


1. Awarding Institution / Body

Programme Specification

University of Central Lancashire

University of Central Lancashire Preston campus 2. Teaching Institution

School of Nursing 3. University School

4. External Accreditation

5. Title of Final Award


Graduate Certificate: Teaching Effective

Aggression Management

6. Modes of Attendance offered

7. UCAS Code

8. Relevant Subject

Benchmarking Group(s)

Part time


9. Other external influences

Department of Health (2004) The Ten Essential

Shared Capabilities accessed from

Department of Health (2011) No Health Without

Mental Health accessed from

Aiken F., Duxbury J., Dale C. and Harbison I.

(2012) Review of the Medical Theories and

Research Relating to Restraint Related Deaths

Caring Solutions Ltd/ UCLan

Department of Health (2012) Transforming care: A national response to Winterbourne View Hospital:

Department of Health Review Final Report accessed from

Department of Health (2014) Closing the gap: priorities for essential change in mental health accessed from

Francis, R. (2013) Report of the Mid Staffordshire

NHS Foundation Trust Public Inquiry . London: The

Stationery office

National Institute for Mental Health in England

(2004) The Management of Violence and

Aggression; Positive Practice Standards London:


National Institute of Clinical Excellence (2005)

Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Short Term management of Disturbed (Violent) Behaviour in

Adult Psychiatric Inpatient Settings.

London: NICE

January 2014 10. Date of production/revision of this form

11. Aims of the Programme

To equip students with and build upon the knowledge and skills to facilitate the implementation and teaching of a safe and integrated approach to the management of violence and aggression in a number of settings.

To develop the knowledge and ability of students to engage in and convey philosophies and practices that address therapeutic relationships, diversity, ethical discernment, user involvement and sound clinical judgement when teaching students to manage aggression.

To lay the foundation for personal development planning and life long learning in order to support best practice and the maintenance of high and appropriate professional standards and practice.

12. Learning Outcomes, Teaching, Learning and Assessment Methods

A. Knowledge and Understanding

A1. Describe the presenting features of anger in terms of physical and psychological responses.

A2. Identify and examine the ethical, legal, cultural and political frameworks that need to be considered when intervening with violent individuals.

A3. Analyse the factors influencing the professional and clinical learning environment

A4. Recognise the importance and value of user involvement and feedback in the prevention and management of violence and aggression

A5. Review existing support mechanisms following incidents of violence and aggression

Teaching and Learning Methods

This will include a mixture of lectures, peer review, micro teaching sessions, student led seminars, video recorded sessions, tutorials and group work.

Assessment methods

Essays, lessons plans and assessed teaching sessions

B. Subject-specific skills

B1. Reflect upon and critically appraise their understanding and ability to effectively teach the principles and practices of managing violence and aggression

B2. Critically evaluate their use of feedback to their colleagues on their ability to competently manage violence and aggression

B3. Demonstrate competency in articulating and performing the role of teacher in preparing others to adopt evidence based, integrated approach to the management of violence and aggression.

Teaching and Learning Methods

A mixture of role play, demonstrations, video recorded teaching and clinical skills and experiential laboratory sessions, lectures, intervention workshops and tutorials. A ‘user panel’ will also form part of the teaching and assessing approach.

Assessment methods

Reflective essays, teaching plans, video-recorded micro teaching sessions and a final summative practical skills assessment

C. Thinking Skills

C1. Critically appraise the theory and application of safe and effective approaches to the management of violence and aggression

C2. Critically reflect upon their legal and professional accountability in delivering a high standard course on the prevention and management of violence and aggression.

C3. Evaluate current approaches to developing, maintaining, and auditing a learning environment in the clinical setting.

Teaching and Learning Methods

A mixture of lectures, critical incidents, user narratives, teaching plans and group work

Assessment methods

Assessed teaching sessions, teaching plans and essays

D. Other skills relevant to employability and personal development

D1. Communicate effectively in a variety of settings and with a range of individuals

D2. Effectively utilise information technology

D3. Work co-operatively and effectively with others as a member of a team

D4. Reflect upon own academic, supervision and clinical performance using a range of strategies to improve these.

D5. Use logical and systematic approaches to problem solving and decision making

Teaching and Learning Methods

Tutorials, directed study time, group work, IT, Elearn, presentations,

Assessment methods

Essays, assessed practical sessions, presentations, teaching plans

13. Programme Structures

Level Module


Module Title

Level 6 NU3021 Teaching the Management of

Violence and Aggression

Level 5 NU2620 Working with Violence and


Credit rating


14. Awards and Credits


Graduate Certificate:

Teaching Effective


Management requires 60 credits

15. Personal Development Planning

Personal Development Planning is an integral part of this course. It will form the basis for ongoing personal development discussions with personal tutors and the course team.

Students will be supported in the development of their PDP by:

1 Developing skills of reflection on their academic, personal and professional performance and development will be continually encouraged within the module teaching and learning strategies.

2 The use of personal tutorials whereby progress will be reviewed using personal reflection, setting goals and through the development of action plans.

3 The identification of strengths and weaknesses, skills, qualities, attitudes and capabilities will be developed throughout the course with the use of case studies, role play, reflection and peer and self review.

4 Improving learning and performance by taking responsibility for their own development and the necessary skills for independent learning

5 Progression and a requirement that on completion of the course the student attends yearly updates.

6 Using credits gained from the course students may wish to develop their professional expertise and study to a higher level using the portfolio of modules on offer at the university.

16. Admissions criteria

Programme Specifications include minimum entry requirements, including academic qualifications, together with appropriate experience and skills required for entry to study.

These criteria may be expressed as a range rather than a specific grade. Amendments to entry requirements may have been made after these documents were published and you should consult the University’s website for the most up to date information.

Students will be informed of their personal minimum entry criteria in their offer letter.

In order to be accepted on the course the student must meet the following admission criteria:

First level nurse or equivalent allied health professional working in a relevant practice area

Recent level 2 (L5) study

The completion of a recognised ‘physical interventions’ update course within the last year

Completion of a first aid course within the last year

Completion of a Certificate of Good Health

Ideally, the applicant will have completed study into teaching and assessing for example, a mentorship module

17. Key sources of information about the programme

Student Handbook

Course fact sheet

18. Curriculum Skills Map

Please tick in the relevant boxes where individual

Programme Learning Outcomes are being assessed .



Code Module Title


(C) or



Knowledge and understanding

A1 A2 A3

Subject specific Skills Thinking skills


A5 B1 B2 B3 C1 C2


Other skills relevant to employability and personal development

D1 D2 D3 D4 D5


Teaching the Management of

Violence and Aggression C x x x x x x x x x x x x x x


Working with Violence and

Aggression C x x x x x x x x x
