AP HUMAN GEOGRAPHY Chapter 9 – Urban Geography – Guided Reading FIELD NOTE – GHOSTS OF DETROIT 1. The population of Detroit rose and fell with the --- industry. 2. The population of Detroit peaked at --- million in 1950, but the 2010 census shows the city’s population falling to ---. WHEN AND WHY DID PEOPLE START LIVING IN CITIES? 3. --- refers to the central city and surrounding areas. 4. The --- in the mid-1700’s marks the time when urbanization exploded for the first time. 5. List two components that allowed cities to stabilize and grow. 6. The innovation of the city is called the --- and it occurred independently in six hearths.. 7. Ancient cities not only were centers of religion and power, but also served as --nodes 8. Greece is accurately described as a – of urbanization. 9. The unregulated industrial cities of the British midlands became known as ---. WHERE ARE CITIES LOCATED AND WHY? 10. The --- holds that in model urban hierarchy, the population of a city or town will be inversely proportional to its rank in the hierarchy. 11. A --- is a country’s leading city, always disproportionately large. 12. The rank size rule does not apply in all countries, especially one with a ---. 13. --- created the central place theory. 14. The central place theory assumes that within a trade area of the largest central place, a series of larger --- would provide functions to several smaller places HOW ARE CITIES ORGANIZED AND HOW DO THEY FUNCTION? 15. The term --- refers to the urban area that is not suburban. 16. A --- is an outlying, functionally uniform part of an urban area and is often adjacent to the central city. 17. Suburbanization is the process by which lands that were previously outside the --environment become ---. 18. In the concentric ring model, zone 2 is characterized by residential --- and encroachment by business and light manufacturing. 19. In the concentric ring model, zone 4 consists of --- residences. 20. Cities that are located near freeways and intersections are called ---. 21. The African city has --- CBD’s. 22. The Southeast Asian city has a --- instead of a CBD. HOW DO PEOPLE SHAPE CITIES 23. Through --- cities define areas of the city and designate the kinds of development allowed in each zone. 24. --- Texas, is the only city in the US that does not have zoning laws. 25. --- occurs when financial institutions refuse to give home loans to minorities. 26. --- occurred when real estate agents tried to get whites to sell their homes under the guise that minorities were moving into the neighborhood. 27. When cities or individuals buy up and rehabilitate housing, raising the value of the neighborhood it is called ---. 28. --- are fenced I neighborhoods with controlled access gates for people and automobiles. 29. The illegal activities of an economy that can’t be recorded as income, such as drugs and under the table money are part of the --- economy. 30. --- cities function at the global scale, beyond the reach of the state borders, functioning as the service centers of the world economy.