
Grace Abuhamad: Welcome to the 3rd Webinar for the CWG-Stewardship. We
will start at 16:00 UTC.
Grace Abuhamad: Please note that questions/comments will be at the end
of the presentation. The Adobe room is listen-only (and question/comments
through chat). Please refer to call details received in your RSVP for
Grace Abuhamad: When submitting a question that you want me to read out
loud, please start with a <QUESTION> and end with a ³</QUESTION>². Text
outside these quotes will be considered as part of ³chat² and will not be
read out loud
Grace Abuhamad: Please note that chat sessions are being archived and
follow the ICANN Expected Standards of Behavior:
Robert Guerra: hello all (again)
Bernard Turcotte - staff support: ditto
matthew shears: Hello all
Pär Brumark Niue: Hi all!
Bernard Turcotte - staff support: Chuck are you there?
Taylor Bentley: Hi, was the Matrix of all the strawman proposals
considered made public?
Graeme Bunton: All of the work is public, as far as I know Taylor
Taylor Bentley: Thanks Graeme, I guess its just a matter of finding it!
Stephanie Duchesneau (RySG): all of the documents (including the
strawmen and the strawman matrix) are archived here
jaap akkerhuis SSAC: The working group site starts at
jaap akkerhuis SSAC: (Got beaten in chatting this)
Grace Abuhamad: Thanks both!
Taylor Bentley: Eureka! Thank you
Grace Abuhamad: @stephanie and @jaap
Grace Abuhamad: Please note that questions/comments will be at the end
of the presentation. The Adobe room is listen-only (and question/comments
through chat). Please refer to call details received in your RSVP for
Grace Abuhamad: When submitting a question that you want me to read out
loud, please start with a <QUESTION> and end with a ³</QUESTION>². Text
outside these quotes will be considered as part of ³chat² and will not be
read out loud
Jimmy Schulz: sorry for the delay... I was still in the car.
Wolf-Ulrich Knoben: Question: Re the submission of the proposal: is
coordimation with the ICG still needed in order to synchronize the
timelines? Question
Grace Abuhamad: Thanks @wolf Ulrich. Noted
steve metalitz: QUESTION: Please explain further why it was thought
necessary to create contract Co. solely to sign the contract? Couldn't
this function be combined with MRT? QUESTION
Alan Greenberg: Who determines "all" (in all of the relevant communities)
Grace Abuhamad: Thank you @Steve. Noted
Alan Greenberg: <QUESTION> Who determines "all" (in all of the relevant
communities) <QUESTION>
Grace Abuhamad: Thanks @Alan. Noted
Lise Fuhr: @Wolf-Ulrich In order to answer your question could you
elaborate about what you mean with synchronize the timeline?
P. Vergote (DNS Belgium): <QUESTION> Would, MRT, CST & IAP
"operate" under US law? <QUESTION>
Marika Konings: Thanks P. Vergote, your question has been noted.
Stephen Deerhake: QUESTION: Is the Appeals Panel intended to be the
vehicle for the never implemented ³Internet DNS Names Review Board
(IDNB)² mentioned in RFC-1591 (3)(4)?
Marika Konings: Thanks Stephen, noted.
Wolf-Ulrich Knoben: @Lise: there seems to be a slight "overlap" of 2
weeks up to know. ICG is expecting the proposals by mid Jan 15
Wolf-Ulrich Knoben: Question: does the CWG intend to ask for external
consultancy re the details of the Contract Co? Question
Jimmy Schulz: thx
Marika Konings: Thanks, Wolf-Ulrich. Noted.
Wolf-Ulrich Knoben: sorry I have to leave for another appointment. Will
read the recordined text. Thanks and bye
Stephen Deerhake: QUESTION: How flushed out is the composition of
Contract Co? Where do the Board members come from? How will ³capture²
of Contract Co be prevented?
Marika Konings: Thanks, Stephen, noted
Alan Greenberg: With relation to MRT
Marika Konings: Sorry, Steve, skipped over your question. It is next in
steve metalitz: QUESTION: There has been much discussion of "stress
test" scenarios for the transition arrangement. Has WG had the chance to
subject its proposal to "stress testing,"and if not, at what point in the
process would WG expect this to occur? QUESTION
Marika Konings: @Steve, noted
Robert Guerra: indeed. it is mentioned in RFP 4. Details here
Alan Greenberg: QUESTION If Contract Co violates its bylaws or articles on
incorporation who has standing to take action and through what process?
Stephen Deerhake: QUESTION: My question regarding ³capture² was serious.
I refer you to the 2000-2001 period if ICANN¹s existence when they were
basically attempting to extort contracts from ccTLDs before IANA would
make critical root zone name server changes. How do we prevent that sort
of thing from happening in the future?
Marika Konings: Thanks, Alan and Stephen, noted.
Chuck Gomes (RySG): @ Stephen Deerhake: Please submit ways that
caputure can be prevented in the public comment period.
Chuck Gomes (RySG): thanks Lise, Greg and Marika. Nice job.
Philip Sheppard BRG: well done everyone. Clarity from chaos.
Stephen Deerhake: Thanks Lise, Greg and Marika.And a big thanks to the
steve metalitz: Thanks to Greg and all other CWG participants for lots
of hard and thoughtful work on this.
michael niebel: Thank you Lise, Greg, very informative
Jimmy Schulz: thanks a lot!
Graeme Bunton: Thanks all.
Bernard Turcotte - staff support: bye
P. Vergote (DNS Belgium): thank you!
Gordon Chillcott: Thank you.
jaap akkerhuis SSAC: bye
Greg Shatan: Goodbye all and thank you for your participation and
Lise Fuhr: Goodbye and thank you for listening
Robert Guerra: bye all