The Park & Poor’s Allotment Bioblitz: Forest of Dean 25th & 26th July 2015 Everyone – expert or novice – is welcome to join our 30 Hour Wildlife Recording Extravaganza at our two newest nature reserves comprising some of our most important habitats – heathland and acid grassland. The sites also support some very special wildlife inhabitants from rare birds to stunning orchids. We aim to record at least 700 species over the weekend. A range of experts will be on hand throughout the two day event and will help with the identification of what is found. You can join a scheduled guided walk or event – some bookable, others just turn up - or you can follow the self-guided trail to see what you can find. Events for kiddies too exploring the world of mini-beasts under logs and rocks and also what lurks beneath the water in the ponds. We will also have an unrivalled opportunity to investigate the nocturnal life overnight on the reserves in the company of bat, bird and moth experts and night cameras will be out to capture animals that roam the sites usually unseen. All events and walks start from the Forestry Commission Car Park at the entrance to both reserves (ST 558994) on the B4228 between St.Briavels and Chepstow. We will also establish a Recording Hub at the Old School Rooms in nearby Rosemary Lane where species will be recorded and identified. Drop in to The Hub any time to see how well we are doing in reaching our target of 700 species. Details at: SATURDAY 25th JULY Time 10.30 am – 11.30 am Mammal tracks, scats, traps and cameras The Bioblitz kicks off as the mammal traps set the previous night are opened. We’ll also be looking at trail cameras to see what animals they have picked up overnight. Starts from the main FC car park. BOOKING ESSENTIAL 11.30 am – 12.30 pm Amphibians and pond life Checking the traps set overnight to see what amphibians have been caught. Starts from the main FC car park. BOOKING ESSENTIAL. 12.30 pm – 14.00 Guided Walk around POOR’s ALLOTMENT A 1 ½ walk around Poor’s Allotment looking for and recording reptiles, birds, plants and invertebrates. Bring your picnic and enjoy the stunning view over the Severn – and keep an eye open for additional species to add to the list. Experts on hand to help with identification. NO NEED TO BOOK JUST TURN UP. 14.00 – 16.00 Mini-Beast Explorers and Pond Dipping A Kiddies event suitable for ages 4-14. Explore the world of bugs, beetles, caterpillars and worms and see what is lurking just out of site but all around us. BOOKING ESSENTIAL 14.30 – 16.30 Guided Walk around THE PARK A 2 hour walk around The Park checking out heathland flora and fauna. See the heather (and its less well known cousins) in full flower and find out how we are restoring this important piece of heathland habitat now that the conifers have been removed. We’ll see what reptiles are lurking under our reptile tins and be looking out for heather beetle and other invertebrates. NO NEED TO BOOK JUST TURN UP 16.30 – 18.00 Guided Walk around POOR’S ALLOTMENT A 1 ½ hour walk around the acid grassland on Poor’s Allotment. We’ll be looking at the wet flush areas in the grassland to see what plant species we can find as well the associated invertebrates. We’ll return to The Hub via a piece of ancient woodland looking for signs of dormice. NO NEED TO BOOK JUST TURN UP. 18.00 – 18.30 Round-up of the first session of the day at The Hub Call in to The Hub on Rosemary Lane to see the tally so far, find out more about the species found and get to check out some of the specimens caught in the field and on camera. NO NEED TO BOOK JUST TURN UP. 18.30 – 19.00 Redeploy amphibian traps Join David Dewsbury as he sets out traps made to his own design to see if more amphibians can be caught overnight. NO NEED TO BOOK JUST TURN UP 20.45 – the early hours.. Night time on the Reserves Exploring the dark side of the reserves starts just before dusk with a nightjar and bat walk. Come along and try to see (or at least hear) the charismatic heathland bird and learn about its special habitat needs form bird expert Ivan Proctor. And learn about the fascinating life of bats – see them flying in the gloom; hear their calls caught by bat detectors and view the different sonograms produced by different species back at The Hub. We will also be trapping bats if the weather allows so a chance to see bats in the hand. At the same time moth traps will be being set up so at the end of the walk we can have a look at any early catches. And on the walk round we’ll be looking out for glow worms. Expect to be out until the early hours. BOOKING ESSENTIAL. SUNDAY 26th JULY Time 08.00 Early morning walk looking for birds and other species up early Not quite up with the lark but a fairly early walk around the Park(following a late night) to see and hear the birds on the reserves – how many new species can we add to the list? Learn to identify birds by their songs and calls. NO NEED TO BOOK JUST TURN UP. 10.00 A Guided Walk around THE PARK A more civilised start time, come along on this walk around The Park. We’ll be checking out the amphibian traps put out the night before to see what we’ve caught; identifying the pond vegetation and looking out for dragonflies and damselflies. We’ll also look at the reptile tins again to see if we have any scaly residents. NO NEED TO BOOK JUST TURN UP. 12.00 – 13.30 A Guided Walk around POOR’S ALLOTMENT A final walk around Poor’s Allotment looking for a wide range of plants and animals, and also those not so easy to find (or identify) including mosses, liverworts and lichens. Finish with a picnic lunch (bring your own) overlooking the River Severn. NO NEED TO BOOK JUST TURN UP. 14.00 Mini-Beast Explorers and Pond Dipping A Kiddies event suitable for ages 4-14. Explore the world of bugs, beetles, caterpillars and worms and see what is lurking just out of site but all around us. BOOKING ESSENTIAL 15.00 Final Pond Dip A final pond dip to see what is lurking in the ponds on the reserves. NO NEED TO BOOK JUST TURN UP. 16.00 Final Round Up of species count at The Hub We will be celebrating reaching our 700 species target??