2015 – 2016 Pekin Amateur Hockey Association Player Contract NO REFUNDS: Initial Dated …............................................................................................... Player Information Please PRINT: Write down 5 choices of jersey numbers (not guaranteed). Player's full name: (Circle name used) First Player's Date of Birth: / Middle / Last Player's Height: USA Hockey Registration Number: Weight: (If you have for season registering) Previous Ice Teams played on: Positions played on previous teams: Forward Defense Medical issues coaches need to be aware of: Parent Information Address: Street Home Phone:( Cell Phones: ( City Zip ) ) Circle: Mom or Dad Work Phones: ( ( ) Circle: Mom or Dad ( ) Circle: Mom or Dad ) Circle: Mom or Dad Parents Names: Mother Father Email Address: Please Print Circle: Mom or Dad Email Address: Preferred Billing: Email Please Print Street Address Circle: Mom or Dad Goalie 2015 – 2016 Pekin Amateur Hockey Association Player Contract NO REFUNDS: Initial Dated …............................................................................................... Acceptance: We (Player and parent), the undersigned, do hereby agree: To play for the Pekin Amateur Hockey Association (PAHA) for the 2014-2015 USA Hockey Fall Season That the date of birth given above is true and correct. To abide by the player and parent conduct rules, locker room safety policy, the constitution, rules and bylaws of PAHA and USA Hockey To be available for all practices, scrimmages, games, tournaments, team meetings and activities of the team. To contact the team manager or coach, in advance, in the event of a schedule conflict with any above event. To support and participate in team and PAHA fundraisers. A payment schedule will be provided for each player, the parents / player's guardian will be responsible for keeping the payment plan on all player costs current. Parents and player guardians understand that such costs and fees are non-refundable. If deferment is needed, please contact the Treasurer immediately. The parents / player's guardian will be responsible for team expenses. Team expenses may include: jerseys and socks, league fees, tournament fees, game ice and referees, team events, team meals, nonparent coaches expenses and others determined by the team or PAHA Board of Directors. As a member of PAHA, you will honor all guidelines and policies defined by PAHA in regards to players requesting a release from their 2014-2015 contracts. Players must be in “Good Standing” to obtain a release from PAHA. A player under contract must obtain this release prior to skating with a new association. This includes tryouts, practices, scrimmages, games or tournaments. For all players under contract with PAHA, a Good Standing release will only be granted when the player's entire financial obligation has been met as stated in their payment schedule. In the event a player's financial obligation is not met with PAHA they will be placed on PAHA's “Not in Good Standing” List. Players on this list are barred from playing with other member associations of AHAI and USA Hockey. Players will remain on DFWYHOC(DEFINE) Not in Good Standing List until removed by PAHA. Further, we realize PAHA is a nonprofit and voluntary organization and has established this program for the benefit of the children and youth in the community. We therefore agree to hold no party connected with this team, the sponsors, PAHA or USA Hockey responsible for injury during the normal pursuit of team activities. Signatures below indicate receipt, acceptance and voluntary compliance as stipulated in this Player contract Player signature: Date: Parent Signature: Date: 2015 – 2016 Pekin Amateur Hockey Association Player contract NO REFUNDS : Initial Dated …............................................................................................... **A copy of the player's birth certificate must be provided to the association for the team records.** PAHA shall provide the opportunity for players of advanced skill level to participate in fall team/player development travel program. This program will support good sportsmanship, team play while working to build individual self-esteem and character. Teams will compete in additional tournaments at the highest level at which they can be competitive. Participation Fee and Payment Schedule: Basic program participation fees cover practice ice at Pekin Memorial Arena & league registration fees. All other expenses not covered by the participation fee are the responsibility of the parent and/or guardian. The cost of player jerseys (except Mites) and wind suits or logo wear is excluded in the participant fee. Late Registration: Player who is taken on a team late will receive no reductions in fees. Refunds: No Refunds of any kind shall be given to a player that has been accepted into the association, unless determined by PAHA Board of Directors that due to numbers no team will be fielded in the age division registered for. NSF and Returned check charges: There will be a $35.00 fee charged for each check returned to the association. Failure to make prompt payment in the form of certifiable funds (money order, cashier's check or cash) equaling the check and NSF fee will result in the players suspension until payment is made. Player Release: PAHA will honor all guidelines and policies defined by PAHA in regards to players wishing a release. The policy states: “A player requesting a release must first obtain a written release from their current association before skating with any new association. This includes skating for tryouts, practices, scrimmages, games or tournaments.” For all players under contract with PAHA, the definition of “Good Standing” is defined as follows. “Player/parent must meet one hundred percent (100%) of the financial obligations as defined in the Total line of the Participation Fee and Payment Schedule for the 2014-2015 season.” Concerns and Grievances: The team manager is the first point of contact for any parental concern or grievance. Parent should contact the team manager allowing for a mandatory 24 hour cooling down period. If a satisfactory resolution cannot be found, the team manager may take the issue to the PAHA Board of Directors for resolution. 2015 – 2016 Pekin Amateur Hockey Association Player contract NO REFUNDS : Initial Dated …............................................................................................... Zero Tolerance: Physical abuse, verbal abuse or threats in any forms shall not be directed to any one ice or off ice officials, rink staff, tournament officials, players, coaches, parents or fans. This includes, but is not limited to, shouting at referees, insulting opposing team players or taunting opposing team parents. In general, any conduct that is not suitable for an amateur athletic event is strictly prohibited. The “zero tolerance” rule applies to all coaches, players, fans, parents or other individuals associated with PAHA. It includes acts performed at any time before, during, or after a game. Conduct inside or outside of not only Pekin Memorial Arena, but any arena our teams are visiting, are covered by the rule. Team Numbers: Teams typically may carry up to a maximum of 18 players and 2 goalies as permitted in the USA Hockey Annual Guide. This will be at the head coach's request and approved by the PAHA Board of Directors. USA Hockey Registration and Insurance: All PAHA players must register with USA Hockey. This registration is done via the on-line registration provided by USA Hockey. Each player is responsible for paying the registration fee. Registration can be completed online at: http://www.usahockeyregistration.com Players registered with USA Hockey are eligible to be covered under USA Hockey coverage. If additional insurance is desired, the player must obtain the insurance privately at their own cost. Attendance: Hockey is a TEAM sport. It is necessary for all players to attend all practices and games. Excused absences should be arranged prior to the practice or game with your head coach. Individual team guidelines on reporting absences will be available at the first team meeting. Failure to abide by the rules established by the head coach for your team may result in player suspensions from games and practices. Scholastic Guidelines: PAHA strongly encourages players and their parents to monitor academia performance. If a player is having academic difficulties, PAHA encourages you to work directly with the coach to help resolves the situation. Locker Rooms: Locker rooms will be supervised by coaches or a screened adult appointed by the coach. Parents are not allowed in the locker rooms. The players are encouraged to put on their own gear, tie their own skates and take off and pack their own gear. Should a player be unable to tie their skates either the locker room supervisor may tie them or the player may go out of the locker room to have parent perform this function. Pekin Amateur Hockey Association Suspensions: Suspensions are real with PAHA. Violations of PAHA Code of Ethics, the Parent Code of Conduct and the Player Code of Ethics and Conduct may result in suspension from PAHA activities which could include practices and games. This may include any action that is determined to be detrimental to PAHA. Individual Team Rules: In general, behavior such as fighting, foul language, temper tantrums on or off the ice, stick banging and excessive penalties will not be tolerated. 2015 – 2016 Pekin Amateur Hockey Association Player contract NO REFUNDS : Initial Dated …............................................................................................... Team email lists: The team manager will be provided with an email list. This information is provided to facilitate communication of the team members. Distribution of this confidential information to outside sources is forbidden. Group emails are used for the purpose of sending out and gathering information for team or PAHA business only. Group emails should not be used to communicate between individuals. If you have concerns or question, please address this with your team manager by direct email, phone or personal contact. Player Equipment: Players need to provide all their own equipment: A list of required equipment- USA Hockey approved Helmet, mouth guard, neck guard, shoulder pads, elbow pads, gloves, stick, jock, pants, socks, shin pads, skates. Dress Code and Arrival Times: Dress code for each team will be determined by the head coach. Arrival time for games, practices and other team functions will be determined by the coach and team management. Failure to comply may result in the appropriate disciplinary action being taken. Parent Participation: PAHA wants everyone to feel a part of their child's hockey experience. Please channel these energies in fun and positive ways. All parents and families are encouraged to get involved! There are plenty of opportunities such as: learn how to run the clock, keep score, work the penalty box or plan team events. One of the most important aspects to get involved with is fund raising. The team manager will have a list of all the jobs that need to be done throughout the year. PAHA strongly promotes player development that will allow every player to improve their skills under the direction of the coaching staff. Last, but foremost: This is a youth sport for the children. Please remember this is for the pleasure of each and every parent to see their child having fun and achieving THEIR goals, not necessarily your goals. The players will be successful in their own right if they are learning and having fun. Signatures above indicate receipt, acceptance and voluntary compliance of the General Information stipulated on the foregoing pages.