ETOWAH HIGH SCHOOL BRITISH LITERATURE & COMPOSITION 2011-2012 COURSE NAME: British Lit/Comp – Senior Project TEACHER: Jessica Sprecher Senior Project Administrator: Dr. Pat Denney English Department Chair: Mr. Lee Coker Senior Project Coordinator: Mrs. Lori Crawley email: *whenever possible, please use email email: email: email: COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course is prepared for students who are working at or above grade level. The class offers a chronological study of British literature. Emphasis will be on reading, writing, speaking, listening, critical thinking skills, and vocabulary. This class will cover grammar, mechanics, and usage. The Senior Project will be an integral part of this course and its completion is required in order to receive credit for the course. TEXTBOOK USED: The Readers Choice: British Literature. Glencoe. Cost - $63.00 FORMAT: The class will consist of Senior Project requirements, teacher lectures, class discussions, oral presentations; in-class activities, multi-media activities, tests, and homework. GRADING SYSTEM: SEMESTER A 10% Sign of Commitment Poster/Proposal Approval Form/ Parent-Guardian Consent Form/ Facilitator Agreement Form/ Student Agreement Form: Project Facilitator’s Role 25% Paper - Senior Project Research Paper 35% Senior Project Requirement 20% Tests/Projects/Midterm Exam 10% Essays 10% Quizzes/Vocabulary/Other 10% Daily (Classwork/Homework) SEMESTER B 10% Portfolio: Completed Product Log w/ Pictures 10% Product (also includes Stand and Deliver presentation) 15% Presentation (Senior Boards) 35% Senior Project Requirement 20% Tests/Projects/Midterm Exam 10% Essays 10% Quizzes/Vocabulary/Other 15% Daily (Classwork/Homework) 10% Comprehensive Exam 15% Comprehensive Semester Exam _________________________________________ ______ 100% = SEMESTER A GRADE __________________________________________ ______ 100% = SEMESTER B GRADE **ALL THINGS RELATED TO THE SENIOR PROJECT CAN BE FOUND ON MRS. LORI CRAWLEY’S WEBSITE! There are many elements that go into creating a functional classroom environment. I believe that the number one, most important, non-negotiable essential is… RESPECT I am not simply talking about you showing me respect. Creating a functional classroom means that we show respect to each other as people; we respect one another’s thoughts, opinions and ideas; we respect each other’s time; we respect this classroom and all classroom materials; we respect each other’s privacy; we respect the school’s policies and procedures; finally, we respect ourselves. Ways to Express Respect: Be Attentive- Being attentive means that you are present, both physically and mentally. Class members will listen when others are speaking and will follow along with the readings, lessons, and discussions. Demonstrate Integrity- This means that you will turn in honest, thoughtful work. You will take ownership of your educational experience; adhere to deadlines; follow class policies, and will respect others’ right to learn in a safe classroom environment. Come Prepared- Please bring the required materials, texts, and supplies to class each day. If you need to borrow something from me, I will ask for collateral. Time Management- Please show up to class on time and ready to learn. This means that you will be in your seat working on the posted bell work when the bell rings. Please do not pack up your book bags or put away class materials until I instruct you to do so. I will excuse you from class after the dismissal bell rings, and all students are seated, the floor is clean, and all materials/books are neatly returned to their proper locations. Be Responsible- Take responsibility for your actions, your education, your work, your words, and yourself. Be Courteous- Say “excuse me” when appropriate; please do not throw anything at any time; please do not get up from your seat to throw things away during instruction (it can wait); if you need to sharpen your pencil, please wait for an appropriate time to raise your hand and request permission to do so- do not just get up and do it; unless it is an absolute emergency, do not ask to use the restroom during instruction or group work… ever. Special Note on Respect: An English classroom is a place where students should feel comfortable expressing their thoughts and opinions on a wide variety of subjects. A positive atmosphere cannot be achieved if the students do not show proper respect for their peers. For that reason, profanity, insults, physical threats, sexual harassment, or any other forms of rudeness that display a lack of respect for their classmates will not be tolerated under any circumstances. Consequences: Acting in a disrespectful manner may result in one or all of the following actions: phone call home, detentions, loss of participation points, referrals and/ or removal from class. Special Note on Cheating: I expect my students to uphold high ethical standards. Cheating – copying homework, looking at someone else’s test, plagiarizing an essay, or any other form of academic dishonesty – is a direct violation of these standards. Any student caught cheating will receive a score of 0 on that assignment. If the offense occurs a second time, the disciplinary procedure as outlined by the county will be followed. Attendance and Tardy Policy: The school sets forth the attendance and tardy policies to which I will adhere. To maintain our environment of respect, if the student must enter the classroom late, they are asked to please do so quietly and conscientiously and get on task as quickly as possible. Restroom Passes: Your agenda is your only available hall pass; if you do not have it, you do not leave the room. In addition, I will not tolerate having instruction interrupted for restroom use on a regular basis. You have the same six minutes between classes that everyone else has, and you need to use your time wisely. Coming and going to and from the classroom are disturbances to the entire class. Unless it is an absolute emergency, you may not use a restroom pass during instruction or group work. Extra Help: I have an open-door policy regarding problems or difficulties in the classroom. If any extra help is ever needed, parents and students alike should feel comfortable in asking me for it. I am always here before and after school, but if that does not fit your schedule, other times can always be arranged. Again, please do not hesitate to ask for help. There are no stupid questions… ever. Supplies: I ask that students bring the following to class every day: pen and/or pencil, binder with loose-leaf paper to be used exclusively for this class and current class text (will be kept in class and accessible online). We do much writing both in and out of class. Students will lose participation points for coming to class unprepared. Students will also need a flash drive for this class; I suggest a 2 GB flash or at least that much dedicated space of a larger flash drive. Donations: Items that are always needed and appreciated: tissues, hand sanitizer, lined index cards (both sizes), lined writing paper, plain white cardstock paper, construction paper, pens, pencils, colored pencils, crayons, markers, scissors, dry erase markers, Clorox wipes. Electronic Device Policy: (Etowah High School Policy) Students are not allowed to have cell phones at any time during school hours from 7:25 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. iPods are allowed during lunch only. If students use a cell phone or if a cell phone makes any noise, lights up, etc., the phone will be taken and given to an administrator along with a discipline referral. The following disciplinary consequences will be followed: 1st offense- 1 day Saturday School assigned by appropriate administrator, phone is given back at the end of the day. 2nd offense- 2 days- ISS and parent must pick up phone from appropriate administrator. 3rd offense- 3 days- ISS and parent must pick up phone from appropriate administrator. 4th offense- 5 days- ISS and parent must pick up phone from appropriate administrator. 5th offense- 9 days- Alternative School and parent must pick up phone from appropriate administrator. The reason for no cell phones/electronic devices during school hours include the following: cheating on tests, disruptions to class, inappropriate downloaded pictures, violation of privacy of other students if camera is used, inappropriate text messaging and phone calls to other students, and disruption of school phone service in case of an emergency. Student and Parent Acknowledgement Form I have read the syllabus, and agree to adhere to all policies and procedures set forth within it. I am aware of the consequences associated with breaking any of the policies listed. Student Signature _______________________________________ Date ___________ Parent Name Printed______________________________________________________ Parent Signature ________________________________________ Date ___________ Parent Email Address _____________________________________________________ Parent Phone Number (Best No. to reach you during the school day) _______________