Sub-headings in the Emotional/Behavioral section help organize the information. These are suggested headings; the headings in your evaluation may differ somewhat depending on the specific information included. Home and Family Information (Specific information about parent concerns related to emotions and behavior. Include information from parent input, interviews, etc.) School Information (Specific information about teacher/school concerns related to emotions and behavior. Include information from Psych. Services Teacher Questionnaire, interviews, and discipline records.) Rating Scales (Include appropriate tables and templates for broadband measures such as the BASC2 and CBRS, Conners-3, as well as AU rating scales; identify patterns across raters.) Behavioral Observations (Include observations in the classroom and other school settings, as well as observations during the evaluation process.) Additional Test Results and Interpretation or Self-Report Measures (Include information from depression or anxiety measures, interviews with the student, sentence completion, other projectives, etc.) Functional Behavioral Assessment (Define the target behaviors; identify antecedents, consequences, and the function for each target behavior. When a student does not qualify for a behavior-related disability – AU, ED, ADHD – this FBA section may be deleted.) Conclusions (Write an overall interpretation of your evaluation information. What is your understanding of all of the data? Pull it all together and explain what it means.)