the proposed framework, bridges with low seismic risk will be evaluated post-earthquake using the currently prevailing approach based mostly on visual inspections scheduled depending on the availability of inspectors and need. Bridges in the intermediate risk category will not have dedicated instrumentation installed on them or in their proximity. Instead, data recorded by wide-area free-field arrays will be used. However, this will require interpolation of such data so that ground motion parameters can be estimated at the bridge site. Initial research to develop suitable approaches to predict basic ground motion metrics such as peak ground accelerations using artificial neural networks is reported in Ramhormozian et al. (2013). This will be complemented by quick and simple methods for translating the hazard metrics into damage estimates. The outcome will allow declaring a bridge as safe for immediate continuous use, or requiring traffic restrictions, or closure. If required, further assessment supplemented by data from visual inspections and technical analyses can be conducted at a suitable time. 10 Bridges in the high risk category will receive special consideration. They will have dedicated monitoring systems with sensors measuring seismic excitation and bridge responses, including those of super- and substructure, foundation and nearby soil. The amount, type and locations of instrumentation will be individually tailored to the need of each bridge as determined by a prior structural assessment study. Using the bridge specific monitoring data will enable much more detailed and accurate appraisal of bridge condition. This research programme, in its later stages, aims at providing guidelines for instrumentation and analysis of data from bridge specific monitoring systems for quick condition assessment. If required, further assessment using visual inspections, monitoring data and in-depth technical analyses can be conducted at a later stage. 5. RISK-BASED PRIORITISATION METHODOLOGY This section explains the details of the proposed risk scoring methodology that enables bridge prioritisation. It is based on the general concepts proposed by Moon et al. (2009). However, the methodology presented herein extends those tools and differs in several aspects. While Moon et al. (2009) considered a wide spectrum of hazards facing bridges, here only the seismic hazard is taken into account. A new seismic hazard scoring method is proposed. Uncertainty scores for different vulnerabilities and impacts are allowed to take independent values providing more flexibility to deal with various types of data. Also, scoring tables recently proposed for multiple hazards by Omenzetter et al. (2014) have been further developed in considerable detail and specified in this paper for seismic hazards and vulnerabilities. Geotechnical and structural aspects have been combined to determine the overall seismic vulnerability, treating the structure, foundation and soil as a whole system. The flow of the methodology developed to evaluate risk for each bridge is summarised in Figure 1. The tables used for risk evaluation and scoring and referred to below are placed in Appendix at the end of the paper. The procedural steps are as follows: 1. Data collection, archiving and retrieval. 2. Determination of uncertainty premium scores using Table A1. 3. Determination of hazard scores using Table A2. 4. Determination of structural vulnerability scores using Table A3 and geotechnical vulnerability scores using Table A4. 5. Determination of impact scores using Table A5. 6. Calculation of aggregated risk for the bridge using Equation 3. 11 7. Ranking of bridges using aggregated risk. 8. A re-evaluation step, involving additional data collection and/or analyses, is recommended to reduce the uncertainty at important bridge sites that might have led to high risk as data used in the assessment could have been of poor quality and only simplified analyses used. Determination of the uncertainty premium, hazard, vulnerability and impact scores is based on a discrete scoring system. Key areas and indicators of hazard, vulnerability and impacts have been identified and ranked depending on their level. Table 2 shows the basic philosophy of ranking and score assignment for seismic hazard, vulnerabilities and impacts. Discrete scores between 1 and 3 are used depending on the determined level of hazard, vulnerability and impact. A score of 0 is also included for situations when a particular category is not applicable, e.g. foundation weakening by scour for a bridge not located over a stream, river or canal. Tables A2-A5 in Appendix provide detailed criteria for the rational judgement of the level of hazard, vulnerability and impact. Following the original ideas of Moon et al. (2009) it was felt that a more refined uncertainty premium scoring system was required and five scores between 1.0 and 1.4 were adopted for that purpose as shown in Table A1. In the present form, the methodology does not use any additional weighting of the factors that determine the scores. However, some weighting is implicitly present in linking the factor qualitative descriptors and/or numerical values to the scores. If a particular factor is deemed more important and influential, higher scores can be linked to relatively milder descriptors or numerical values associated with the factor. Also, some factors may never be assigned the lowest or highest scores, the latter exception actually adopted for seismic vulnerability scores for the bridge deck (see Table A3). Developing of an explicit weighting scheme may be a future enhancement of the methodology. Individual raw scores related to the seismic hazard and each vulnerability and impact category are multiplied by uncertainty premium scores, and the overall aggregated risk is obtained by taking the RMS of these values as illustrated by Equation 3. The use of RMS rather than e.g. the arithmetic average or maximum individual value, causes heightened individual scores to have more influence on the aggregate risk score, while lower risks are not totally ignored. Based on the aggregated risk it is possible to rank bridges. Individual scores are also still available to examine which of the seismic hazard, vulnerabilities and impacts contribute most to the overall risk. It is also possible to determine, based on input scores, if the risk is driven by uncertainty, hazard, vulnerability or impacts. It is important to recognise that poorer data and assessment techniques results in larger uncertainty premium scores and therefore larger risk estimates. If an original risk estimate is thought intolerable, better data can be collected and more accurate assessment can be conducted for selected bridges as envisaged in Figure 1. There is also need for updating the risk assessment 12 periodically and following some discrete events. Some examples when risk assessment may need to be updated include the following. Periodic updating is required because the condition of structural elements and foundations will deteriorate with time. Also, patterns of traffic volumes may evolve over time, e.g. due to emergence and growth of new suburbs or industrial areas, resulting in certain bridges assuming more importance. On the other hand, discrete events such as e.g. bridge refurbishment and repair or damage sustained in an earthquake will respectively decrease or increase bridge vulnerability. Likewise, opening of a new bypass will lessen the traffic demand on a bridge leading to its lower importance and therefore lower failure impact. Hazard estimates may also be updated when new research results become available and infiltrate the engineering practice. Finally, new or better quality data on, and estimates of, hazards, vulnerabilities and impacts may become available reducing the uncertainty premiums. The following sections provide details about the determination of the uncertainty premium, hazard, vulnerability and impact scores. 5.1. Uncertainty Premium Score The uncertainty premium accounts for the reality that data collection and risk assessment methods vary and this will affect the level of risk associated with the bridge (Omenzetter et al. 2011). Five levels of data collection have been included as shown in Table A1. Level 1 carries the highest uncertainty premium as data used in the assessment is very general and qualitative, and lacks detail and quality permitting only minimum standard assessment techniques to be applied. At the other end, Level 5 uses a broad range of qualitative and quantitative data, including in-situ testing and monitoring, and advanced analytical techniques to form a much better informed assessment of hazards, vulnerabilities and impacts. As bridge importance increases, it is likely that more site specific data will be present and this is where the higher risk assessment levels may be useful. If data is missing or lacking in quality, it may also be advisable to carry out more intensive site investigations and analyses to ensure that the data used in the assessment meets appropriate standards and best practices. Rather than applying one overall uncertainty premium score, it will often be the case that different scores might need to be applied for different aspects of hazards, vulnerabilities and impacts. For example, it is often found that geotechnical information is scarcer, perhaps nearly entirely missing, and less precise than structural information. On the other hand, some, but not all, bridge or foundation elements might have been subjected to an advanced evaluation in the past and better information and knowledge about these may be available. Situations like these will drive up or down the partial uncertainty premium scores to be used in Equation 3. The partial uncertainty 13 premium scores have the advantage that data of variable quality can be used simultaneously. Site investigations are time consuming and costly, and where some data is already available this becomes very useful. The range of uncertainty premium values between 1.0 and 1.4 in Table A1 was determined in such a way that if the lowest or highest partial uncertainty premiums are applied to all partial scores for hazard, vulnerabilities and impacts (see Equation 3) they give the overall premium of 1.0 or 2.74, respectively, which are similar to the minimum and maximum overall premiums of 1.0 and 2.5 proposed by Moon et al. (2009). This range was found appropriate in the case study reported later to differentiate risk in the bridge sample considered. Extreme cases of poor quality or even lack of data may pose practical challenges to the application of the methodology. In such cases, it is advisable to be conservative and assume maximum scores for the aspects that cannot be precisely assessed and also use high uncertainty premiums from Table A1. It is also envisaged that the engineer or asset manager will examine the full process of risk assessment and risk profile and identify such bridges for special treatment, as our methodology attempts to rationalise risk assessment process but does not seek to replace sound professional judgment. 5.2. Hazard Score The hazard score represents the level of seismic hazard at the bridge site. Seismic demands and damage to structures and ground are closely related to the severity of seismic hazard (New Zealand Geotechnical Society 2010) and therefore seismic demands on structures are a good representation of the seismic hazard. The maximum design spectral acceleration (MDSA) was adopted in the proposed methodology to develop a partial seismic hazards score. The probability of occurrence of a given MDSA in the future depends on the time the bridge will remain in service, and hence the remaining service life was also considered to assign another partial hazard score. For the purpose of the proposed risk assessment methodology the MDSA was calculated by suitably adapting the seismic horizontal design action formula from NZS1170 (Standards New Zealand 2004b). The full formula for seismic horizontal design action coefficient Cd(T) in units of g is given in NZS1170 as: 𝐶𝑑 (𝑇) = 𝐶ℎ (𝑇)×𝑍×𝑅×𝑁(𝑇,𝐷)×𝑆𝑝 (4) 𝑘𝜇 where Ch(T) is the spectral shape factor depending on structural period T and soil type, Z is the hazard factor quantifying regional seismicity levels, R is the earthquake return period factor, N(T,D) is the near fault factor depending on T and distance to the fault D, and Sp and k are additional 14 factors that depend on design structural ductility. It can be seen that Cd(T) as defined in Equation 4 in fact combines aspects of hazard, vulnerability and impacts. The dependence of Cd(T) on the structural period and ductility is in fact related to vulnerability as these characterise the structure rather than the hazard itself. The return period is in fact a proxy for failure impacts as more critical structures are designed for shaking levels with higher return periods. In order to have a simple formula for a hazard-only metrics Equation 4 has been adapted to express MDSA as 𝑀𝐷𝑆𝐴 = 𝐶ℎ,𝑚𝑎𝑥 × 𝑍 × 𝑁𝑚𝑎𝑥 (𝐷) (5) where Ch,max is the maximum spectral shape factor value for a given soil type but independent of structural period T, and Nmax(D) is the maximum value of near fault factor depending on the distance to the fault D but again independent from T. The full range of possible MDSAs was considered and divided into intervals which were then translated into seismic scores as shown Table A2. It is noted that the boundaries between low, intermediate and high MDSAs in Table A2 were chosen after consideration of the bridge stock in Wellington used in case study, where the bridges are located on a variety of soil types and some very close to an active fault. These values are adjustable and their calibration may be undertaken if they do not allow for sufficient differentiation between bridges. This comment in fact applies to many scoring criteria, particularly those with numerical values, and remarks in the text will highlight this. Scores for the remaining service life are also provided in Table A2. They are based on the typical design service life of 100 years and divide bridges into those that have more than 50, between 25 and 50, and less than 25 years of service life left. It is acknowledged that this hazard score determination method (and the methods for vulnerability and impact score determination detailed later) is suitable only for the simplest levels of analysis attracting large uncertainty premium scores (see Table A1) and extensions to cover more advanced cases will need to be developed in the future if required. If further accuracy is desired, a more site specific hazard analysis would have to be carried out to determine location specific seismic hazard probabilities. However, for the vast majority of bridges no such advanced information may immediately be available and so for such reasons the simple approach proposed has a practical value. 5.3. Vulnerability Scores The vulnerability factor represents the conditional probability of failure of the bridge given seismic hazard occurrence. In a seismic event, the structure, foundation system and supporting soil should be considered together (Pender 2007). Due to this interdependence, structural and geotechnical 15 aspects are both considered to determine the overall bridge vulnerability at each site. It is acknowledged that the proposed criteria for determination of vulnerability (and later impact) scores are often descriptive and qualitative in nature. They also require considerable amount of holistic professional engineering judgement to assign scores to a given structure. They are, however, intended to be applied in situations where only limited data is available and sophisticated assessment is impractical or unnecessary. As the price for such simplifications, they attract larger uncertainty premiums. Nevertheless, the proposed scoring method is rational and comprehensive, providing practitioner with a usable tool. 5.3.1. Structural Vulnerability Scores Structural vulnerability scoring system is shown in Table A3. The main documents used to develop Table A3 was Transit New Zealand’s ‘Bridge manual’ (Transit New Zealand 2003) and ‘Manual for seismic screening of bridges’ (Transit New Zealand 1998) as they are concerned with how bridges are affected in the event of an earthquake, analysis and design criteria, and bridge vulnerabilities. The focus is on concrete structures as these clearly dominate in the New Zealand bridge stock (New Zealand Transport Agency 2010a). The low, medium and high column slenderness ratios were assumed after Wang (2000). Structural vulnerabilities have been subdivided into three separate categories related to superstructure, substructure and deck as follows: Substructure: Contains the critical components such as columns, abutments and retaining walls, structural geometry characteristics such as skew, and condition indicators such as concrete spalling and cracking and reinforcement corrosion and other signs of distress. These components are affected most in an earthquake and therefore their increased vulnerabilities may be critical in risk assessment and need to be properly accounted for. Superstructure: Includes elements such as girders, expansion joints, holding down bolts and bearings, and proper superstructure supports. Condition indicators include spalling, cracking and corrosion, bearing, joints and bolts movement and damage. During an earthquake, loadings of these elements are intensified and can cause major damage. Deck: Includes the deck slab and reinforcement. The deck contributes relatively less to seismic vulnerabilities and hence maximum proposed scores were always lower than 3. 5.3.2. Geotechnical Vulnerability Scores Geotechnical vulnerabilities in a seismic event are related to both the foundation structure as well as the soil it is supported and surrounded by. The recent 2010 Darfield and 2011 Christchurch earthquakes provided a good indication of the seismic performance of New Zealand’s bridges. The road networks were fairly resilient taking only a week or two to reinstate infrastructure to 16 reasonable levels, however, this was highly dependent on the susceptibility to liquefaction (Institution of Professional Engineers New Zealand 2012). The main cause of damage to both road and foot bridges following the 2010 Darfield and 2011 Christchurch earthquakes was liquefactioninduced lateral spreading at the approaches behind bridge abutments (Waldin et al. 2012). In liquefied areas, lateral spreading of approaches was observed mostly near river banks, where the bridge acted as a rigid strut while foundations underwent forced rotations in the direction of ground flow. Around the world many urban areas are built on land subject to liquefaction, and as it is generally flat, it is often regarded as premium land (Institution of Professional Engineers New Zealand 2012), making liquefaction and its effects a key geotechnical seismic consideration. A geotechnical vulnerability scoring system (Table A4) has been developed to determine the vulnerabilities to the various types of foundation and ground failure modes: Soil type and failure modes: In an earthquake the ground is subject to shaking that may lead to liquefaction, lateral spread and bearing capacity failure. Amongst other qualitative criteria, the liquefaction safety factor was used as a simple quantitative measure of liquefaction potential. The factor can be calculated as the ratio of equivalent cyclic shear stress estimated according to Seed and Idriss (1971) and cycling resistance ratio obtained from standard or cone penetration tests (Idriss and Boulanger 2008). Possibility of fault rupture across bridge site was also taken into account. Other factors, such as soil homogeneity, ground improvements and stability of slopes adjacent to the bridge, have also been included as they affect the seismic vulnerability at a bridge site. Foundation characteristics and condition: Factors such as foundation depth and soil type, pile type and condition, and settlement were used to assess the vulnerability. Scour at foundations was also included as it may reduce the strength of the foundation, with stream velocities classified into low, medium and high based of Pemberton and Lara (1984). 5.4. Impact Scores Impact scores represent the consequences associated with the failure to perform adequately. Bridges that are critical, i.e. those with large failure consequences, carry higher risk than those with low criticality to the network. Typical bridges in many countries and regions are not major structures, for example bridges on local authority roads in New Zealand have an average span length of 17m and state highway bridges an average span length of 35m (New Zealand Transport Agency 2010a). It can be concluded that an ‘average’ New Zealand bridge has one or two spans (Bush et al. 2012). It is, therefore, reasonable to assume that in case of damage, the direct costs of repair or replacement will be less significant than the wider costs of bridge closure to the functioning of the 17 entire networks, for example due to traffic delays and congestion. In the aftermath of an earthquake, other aspects of impaired network functionality, such as access to hospitals and emergency services, are also more pronounced. Therefore, in the developed importance scoring methodology such wider consequences are highlighted (Bush et al. 2013). Table A5 scores impacts based on the following factors: Public safety: Traffic volumes (average annual daily traffic (AADT) and annual daily truck traffic (ADTT)) on and under the bridge and facilities crossed are considered. Higher road usage means potential higher consequences in terms of public safety should a bridge fail leading to injuries and casualties. Importance levels according to NZS1170 (Standards New Zealand 2004b) relate to structures that may have a significant numbers of people present in or on them whose safety might be at risk during a seismic event (level 3), or have special post-disaster functions assigned to them (level 4 and 5). (For the latter reason importance levels are also considered when assigning a score related to emergency road use, see below.) Replacement/repair cost: Direct cost of replacement or repair of a bridge damaged in an earthquake. Numbers are proposed in NZ$ taking into account New Zealand’s context. This is another example of a parameter that can be calibrated depending on a particular transportation network analysed. Typical road use: AADT and ADTT counts on the bridge (and below the bridge if relevant) were considered to judge consequences of bridge failure as well as length of detour required after closure. New Zealand Transport Agency (2010b) has identified roads of national significance which carry large volumes of vehicles and underpin the economy of New Zealand. Bridge damage along these roads may cause significant traffic disruptions and delays and ultimately affect the economy to a significant extent and hence bridges on those and other important roads received a high impact score. Emergency use: Some bridges may be located along designated emergency routes to essential services, such as a hospital or airport. The structure’s importance level after NZS1170 (Standards New Zealand 2004b) has also been included in this category. In the event of an earthquake, the availability of the road to these services will be vital. Utilities: Essential utilities (e.g. water, sewage, gas and telecommunications) may be supported by the bridge structure and bridge failure will pose risk to their proper functioning. Some factors are included in more than one impact category. For example AADT is assumed to be correlated with the number of casualties expected in a strong seismic event, thus it is included in 18 ‘Public safety’. However, AADT is also included in ‘Typical road use’ as it is assumed to be correlated with the economic losses expected due to impaired functionality of the transportation system. 6. CASE STUDY: APPLICATION OF PROPOSED METHODOLOGY TO WELLINGTON CITY COUNCIL BRIDGES Bridge stock data for the city of Wellington, New Zealand’s capital was obtained from Wellington City Council (WCC). This data set was used to test the methodology developed on a real, complex network. The study area included the central business and administrative district and residential areas. The data provided by WCC consisted of general information about each bridge, its structural system, defects and condition and basic soil characterisation. Additional data and information to carry out the risk assessment was obtained from a variety of other sources as shown in Table 3. A total of nine bridges were selected for risk assessment and prioritisation. Table 4 lists the assessed structures and provides a brief description of the bridges and associated hazards, vulnerabilities and impacts. For the sake of brevity, only those aspects of hazards, vulnerabilities and impacts that resulted in scores larger than one were mentioned. Most of the bridges run across the Wellington Urban Motorway (a road of national significance) as it approaches the Wellington Central Business District, with a few bridges in urban areas and at the outskirts of the city. The selection represents a good spread of bridge types, sizes, soil types and liquefaction potentials, distances from a major active fault, and importance in the transportation network. Given the nature of data and risk assessment methods adopted, high uncertainty premium scores were generally assumed (with few exceptions, e.g. for skew and remaining service life as these were easily obtainable from bridge documentation): 1.2 for hazard, 1.3 for structural vulnerabilities, 1.3 for geotechnical vulnerabilities, and 1.2 for impacts, respectively (Table A1). Table 5 provides, as an example, detailed risk assessment for Boulcott St. bridge, while Table 6 a summary of the hazard, vulnerability, impact and final overall risk scores of the nine bridges. Examination of Table 5 allows understanding which factors contributed most to the risk of Boulcott St. bridge. The hazard score (including uncertainty premiums) was 2.72 driven mostly by the long remaining service life and proximity (less than 2km) to the Wellington fault, but situation on soil class C had a mitigating effect. For this bridge, the superstructure showed no signs of significant distress, weakness or vulnerabilities (except for moderate skew) but because of the high potential for liquefaction, lateral spread and fault rupture elevated vulnerability scores were assigned to the majority of factors relating to geotechnical failures. A similar pattern was observed for several 19 analysed bridges that only occasionally had some intermediate, and ever more rarely important, structural vulnerability issues, but had significant vulnerabilities associated with soil and foundation failure modes. This confirms the importance of considering the whole soil-foundation-structure for adequate seismic risk assessment. It is not an intention to provide here any absolute risk score thresholds to judge if monitoring and quick assessment should be used or not, but based on the results in Table 6, Aotea Quay North and Hobson St. bridges would be the first to be considered for application of monitoring and quick assessment, while Happy Valley Rd. bridge would have the lowest priority. Examination of Table 6 shows that the proposed methodology is also able to identify whether risk at a particular bridge is predominantly determined by hazard, vulnerability or impacts. For the two bridges with highest overall scores, i.e. Aotea Quay North and Hobson St., the deciding factor was the high hazard score due to their extreme proximity to the Wellington fault and location on soil class E resulting in predicted large probability of strong shaking. Aotea Quay North had a lower hazard score than Hobson St. because of a shorter remaining service life but higher overall score because of the larger impacts reflecting its location over an important roads and railway and larger replacement cost. The overall risk score for the remaining bridges was a combination of different levels of vulnerabilities and impacts, as the hazard scores were the same (except for Helston Rd. West bridge). 6.1. Comparative Study with New Zealand Transport Agency Methodology In order to cross-validate the proposed risk assessment and ranking methodology and gain further insights into its working and performance, a comparative study has been conducted where the same selection of nine bridges was assessed using the preliminary seismic screening method used by NZTA (Transit New Zealand 1998). This method calculates the overall risk score by multiplying scores for hazard, vulnerability and importance. These hazard, vulnerability and importance scores are sums of several partial scores multiplied by weighting factors. The hazard score depends on peak ground acceleration (in fact on the hazard factor Z (Standards New Zealand 2004b) but without considering distance to a fault), remaining life, soil condition and liquefaction potential. The vulnerability score is a function of the design year, presence of structural hinges, span overlap at supports, bridge length and skew, pier and abutment types and other secondary features. The importance score is determined based on AADT on and under the bridge, detour length, facilities crossed, strategic importance, and utilities carried by the bridge. Unlike in the proposed new methodology, no uncertainty scores are considered. Also, the focus is on bridge sub- and superstructure failure modes and the potential soil failure is seen as hazard to the bridge sub- and super20 structure rather than the whole bridge-foundation-soil system vulnerability. Further details together with the criteria for score determination can be found in Transit New Zealand (1998). The full risk scoring process as applied to the nine analysed bridges is illustrated in Table 7. Figure 2 shows the comparison between risk scores determined according to the NZTA method and the proposed one. (Note both scores were divided by their respective maximum values so that they do not exceed one and can be more easily compared.) Overall, the coefficient of determination R2 (Steel and Torrie 1960) for linear regression is 0.82 indicating a good correlation between the scores yielded by the two methods. More importantly, two bridges singled out as the highest risks, namely Aotea Quay North and Hobson St. bridges, are the same for both methods. There is in fact difference in the order these two bridges are ranked; however, the scores by the proposed method (14.55 for Aotea Quay North bridge and 14 27 for Hobson St. bridge, respectively; see Table 6) and by the NZTA approach (0.109 and 0.117, respectively; see Table 7) are very close in both cases. It can thus be concluded that neither of the two methods has a level of accuracy that would allow distinguishing clearly between the two bridges, but they yield consistently close risk assessments. Further differences in the order in which bridges appear on the risk spectrum can also be observed amongst the medium and low risk structures. For example, the proposed method ranks Ghuznee St., Boulcott St. and Hawkeston St. bridge, respectively, as the third, fourth and fifth highest risk bridges, whereas for the NZTA method the order is Hawkeston St., Helston Rd. West and Ghuznee St. bridge, respectively. The swap between Ghuznee St. bridge and Hawkeston St. bridge is because of the difference in vulnerability assessment, resulting from a stronger emphasis on the design year (and associated prevailing practices), in the NZTA methodology. From the point of view of the intended application of the proposed scoring method to prioritisation for monitoring and quick postevent assessment these differences within medium (or low) risk bridges will not be critical as all medium (or low) risk bridges, according to the proposed strategy, would receive similar treatment. Thus, as long as they are correctly classified into the medium (or low) risk category, bridge to bridge differences would be of secondary importance, however, they may need to be resolved later with a more specified decision tool if required. Taking a realistic view of the current resources available to the transport asset managers, individually tailored monitoring systems will only be considered for the most at-risk bridges, and here the proposed methodology is in good agreement with the NZTA risk assessment method. The comparative study also enabled making some additional observations. One is that while the NZTA method tends to rather clearly cluster bridges into three groups of high, medium and low risk, the proposed methodology spreads risk scores more evenly across the entire spectrum (see Figure 2). This is a direct consequence of using RMS to aggregate various risks by the proposed 21 method discussed earlier in Section 5, where the highest risks receive more emphasis but lower risks are not ignored either. The NZTA method also yields the lowest risk scores close to zero, whereas the proposed method tends to yield relatively higher scores for such bridges. For example, the Happy Valley Rd. bridge received a score of only 0.005 (or 4% compared to the highest scoring structure) in the NZTA assessment, but a score of 5.09 (or 35% compared to the highest scoring structure) according to the proposed methodology. While this may not have a strong effect on relative risk assessment within a group of bridges, it nevertheless may create a psychological effect that some bridges do not require much attention. It would appear that the NZTA method may underscore some risks, creating an impression that some bridges are nearly risk free. This does not appear to be desirable. Finally, the NZTA method yielded very low scores for combined AADT and detour length despite high weighting associated to that factor influencing bridge importance (see Table 7). This is because higher scores can only be obtained when detour lengths become significant and reflects the origins of the NZTA method that was developed mainly for state highways passing through rural or other sparsely populated areas with less developed road networks. In contrast, the proposed method assigns higher impact scores for much shorter detours (see Table A5). This is because the present method was developed with a focus on urban areas with heavier traffic where even short detours can lead to significant congestion and delays. Both methods will thus need to adjust how this factor of impact/importance is scored if used for new tasks they were not yet calibrated for. Overall, it is argued that the proposed methodology successfully differentiated between the levels of seismic risk for the bridges considered as far as the selection of structures for different tiers of monitoring and quick assessment is concerned. Otherwise, several of the structures examined might have appeared very similar in size and structural form. Thus the proposed methodology can help to pave the way for targeted application of monitoring and quick condition assessment. 7. CONCLUSIONS Monitoring systems gathering seismic ground motion and bridge response data can play an important role in the management and restoration of transportation network functionality following seismic events by providing objective and quantitative information for quick assessment of bridge performance and condition. However, to fully harness their benefits in a cost effective way it is necessary to prioritise bridges so that monitoring can be applied in a strategic and targeted way. To that end a simple methodology has been proposed that assesses the overall bridge seismic risk by assigning numerical scores for seismic hazard, vulnerabilities and impacts. An important feature of the methodology is that is takes into account the entire soil-foundation-structure system and considers associated vulnerabilities in these components. Furthermore, the use of uncertainty 22 premium scores provides flexibility to the risk assessment methodology as it enables using data and assessment methods varying in quality and sophistication. Tables that enable scoring the multifaceted aspects of seismic hazard, vulnerabilities, impacts and uncertainties were developed. The method was applied to a selection of bridges from Wellington, New Zealand and enabled their successful prioritisation for application of monitoring and quick condition assessment. Insights were also gained about the contribution of hazard, vulnerability and impact to the overall seismic risk of each bridge. A cross-validation study was conducted with another seismic risk assessment method and results were found in good agreement. 8. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors would like to express their gratitude to their supporters. Piotr Omenzetter’s work within the Lloyd’s Register Foundation Centre for Safety and Reliability Engineering at the University of Aberdeen is supported by Lloyd’s Register Foundation. The Foundation helps to protect life and property by supporting engineering-related education, public engagement and the application of research. Wellington City Council provided access to their bridge stock database for the case study. Research work at the University of Auckland was partially supported by the Natural Hazards Research Platform grant UAOM11/15-4.3. 9. REFERENCES Abdelrazaq A (2011) Validating the structural behavior and response of Burj Khalifa: Synopsis of the full scale structural health monitoring programs. 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In: Proceedings of the New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering annual conference 2012, New Zealand Society for Earthquake Engineering, pp 1-8 Wang J (2000) Piers and columns. In: Bridge engineering handbook. CRC Press, Boca Raton Wellington Regional Council (1993) Liquefaction hazard map. Wellington Regional Council, Wellington. Wenzel H (2009) Introduction and motivation. In: Health monitoring of bridges. Wiley, Chichester, pp 1-5 APPENDIX: TABLES FOR DETERMINATION OF VULNERABILITY SCORES This Appendix provides the tables used to determine numerical values for uncertainty premium scores (Table A1), hazard scores (Table A2), structural vulnerability scores (Table A3), geotechnical vulnerability scores (Table A4), and impact scores (Table A5). 26 Table 1. Risk-based approaches to bridge monitoring and quick post-earthquake condition assessment. Seismic risk Data collection/monitoring system level use Low Data collected only via visual inspections No quantitative data collected via monitoring Intermediate Monitoring data from wide area strong motion arrays Additional data collected via visual inspections High Condition assessment techniques ‘Slow’ assessment based only on inspectors’ reports from visual inspections ‘Quick’, less accurate assessment based on wide area strong motion data interpolated to the bridge site Follow-up assessment based on visual inspections and technical analyses as required Monitoring data from bridge ‘Quick’, accurate assessment based on specific monitoring systems and monitoring data collected on the bridge and wide area strong motion arrays wide area strong motion data Additional data collected via visual Follow-up assessment based on visual inspections inspections and in-depth technical analyses as required 27 Table 2. Discrete scoring system for hazard, vulnerability and impact. Hazard/vulnerability/impact level Score Not applicable 0 28 Low 1 Moderate 2 High 3 Table 3. Data used in risk assessment. Source New Zealand Transport Agency (2010b) Wellington City Council bridge database Wellington Regional Council (1993) Semmens et al. (2011) NZS1170 (Standards New Zealand 2004b) Google maps (Google 2013) Data type Roads of national significance Bridge name, location, facility/stream crossed, length, width, number of spans Materials used for beams, piers, abutments, deck and foundation Structural condition Soil characteristics Replacement/repair cost Photographs and as-built plans Liquefaction hazard map Wellington fault location Soil characterisation according to the NZS1170 Z, Ch,max and Nmax(D) values for seismic hazard assessment, Equation 5 Distance from Wellington fault General width of waterway beneath bridge Slope of ground Detour length 29 Table 4. Description of analysed bridges. Bridge Aotea Quay North Boulcott St. Ghuznee St. Happy Valley Rd. Description 15 spans, 211m long, longest span 16m, RC structure, 44° skew, built in 1931 Overall good condition of substructure and superstructure Situated on reclaimed land with fill consisting of domestic waste, sand, boulders and rock Soil class E High susceptibility for liquefaction Less than 2km to the active Wellington fault Over an important railway line, important local road and on-ramp to a road of national significance Significant replacement cost NZ$1,477,000 Significant numbers of vehicle per day 2 spans, 58m long, RC structure, 10° skew, built in 1978 Overall good condition of substructure and superstructure Situated on reclaimed land with fill consisting of domestic waste, sand, boulders and rock Soil class C High susceptibility for liquefaction Less than 2km to the active Wellington fault Over road of national significance Moderate replacement cost Significant numbers of vehicle per day 3 spans, 41.4m long, RC structure, 20° skew, built in 1977 Overall good condition of substructure and superstructure Some horizontal movement normal to bridge axis across an expansion joint Situated on reclaimed land with fill consisting of domestic waste, sand, boulders and rock Soil class C High susceptibility for liquefaction Less than 2km to the active Wellington fault Over road of national significance Moderate replacement cost Significant numbers of vehicle per day 6.1m long, double culvert, RC with shotcreted steel beams, built 1990 Significant corrosion and spalling of superstructure Beach deposits consisting of marine gravel with sand mud and beach ridges Soil class C 3km to the active Wellington fault Over a stream with some scour vulnerability 30 Hawkeston St. Helston Rd. West Hobson St. Owhiro Bay Pde. The Terrace 2 spans, 67.5m long, RC structure, 32° skew, built in 1970 Overall good condition of substructure and superstructure Undifferentiated weathered, poorly sorted loess-covered alluvial gravel deposits Soil class C Less than 2km to the active Wellington fault Over road of national significance Moderate replacement cost Significant numbers of vehicle per day 3 spans, 39.3m long, RC structure, built in 1959 Overall good condition of substructure and superstructure Undifferentiated weathered, poorly sorted loess-covered alluvial gravel deposits Soil class B Less than 2km to the active Wellington fault Over road of national significance Moderate replacement cost Significant numbers of vehicle per day 3 spans, 55.3m long, RC structure, 16° skew, built in 1967 Overall good condition of substructure and superstructure Situated on reclaimed land with fill consisting of domestic waste, sand, boulders and rock Soil class E High susceptibility for liquefaction Less than 2km to the active Wellington fault Over road of national significance Moderate replacement cost Significant numbers of vehicle per day 2 spans, 13.8m long, prestressed/RC structure, built in 1996 Overall good condition of substructure and superstructure Beach deposits consisting of marine gravel with sand mud and beach ridges Soil class C Less than 6km to the active Wellington fault Over stream Moderate liquefaction potential Single-span, 17.9m long, RC structure, built in 1978 Overall good condition of substructure and superstructure Undifferentiated weathered, poorly sorted loess-covered alluvial gravel deposits Soil class C Less than 2km to the active Wellington fault Over an important road Significant numbers of vehicle per day 31 Table 5. Example of detailed risk assessment and scoring, Boulcott St. bridge. Row no. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Hazard/vulnerability/impact Hazard MDSA Service life RMS hazard (1-2) Vulnerability Structural Substructure Superstructure Deck Geotechnical Soil Foundation RMS vulnerability (4-27) Impact Raw score, S 2 3 Uncertainty premium, U 1.2 1.0 Piers Abutments Retaining walls Spalling/cracking Skew Redundancy Spalling Cracks in girders Bearing failures Expansion joints Overlap/linkages Slab Reinforcement Soil homogeneity Liquefaction Lateral spreading Bearing capacity/settlement Fault rupture Ground improvement Slope stability Foundation/soil type Piles Foundation settlement Scour 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.0 1.0 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 3 2 1 1 1 1 0 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.0 Public safety Replacement/ repair cost Typical road use Emergency road use Utilities 2 2 1.2 1.2 2 1 1 1.2 1.2 1.2 RMS impact (29-33) Risk (3×28×34) 32 S×U 2.4 3.0 2.72 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 2.0 1.0 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 3.9 2.6 2.6 3.9 2.6 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.3 0.0 1.86 2.4 2.4 2.4 1.2 1.2 2.01 10.13 Table 6. Summary of risk assessment and scoring for nine analysed bridges using proposed method. Bridge RMS(𝑈𝐻,𝑖 × 𝐻𝑖 ) RMS(𝑈𝑉,𝑖 × 𝑉𝑖 ) RMS(𝑈𝐼,𝑖 × 𝐼𝑖 ) R Aotea Quay North 2.64 2.09 2.63 14.55 Boulcott St. Ghuznee St. 2.72 1.86 2.01 10.13 2.72 2.11 2.01 11.52 Happy Valley Rd. 2.72 1.56 1.20 5.09 33 Hawkeston St. 2.72 1.72 2.01 9.38 Helston Rd. West 2.21 1.66 2.01 7.35 Hobson St. 3.31 2.14 2.01 14.27 Owhiro Bay Pde. 2.72 1.57 1.78 7.61 The Terrace 2.72 1.47 1.78 7.10 Table 7. Risk scoring for nine analysed bridges using NZTA method. Row no. Risk scoring Hazard factors 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 * Aotea Quay North Boulcott St. Ghuznee St. Happy Valley Rd. 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.58 Bridge Hawkeston St. Helston Rd. West Hobson St. Owhiro Bay Pde. The Terrace 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 1.00 1.00 0.70 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.50 0.00 1.00 0.66 1.00 0.66 0.00 0.51 0.00 0.51 0.00 0.34 1.00 0.73 0.50 0.58 0.00 0.51 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.33 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 1.00 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.70 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.00 0.40 0.00 0.39 0.00 0.39 0.00 0.11 0.00 0.39 0.00 0.39 0.00 0.39 0.00 0.15 0.00 0.32 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 0.50 0.49 0.00 0.00 0.47 0.109 0.60 0.50 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.15 0.039 0.60 0.50 0.22 0.00 0.00 0.16 0.041 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.005 0.60 0.50 0.36 0.00 0.00 0.29 0.058 0.20 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.35 0.046 0.60 0.50 0.18 0.00 0.00 0.41 0.117 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.007 0.00 0.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.08 0.013 Weight * 0.40 PGA Remaining 0.30 life Soil 0.15 condition Liquefaction 0.15 Hazard score Importance Weight factors AADT × 0.50 Detour length AADT 0.10 u/bridge Facilities 0.15 crossed Strategic 0.15 importance Utilities 0.10 Importance score Vulnerability Weight factors Design year 0.25 Hinges 0.08 Overlap at 0.10 supports Length 0.12 Pier type 0.15 Skew 0.05 Abut. type 0.10 Other 0.15 Vulnerability score Risk score (5×11×20) PGA = peak ground acceleration; ** AADT = annual average daily traffic 34 Table A1: Risk assessment levels and associated uncertainty premium scores Level 1 2 3 4 5 Data included and assessment techniques No or very limited data, aerial photos, site photos, GIS data, non-site specific reports, document reviews Aerial photos, site photos, as-built plans, visual inspections, maintenance history, traffic data, document reviews Aerial photos, site photos, as-built plans, visual inspections, maintenance history, site-specific soil data, traffic data, analytical techniques, Aerial photos, site photos, as-built plans, visual inspections, maintenance history, site-specific soil data, traffic data, in-depth analytical techniques Aerial photos, site photos, as-built plans, visual inspections, maintenance history, traffic data, non-destructive testing, structural monitoring, site-specific soil data, in-depth analytical techniques 35 Quality assurance Minimum standards Uncertainty premium score 1.4 Adequate practice 1.3 Adequate practice 1.2 Best practice 1.1 Best practice 1.0 Table A2: Hazard scores Hazard score MDSA (g) Remaining service life (years) 1 <1.2 <25 36 2 1.2-2.0 25-50 3 >2.0 >50 Table A3: Structural vulnerability scores Vulnerability score Piers Abutments Retaining walls Spalling and cracking 1 2 SUBSTRUCTURE Designed after 1972 Designed between 1933 and 1972 Slab-type piers Multi-column piers High structural ductility Verticality is maintained Intermediate structural ductility (no out of plumb movement) Some signs of out of plumb movement Primarily axial loads applied Concentric axial forces and moderate bending Slenderness ratio <22 moments applied to the Pier reinforcement column embedded in superstructure/ foundation Slenderness ratio 22100 at least for the development length Pier reinforcement embedded in superstructure/ foundation for less than the development length 3 Designed before 1933 Single column piers Limited structural ductility Significant out of plumb movement Axial loads acting eccentrically and/or significant moments producing P-delta effects Slenderness ratio >100 Pier reinforcement embedded in superstructure/ foundation for less than the development length Monolithic abutments Monolithic abutments Non-monolithic abutments Length of abutment <35m Length of abutment 35for concrete 50m for concrete Length of abutment superstructure, <20m for superstructure, 20-40m >50m for concrete steel superstructure main for steel superstructure superstructure, >40m members main members for steel superstructure main Approach settlement slab Approach settlement members >7m long slab 4-7m long Approach settlement slab <4m long Non-integral bridge Walls ≥3m in height Mechanically abutment walls or stabilised earth walls Anchored walls independent walls <3m in Factor of safety for Factor of safety for height sliding <1.2, sliding 1.2-1.4, overturning <1.5, and Gravity and reinforced overturning 1.5-1.7, and concrete cantilever walls overall stability overall stability against against soil failure soil failure 1.25-1.45 Factor of safety for <1.25 sliding >1.4, overturning >1.7, and overall stability against soil failure >1.45 No visible sign of spalling Evidence of concrete Excessive cracking or excessive cracking cracking, spalling and and spalling and some reinforcement major exposure of exposed substructure reinforcement 37 Skew angle <5° Skew angle 5-15° Skew angle >15° Skew SUPERSTRUCTURE High structural Medium structural redundancy: no hinges in redundancy: no more superstructure spans than 1 hinge in superstructure spans No structural redundancy, e.g. simply supported Structural span(s) redundancy Very limited structural redundancy: 2 or more hinges in superstructure spans No visible sign of spalling Evidence of concrete Excessive spalling spalling and some and major exposure of Spalling reinforcement exposed superstructure reinforcement Fatigue No/low evidence of Evidence of significant Excessive evidence of cracks in significant cracks in the cracks in the major cracks in the girders superstructure superstructure superstructure No/low evidence of Evidence of bearing Excessive evidence of Bearing bearing deflection or deflection and signs of bearing deflection and failures signs of damage damage signs of damage No/low evidence of Evidence of movement Excessive evidence of movement during during earthquakes and movement during Expansion earthquake or closing of closing of expansion earthquake and joints expansion joints joints closing of expansion joints Overlap on Overlap >400mm if no or Overlap 200-400mm if Overlap <200mm if supports, loose linkage, >300mm no or loose linkage, no or loose linkage, linkages, for holding down bolts, 150-300mm for holding <150mm for holding shear keys, >200mm for tight tension down bolts, 100-200mm down bolts, <100mm holding down linkage for tight tension linkage for tight tension bolts linkage Spacing of hold down Spacing of hold down bolts <300mm bolts 300-400mm Spacing of hold down bolts >400mm Bolts develop clamping Bolts develop clamping force >500kN per metre force 300-500kN per Bolts develop length metre length clamping force <300kN per metre No/low evidence of Evidence of moderate length yielding, damage or yielding, damage or movement across movement across Evidence of excessive linkages/shear keys/ linkages/shear keys/ yielding, damage or holding down bolts holding down bolts movement across linkages/shear keys/ holding down bolts DECK Fully cast in place Partially cast in place or concrete deck precast concrete deck Slab Minimum slab thickness Minimum slab thickness >165mm ≤165mm 38 2 layers of isotropic reinforcement Reinforcing steel of Grade 430 or higher The outer layer of reinforcement in each face of the slab placed Reinforcement normal to the beams The maximum spacing of reinforcement ≤300mm Reinforcement lap splices at least equal to development length 1 layer of isotropic reinforcement Reinforcing steel of Grade 300 or less The outer layer of reinforcement in each face of the slab placed parallel to the beams The maximum spacing of reinforcement >300mm Reinforcement lap splices less than development length 39 Table A4: Geotechnical vulnerability scores Vulnerability score Soil homogeneity 1 Homogenous soil deposit under foundations No/low liquefaction potential from hazard map or field test Pre-pleistocene soil Clay Liquefaction safety Liquefaction factor FL>1.5 potential Lateral spreading >30m to liquefiable layer 2 SOIL Non-homogenous Strongly non-homogenous deposits, e.g. individual deposits, e.g. some foundations on different foundations on man-made in-situ soils infill and some on in-situ soil Moderate liquefaction High liquefaction potential potential from hazard from hazard map or field map or field test test Pleistocene soil Liquefaction observed in the past Transition between clay-like and sand-like Holocene or less than 500 soil years uncompacted fill Liquefiable deposit Sandy or silty soil treated before Semi confined or confined construction aquifer near structure Liquefaction safety Liquefiable deposit not factor FL =1.2-1.5 treated before construction Liquefaction safety factor FL<1.2 Ground slope <5% Ground slope >5% ≤30m to liquefiable Over water body or near layer steep slope ≤30m to liquefiable layer Medium density soil Loose soil Skew angle 5-15° Skew angle >15° Dense soil Skew angle <5° Raft foundations or end bearing piles >10km away from Within 5-10km of an any active faults with active fault with an Fault rupture an average recurrence average recurrence interval of 1000 years interval of 1000 years or less or less Extensive ground Some ground improvement at site improvement at site Ground Pile pinning improvement technique used to pin upper liquefiable soil layers All slopes stable Mitigation of steep, Slope unstable slopes near stability bridge FOUNDATION Founded on deep Founded on shallow Foundation foundation or bedrock foundations on and soil type cohesive soil Bearing capacity, settlement 3 40 <5km of an active fault with an average recurrence interval of 1000 years or less No ground improvement or mitigation of liquefiable deposits at site Steep, unstable unmitigated slopes near bridge Founded on shallow foundations on noncohesive soil Piles Foundation settlement Scour Piles reinforced along their whole length Vertical piles No significant movement between the piles and soil, and no relative movement between the pile caps Cast-in-place concrete piles, precast/prestressed concrete piles Centre-to-centre spacing ≥770mm and 2.5 pile diameters No settlements in medium-dense or loose dry sands No post-earthquake consolidation settlements of clay layers No settlements induced by the postearthquake dissipation of pore pressure in a non-liquefiable sand deposits Deep foundations (e.g. long or drilled piles) on durable rock Foundations outside of channel and flood plain and well above water elevation Resistant material No evidence of scour observed Low stream velocity <1m/s Mild stream slope Spill-through abutment Piles reinforced along whole length Inclined piles Evidence of moderate movement between the piles and the soil, and relative movement between the pile caps Centre-to-centre spacing <770mm or 2.5 pile diameters Sheet steel piles Piles not reinforced along whole length Inclined piles Evidence of major movement between the piles and the soil, and relative movement between the pile caps Centre-to-centre spacing <770mm or 2.5 pile diameters Steel H piles Some settlements in medium-dense or loose dry sands Some post-earthquake consolidation settlements of clay layers Some settlements induced by the postearthquake dissipation of pore pressure in a non-liquefiable sand deposits Foundations protected by boulders or other protective techniques Medium resistance material Mild evidence of scour observed Observed build-up of debris reducing bridge waterway at piers or abutments Medium stream velocity 1–2m/s Medium stream slope Vertical wall abutment with wing walls Significant settlements in medium-dense or loose dry sands Significant post-earthquake consolidation settlements of clay layers Significant settlements induced by the postearthquake dissipation of pore pressure in a nonliquefiable sand deposits 41 Foundations are inside the channel and flood plain Foundations on scourable material such as sand Visible scour observed High stream velocity >2m/s Steep stream slope Vertical wall abutment Table A5: Impact scores Impact score Public safety Replacement/repair cost 1 Importance level 1 or 2* AADT**<4,000 and ADTT***<200 on the bridge or road under the bridge Crosses facilities with no or minimum human presence, e.g. stream, parking or storage facilities Low replacement/repair cost <NZ$100,000 AADT<4,000 and ADTT<200 on the bridge AADT<4,000 and ADTT<200 on road under the bridge if affected by bridge failure/closure Detour routes <5km, no congestion Typical road use Emergency road use 2 Importance level 3 AADT=4,000-10,000 and AADT=200-600 on the bridge or road under the bridge Crosses facilities involving occasional gathering of people, minor commercial or industrial facilities Crossing a secondary road, railway line or navigable channel Moderate replacement/repair cost NZ$100,000NZ$500,000 AADT=4,000-10,000 and ADTT=200-600 on the bridge AADT=4,000-10,000 and ADTT=200-600 on road under the bridge if affected by bridge failure/closure Detour routes 510km, with some congestion Crossing a secondary road, railway line or navigable channel Not along designated Not along designated emergency route or emergency route or route to essential route to essential lifelines lifelines Importance level 1 or Importance level 3 2 42 3 Importance level 4 or 5 AADT>10,000 or ADTT>600 on the bridge or road under the bridge Crosses facilities involving frequent gathering of people, major commercial or industrial facilities Crossing a major road, railway line or navigable channel High replacement/repair cost >NZS$500,000 AADT>10,000 or ADTT>600 on the bridge AADT>10,000 and ADTT>600 on road under the bridge if affected by bridge failure/closure Detour routes >10km, or with significant congestion Major transportation route such as along state highway Road of national significance Critical link to major transportation route Crossing a major road, railway line or navigable channel Along designated emergency route Along route to essential lifelines such as hospital, ambulance station, fire service, key airport etc. Importance level 4 or 5 No or limited water, sewerage, gas, telecommunications or other utilities supported by bridge structure Medium importance water, sewerage, gas, telecommunications or other utilities supported by bridge structure High/critical importance water, sewerage, gas, Utilities telecommunications or other utilities supported by bridge structure * Importance level according to NZS1170 (Standards New Zealand 2004b); ** AADT = annual average daily traffic; *** ADTT = annual daily truck traffic 43 Uncertainty premium scores Data collection/ storage/retrival Amount, type and quality of data Type of analyses performed Quality assurance practice Hazard score Seismic design action from design code and remaining service life, or Site specific, detailed study Vulnerability scores Structural vulnerabilities Geotechnical vulnerabilities Impact scores Public safety Replacement/ repair costs Usual road use Emergency road use Utilities Calculate risk R = RMS(UH,i×Hi) × RMS(UV,i×Vi) × RMS(UI,i×Ii) Rank bridges Re-evaluate bridges of high risk High Level of uncertainty? Low Select high risk bridges for monitoring Figure 1. Bridge prioritisation methodology. 44 1.00 Ghuznee 0.80 Proposed method Aotea Hobson R² = 0.82 Boulcott 0.60 Hawkeston Owhiro Helston Terrace 0.40 Happy Valley 0.20 0.00 0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 NZTA method Figure 2. Normalized risk scores by proposed method vs. NZTA method. 45