Going out - Curriculum Support

Stage 5 (Year 10) Arabic
Language: Arabic
Target group: Stage 5 (Year 10)
Unit of work: Going out
Estimated duration: 3–4 weeks
What are the key ideas or concepts you want the students to learn?
Why does that learning matter?
 There is a range of language structures that can be used when communicating in
 Students extend their knowledge by learning to make arrangements to go out
Arabic about going out
 teenagers in Arabic-speaking countries enjoy many of the same leisure activities
 Students will be able to use Arabic to discuss familiar topics, establishing
as Australian teenagers
relationships with their Arabic-speaking peers, including classmates and penfriends
 there is a range of language that can be used when discussing going out in Arabic.
Targeted outcomes
5.UL.1 selects, summarises and analyses information and ideas in spoken texts and responds appropriately
5.UL.2 selects, summarises and analyses information and ideas in written texts and responds appropriately
5.UL.3 uses Arabic by incorporating diverse structures and features to express own ideas
5.UL.4 experiments with linguistic patterns and structures in Arabic to convey information and to express own ideas
5.MLC.1 demonstrates understanding of the nature of languages as systems by describing and comparing linguistic features across languages
5.MLC.2 uses linguistic resources to support the study and production of texts in Arabic
5.MBC.1 explores the interdependence of language and culture in a range of texts and contexts
5.MBC.2 identifies and explains aspects of the culture of Arabic-speaking communities in texts.
Students learn about:
 ways in which texts are constructed for specific purposes
 ways of identifying relevant details when listening for specific information
 the use of multimedia for communicative purposes
 responding to factual and open-ended questions
 collaborative and inclusive ways to achieve communication goals
 the manipulation of structure, format and choice of vocabulary to achieve
specific purposes
 resources available to enhance or promote independent learning
 the use of technology to express ideas and create own text
 ways to support and sustain communication in extended text
 the importance of being aware of the choices that are made to convey precise
 the contributions of diverse cultures to the local and global community
cultural attitudes that add meaning to texts
Students learn to:
 identify purpose, e.g. to inform, persuade or entertain, and distinguish between
main points and specific and supporting details
in text
 make judgements about the relevance of detail in understanding text, e.g.
extracting ideas and issues referred to in text
 participate in discussions with speakers of Italian, e.g. by using email,
discussion forums on the internet
 maintain an interaction by responding to and asking questions and sharing
 interact with reference to purpose, audience or participants, e.g. making
 select and incorporate particular structures to achieve specific purposes
 develop skills in accessing appropriate additional information to expand and
enhance communication
 access websites to transfer and manipulate data to produce a specific text
 describe features of text structure, textual coherence and cohesion in
sequencing ideas
 evaluate the accuracy and appropriateness of structures when constructing and
editing text
 reflect on attitudes and practices that differ from their own
identify and discuss cultural influences in specific texts
Structures and script (if appropriate):
 Verb tenses, present, past and future
‫ الركبي‬،‫ القدم‬،‫ألعب كرة السلة‬
‫ أهلي‬،‫مع أصدقائي‬
‫ البيانو‬،‫أعزف الجيتار‬
‫ سوف أسافر‬/‫سـ‬
Interrogative particles (revision)
‫أين؟ متى؟ من؟ ماذا؟ هل؟ لماذا؟‬
Possessive adjectives
‫شعر صديقتي جميل‬
Socio-cultural content:
 What do we do in our free time at home, with our
family or with our friends?
 Expressions for arranging an outing
 Shopping
 Holidays
 Sports
 Food
 Music
 Concerts
 Keeping in touch with friends
Cross-curriculum content and policies
 ICT– Internet, Word, Audacity, Facebook, blogs,
Photoshop, Photo Story, Adobe Premiere
 HSIE- Climate and weather
Kana and her sister
‫كان الجو جميلا‬
‫ التكسير‬،‫ الجمع المؤنث السالم‬،‫الجمح المذكر السالم‬
Adverbs / place expressions
‫ أمام الحديقة العامة‬،‫ بجانب المتجر‬،‫ في الملعب‬:‫ظرف المكان‬
Building the field
Brainstorm as a class where students enjoy going.
‫إلى أين تحب أن تخرج؟ تذهب؟‬
As a whole class, list places of interest.
 Isma'a.
 Hayya Natakallam!
 Time.
 http://www.curriculumsupport.education.nsw.
 http://www.hsc.csu.edu.au/arabic/
 A New Method To Speak, Read and Write
Arabic, (2006) Dar El Chimal, (Tripoly:
 BOS syllabus and support documents
 http://www.xmarks.com/site/afl.sakhr.com/fre
 http://www.funwitharabic.com/
 Online Arabic-English and English-Arabic
dictionary http://dictionary.sakhr.com/
 ‫ العربية السهلة‬Level Two Book and CD (2005)
Dar El Ilm Lilmalayin, (Beirut, Lebanon)
Suggested teaching and learning activities:
Note: teaching and learning activities marked with an asterisk (*) could be used as formal assessment tasks.
Students listen to a number of Arabic-speaking people describing where they like to go in their free time.
Students complete a range of listening, reading, speaking and writing activities that focus on key questions:
In pairs or small groups, practise asking and answering questions about various places visited, activities carried out,
frequency, where it takes place, when it happens, etc. Students discuss vocabulary for means of transport, asking
for cost, telling of time and dates. (Speaking, Listening and Responding)
‫ماذا تفعل في وفت الفراغ؟ وماذا فعلت في عطلة األسبوع الماضي؟‬
Evidence of learning
 Class discussion and teacher feedback on
student contributions
 Student use of appropriate vocabulary
structures for the contemporary issue
 Student ability to sequence ideas
 Student use of culturally appropriate
 Teacher observation of level of participation
in class discussion and oral feedback.
‫ غائم‬،‫ ممطر‬،‫ بارد‬،‫الجو حار‬
‫تعال معي إلى البحر يوم السبت‬
Feedback for students
‫ بالقطار‬،‫ بالتاكسي‬،‫ أذهب إلى السوق بالباص‬Ongoing feedback through:
‫ أفضل السينما‬،‫ ال أحب‬/‫ماذا تحب؟ أحب‬
‫أين؟ متى؟ من؟ ماذا؟ هل؟ لماذا؟ هل تذهب معي إلى السينما؟‬
*Students record these dialogues using Audacity. Students play the recordings to the class for whole class
discussion. (Speaking)
Students listen to young people in other countries talk about different forms of entertainment/leisure activities. They
discuss weather broadcasts. (Listening and Responding)
*Students write an email to an imaginary pen pal who lives in an Arabic-speaking country and ask questions to
find out what the person does in their free time. (Writing)
7. Students listen to interviews about what teenagers do after school. (Listening and Responding)
8. Students make a list of hobbies and write a sentence about each which includes whether they like or dislike the
hobby and how often/when they do each hobby. (Writing)
9. Students interview five classmates on their preferred place for going out. Students write a report based on their
findings. (Speaking, Listening and Responding, Writing)
10. Students read a Facebook entry from an Arabic speaking country about a young person’s leisure activities and
answer questions. (Reading and Responding)
teacher observation
oral/written feedback
student self-evaluation
peer evaluation.
Listening activities: teacher observation and oral
feedback on purpose and content
Speaking activities: teacher provides oral
feedback on correct pronunciation and
vocabulary and ability to maintain an interaction
Discussion activities: teacher observation and
oral feedback on how well students participate
and recognise and use the vocabulary.
Reading activities: teacher gives oral/written
feedback on identifying general or specific
information, purpose and content.
Students keep a blog for a week about where they like to go out each day and why. Students then give an oral
presentation to the class, describing their week’s activities. (Speaking, Writing)
12. Students read advertisements for upcoming events (e.g. concerts, sporting events, youth club) and answer questions.
(Reading and Responding)
Written activities: teacher observation and
written feedback on purpose and content; peer
Students design their own poster, advertising an event of interest using Photoshop. (Writing)
14. Students choose a famous Arabic or Australian sport, musician or TV personality research them on the Internet, then
design an ID card for one person. (Reading and Responding, Writing)
ICT activities: use of internet for research to
provide additional activities that allow for
independent student progression or group
Prepare a script for a podcast promoting a place of interest.
 Students write a report in Arabic about the forms of entertainment available to teenagers in Australia. (Writing)
 Students write a diary entry on a place that they have visited.
Evaluation and variation
Considerations: Time allocated for unit; variety of teaching strategies used; opportunities for teacher feedback and student reflection; suitability of resources; suitability of
ICT/laptop activities; literacy/numeracy links.
Date commenced:
Date completed:
Class Teacher signature:
Head Teacher signature: