Unit 3 Mini-Presentations: Researching the Context of Things Fall Apart Each group will research, prepare, and present a short presentation (3-5 minutes) about their assigned topic. Use scoring criteria (on other side of this paper) as a guideline when preparing your presentation. TOPICS: Group 1- Chinua Achebe Group 2 – Nigeria: History Group 3 – Nigeria: Geography and Culture Group 4 – British Colonialism & Nigeria Group 5 – Missionary Involvement in Africa Group 6 – Tribal Life PROCESS: In your groups, review the KWHL chart we made in class, and discuss your own understanding of the assigned topic. Come up with at least 3-5 specific research questions that will guide your research about your topic Find several websites to find out more information about your topic. Be sure to check the VALIDITY and RELIABILITY of the sites Begin organizing your presentation, choosing which details to include, how it will be structured, and who will discuss each detail. If you would like to create a visual aid on chart paper, it is available. Each group must have a detailed outline for their presentation. If you want to use Google Slides, save it to one of your group member’s Google Drives Each group must have a list of websites they used as sources. It does not have to be in Annotated Bibliography format for this short presentation. Requirements: -Presentation must be 3-5 minutes in length -Group must turn in an outline for their presentation, due day of presentation -Group must use visual aids, either on chart paper or using Google Slides -Each group member must participate in presentation and preparation for presentation -Group must include a list of websites they used as sources. It does not have to be in Annotated Bibliography format for this short presentation, but websites need to be evaluated for VALIDITY and RELIABILITY -Each group member will receive an individual participation grade, evaluating involvement and engagement in the preparation of the presentation. -Group will receive a grade on the presentation, evaluated using scoring criteria. GROUPS WILL PRESENT ON TUESDAY 9/29 (EVEN CLASSES) or WEDNESDAY 9/30 (ODD CLASSES). While groups are presenting, classmates are expected to takes notes in chart on page 178 of Springboard books. Exemplary Scoring Proficient Emerging Incomplete Criteria Ideas The presentation communicates findings The presentation communicates The presentation communicates The presentation communicates and evidence clearly, findings and insufficient insufficient concisely, and logically evidence findings and findings and/or evidence no evidence uses well-researched, uses mostly accurate and facts, details, and relevant facts irrelevant, or facts, details, examples details, and insufficient facts, and examples examples details, and Has a clear outline of presentation examples Has an outline of presentation uses inaccurate, accurate, and relevant uses few or no Has no outline for presentation Has no outline for presentation Structure The presentation introduces the topic lacks an lacks an introduction, provides a thoughtful a conclusion and/or a transitions, conclusion and/or a includes a visual aid Includes well-chosen somewhat valid evaluated for validity and reliable All group All group members members contribute equally contribute and thoughtfully contribute does not list sources used some group members does not use a visual aid does not list sources used conclusion does not include a visual aid. sources are sources are clearly includes a list of sources used includes a list of and reliability introduction, sources used introduces the The presentation topic & provides visual aids. The presentation effectively & conclusion The presentation one group member contributes