to access the small print questionnaire.

Your views of the council draft equality objectives for 2016-2020
As part of our duty under the Equality Act 2010, the council publishes equality objectives
every four years. These set out our equality priorities regarding employment practices and the
way we provide services.
We last published equality objectives in 2012 and are now reviewing them to see if they are
still relevant and to consider how they might be updated.
It is important that we engage with as many different people and groups as we can to make
sure the objectives we set are the right ones. We want to consult with you to find out if you
think these objectives are the right ones for us to prioritise over the next four years.
Please tell us what you think by completing this short questionnaire.
Your responses will be treated confidentially. Any response you send us will be seen by staff
dealing with the issues which this consultation is about. It may also be seen by other staff to
help them plan work or services. No individual information that could be used to identify you
will be published.
If you need this information in large print, braille, audio, or another
format please contact us:
Telephone: 01670 622674
Fax: 01670 620 223
Text phone: 01670 542 999
NGT: 18001 01670 622674 (for people with a speech or hearing
Many thanks for your help.
Keith Thompson
Rights Team Manager
Wellbeing and Community Health Services
County Hall
NE61 2EF
Your views about the draft equality objectives for 2016-2020
To help us shape our equality objectives for the next four years, we would be grateful if you
could take a little time to give us your views of our draft equality objectives below.
Your responses will be treated confidentially. The information you give us will not be used to
identify any individuals.
1. Do you agree with the following objectives? (Please tick as
a. Understand and respond to the specific equality needs of our
customers better, and improve recording and understanding of service
use and experience between people from different protected groups.
b. To improve access to and the experience of Council services to bring
the life opportunities of disabled people, and in particular older disabled
people, more closely into line with those of other groups in the
c. Foster an accessible and inclusive working environment for all our staff.
d. Work with communities to tackle hate crime and continue to be an
active member of the Safer Northumberland Partnership
If you don’t agree with any of these objectives, or if you have any comments or suggestions
about the equality objectives, please tell us in the box below.
2. As part of the Government's austerity programme, the Council like other parts of
public sector is having to make substantial savings in its budget. We aim to do all we
can to make sure that this does not disproportionately affect groups in the County's
population who particularly need our services. When we make changes to services,
even when the main reason is to make savings, we aim always to consider whether
there are ways to make improvements in the way we meet the needs of these groups -for instance by making services more accessible through new ways of working so that
staff are much closer to the communities we serve. If you have any comments about
how well we are achieving these aims, please tell us in the box below.
ABOUT YOU: This section aims to help us find out if different groups of people have
the same views and experiences
It is important to us to know if we are providing services fairly to all groups of people. These
questions are intended to help us find out about that. The information you give us will be kept
confidential and will only be used to provide an overall picture of the use and experience of
the council’s services by different groups of people. No personal information that could
identify you will be used in producing equality reports. You do not have to complete this form
or individual questions if you do not want to. Your answers will help us find out if we are
providing services fairly and which groups of people have responded to the consultation.
Thank you.
Do you work for Northumberland County Council?
If you are filling this questionnaire on behalf of a statutory or voluntary organisation or group,
please let us know the name.
I identify my gender as:
Prefer not to say
If you would prefer to use your own term please provide this here ………………
Do you consider yourself to have a disability?
(The Equality Act 2010 considers a person to be disabled if they have “a mental or physical
impairment that has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on their ability to carry out
normal day-to-day activities.”)
Prefer not to say
Please indicate which of these groups you consider you belong to:
A. White
B. Mixed / multiple ethnic groups
English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British
Gypsy / Roma
Any other White background
C. Black / African / Caribbean / Black British
White and Black Caribbean
White and Black African
White and Asian
Any other Mixed / multiple
ethnic background
D. Asian / Asian British
Any other Black / African / Caribbean background
Any other Asian background
E. Other ethnic group
Prefer not to say
Any other ethnic group
What is your religion and belief?
No religion
Christian (including Church of England,
Catholic, Protestant and all other
Christian denominations)
Any other religion, (please state):
Prefer not to say
Which of the following options best describes how you think of yourself?
Heterosexual or Straight
Gay or Lesbian
Not Sure
Prefer not to say
Thank you for your time.
Please email this electronic questionnaire back to
or send it by post to
Keith Thompson
Rights Team Manager
Wellbeing and Community Health Services
County Hall
NE61 2EF
Freepost envelopes can be provided on request please
contact Keith Thompson
Please send your response by Friday the 29th of January 2016