Spatially optimizing the distribution of sustainable sugarcane production in Goiás, Brazil, based on GHGemissions and costs Master thesis Sanne Hettinga 3922332 Bron 14, 1511 JK, Oostzaan Energy Science 37,5 ECT’s Supervisors: Judith Verstegen and Floor van der Hilst Second reader: Martin Junginger ii Abstract The production of bioethanol from sugarcane in Brazil has increased steadily over the last decade, and the surface area used to grow sugarcane has expanded. The aim of this study is to find the optimal spatial configuration of new sugarcane fields in Goías, Brazil, created between 2005 and 2010, optimizing for both costs and GHG-emissions, keeping the ethanol production equal to the demand in 2010. The analysis is performed by modelling both the costs and GHG-emissions in a spatially explicit way, based on both spatial and non-spatial variables. The spatial variables that are inputs for the costs are cultivation and transportation and for the GHG-emissions these are land use change and transportation. The optimal location is determined by applying a multi-criteria analysis (MCA) while applying different weight factors. It has to be taken into account that there is a large uncertainty in the data and land availability and the research has to be improved by taking into account the capacity of the mills and making newly constructed mills a spatial variable before the actual optimal configuration of sugarcane fields can be determined. Results show that when optimizing only for GHG-emissions, the GHG-emissions can be reduced with 58% compared to the actual configuration of sugarcane fields in 2010, yet, the costs increase with 45%. When optimizing only costs, the costs can be reduced with US$5,-/GJethanol compared with the actual configuration in 2010, and the GHG-emissions are still almost 10% lower than for the actual sugarcane fields in 2010. When distributing the weight factors equally over costs and GHG-emissions in the MCA, the costs are equal to when optimizing only costs, while decreasing the GHG-emissions with 23%, mainly by avoiding sugarcane cultivation on forest land. It can be concluded that optimizing the location of sugarcane fields can decrease both costs and GHG-emissions. Finally, it can be concluded that the results of this study can aid in the finding a suitable location of sugarcane fields for ethanol production. iii Index Abstract ...................................................................................................................................................iii Index ........................................................................................................................................................ iv List of tables .............................................................................................................................................v List of figures ........................................................................................................................................... vi List of abbreviations ............................................................................................................................... vii 1. Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 1 2. Method ................................................................................................................................................ 3 2.1 GHG-emissions .............................................................................................................................. 4 2.1.1 Land use change ..................................................................................................................... 4 2.1.2 Lifecycle analysis..................................................................................................................... 6 2.2 Costs .............................................................................................................................................. 7 2.3 Multi-criteria Analysis.................................................................................................................... 9 2.4 Spatial Optimization .................................................................................................................... 11 3. Case study.......................................................................................................................................... 13 4. Results ............................................................................................................................................... 13 5. Discussion .......................................................................................................................................... 22 6. Conclusion ......................................................................................................................................... 25 7. References ......................................................................................................................................... 27 Appendix A: Data ................................................................................................................................... 31 A1: GHG-emissions ............................................................................................................................ 31 A2: Costs ............................................................................................................................................ 34 iv List of tables Table 1: The three types of optimizations have been acted out in this study with the weight factors assigned to it Table 2: The potential GHG-emissions of bioethanol in Goiás (in kg CO2-eq/GJethanol) Table 3: The potential costs of bioethanol in Goiás (in US$/GJethanol) Table 4: The total actual costs, total actual GHG-emissions and the surface area calculated for the actual new sugarcane cells and for the three options as defined in table 1 Table 5: Parameters involved with calculating the land use change emissions (ELUC) Table 6: Ratio belowground biomass/aboveground biomass for different land use types Table 7: Parameters involved with calculating the cultivation emissions (ECultivation) Table 8: Parameters involved with calculating the transportation emissions (ETransportation) Table 9: Parameters involved with calculating the cultivation emissions (EConversion) Table 10: Parameters involved with calculating the avoided emissions (EAvoided) Table 11: Parameters involved with calculating the cultivation costs (CCultivation) Table 12: Parameters involved with calculating the transportation costs (CTransportation) Table 13: Parameters involved with calculating the conversion costs (CConversion) Table 14: Parameters involved with calculating the avoided costs (CAavoided) v List of figures Figure 1: A visual representation of the data flow to optimize the sugarcane field location. Figure 2: A visual representation of the spatial optimization method. Figure 3: Map showing the states of Brazil, with in yellow the state Goiás. Figure 4: Maps showing the potential of (a) LUC emissions and (b) transportation emissions contributing to the GHG-emissions of ethanol production (in kg CO2-eq/GJethanol). Figure 5: Maps showing the potential of (a) cultivation costs and (b) transportation costs contributing to the total costs of ethanol production (in US$/GJethanol). Figure 6: Maps showing the potential of (a) total GHG-emissions (in kg CO2-eq/GJethanol) and (b) total costs (in US$/GJethanol) of ethanol production, containing both the spatial and non-spatial variables. Figure 7: Histogram of the yield of the optimized configuration of option A. Only the low yield options in Goiás are present. Figure 8: Histogram of the yield of region Goiás. Figure 9: Histogram of the yield of the optimized configuration of option A. Only the low yield options in Goiás are present. Figure 10: Map showing the existing sugarcane cells in 2005 (black), the actual new sugarcane cells in 2010 (pink), the optimized configuration of sugarcane cells from option A (yellow) and the overlap between the actual sugarcane cells in 2010 and the optimized sugarcane cells from option C (orange). Figure 11: Map showing the existing sugarcane cells in 2005 (black), the actual new sugarcane cells in 2010 (pink), the optimized configuration of sugarcane cells from option B (light green) and the overlap between the actual sugarcane cells in 2010 and the optimized sugarcane cells from option B (dark green). Figure 12: Map showing the existing sugarcane cells in 2005 (black), the actual new sugarcane cells in 2010 (pink), the optimized configuration of sugarcane cells from option C (light blue) and the overlap between the actual sugarcane cells in 2010 and the optimized sugarcane cells from option C (dark blue). vi List of abbreviations EU GHG-emissions GIS IPCC LCA LUC MCA SOC European Union Greenhouse Gas emissions Geographic Information Systems Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change Life Cycle Analysis Land Use Change Multi-Criteria Analysis Soil Organic Carbon vii 1. Introduction The global production of bioethanol has increased significantly over the last decade (Walter et al., 2011). The raised interest can mainly be explained by a desire for energy security and in part by an increase in concern of individual countries regarding climate change, causing a growth in interest in reducing Greenhouse Gas emissions (GHG-emissions) (European Commission, 2013). The European Union (EU) has set standards for a minimum of bioethanol blended in with the regular fuel. In 2010 5.75% bioethanol has to be added to regular fuel, and by 2020 this must be 10% (EU, 2011). This target can increase the future demand for bioethanol (IEA, 2013; Leite et al., 2009). Bioethanol can only be imported as a part of this target into the EU if the GHG-emissions during the lifecycle are at least 35% less than for fossil fuels and meets specific criteria regarding the previous land use type of the biofuel crop fields (EU, 2011). To counteract disadvantages of future land use change (LUC) - such as deforestation, competition with food, threats to hydrology and decreasing biodiversity (IEA, 2010; IPCC, 2011; Scharlemann & Laurance, 2008) - evaluating the location of future crop fields that are converted to accommodate the future bioethanol demand can decrease GHG-emissions emitted during ethanol production. Furthermore, by for instance shortening transportation distance, both GHG-emissions and costs along the production chain can be reduced. This can enable the reduction of costs and GHG-emissions of future biofuel crop fields without additional investments, by choosing a different location for the biofuel crop fields. Research has been done regarding the optimization of both costs and GHG-emissions of different stages of the production of bioethanol. Up until now, research has focused on the optimization of efficiency of the biofuel crop processing (Efe et al., 2005), and the infrastructure and transport of bioethanol production (Kang et al., 2010). However, no research has yet been done as to how the spatial configuration of biofuel crop fields can be optimized. Therefore the aim of this study is to optimize the configuration of biofuel crop fields, considering GHG-emissions and costs for a case study. When optimizing the biofuel crop field configuration, the ethanol production of the optimal configuration has to be equal to the actual ethanol demand. Because the production depends on the yield (which is spatially variable), the total biofuel crop field surface area to produce the bioethanol can vary, depending on the configuration of the fields. A time window in the past is selected to evaluate the surface area that is converted to biofuel crop field. The location of only the new biofuel crop fields are spatially variable and thereby only the location of these fields can be optimized. Currently, the United States are the largest producer of bioethanol, a position held by Brazil up until 2006, which currently remains the second largest producer of bioethanol. Bioethanol from sugarcane has both the lowest price and GHG-emissions of all bioethanol products (Walter et al., 2011). Therefore bioethanol production from sugarcane is considered in this study. A region in Brazil has been selected as a case study in this research, because of the long history in and significant experience with the production process of sugarcane bioethanol and the optimal climate, soil type and precipitation for sugarcane cultivation in the South-Central region (Walter et al., 2011). In Brazil, the sugarcane produced for bioethanol production has grown with 9,9 % between 2002 and 2008 to 560 million tonnes which corresponds to 8,1 Mha growth of sugarcane fields (Walter et al., 2011). The change in sugarcane fields is studied between 2005 and 2010. The case study is set in Goiás, a state in the South-Central region of Brazil, because in this region the production of bioethanol from sugarcane has occurred for a long time, a significant growth between 2005 and 2010 is observed (Rudorff et al., 2010) and a significant future growth is predicted (Walter et al., 2011). 1 Two criteria are optimized in this study: costs and GHG-emissions. These criteria have been chosen to comply with the targets of the EU (EU, 2011), and to make the price of ethanol more competitive with regular fossil fuels. These criteria are both assessed spatially. The costs are all costs associated with the production of bioethanol over the lifecycle until the gate (both feedstock production as industrial costs). The GHG-emissions are determined using two methods: an evaluation of the GHGemissions from land use change (LUC) (IEA, 2010; IPCC, 2011; Scharlemann & Laurance, 2008) and the lifecycle emissions along the production chain (LCA) (Baumann & Tillman, 2004; de Bruin et al., 2001). These two decision criteria have different units, namely kg CO2-equivalent for the GHGemissions and USUS$ for the costs. To enable the evaluation of a problem with a combination of two variables with different units, a multi-criteria analysis (MCA) is applied, using the costs and GHGemissions as decision criteria. Finally, the optimal configuration is selected. It has to be kept in mind when analysing costs and GHG-emissions of bioethanol production along its lifetime that a part of the sugarcane produced is not for the production of bioethanol, but for other purposes, such as sugar production. The research in this study is carried out using Geographic information Systems (GIS). GIS and energy science are not self-evident partners in science. In the field of bio-energy some research has been done using GIS (Freppaz et al., 2004; Velazquez-Marti & Annevelink, 2009), but Horner et al. (2011) emphasizes that these two disciplines can aid one another in even more research areas. In this research it is attempted to evaluate and optimize the spatial components of several stages (land use change, cultivation and transportation) of the production process of bioethanol using GIS to answer the research questions of this study: How can sugarcane fields, converted between 2005 and 2010, in the Brazilian state Goiás be distributed optimally (while keeping the ethanol production equal to the demand in 2010) considering GHG-emissions and the cost over time? Subquestions: - How can the GHG-emissions and costs of bioethanol, used to optimize the location of sugarcane fields, be quantified? - What characterizes suitable locations for new sugarcane fields created between 2005 and 2010, considering the spatial variables individually? - What are the optimal configurations of the expansion (between 2005 and 2010) of sugarcane fields in 2010, considering both costs and GHG-emissions, while keeping the ethanol production equal to the demand in 2010, with different weights assigned to each variable? - What are the average GHG-emissions and costs of the optimized configuration of new sugarcane fields? - How does the optimized configuration for 2010 compare to the actual configuration of sugarcane fields in 2010? 2 2. Method To obtain the optimal location of sugarcane fields in Goiás, considering the decision criteria GHGemissions and costs, several steps are taken (Figure 1). Firstly, a map showing the potential GHGemissions of the bioethanol production chain is calculated, using the potential LUC emissions and the potential LCA emissions as input. The inputs for the LCA are cultivation, transportation, conversion and avoided emissions. The land use map is based on the land use in 2005, determined by Verstegen et al. (2014), and is compared to the sugarcane fields in 2010. The map by Verstegen et al. (2014), a raster map with a cellsize of 5x5 km2, is the starting point of the analysis. All maps are converted to this format. For instance, the sugarcane fields in 2010, which are polygons, are converted to raster cells with a cellsize of 5x5 km2. Because the actual sugarcane field polygons can cross the boundaries of these cells, in the method and result section they are referred to as sugarcane cells. Secondly, a map for the potential costs is calculated, using potential cultivation, transportation, conversion and avoided costs as input. The map showing the potential GHG-emissions and potential costs are called potential for they are a prediction for the GHG-emissions and costs for all cells in Goiás, also those that are not converted to sugarcane fields and therefore are not involved in the bioethanol production chain. The GHG-emissions and costs of the actual sugarcane cells in 2010 are called actual costs, for these are GHG-emissions and costs that are actually generated by sugarcane cells in Goiás in 2010. Thirdly, the potential GHG-emissions and potential costs are summed using a MCA with different weight factors, creating ranking maps that can be used to optimize the location of sugarcane cells. Fourthly, the optimal configuration of sugarcane cells in 2010 is derived using several sets of weight factors (only varying the sugarcane cells that are converted between 2005 and 2010), keeping the ethanol production equal to the demand in 2010. The sugarcane mills that are considered are all sugarcane mills that are located and functional in Goiás in 2010. The mills that have been constructed between 2005 and 2010 are not moved in this study (so they are at a fixed location). The GHG-emissions and costs associated with these optimal configurations are called optimal GHG-emissions and optimal costs. Finally, optimized GHG-emissions and optimized costs are compared to the actual configuration in 2010. 3 MCA Potential LUC emissions LCA Potential GHGemissions Potential cultivation Ranking map Spatial Optimization Potential transportation Potentially conversion Optimal configuration Potential costs Potential avioded Figure 1: A visual representation of the data flow to optimize the sugarcane field location. In this chapter, first the two methods that are used to model the potential GHG-emissions (LUC and LCA) are explained. Second, the method for modelling of the potential costs is elaborated upon. Variables that vary over space are indicated in the equations in bold. Third, the method for applying the multi-criteria analysis is clarified. And finally, the optimization procedure is explained. 2.1 GHG-emissions In this study the map showing the potential for the total GHG-emissions (ETotal) is calculated using two methods: emissions due to the change in carbon stock due to LUC and the emissions from the production chain of sugarcane ethanol (LCA). The total GHG-emissions are calculated using equation 1: ๐ฌ๐ป๐๐๐๐ = ๐ฌ๐ณ๐ผ๐ช + ๐ฌ๐ณ๐ช๐จ ETotal ELUC ELCA Total GHG-emissions Land use change emissions GHG-emissions made along production chain (1) kg CO2-eq/GJethanol kg CO2-eq/GJethanol kg CO2-eq/GJethanol All GHG-emissions are expressed in a functional unit. The functional unit is kg CO2-eq/GJethanol. This unit is chosen because it enables an easy comparison to other fuels, such as gasoline. 2.1.1 Land use change When the use of the land changes, the inputs and outputs of the land become different, and therefore the carbon stock changes (Guo et al., 2002; van der Hilst et al., 2014). The difference in carbon stock in the above ground biomass is most visible, but the main amount of carbon is stored in 4 the soil, where it has been transported by roots and dead matter (IPCC, 2006).The amount of carbon stock present in soils, as well as the above and belowground biomass depends on several spatial components, such as soil type, climate, land use and agricultural management (van der Hilst et al., 2014). In this study only land use is a heterogeneous spatial component and the others are assumed to be constant for the entire case study area. The change in carbon stock (Eluc) can be caused by changes in one or more of the following four components: residues (dead material and litter), Soil Organic Carbon (SOC), aboveground biomass (visible biomass) and belowground biomass (roots) (IPCC, 2006). As in the TIER 1 approach from IPCC (2006), only SOC, above and belowground biomass are considered in this study. Emissions caused by indirect land use change are not considered. The potential LUC emissions are calculated using equation 2: ๐ฌ๐ณ๐ผ๐ช = (๐บ๐ถ๐ช๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ −๐บ๐ถ๐ช๐๐๐ )+((๐จ๐ฎ๐ฉ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ +๐ฉ๐ฎ๐ฉ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ )− ( ๐จ๐ฎ๐ฉ๐๐๐ +๐ฉ๐ฎ๐ฉ๐๐๐ )) ๐ก (2) =๐ ∑๐ก๐๐ข๐ =1 ๐ท๐๐๐ ๐ฌ๐๐๐๐๐๐/๐๐ ๐๐ข๐ tluc = 1,2,3,…,T ELUC SOCsugarcane AGBsugarcane BGBsugarcane SOCold AGBold BGBold tluc Land use change emissions SOC after LUC to sugarcane Aboveground biomass after LUC to sugarcane Belowground biomass after LUC to sugarcane SOC before LUC Aboveground biomass before LUC Belowground biomass before LUC Time required for the system to reach equilibrium kg CO2-eq/GJethanol kg CO2-eq/GJethanol kg CO2-eq/GJethanol kg CO2-eq/GJethanol kg CO2-eq/GJethanol kg CO2-eq/GJethanol kg CO2-eq/GJethanol years ๐ท๐๐๐ ๐ฌ๐๐๐๐๐๐/๐๐ = ๐๐๐๐๐ × ๐๐๐๐๐ × ๐ธ๐ท๐๐๐ ๐๐ก๐ฆ ProdEthanol/ha yield ηmill EDensity Ethanol production in one hectare Sugarcane production Conversion efficiency Energy density of ethanol (3) GJethanol/ha/year tonne/ha/year m3ethanol/tonne GJethanol/m3ethanol The sugarcane yield is determined by equation 4: ๐๐๐๐๐ = ๐ฆ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ฅ × ๐ญ๐๐๐๐๐ yield yieldmax Fyield Sugarcane production per hectare Maximum yield in Brazil Fraction of maximum yield (4) tonne/ha tonne/ha tonne/tonne The fractional yield (Fyield) is the fraction of the maximum yield that is obtained in Brazil. Because the yield is different for each cell in Goiás, the ethanol production is a spatial variable. Specific data regarding the SOC, above and belowground biomass, mill efficiency, energy density and maximum yield in Brazil are provided in appendix A1. 5 2.1.2 Lifecycle analysis An LCA is a “compilation and evaluation of the inputs, outputs and potential environmental impacts of a product system throughout its lifecycle” (de Bruin et al., 2001). The LCA in this study is done following the ISO 14040-14049 guidelines as is done by for instance Macedo et al. (2004), Luo et al. (2009) and Seabra et al. (2011) who also researched the LCA of bioethanol from Brazilian sugarcane. However, only GHG-emissions and no other sustainability criteria are considered. In the GHGemissions of the LCA (ELCA), the four common stages are included: the cultivation stage, the transportation stage, the conversion stage and the avoided emissions stage (these are credits that can be claimed for a surplus of electricity that would otherwise have to be produced elsewhere) (figure 1). Equation 5 shows how the potential lifecycle GHG-emissions (ELCA) are calculated: ๐ฌ๐ณ๐ช๐จ = ๐ธ๐ถ๐ข๐๐ก๐๐ฃ๐๐ก๐๐๐ + ๐ฌ๐ป๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ + ๐ธ๐ถ๐๐๐ฃ๐๐๐ ๐๐๐ − ๐ธ๐ด๐ฃ๐๐๐๐๐ ELCA ECultivation ETransportation EConversion EAvoided Potential GHG-emissions made along production chain Potential GHG-emissions in the cultivation stage Potential GHG-emissions in the transportation stage Potential GHG-emissions in the conversion stage Potential GHG-missions in the avoided emissions stage (5) kg CO2-eq/GJethanol kg CO2-eq/GJethanol kg CO2-eq/GJethanol kg CO2-eq/GJethanol kg CO2-eq/GJethanol Potential cultivation emissions (ECultivation) are GHG-emissions caused by preparing the land for sugarcane production (fertilizers and limestone, which require fossil fuels to produce), pre-harvest burning (35% of the cells are still subject to burning (Seabra et al., 2011)), machines used while planting and harvesting the sugarcane (this includes the fuel use of the machines, but not the GHGemissions from producing the machines) and production of agrochemicals (JRC, 2011; Seabra et al., 2011). Specific data regarding the cultivation emissions can be found in table 7 in appendix A1. The potential transportation emissions (ETransportation) are the potential GHG-emissions made while transporting the sugarcane from the fields to the mills. No return trip is considered, just as by for instance Seabra et al. (2010). This is not modelled because the load of the truck on the return trip is different from the trip to the mill, and no data is available regarding this. The potential transportation emissions are calculated using equation 6: ๐ฌ๐ป๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ = ETransportation Captruck DPath EPath DRoad ERoad ηmill EDensity 1 ๐ถ๐๐๐ก๐๐ข๐๐ ×(๐ซ๐ท๐๐๐ ×๐ธ๐๐๐กโ +๐ซ๐น๐๐๐ ×๐ธ๐ ๐๐๐ ) (6) ๐๐๐๐๐ ×๐ธ๐ท๐๐๐ ๐๐ก๐ฆ Potential transportation emissions Capacity of a truck Distance travelled by truck on a path Truck emission on a path Distance travelled by truck on a road Truck emission on a road Conversion efficiency Energy density of ethanol kg CO2-eq/GJethanol tonne km kg CO2-eq/truck*km km kg CO2-eq/truck*km m3ethanol/tonne GJethanol/m3ethanol 6 It is assumed that the transportation of the sugarcane takes place by truck. The distance that is travelled on the path (DPath) and on the road (DRoad) is the shortest route with the least GHGemissions (in kg/km) from the sugarcane cell to a mill. This is calculated using an algorithm that models the shortest distance between a field and a mill, while also monitoring whether a slightly longer route can cause lower GHG-emissions. Specific data regarding the location of the mills, the emissions on a road and a path can be found in appendix A1. The transportation distance and the division of traveling on- and off road that influences the production of ethanol make these value a spatial variable. The potential conversion emissions (EConversion from equation 5) in the mill are GHG-emissions created by the use of heat and electricity in the conversion stage of the sugarcane. The heat that is supplied is recycled within the conversion process, yet it is not sufficient to maintain the temperatures required to sustain the conversion process. The required heat and electricity are generally generated by burning bagasse in the mill, producing GHG-emissions. Specific data regarding the non-spatial conversion emissions can be found in table 9 in appendix A1. In the potential avoided emissions stage (EAvoided) GHG-emissions from credits can be obtained for replacing electricity that otherwise would have to be produced elsewhere. The GHG-emissions that are avoided by replacing the electricity can be subtracted from the GHG-emissions from the ethanol production process. In most mills, heat and electricity are produced by burning bagasse – a waste product from the conversion process – when bioethanol is produced. This is done in a combined heat and power unit, from which the electricity can be sold to the electricity grid and used to supply the heat and electricity for the conversion process. The potential avoided emissions are calculated using equation 7: ๐ธ๐ด๐ฃ๐๐๐๐๐ = ๐๐๐ข๐ก๐๐ข๐ก × ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ก๐๐๐ × ∑8๐=1 ๐๐ธ๐๐๐๐๐ฆ,๐ × ๐น๐ธ๐๐๐ ๐ ๐๐๐,๐ (7) ๐ด๐ฃ๐๐๐๐๐ธ๐กโ๐๐๐๐ k=1,2,3,…,8 EAvoided POutput TOperation k MEnergy FEmission,k AvProdEthanol Avoided GHG-emission from replaced fossil fuels Average power output per hour of a sugarcane mill Operation time fuel type fraction fuel j in the total energy matrix in 2005 GHG-emission of fuel type k Average ethanol production in one mill in Goiás kg CO2-eq/GJethanol MW/hour hour % kg CO2-eq/MW GJethanol The power output (POutput) is the average power output of one year of the mills in the Goiás region produced over the entire operation time (TOperation). The energy matrix of Brazil (MEnergy) is used together with the GHG-emission factors for each fuel type (FEmission,k) to determine the GHG-emissions per MW. Specific data regarding the power output, operation time, energy mix and ethanol production can be found in appendix A1. 2.2 Costs In this section, the method for calculating the map showing the potential for the total costs over all stages of the bioethanol production chain is described. The potential total costs are all potential costs associated with producing feedstock (potential cultivation costs and potential transportation 7 costs) and all potential costs associated with the ethanol production (potential conversion costs and potential avoided costs from selling electricity to the grid). Equation 8 shows how the potential total costs can be: ๐ช๐ป๐๐๐๐ = ๐ช๐ช๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ + ๐ช๐ป๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ + ๐ถ๐ถ๐๐๐ฃ๐๐๐ ๐๐๐ − ๐ถ๐ด๐ฃ๐๐๐๐๐ (8) CTotal CCultivation CTransportation CConversion CAvoided Potential cost of ethanol Potential cultivation cost made for ethanol production Potential transportation cost made for ethanol production Potential conversion cost of ethanol Potential avoided costs of ethanol production US$/GJethanol US$/GJethanol US$/GJethanol US$/GJethanol US$/GJethanol Considering these potential costs are not all spread equally over time, all potential costs and benefits are converted to annuities (van den Broek et al., 2000; van der Hilst et al., 2010). It is unusual to make annuities of products that are not expressed in a monetary unit. Van den Broek et al. (2000) describe how these physical units can be reduced to an annuity as well. In this study, the produced ethanol is a physical unit, yet still represents a monetary value and can be considered one of the benefits in the production chain. Therefore it has to be reduced to an annuity as well. All potential costs are expressed in a functional unit. The functional unit US$/GJethanol is chosen because it enables easy comparison to other fuels, such as gasoline. The potential cultivation costs (CCultivation) are all potential costs related to the growing and harvesting of the sugarcane crops and include the potential costs for: land rent/acquisition, machine rent/acquisition, maintenance and lubricants, labour, diesel, phosphor, nitrogen and potassium fertilizers, agrochemicals, seedlings and administration. Equation 9 shows how to obtain the potential cultivation costs: ๐ถ ๐น๐๐๐๐ ๐ก๐๐๐ ๐ช๐ช๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ = ๐ท๐๐๐ (9) ๐ฌ๐๐๐๐๐๐/๐๐ CCultivation CFeedstock Prodethanol/ha Potential cultivation cost made for sugarcane production Potential feedstock cost per hectare Potential ethanol production per hectare US$/GJethanol US$/ha GJethanol/ha Specific data regarding the potential feedstock costs per hectare (CFeedstock) can be found in appendix A2. The potential cultivation costs per hectare are not spatially explicit, which is a simplification, but the ethanol production for each sugarcane cell depends on the yield (as described in equation 3) and is therefore the potential cultivation costs are a spatial variable. The potential transportation costs (CTransportation) are the potential costs associated with the transportation of sugarcane from the cell to the mill, including truck rent/acquisition and fuel costs. No return trip is considered, just as explained for the potential transportation emissions (ETransportation). The potential transportation costs are calculated using equation 10: ๐ช๐ป๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ = CTransportation DPath (๐ซ๐ท๐๐๐ ×๐ถ๐๐๐กโ +๐ซ๐น๐๐๐ ×๐ถ๐ ๐๐๐ ) (10) ๐๐๐๐๐ ×๐ธ๐ท๐๐๐ ๐๐ก๐ฆ Potential transportation costs Distance travelled by truck on a path US$/GJethanol km 8 CPath DRoad CRoad ηmill EDensity Potential truck costs on a path Distance travelled by truck on a road Potential truck costs on a road Conversion efficiency Energy density of ethanol US$/tonne*km km US$/tonne*km m3ethanol/tonne GJethanol/m3ethanol The assumptions for calculating the potential transportation costs (Ctransportation) are the same as the assumptions for the potential transportation emissions (Etransportation) in equation 6 and can be found in appendix A1. The distance that is travelled on the path (Dpath) and on the road (Droad) is the shortest route with the lowest potential costs (in US$/tonne*km) from the sugarcane cell to a mill. Specific data regarding the costs for traveling on the road (CRoad) and on the path (CPath) can be found in appendix A2. Both the transportation distance, the division of traveling on- and off road and the yield that influences the production of ethanol make the potential transportation costs a spatial variable. The potential conversion costs (CConversion) are all potential costs associated with the building, operating and maintaining of the sugarcane mill and all the equipment in the mill (van den Wall Bake et al., 2009). The conversion costs are not a spatial variable and is therefore an actual cost that is the same for all cells. Specific data regarding the conversion costs can be found in appendix A2. The potential avoided costs (CAvoided) are the potential benefits that come from selling the electricity produced at the mill to the electricity grid. The potential total avoided costs can be calculated using equation 11: ๐ถ๐ด๐ฃ๐๐๐๐๐ = CAvoided POutput TOperation CElectricity AvProdEthanol ๐๐๐ข๐ก๐๐ข๐ก × ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ก๐๐๐ × ๐ถ๐ธ๐๐๐๐ก๐๐๐๐๐ก๐ฆ ๐ด๐ฃ๐๐๐๐๐ธ๐กโ๐๐๐๐ Potential avoided costs from replaced fossil fuels Average power output per hour for Goiás Operation time Cost of electricity Average ethanol production in one mill in Goiás (11) t=1,2,3,…,T US$/GJethanol MW/hour hour US$/MWh GJethanol The method for calculating the potential avoided costs (CAvoided) are calculated in a similar way as the potential avoided emissions (EAvoided) in equation 7, using the same assumption that are described in appendix A1. Specific data and assumptions regarding the avoided costs can be found in appendix A2. The potential avoided costs are a simplification and therefore not a spatial variable and is the same for all cells. 2.3 Multi-criteria Analysis After calculating the decision criteria (the potential total GHG-emissions (ETotal) and the potential total costs (CTotal)), an MCA is applied to be able to combine the two (figure 1) and rank the values. The rank of a cell is determined by the GHG-emissions and costs. The cell with the highest rank is the cell with the lowest normalized total of GHG-emissions and costs, or the cell with the best performance. To perform the multi-criteria analysis, all input variables have to be normalized. The MCA method chosen is known as one of the simplest: the weighted sum model (Triantaphyllou, 2000). This is described by equation 12: 9 ๐=๐พ ๐ฝ = ∑๐=1 ๐ค๐ ๐๐ (12) j=1,2,3,…..K V j wj nj Rank of each cell in Goiás Decision criterion Weight factor applied to decision criterion j Normalized performance variable in of decision criterion j To apply the MCA, all potential GHG-emissions and potential costs for all cells in Goiás are normalized according to equation 13 and 14: ๐๐๐๐๐๐ = ETotal ETotalmax eTotal ๐ฌ๐๐๐๐๐ ๐ฌ๐๐๐๐๐ ๐๐๐ Potential total GHG-emissions Maximum potential total GHG-emissions in Goiás Normalized potential GHG-emissions in Goiás ๐๐๐๐๐๐ = Ctotal Ctotalmax ctotal (13) kg CO2-eq/GJethanol kg CO2-eq/GJethanol (-) ๐ช๐๐๐๐๐ ๐ช๐๐๐๐๐ ๐๐๐ Potential total costs Potential maximum total costs in Goiás Normalized potential costs in Goiás (14) US$/ GJethanol US$/ GJethanol (-) Second, the weighted sum model is applied to calculate several ranking maps with different weight factors. The number of decision criteria j (equation 1, section 2.3) is 2 in this study (GHG-emissions and costs). Equation 15 shows how the ranking maps can be calculated: ๐ฝ = ๐ค1 ๐๐๐๐๐๐ + ๐ค2 ๐๐๐๐๐๐ (15) ๐ค1 + ๐ค2 = 1 V w1 w2 etotal ctotal Rank of each cell in Goiás Weight factor for the normalized GHG-emissions Weight factor for the normalized costs Normalized potential total GHG-emissions for all cells in Goiás Normalized potential total costs for all cells in Goiás (-) (-) (-) (-) (-) In this study, three different sets of weight factors are considered, generating three ranking maps. These three options are listed in table 1. The ranking maps created with these three sets of weight factors enable the optimization of the actual new sugarcane cell configuration while only considering GHG-emissions (option A), only considering costs (option B) or both equally (option C). Table 1: The three types of optimizations have been acted out in this study with the weight factors assigned to it w1 (GHG-emissions) w2 (costs) Option A 1 0 10 Option B 0 1 Option C 0.5 0.5 2.4 Spatial Optimization Frequency of occurrence of rank (-) With the maps ranking the locations according to the selected option, the optimal configuration of new sugarcane cells is calculated, following the procedure described in figure 2. The first step to obtain the optimal configuration is to determine the ethanol production of the actual new cells in 2010 using equation 3. This step is required, for the optimal configurations have to be able to produce the same amount of ethanol (in GJ) as the actual new sugarcane cells, rather than have the same surface area of cells. Secondly, the rankings of all cells (V from equation 16) are sorted, to enable the detection of the lowest scores. By an iterative process, the correct surface area of cells to meet the actual ethanol production in 2010 of the new sugarcane cells is determined. This is done by starting with the cell with the highest rank (i.e. the best performance) and calculating the ethanol production of this cell using equation 3. Then cells with slightly worse ranks are added to the selection, and the ethanol production is calculated, until the actual ethanol production has been reached. Thus, if the ethanol production is higher than the production of the new cells in 2010, less cells are selected, and if the production is lower, more cells are selected until the ethanol production is has been reached. These cells that are finally selected are the optimal configuration of sugarcane cells for this option. This process is then repeated for the different options as described in table 1. Score (-) Figure 2: A visual representation of the spatial optimization method. First the map ranking the cells using MCA is made. Second, a histogram is made, sorting the ranks of the cells in Goiás. The cells with the highest score (left of the vertical line) are selected and the ethanol production is calculated. If the ethanol production matches, these cells are shown in the third figure. When the optimal configuration has been determined, the optimized average total emissions and the optimized average total costs that are generated by this configuration (while applying different weight factors) are calculated using equation 16 and 17: ๐ธ๐๐๐ก๐๐ = ∑๐=๐ (16) ๐=1 ๐ฌ๐ณ๐ผ๐ช + ๐ฌ๐ป๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ + ๐ธ๐ถ๐ข๐๐ก๐๐ฃ๐๐ก๐๐๐ + ๐ธ๐ถ๐๐๐ฃ๐๐๐ ๐๐๐ + ๐ธ๐ด๐ฃ๐๐๐๐๐ i=1,2,3,…,N ETotal ELUC ETransportation i ECultivation Optimized total GHG-emissions of the Goiás region Optimized land use change emissions Optimized transportation emissions Sugarcane cells in Goiás Optimized GHG-emissions in the cultivation stage kg CO2-eq/GJethanol kg CO2-eq/ GJethanol kg CO2-eq/GJethanol kg CO2-eq/GJethanol 11 EConversion EAvoided Optimized GHG-emissions in the conversion stage GHG-missions in the avoided emissions stage kg CO2-eq/GJethanol kg CO2-eq/GJethanol ๐ถ๐๐๐ก๐๐ = ∑๐=๐ ๐=1 ๐ช๐ช๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ + ๐ช๐ป๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐๐ + ๐ถ๐ถ๐๐๐ฃ๐๐๐ ๐๐๐ + ๐ถ๐ด๐ฃ๐๐๐๐๐ CTotal CCultivation CTransportation i CConversion CAvoided Optimized total costs of the Goiás region Optimized cultivation cost for sugarcane production Optimized transportation cost for sugarcane production Sugarcane cell in Goiás Optimized conversion cost of ethanol Optimized avoided costs from ethanol production (17) i=1,2,3,…,N US$/GJethanol US$/GJethanol US$/GJethanol US$/GJethanol US$/GJethanol 12 3. Case study The selected case study area is Goiás, a state in Brazil of 340086 km2, located in the so called highlands (called highlands because it is located on an elevated plateau) (figure 3) (Governo de Goiás, 2014). In 2012 over 6 million people lived in the state, of which 88.6% lives in the urban areas. Up until recently Goiás used to be covered in forest land, yet in recent years both cropland and pasture for livestock have greatly diminished the forest covered surface area, with a peak land conversion in 2004. In 2005, approximately 21% of the Goiás area has been forest area, 0.5% sugarcane, 11.5% other crops, 61% livestock pasture and the Figure 3: Map showing the states of remainder is mainly water and urban. The livestock that is held Brazil, with in yellow the state Goiás. mainly consists of cows. The main crops that are produced are soy beans and sugarcane (Governo de Goiás, 2014). The tropical climate is very suitable to producing these crops. The temperature only varies between 22 and 26โฐC, with an annual average rainfall of 1700 mm. The climate can differ at the local scale, due to the different levels of elevation compared to the sea level (up to 1,676 m) (Governo de Goiás, 2014). The surface area used for sugarcane production has increased significantly in Goiás, with a factor 3.6 between 2003 and 2010 to over 650.000 ha. In 2010, 36 mills that at least in part produced bioethanol from sugarcane (if not 100% for bioethanol, a part of the sugarcane is used for sugar production) (Rudorff et al., 2010). The oldest mill has been opened in 1965. Over half of the mills located in Goiás in 2010 are opened between 2005 and 2010 (Anuário da cana 2011: Brazilian sugar and ethanol guide.2011). 4. Results The models applied to the case study of Goiás are focused on finding optimized configurations of sugarcane cells based on GHG-emissions and costs. In this chapter, firstly, maps showing the potential for the individual spatial variables contributing to the potential total GHG-emissions and potential total costs are shown. Secondly, the maps showing the potential total GHG-emissions and potential total costs are presented. Thirdly, the optimized configurations of sugarcane cells with three sets of weight factors are shown. Fourthly, the optimized average GHG-emissions and the optimized average costs for the optimized configurations (as described in equation 16 and 17) for the region of Goiás are presented. Finally, the optimized configurations are compared to the actual configuration of the new cells in 2010. The potential LUC emissions (ELUC) are generally positive, indicating carbon emissions (figure 4(a)). However, the cells that are crop cells in 2005 have potential negative emissions, indicating carbon sequestration. The potential emissions are highest in the north of Goiás, for here the most forests are located and the yield is lowest. This means that that the potential LUC emissions are high, and the burden of these potential emissions has to be carried by a low ethanol production, indicating high carbon emissions for each cell. The main conclusions that can be drawn from the potential LUC emission map is that changing land from forest to sugarcane cells is highly unfavourable when one takes GHG-emission into consideration and that cropland to sugarcane is the most favourable change, though also pasture land can be favourable location for sugarcane production. 13 It can be observed that the transportation emissions (ETransportation) of the cells located close to a mill as well as those close to a road are lower than those located further away (figure 4 (b)). The first is because a shorter travel distance naturally decreases the GHG-emissions. The latter can be explained by the fact that the GHG-emissions on the road are twenty-five times lower than off the road. The potential average transportation emissions in this study are similar to the ones described by Seabra et al. (2011), where Seabra et al. (2011) assume a fixed transportation distance of 21 km and make no differentiation between on and off road emissions (table 3). (a) (b) Figure 4: Maps showing the potential of (a) LUC emissions and (b) transportation emissions contributing to the GHGemissions of ethanol production (in kg CO2-eq/GJethanol). The green regions have the lowest GHG-emissions for sugarcane production, while the red regions have the highest GHG-emissions. The potential LUC emissions have been categorized by land use type in 2005, showing the correlation between land use type in 2005 and potential GHG-emissions. The white cells, i.e. the NoData cells, are the locations where either water or urban areas are located, and therefore cannot be changed to sugarcane. The white zone in the eastern part of Goiás is known as “distrito federal” and is not a part of the Goiás region. A strong dependency of the potential cultivation costs (CCultivation) on the yield can be observed in figure 5(a), as expected from equation 9. The potential cultivation costs are approximately 60% higher than the actual cultivation costs derived by van den Wall Bake et al. (2009) (table 3). This can be explained by the fact that this study, as Jonker et al. (2014) does, considers additional costs that van den Wall Bake et al. (2009) do not, such as different types labour of wages, machinery lubricants and chemicals to prepare the soil for cultivation. The potential transportation costs (CTransportation) shows the same spatial pattern as the potential transportation emissions (figure 5(b)), even though the potential costs are only a factor six larger when travelling off the road, compared to the factor twenty-five that is considered in the potential transportation emissions. This limitation to the study is caused by the fact that the values are taken from different studies (Clark et al. (2009) for the emissions and van der Hilst & Faaij (2012) for the costs) The average optimal transportation costs are four times higher than those described by van den Wall Bake et al. (table 2). This can be explained because van den Wall Bake et al. (2009) consider a transportation distance of 20 km, while in the entire region the transportation distance can vary significantly and they do not consider differences between on and off road costs. 14 (a) (b) Figure 5: Maps showing the potential of (a) cultivation costs and (b) transportation costs contributing to the total costs of ethanol production (in US$/GJethanol). The green regions have the lowest costs for sugarcane production, while the red regions have the highest costs. The white cells, i.e. the NoData cells, are the locations where either water or urban areas are located, and therefore cannot be changed to sugarcane. The white zone in the eastern part of Goiás is known as “distrito federal” and is not a part of the Goiás region. A strong correlation between the potential total GHG-emissions (ETotal) with the potential LUC emissions can be observed (figure 6(a)). The potential total emissions are highest in forested areas, for here the carbon stock is largest, while the most favourable locations are those where cropland is located. As can be observed, a strong correlation of the potential total costs (CTotal) with the potential cultivation costs and yield can be observed (figure 6(b)). The main result is that locating sugarcane cells in the north of Goiás is unfavourable from a cost perspective, because the yield is low. Table 2: The potential GHG-emissions of bioethanol in Goiás (in kg CO2-eq/GJethanol) Minimum Average ELUC Maximum -16.87 36.56 1225 21 21 21 0 1.00 5.17 EConversion 3.60 3.60 3.60 EAvoided 1.13 1.13 1.13 ETotal 6.89 61.03 1252 ECultivation ETransportation 15 Table 3: The potential costs of bioethanol in Goiás (in US$/GJethanol) Minimum Average CCultivation Maximum 7.14 17.37 158.20 0 4.12 18.93 CConversion 6.25 6.25 6.25 CAvoided 1.41 1.41 1.41 12.99 26.33 171.62 CTransportation CTotal (a) (b) Figure 6: Maps showing the potential of (a) total GHG-emissions (in kg CO2-eq/GJethanol) and (b) total costs (in US$/GJethanol) of ethanol production, containing both the spatial and non-spatial variables. The green regions have the lowest costs or GHG-emissions for sugarcane production, while the red regions have the highest costs or GHG-emissions. The white cells, i.e. the NoData cells, are the locations where either water or urban areas are located, and therefore cannot be changed to sugarcane. The white zone in the eastern part of Goiás is known as “distrito federal” and not a part of the Goiás region. The MCA has been carried out using three different sets of weight factors, resulting in different optimized configurations after optimizing the new sugarcane cells in 2010. Some overlap between the actual configuration in 2010 and the optimized configuration occurs, yet the overlap is very small. For option A only 0.5% of the actual sugarcane cells in 2010 is used, for option B this is 2.5% and option C 2%, indicating that a large share of the actual new sugarcane cells in 2010 are not located on an optimal location and significant improvements can be made. The optimization using option A has resulted in a configuration as can be observed in figure 10. The cells are located both in the north and the south of the region Goiás, at locations where mainly cropland used to be located in 2005 and the yield is low. As can be observed in figure 7 and 8, the yields occurring in the optimized configuration of option A (figure 7) is only the lowest yields that occur in Goiás (figure 8). This can be explained for the negative emissions (per GJethanol) from cropland are maximized when it has to be distributed over a small production of ethanol (i.e. at locations with low yield). This does lead to a 15% higher surface area required to produce the same amount of bioethanol as the actual new cells in 2010 (table 4). The total actual costs and actual GHG-emissions can also be found in table 4. The optimized GHG-emissions are lower than in all the other optimizations (12.03 kg CO2-eq/GJethanol), 16 which is 58% lower than the actual configuration in 2010 (26.76 kg CO2-eq/GJethanol). But the optimized costs are 45% higher (US$30.87/GJethanol) compared to the actual configuration which are US$19.51/GJethanol. The optimization using option B is shown in figure 11. The cells are located mainly to the west of Goiás, where the yield is highest as can be observed when comparing figure 8 and 9. The yield observed in the optimized configuration of option B (figure 8) is only in the highest region of the yield of entire Goiás. Interesting to note is that when considering only costs, optimized sugarcane cells are also located on cells that used to be forest in 2005. The surface area required to produce the required amount of ethanol is 64% lower than in the actual situation in 2010 due to the high yield, as can be observed in table 4. Table 4 furthermore shows that the optimized costs of ethanol are 25% lower than for the actual cells, and 53% lower than those modelled for option A. Furthermore, the actual GHG-emissions of option B is still 10% lower than that of the actual configuration in 2010, even though it is not optimized considering GHG-emissions. The optimized configuration generated using option C displays a distribution very similar to option B, as can be observed in figure 12. This can be explained by the fact that when considering both costs and GHG-emissions equal, the yield is a dominant determinant. When using option B, sugarcane cells are still assigned to forest area, while in option C this no longer occurs, because the GHG-emissions are taken into account, i.e. forest areas become unfavourable for sugarcane production. The surface area required to meet the ethanol demand in 2010 is 65% lower than for the actual new sugarcane fields in 2010. Interesting to note is that the optimized costs have not increased compared to option B when considering option C (which does not allow sugarcane production on former forest cells), while the optimized GHG-emissions are 23% lower than for option B (5.57 kg CO2-eq/GJethanol), and 30% lower than the actual configuration in 2010. When comparing the optimized GHG-emissions to those of gasoline, it shows that all options show significantly less GHG-emissions than gasoline does. According to IPCC (2006) the GHG-emissions for gasoline are approximately 69 kg CO2-eq/GJgasoline. This is 83% higher than the optimized GHGemissions calculated for option A (only optimizing GHG-emissions), and still 65% lower than the option C (only optimizing costs). It has to be noted that the actual GHG-emissions are also significantly lower (61%) and would still match the European standards. Comparing the optimized costs to those of gasoline proves more difficult, for the costs of ethanol are volatile and change significantly. Demirbas (2011) shows that the gasoline price in 2008 has been 25US$/GJgasoline, where the price in 2009 are only 10US$/GJgasoline. When comparing the costs of bioethanol to the costs of gasoline in 2008, bioethanol is approximately 40% less expensive than gasoline for option B and C, where option A is 23% more expensive. When comparing the costs of bioethanol to the cost of gasoline in 2009, bioethanol all optimized scenarios are far more expensive. Option B and C are 45% more expensive, and option A is over 200% more expensive. 17 Frequency of occurance of yield (%) Histogram of yield of option A 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 5 14 24 34 43 53 62 72 82 91 101 110 120 130 yield (tonne/ha) Figure 7: Histogram of the yield of the optimized configuration of option A. Only the low yield options in Goiás are present. 8% 6% 4% 2% 0% 5 12 19 26 34 41 48 55 62 70 77 84 91 98 106 113 120 127 134 Frequency of occurance of yield (%) Histogram of yield of Goiás yield (tonne/ha) Histogram of fractional yield of option B 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% 5 12 19 26 34 41 48 55 62 70 77 84 91 98 106 113 120 127 134 Frequency of occurance of yield (%) Figure 8: Histogram of the yield of region Goiás. yield (tonne/ha) Figure 9: Histogram of the yield of the optimized configuration of option B. Only the low yield options in Goiás are present. 18 Table 4: The total actual costs, total actual GHG-emissions and the surface area calculated for the actual new sugarcane cells and for the three options as defined in table 1 Actual new cells Option A Option B Option C Value w1 (-) 1 0 0.5 (-) w2 (-) 0 1 0.5 (-) Ctotal 19.51 30.87 14.52 14.52 US$/GJethanol Etotal 26.76 12.03 24.20 18.63 kg CO2-eq/GJethanol Area 505000 580000 182500 175000 ha Figure 10: Map showing the existing sugarcane cells in 2005 (black), the actual new sugarcane cells in 2010 (pink), the optimized configuration of sugarcane cells from option A, where the full weight has been assigned to the GHG-emissions (yellow) and the overlap between the actual sugarcane cells in 2010 and the optimized sugarcane cells from option C (orange). 19 Figure 11: Map showing the existing sugarcane cells in 2005 (black), the actual new sugarcane cells in 2010 (pink), the optimized configuration of sugarcane cells from option B, where the full weight has been assigned to costs (light green) and the overlap between the actual sugarcane cells in 2010 and the optimized sugarcane cells from option B (dark green). 20 Figure 12: Map showing the existing sugarcane cells in 2005 (black), the actual new sugarcane cells in 2010 (pink), the optimized configuration of sugarcane cells from option C, where the weight factors have been distributed equally over both GHG-emissions and costs (light blue) and the overlap between the actual sugarcane cells in 2010 and the optimized sugarcane cells from option C (dark blue). 21 5. Discussion While modelling the GHG-emissions and costs of bioethanol production in Brazil in a spatially explicit way, assumptions have been made, for instance to solve the absence of data or to overcome a methodological difficulty. In this chapter these assumptions are discussed and the qualitative consequences of these assumptions is indicated. In this study it has been attempted to obtain data that is specific for the state of Goiás, or at least for Brazil, yet is not always available. The largest uncertainty in the data collection can be found in the data used to calculate the LUC emissions. First of all, the data on the land use types in Goiás has not been gathered in large detail (Verstegen et al., 2014). For instance, it is known at which cells (of a resolution of 5x5 km2) crop fields are located. However, what type of crops are grown (besides for the specific sugarcane fields) is not known. Therefore in this study, the SOC and above and belowground biomass are taken as an average for all crop types. This also influences the quantification of the belowground biomass (table 6), for these are also taken as an average for all types of crop fields, or forests. Secondly, there are no data available on the SOC an above and belowground biomass specifically for the land use types in Goiás. Therefore the data are obtained from IPCC (2006), which provided average data for land use types on a global scale. This indicates that besides an average for all categories within the land use type, the carbon stock is also a global average, rather than specific for Goiás, or even Brazil. In this study only land use is differentiated, not soil types or climate regions. Finally, the equilibrium time (the time in which the carbon stock has reached new equilibrium after the occurrence of LUC) that has been considered in this study is an average for all land use types in the world. This while the equilibrium time can differ between only a year and hundreds of years (IPCC, 2006). All these assumptions can have a significant impact on the results in this study. For instance, the negative emissions that occur when sugarcane fields are placed on fields that have been crop fields in 2005 are not necessarily negative, for there are certain types of crops that have a higher SOC and/or above and belowground biomass than sugarcane. However, in general, it can be stated that the carbon stock of forests is significantly higher than that of all other land use types, even though the exact amount can be both higher or lower than assumed in this study. Yet, having more thorough knowledge of the carbon stock, and doing a sensitivity analysis can provide more clear insight in the finding of the optimal location for sugarcane fields. In this study, the indirect land use change that might occur when crop field is converted to sugarcane field is not taken into account, for there are no sufficient amount of data is available. The crop that has been grown can be grown at another location, which for instance used to be forest. This is not taken into account in this study. The assumptions for the potential transportation costs and emissions are listed in appendix A1 and A2. Another point of uncertainty in the data is the fact that literature gives a very different ratio between traveling on the road and on a path. For the potential transportation costs this is 1:6, while for the potential transportation emissions this is 1:25. This might be explained by the fact that the transportation costs are calculated using data from Mozambique (van der Hilst & Faaij, 2012), while the transportation emissions are for the US (Clark et al., 2009). Another limitation to the calculation of both the potential transportation emissions and costs can be zero when a sugarcane cell is located in the same cell as the mill. In this case, the assumed potential transportation emissions and costs are zero in the model, while in reality the sugarcane does have to be transported from the sugarcane cell to a mill, hence (few) GHG-emissions are emitted. This can have a minor impact on the total costs and GHG-emissions, for the transportation costs and GHG-emissions are only a minor part of total costs and total GHG-emissions. 22 Besides limitations due to the assumptions for the spatially explicit variables, the fact that the other variables are not spatially explicit is in itself another assumption and limitation in this study. This is both a limitation of the data (because the data is not available in a spatially explicit way) but also one of methodology, for in this study no methodology has been developed to model the variables in a spatially explicit way. An example is the land costs per hectare. The cultivation costs are variable, due to the variable ethanol production. However, the cultivation costs per hectare are considered equal in this study, while it is likely that different land uses, with different yields, which are located further or closer to roads and towns, have different lease or acquisition costs. The fact that these variables are not considered spatially influences both the total potential GHG-emissions and costs, because spatial patterns that might exist when modelling all variables spatially explicit are not considered in this study. Thus, the strong influence of LUC and yield can be enhanced, counteracted or balanced by other spatial patterns that are so far unknown. Future research can focus on exploiting further spatial components for the GHG-emissions and costs model. Another large limitation to both the data and the methodology is the fact that the capacity of the mills is not taken into account. This is in part because data on the capacity of over half of the mills in Goiás is not available, and in part because it is methodologically difficult to model which sugarcane fields provide sugarcane for which mill. This means that in this study only the most suitable fields are selected, without taking into account that the sugarcane might have to be transported to another mill (that is located further away) than the one that is currently considered in the model, increasing transportation costs and emissions, and thereby the feasibility of the location of a field. It might be that when the capacity of the mills is taken into account, other fields with similar, yet slightly worse yield are more feasible, for they are located nearer to an existing mill that has not reached full capacity. It is therefore crucial that in future research the capacity of the mills is determined and taken into account in determining the optimal location of the new sugarcane fields. It would even be more interesting to, besides the new sugarcane fields created between 2005 and 2010, also make the mills that are constructed between 2005 and 2010 spatially variable in future research. However, to optimize the location of sugarcane cells when both the cells and the mills are variable requires a different method. A different method, such as simulated annealing (Aerts & Heuvelink, 2002) or a genetic algorithm (Li & Yeh, 2005), is required because the number of solutions is too large and therefore the computation time is too long. Furthermore, the method described by figure 2 would no longer work because when cells are added or removed from the optimal configuration, the potential transportation costs and emissions change as well. Another limitation to the method is that it does not take into account the socio-economic context and ownership of the land in Goiás. This study provides an indication of which fields are most suitable to sugarcane cultivation. However, whether the owner is willing to transform his business to sugarcane production, or is willing to sell his land is not considered. Therefore there is no guarantee that knowing the optimal location can also lead to optimizing the location of sugarcane fields in Goiás in reality in the future. Yet, it is interesting to have an indication of which locations can be considered when future sugarcane fields are planned. For future research it would for instance be interesting not only to look at the optimal location of sugarcane fields that match a certain demand, but to locate all fields that adhere to the conditions set by the European Union, such that from this set of locations can be selected fields that are both suitable considering these conditions as well as socioeconomic variables. 23 It also has to be taken into account that the calculations are acted out on cells of a grid size of 5x5 km2. The cells are aggregated, which means that a cell that is considered to be a sugarcane field can contain other land use types. In conclusion, the results presented in this study have several limitations, yet provide a rough insight into the optimal location of sugarcane fields for ethanol production. This can enable policy-makers to plan a good location for future sugarcane fields. 24 6. Conclusion The aim of this study has been to find the optimal spatial configuration of new sugarcane fields in Goiás, Brazil, created between 2005 and 2010, optimizing for both costs and GHG-emissions, keeping the ethanol production equal to the demand in 2010. Firstly, the GHG-emissions and costs have been quantified, in part with spatial variables. Secondly, the suitable locations for new sugarcane fields have been determined for each spatial variable individually. Thirdly, the optimal configurations considering costs and GHG-emissions with different weights have been determined and the average GHG-emissions and costs for these configurations have been calculated. Finally, the optimized configuration are compared to the actual configuration of sugarcane fields in 2010. The first criterion, the GHG-emissions is quantified using two input values: the LUC emissions and the emission occurring during the lifetime (LCA). The LCA emissions consist of four components: cultivation emissions, transportation emissions, conversion emissions and avoided emissions. In this study, the LUC emissions and the transportation emissions are calculated spatially. The avoided emissions are lower than those found in for instance Seabra et al. (2011), because the actual Brazilian electricity mix is considered in this study, rather than the emissions from a natural gas fired unit. The second criterion, the costs, is quantified using four components: cultivation costs, transportation costs, conversion costs and avoided costs. The cultivation and the transportation costs are calculated spatially in this study. Both the potential transportation emissions and the transportation costs show that the locations with the lowest potential GHG-emissions are those near mills and roads. The average potential transportation costs for Goiás is higher in this study (with calculated transportation distance) than for instance van den Wall Bake et al. (2009) (with average transportation distance and road type). When considering LUC emissions, the locations with the lowest emissions are mainly those that used to be cropland, while those of the highest emissions are locations where forest is present in 2005. So, when taking GHG-emissions into account in an optimization, forests are not considered favourable as future sugarcane fields. The optimized location is determined by doing a multi-criteria analysis (MCA) while applying different weight factors. All three optimizations show little overlap with the actual configuration in 2010. The optimized configuration of new sugarcane fields with the full weight on costs and when distributing the weight factors equally over costs and GHG-emissions in the MCA are concentrated mainly to the east of Goiás whereas the actual configuration in 2010 is spread out over the region. Both optimized configurations display equal costs of ethanol production (US$14.52/GJethanol), yet they require a different surface area (64% less than the actual new sugarcane fields in 2010 when optimizing only costs, and 65% less than the actual new sugarcane fields in 2010 when distributing the weight factors equally over costs and GHG-emissions). Furthermore, the GHG-emissions are lower than for the actual configuration in 2010, 10% lower when optimizing only costs, and 30% lower while distributing the weight factors equally over costs and GHG-emissions. The configuration of new sugarcane fields when optimized only considering GHG-emissions has sugarcane fields concentrated both to the north and the south of Goiás mainly in regions that used to be cropland in 2005 and have low yield, whereas the actual configuration in 2010 is spread out of the region. This can be explained for the negative emissions (per GJethanol) from cropland are maximized when it has to be distributed over a small production of ethanol (i.e. at locations with low yield). Due to this low yield, 15% more fields have to be converted to sugarcane to meet the required ethanol production than the actual new fields in 2010. The GHG-emissions are 58% lower than in the actual configuration in 2010, yet the 25 costs are 45% higher. Due to these high costs, the configuration with the full weight on GHGemissions is not a reasonable solution. When comparing the GHG-emissions of the optimized configurations to the GHG-emissions from gasoline, all three options show significantly lower emissions, which are all below the 35% standard set by the EU. The best performing configuration is (naturally) the one with the full weight on GHGemissions (83% lower) and the configuration with the highest GHG-emissions (full weight on costs) still emits 61% less than gasoline fuel. When comparing the costs of the optimized configuration to the costs of gasoline fuel it is more difficult to draw conclusions, for the costs of gasoline has varied between US$25 in 2008 and US$10 in 2009. When comparing to the highest gasoline price only the configuration with the full weight on GHG-emissions is more expensive than gasoline. Yet, when taking the lower gasoline price in 2009, all configurations are far more expensive (45-200%). This study has several limitations. The first is the quality of the data. An example is the data used to model the LUC, which are all from IPCC (IPCC, 2006), are not specific to Goiás, or even Brazil, but global averages. Another example is the absence of data, such as the actual capacity of the mills in Brazil. This has resulted in the fact that the capacity of the mills has not been taken into account in this study, a great limitation. Another limitation is that due to absent data and complex methodology the location of the mill is not spatially variable. An additional limitation is that the indirect LUC is not modelled in this study. In future research the location and capacity of the mills has to be taken into account to obtain more accurate results regarding the exact optimal location of the sugarcane fields for ethanol production. Furthermore, the variables that are equal for the entire state of Goiás in this study should be expressed as a spatial component to determine possible other relations between location and GHGemissions and costs. Additionally, the quality of the data, especially that of the LUC data should be improved by conducting further research regarding the SOC, above and belowground biomass and equilibrium time. Also, the socio-economic context, or the availability of land has to be determined in future research. Finally, future research can focus on finding all fields in Goiás that can produce sugarcane for bioethanol that adhere to the standards set by the EU. In this study, some indications have been found that can help policy makers plan locations for future sugarcane fields while reducing costs and GHG-emissions. Furthermore, a method has been developed to optimize the location of bioenergy crop fields. This method can be applied not only to Goiás and sugarcane bioethanol, but also to other case studies and feedstocks. 26 7. References References Aerts, J. C. J. H., & Heuvelink, G. B. M. (2002). Using simulated annealing for resource allocation. 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When modelling the LUC emissions (ELUC) six categories of land use types are defined in this study: urban, water, forest, cropland, pasture land and sugarcane cells, which are an aggregation of land use types described by IPCC (2006). It is assumed that the land use types urban or water cannot be converted sugarcane. Each land use type has its own value for SOC, aboveground biomass and belowground biomass as can be found in table 5. The belowground biomass is proportional to the aboveground biomass, the rate for each different land use type can be found in table 6 (IPCC, 2006). These data are global averages, so not specific to Brazil. Furthermore, there is a variance in the SOC and above and belowground biomass for each land use type, such as for different forest types or different crops at a crop field. These are agglomerated in this study to one category, and therefore the carbon stock is taken as an average over all these types. The land use type in 2005 is obtained from the map from Verstegen et al. (2014). The LUC emissions of all cells in 2010 are divided by the ethanol production of these cells. The ethanol production has to be summed over the equilibrium time, the time for the land use type to reach equilibrium (tLUC). The equilibrium time has been obtained from IPCC (2006) and can be found in table 5. This is an average global equilibrium time and therefore not specific for Goiás, or even Brazil and can differ with each land use type, as well as within subcategories of the land use types defined in this study. The efficiency of the mill (ηmill) is an average of the mills in Goiás, for it is not known which sugarcane cell delivers to which mill and therefore an average is taken, and is obtained from Anuário da cana 2011: Brazilian sugar and ethanol guide (2011) and can be found in table 5. The fractional yield (Fyield) is the fraction of the maximum yield that is obtained in Brazil and is obtained from Tóth et al. (2012) The maximum yield is obtained from Goldemberg and Guardabassi (2010) and can be found in table 5. Table 5: Parameters involved with calculating the land use change emissions (ELUC) Parameter Carbon stock in soil (SOC) Value Unit Reference Forest 71000 kg C/ha (IPCC, 2006) Cropland 44000 kg C/ha (IPCC, 2006) Pasture 52000 kg C/ha (IPCC, 2006) Sugarcane 41000 kg C/ha (IPCC, 2006) Urban 0 kg C/ha (IPCC, 2006) Water Forest 0 kg C/ha (IPCC, 2006) (IPCC, 2006) 200000 kg C/ha (IPCC, 2006) Aboveground biomass (AGB) Cropland 2000 kg C/ha Pasture 5000 kg C/ha (IPCC, 2006) (IPCC, 2006) Sugarcane 17000 kg C/ha (IPCC, 2006) Urban 0 kg C/ha 31 (IPCC, 2006) Water 0 kg C/ha Forest 80000 kg C/ha (IPCC, 2006) (IPCC, 2006) Cropland 2000 kg C/ha Pasture 20000 kg C/ha Sugarcane 17000 kg C/ha (IPCC, 2006) Belowground biomass (BGB) (IPCC, 2006) (IPCC, 2006) Urban 0 kg C/ha Water 0 kg C/ha (IPCC, 2006) 24 GJ/m3ethanol Energy density of ethanol (EDensity) (Goldemberg & 0,0738 m3ethanol/tonne Guardabassi, 2010) Efficiency of the mill (ηmill) Equilibrium time (tLUC) 20 years Maximum sugarcane yield in Brazil (yieldmax) 240 tonne/ha (IPCC, 2006) (Anuário da cana 2011: Brazilian sugar and ethanol guide.2011) Table 6: Ratio belowground biomass/aboveground biomass for different land use types Parameter Value Forest Unit Reference (IPCC, 2006) 0.4 kg/kg (IPCC, 2006) Cropland 1 kg/kg Pasture 4 kg/kg Sugarcane 1 kg/kg (IPCC, 2006) (IPCC, 2006) The data regarding the cultivation emissions (ECultivation) are shown in table 7. Table 7: Parameters involved with calculating the cultivation emissions (ECultivation) Parameter Cultivation emissions (ECultivation) Value Unit 21 Kg CO2-eq/GJethanol Reference (JRC, 2011; Seabra et al., 2011) For the transportation emissions (ETransportation), three things are assumed about the truck transportation. First of all, it is assumed that American trucks are similar to Brazilian trucks, for the emission values EPath and ERoad are for an average American truck. Secondly, trucks can travel on two types of roads: paved roads (at which a velocity of 100 km/h is possible (de Souza Soler & Verburg, 2010) and unpaved roads. Unpaved roads are all locations where no paved roads are present (at which a velocity of 15 km/h is possible (de Souza Soler & Verburg, 2010)). Finally, it is assumed that there is no blending of bioethanol with the fuel by the trucks that transport the sugarcane, i.e. the use of 100% fossil fuel is assumed (Seabra et al., 2011). The capacity of the truck (Captruck) determines the amount of runs the truck has to make from the sugarcane cells to the mill. The data for the emission on the road and on the path, as well as the truck capacity can be found in table 8. 32 The GHG-emissions (Epath and Eroad) are extrapolated from Clark et al. (2009) who measured the emissions of American trucks at several velocities. A linear relation is assumed between velocity and GHG-emissions. The location of the mills in 2010 is obtained from Picoli (2013).The location of roads in 2010 is obtained from Lapig (2014). Table 8: Parameters involved with calculating the transportation emissions (ETransportation) Parameter Value Unit Reference Emissions path (EPath) 2.09 Kg CO2-eq/truck *km (Clark et al., 2009) Emission road (ERoad) 0.105 Kg CO2-eq/truck *km (Clark et al., 2009) Truck Capacity (Captruk) 40 tonne (Hamelinck et al., 2005) The data regarding the conversion emissions (EConversion) can be found in table 9. This value was taken from literature for entire Brazil, rather than for the individual mills in Goiás because data is not available for all mills. Table 9: Parameters involved with calculating the cultivation emissions (EConversion) Parameter Value Unit Conversion emissions (EConversion) 3.6 Kg CO2-eq /GJethanol Reference (Seabra et al., 2011) For the avoided emissions (EAvoided), it is assumed that electricity mix of Goiás is similar to the electricity mix in Brazil. The electricity matrix is obtained from OECD (2005), the GHG-emissions per fuel type (FEmission) from IPCC (2006), the average power output and ethanol production of a mill in Goiás (AvProdEthanol) (also for one year of production) from Anuário da cana 2011: Brazilian sugar and ethanol guide (2011) and the operation time from (Seabra et al., 2011) and can be found in table 10. The avoided emissions are taken as an average of the known mill data in Goiás, because there is no data available on all mills in Goiás. Table 10: Parameters involved with calculating the avoided emissions (EAvoided) Parameter Fraction of energy matrix in Brazil (MEnergy) Value Reference Oil and derivatives 0.05 % (OECD, 2005) Natural gas 0.08 % (OECD, 2005) Coal 0.01 % (OECD, 2005) Nuclear 0.02 % (OECD, 2005) Hydroelectricity 0.80 % (OECD, 2005) Biomass 0.03 % (OECD, 2005) Other renewables 0.01 % (OECD, 2005) Oil and derivatives 700 kg CO2-eq/MWh (IPCC, 2006) Natural gas 450 kg CO2-eq/MWh (IPCC, 2006) 1000 kg CO2-eq/MWh (IPCC, 2006) 10 kg CO2-eq/MWh (IPCC, 2006) Hydroelectricity 0 kg CO2-eq/MWh (IPCC, 2006) Firewood and charcoal 0 kg CO2-eq/MWh (IPCC, 2006) Cane products 25 kg CO2-eq/MWh (IPCC, 2006) Other renewables 25 kg CO2-eq/MWh (IPCC, 2006) Coal Emission of fuel type (global average) (FEmission) Unit Nuclear 33 Operation time of a sugarcane mill in Brazil (TOperation) 4000 hours/year Power Output of a sugarcane mill in Goiás (POutput) 7.4 MW/h Av. Ethanol Production of a sugarcane mill in Goiás in a year (AvProdethanol) 2237392 GJethanol (Seabra et al., 2010) (Anuário da cana 2011: Brazilian sugar and ethanol guide.2011) (Anuário da cana 2011: Brazilian sugar and ethanol guide.2011) A2: Costs This section provides more information regarding the input data for the costs model described in section 2.2. Both assumptions and the origin of both the spatial and non-spatial input data data is provided. The input data regarding the cultivation costs (CCultivation) are the potential feedstock costs per hectare (CFeedstock) are obtained from Jonker (2014), Pecege (2010) and Pecege (2011) and can be found in table 11. Table 11: Parameters involved with calculating the cultivation costs (CCultivation) Parameter Feedstock cost (CFeedstock) Value Unit Reference 1782 US$/ha/year (Jonker, 2014) The assumptions regarding the transportation costs (CCultivation) can be found in appendix A1. The values for the potential costs on a path (Cpath) and for the potential costs on a road (Croad) are obtained from van der Hilst & Faaij (2012), using the value for “other roads” for Cpath and “Primary roads; good condition; paved” for Croad. These values can be found in table 12. Table 12: Parameters involved with calculating the transportation costs (CTransportation) Parameter Value Unit Reference (van der Hilst & Faaij, 2012) Costs path (CPath) 0.12 US$/tonne*km Costs road (CRoad) 0.02 US$/tonne*km (van der Hilst & Faaij, 2012) The conversion costs are obtained from van den Wall Bake (2009), who has discounted them over the lifetime of the mill and can be found in table 13. This value was taken from literature for entire Brazil, rather than for the individual mills in Goiás because data is not available for all mills. Table 13: Parameters involved with calculating the conversion costs (CConversion) Parameter Conversion costs (CConversion) Value Unit 6.25 US$/GJethanol Reference (van den Wall Bake et al., 2009) When modelling the avoided costs, assumptions are made. The electricity costs (CElectricity) are the average costs for different consumer groups as is described by ANEEL (2014) for Brazil in 2005, such as residential, commercial, rural or industrial consumers. The average power output and ethanol 34 production (AvProdEthanol) (for one year of production) from Anuário da cana 2011: Brazilian sugar and ethanol guide (2011) and the operation time (TOperation) from (Seabra et al., 2011) and can be found in table 14. The avoided costs are taken as an average of the known mill data in Goiás, because there is no data available on all mills in Goiás. Table 14: Parameters involved with calculating the avoided costs (CAavoided) Parameter Cost of electricity in Brazil (CElectricity) Value Unit 106.54 US$/MWh(2005) Reference (ANEEL, 2014) 35 36