Eighth Literature Membrane Structure and Function Life, as we know it, depends on a fragile lipid membrane that separates each cell from the surrounding world. These membranes, composed of two layers of lipids, are generally impermeable to ions and macromolecules. Proteins embedded in the lipid membrane facilitate the movement of ions, allowing cells to create an internal environment different from that outside. Membranes also subdivide the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells into compartments called organelles. Chapter 7 introduces the features that are shared by all biological membranes: a bilayer of lipids, integral proteins that cross the bilayer, and peripheral proteins associated with the surfaces. Membranes are a planar sandwich of two layers of lipids that act as two-dimensional fluids. Each lipid has a polar group from which extend hydrocarbon tails that are insoluble in water. The hydrocarbon tails are in the middle of the membrane bilayer with polar head groups exposed to water on both surfaces. In spite of the rapid, lateral diffusion of these lipids in the plane of the membrane, the hydrophobic interior of the bilayer is poorly permeable to ions and macromolecules. This impermeability makes it possible for cellular membranes to form barriers between the external environment, cytoplasm, and organelles. The selectively permeable membrane around each organelle allows the creation of a unique interior space for specialized biochemical reactions that contribute to the life process. Chapters 18 to 23 consider in detail all of the organelles, including mitochondria, chloroplasts, peroxisomes, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, lysosomes, and the vesicles of the secretory pathway. Peripheral membrane proteins that are found on the surfaces of the bilayer often participate in enzyme and signaling reactions. Others form a membrane skeleton on the cytoplasmic surface that reinforces the fragile lipid bilayer and attaches it to cytoskeletal filaments. Integral membrane proteins that cross lipid bilayers feature prominently in all aspects of cell biology. Some are enzymes that synthesize lipids for biological membranes (see Chapter 20). Others serve as adhesion proteins that allow cells to interact with each other or extracellular substrates (see Chapter 30). Cells need to sense hormones and many other molecules that cannot penetrate a lipid bilayer. Therefore, they have evolved thousands of protein receptors that span the lipid bilayer (see Chapter 24). Hormones or other extracellular signaling molecules bind selectively to receptors exposed on the cell surface. The energy from binding is used to transmit a signal across the membrane and turn on biochemical reactions in the cytoplasm A large fraction of the energy that is consumed by organs such as our brains is used to create ion gradients across membranes. Several large families of integral membrane proteins control the movement of ions and other solutes across membranes. Chapter 8 introduces three families of pumps that use adenosine triphosphate (ATP) hydrolysis as the source of energy to transport ions or solutes up concentration gradients across membranes. For example, pumps in the plasma membranes of animal cells use ATP hydrolysis to expel Na+ and concentrate K+ in the cytoplasm. Another type of pump creates the acid environment inside lysosomes. A related pump in mitochondria runs backward, taking advantage of a proton gradient across the membrane to synthesize ATP. A third family, called ABC transporters, use ATP hydrolysis to move a wide variety of solutes across plasma membranes. Carrier proteins (Chapter 9) facilitate the movement of ions and nutrients across membranes, allowing them to move down concentration gradients much faster than they can penetrate the lipid bilayer. Some carriers couple movement of an ion such as Na + down its concentration gradient to the movement of a solute such as glucose up a concentration gradient into the cell. Carriers generally change their shape reversibly to transport their cargo across the membrane one molecule at a time. Channels are transmembrane proteins with selective pores that allow ions, water, glycerol, or ammonia to move very rapidly down concentration gradients across membranes. Taking advantage of ion gradients created by pumps and carriers, cells selectively open ion channels to create electrical potentials across the plasma membrane and some organelle membranes. Many channels open and close their pores in response to local conditions. The electrical potential across the membrane regulates voltage-gated cation channels. Binding of a chemical ligand opens other channels. For instance, nerve cells secrete small organic ions (called neurotransmitters) to stimulate other nerve cells and muscles by binding to an extracellular domain of cation channels. The bound neurotransmitter opens the pore in the channel. In the cytoplasm, other organic ions and Ca2+ can also regulate channels. Cyclic nucleotides open plasma membrane channels in cells that respond to light and aromas. Inositol triphosphate and Ca2+ control channels that release Ca2+ from the endoplasmic reticulum. All living organisms depend on combinations of pumps, carriers, and channels for many physiological functions Cells use ion concentration gradients produced by pumps as a source of potential energy to drive the uptake of nutrients through plasma membrane carriers. Epithelial cells lining our intestines combine different carriers and channels in their plasma membranes to transport sugars, amino acids , and other nutrients from the lumen of the gut into the blood. Many organelles use carriers driven by ion gradients for transport. Most cells use ion channels and transmembrane ion gradients to create an electrical potential across their plasma membranes. Nerve and muscle cells create fast-moving fluctuations in the plasma membrane potential for high-speed communication; operating on a millisecond time scale, voltage-gated ion channels produce waves of membrane depolarization and repolarization called action potentials. Our abilities to perceive our environment, think, and move depend on transmission of electrical impulses between nerve cells and between nerves and muscles at specialized structures called synapses. When an action potential arrives at a synapse, voltage-gated Ca2+ channels trigger the secretion of neurotransmitters. In less than a millisecond, the neurotransmitter stimulates ligand-gated cation channels to depolarize the plasma membrane of the receiving cell. Muscle cells respond with an action potential that sets off contraction. Nerve cells in the central nervous system integrate inputs from many synapses before producing an action potential. Pumps and carriers cooperate to reset conditions after each round of synaptic transmission. Composition of Biological Membranes Biological membranes are composed of phospholipids, glycolipids and cholesterol. Membrane lipids are linked together through the cooperative effects of multiple weak noncovalent interactions such as van der Waals forces and hydrogen bonds,and as a result there is considerable fluidity of movement within the membrane—the constituents are free to diffuse laterally and rotationally. The overall structure is that of a fluid of lipids and membrane associated proteins undergoing Brownian motion.The motions of the molecules are not completely unrestricted, but instead are limited to specific regions of the membrane, giving rise to a mosaic of membrane compartments. Three classes of lipids are found in biological membranes— phospholipids, glycolipids, and cholesterol. Phospholipids are the primary constituents. 1 . Phosphoglycerides contain a glycerol backbone that is linked to a phosphoryl group bonded to a phosphorylated alcohol group. A different backbone component, sphingosine, is used in the sphingolipids. Of the four commonly occurring phospholipids, all except phosphatidylserine have uncharged head groups. Phosphatidylserine has a negatively charged head group and is found exclusively in the cytoplasmic leaflet. Phosphatidylinositol is of special importance in metazoans. It is reversibly phosphorylated at one or more OH sites on the inositol ring by lipid kinases to generate lipid signal molecules that coordinate a number of cellular processes including cytoskeleton control and motility, insulin signaling (glucose and lipid metabolism), and growth factor-promoted cell survival. 2. The Glycolipids: Like the phospholipids, have a backbone connected to fatty acyl chains. They differ from the phospholipids in that they contain one or more sugar groups in place of the phosphoryl-alcohol bearing head group of the phospholipids .Glycolipids are found in the exoplasmic leaflet of the plasma membrane, and are believed to promote cell-to-cell recognition. The sugar residues that form the hydrophilic head extend out from the cell surface. Lipid constituents of the plasma membrane: Exoplasmic—Outer; Cytoplasmic—Inner. *Phospholipids Phosphatidylcholine (PC): Exoplasmic leaflet *Phosphatidylethanolamine: Cytoplasmic leaflet *Phosphatidylserine :Cytoplasmic leaflet, negatively charged head, Sphingomyelin group *Phosphatidylinositol :Exoplasmic leaflet, sphingosine backbone, Major role in signaling *Glycolipids Exoplasmic leaflet, cell-to-cell recognition *Cholesterol Influences fluidity and membrane organization * Microdomains and Caveolae in Membranes Biological membranes contain microdomains and caveolae specialized for signal transduction. Lipids found in biological membranes vary in chain length and degree of saturation. Chains vary in length, having an even number of carbons typically between 14 and 24, with 16, 18, and 20 most common in phospholipids and glycolipids. Chains with one or more double bonds are unsaturated. These bonds are rigid and introduce kinks in the chain. In a fully saturated acyl chain the carbon-carbon atoms are covalently linked by single bonds. Each carbon atom in such a chain can establish a maximum possible number of bonds with hydrogen atoms, hence the term “saturated.” Such chains are free to rotate about their carboncarbon bonds, and can be packed tightly. In contrast, the kinks present in an array of unsaturated lipids cause irregularities or voids to appear in the array; these molecules cannot be packed as tightly. The degree of saturation of the acyl chains and the cholesterol content influence the melting point and fluidity of the lipids in the membrane. This point can be illustrated by some everyday examples. Fats, oils, and waxes are examples of lipids. Butter, a saturated lipid, is a solid gel at room temperature, while corn oil, an unsaturated lipid, is a liquid at the same temperature. Cholesterol plays an important role in determining the fluidity of the membrane compartments. It is smaller than the phospho- and glycolipids and is distributed between both leaflets. As the concentration of cholesterol increases, the lipid membrane becomes less disordered, gel-like and more like an ordered liquid in which the lipids are more tightly packed together, especially when saturated sphingolipids are present . Microdomains and Caveolae in Membranes Schematic representations of phospho- and glycolipids and cholesterol: (a) A phospholipid such as PC consisting of a pair of acyl chains in the tail region, a backbone, which in this case is glycerol, and a head region consisting of a phosphoryl group plus an alcohol group (b) A phosphatidylinositol molecule consisting of a tail region, a glycerol backbone, and a phosphoryl group coupled to a hexagonal inositol ring in the head region. (c) A glycolipid in which the head group consists of one or more sugar groups . (d) A cholesterol molecule is composed of a fatty acyl tail connected to a rigid steroid ring assembly with an OH group at the terminus that serves as its polar head. The plasma membranes of eukaryotes are not uniform, but rather contain several kinds of lipid domains, each varying somewhat in its lipid composition. Compartments enriched in cholesterol and/or sphingolipids contain high concentrations of signaling molecules: GPI-anchored proteins in their exoplasmic leaflet and a variety of anchored proteins in their cytoplasmic leaflet. Two kinds of compartments—caveolae and lipid rafts—enriched in cholesterol and glycosphingolipids, are specialized for signaling. Caveolae (little caves) are detergent-insoluble membrane domains enriched in glycosphingolipids, cholesterol, and lipid-anchored proteins. Caveolae are tiny flask-shaped invaginations in the outer leaflet of the plasma membrane. They play an important role in signaling as well as in transport. Caveolae may be flat, vesicular, or even tubular in shape, and may be either open or closed off from the cell surface.They are detergent insoluble and are enriched in coatlike materials, caveolins, which bind to cholesterol. Cholesterol- and sphingolipid-enriched microdomains can float within the more diffuse lipid bilayer. The second kind of cholesterol- and sphingolipid-enriched compartment is a lipid raft. It does not have a cave-like shape and does not contain caveolins, but instead is rather flat in shape. The fluid and detergent-insoluble properties of both the rafts and the caveolae arise from the tight packing of the acyl chains of the sphingolipids and from the high cholesterol content. The cholesterol molecules not only rigidify the compartment but Organization of Signal Calcium, & Cyclic AMP Complexes by Lipids, Lipids and the lipid bilayer: (a) Membrane bilayers contain a mixture of amphipathic lipids. Each lipid molecule has a hydrophilic (polar) head region and a twopronged hydrophobic tail region oriented as shown.Tails are fatty acyl chains, hydrocarbon chains with a carboxylic acid (COOH) group at one end and (usually) a methane group at the other terminus. In cells, the polar head of each lipid moleculeis surrounded by water molecules and thus is hydrated. The density of water molecules drops off rapidly in the hydrophobic interior. (b) Small cholesterol molecules are situated in between the larger lipid molecules. Lipids differ from one another in the number, length, and degree of saturation of the acyl chains, and in the composition of their head groups. The overall packing density is greater in (b) than in (a) due to the presence of cholesterol and of lipids with straighter saturated acyl chains. Signaling proteins carrying a GPI anchor attach to the exoplasmic leaflet while signaling proteins bearing acetyl and other kinds of anchors attach to the cytoplasmic leaflet. These proteins congregate in cholesterol and sphingolipidenriched membrane compartments. Also facilitate the formation of signaling complexes and the initiation of signaling by them. Lipid Kinases Phosphorylate Plasma Membrane Phosphoglycerides The plasma membrane phosphoglyceride known as phosphatidylinositol plays an important role in signaling, cytoskeleton regulation, and membrane trafficking. The inositol ring of the phosphatidylinositol molecule contains a phosphoryl group at position 1 that is tied to the glycerol backbone. All other OH groups of the inositol ring can be phosplorylated except those at positions 2 and 6. Just as protein kinases catalyze the transfer of phosphoryl groups to selected amino acid residues, lipid kinases catalyze the transfer of phosphoryl groups to specific sites on lipids. Several lipid kinases catalyze the phosphorylation of phosphatidylinositol. The lipid kinase phosphoinositide-3-OH kinase (PI3K) catalyzes the transfer of a phosphoryl group from an ATP molecule to the OH group at position 3 of the inositol ring of the lipid. Other lipid kinases, PI4K and PI5K, catalyze the transfer of phosphoryl groups to the other available sites, positions 4 and 5, on the ring. An entire ensemble of phosphoinositides can be produced through the addition and subtraction of phosploryl groups from positions 3, 4, and 5 of the inositol rings.