MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Page 1 of 3 1. CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Product Name: MACMILLAN 2-Cycle TCW-II & TCW-III Engine Oil Product Code: Chemical Name: Petroleum bases two-cycle oil Chemical Family: Blend Manufacturer: Scot Lubricants Emergency Telephone Numbers 6 Horwith Drive Information: 484-275-7990 8am-5pm EST M-F Northampton, PA 18067 Emergency Phone: 800-876-7268 24 hrs every day 2. HAZARD IDENTIFICATION EMERGENCY OVERVIEW APPEARANCE: BROWN, TRANSPARENT ODOR: MILD HYDROCARBON ODOR POTENTIAL HEALTH EFFECTS: INHALATION: MAY CAUSE RESPIRATORY TRACT INFECTION INGESTION: PRACTICALLY NON-TOXIC EYE CONTACT: MAY CAUSE EYE IRRITATION SKIN CONTACT: PROLONGED OR REPEATED SKIN CONTACT MAY PRODUCE SLIGHT IRRITATION SKIN ABSORPTION: PRACTICALLY NON-TOXIC CARCINOGEN LISTED BY: IARC (NO) NTP (NO) OSHA (NO) NFPA/HMIS CLASSIFICATION HEALTH – 1/1 FLAMMABILITY – 1/1 REACTIVITY – 0/0 ACGIH (NO) OTHER (NO) HAZARD RATING 0=LEAST 1=SLIGHT 2=MODERATE 3=HIGH 4=EXTREME 3. FIRST AID MEASURES INHALATION: Move to fresh air EYE CONTACT: Flush with water for at least 15 minutes. If irritation persists, obtain medical assistance. SKIN CONTACT: Remove contaminated clothing and wash skin thoroughly with soap and water. Wash clothing before reuse. INGESTION; DO NOT induce vomiting; call a physician immediately. Revision: 8/8/2012 NA=Not Applicable ND=No Data NE=Not Established MACMILLAN 2-Cycle Engine Oil Page 2 of 3 4. FIRE AND EXPLOSION FLASHPOINT (METHOD): 218°C Minimum COC FLAMMABLE LIMITS: Not established. AUTO-IGNITION TEMP: N/D EXTINGUISHING MEDIA: Use dry chemical, foam, carbon dioxide or water spray. FIRE FIGHTING INSTRUCTIONS: Do not use water except as fog. FIRE FIGHTING EQUIPMENT: Use supplied air-breathing equipment for enclosed or confined spaces, or as otherwise needed. DECOMPOSITION PRODUCTS UNDER FIRE CONDITIONS: Fumes, smoke, sulfur oxides and partially burned hydrocarbons. CAUTION: Use product with caution around heat, sparks, pilot light, static electricity and open flame. Keep containers and storage vessels closed when not in use. DO NOT store near heat, sparks, flame, or strong oxidants. 5. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES SPILLS OR LEAKS: Recover free product. Add sand, earth, or other suitable absorbent to spill area. Minimize skin contact. Keep product out of sewers and water courses by diking or impounding. Advise authorities if product has entered or may enter sewers, watercourses, or extensive land areas. Assure conformity with applicable governmental regulations. Dispose of in accordance with all applicable federal, state, and local regulations. 6. EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION VENTILATION: Use local exhaust to capture vapor, mists, or fumes if necessary. Provide ventilation sufficient to prevent exceeding exposure limit or buildup of explosive concentrations of vapor in air. Use explosion proof equipment. Restrict smoking in area. EYE: Use splash goggles or face shield when eye contact may occur. RESPIRATORY: Use supplied-air respiratory protection in confined or enclosed spaces, if needed. SKIN: Use chemical-resistant gloves, if needed, to avoid prolonged or repeated skin contact. OTHER: Use chemical-resistant apron or other impervious clothing, if needed, to avoid contaminating clothing, which could result in prolonged or repeated skin contact. Minimize breathing of vapor, mist or fumes. Avoid prolonged or repeated contact with skin. remove contaminated clothing; launder or dry clean before reuse. Remove contaminated shoes and thoroughly clean before reuse; discard if oil soaked. Clean skin thoroughly after contact, before breaks or meals, and at the end of the work period. Product is readily removed from skin by waterless hand cleaners followed by washing thoroughly with soap and water. 7. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES APPEARANCE/ODOR: TRANSPARENT BROWN / MILD HYDROCARBON ODOR BOILING POINT: N/D SOLUBILITY IN WATER: NEGLIGIBLE SPECIFIC GRAVITY: 0:88 (WATER=1) EVAPORATION RATE: N/D VAPOR DENSITY: N/D VISCOSITY: SAE 30 VOLATILITY: N/D MELTING POINT: -20° C Revision: 8/8/2012 NA=Not Applicable ND=No Data NE=Not Established MACMILLAN 2-Cycle Engine Oil Page 3 of 3 8. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY STABILITY: STABLE MATERIALS TO AVOID: STRONG-OXIDIZING AGENTS. HAZARDOUS POLYMERIZATION: WILL NOT OCCUR. HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSITION: DOES NOT CONTAIN ANY CHEMICAL LISTED AS A CARCINOGEN. OR POTENTIAL CARCINOGEN BY OSHA, OR IARC MONOGRAPHS OR THE NATIONAL TOXICOLOGY PROGRAMS. 9. TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION DOT PROPER SHIPPING NAME HAZARD CLASS ID NUMBER LABEL REQUIRED IMDG PROPER SHIPPING NAME IATA PROPER SHIPPING NAME 2-CYCLE ENGINE OIL (not defined as “hazardous material”) Not regulated Not regulated Not regulated N.D. N.D. 10. OTHER INFORMATION SCOT LUBRICANTS OF PA, INC. 6 HORWITH DRIVE NORTHAMPTON, PA 18067 484-275-7990 The information on this form is furnished solely for the purpose of compliance with the OSHA Act, and shall not be used for any other purpose. The information herein is given in good faith and is based on data considered accurate. However, no warranty, expressed or implied, is made regarding the accuracy of these data or the result to be obtained from the use thereof. Revision: 8/8/2012 NA=Not Applicable ND=No Data NE=Not Established