Dembitskiy S.S., PhD. (Sociology), leading research fellow, Institute of Sociology NAS of Ukraine
The suggested paper is the generalization of the 10-year experience of teaching courses on empirical
sociology at the universities of Kyiv, namely Open International University of Human Development
“Ukraine”, Academy of Labour, Social Relations and Tourism, National Drahomanov Pedagogical
University, National Aviation University, and National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv
Polytechnic Institute”. According to author’s observation departments of sociology of the aforementioned
universities practice narrow approach to the approval of the necessary courses of the empirical
sociology. This approach lies in the fact that there is specific knowledge and related research skills that
students should master. In accordance with this, instruction hours for the relevant disciplines are
distributed. This approach suffers from a number of significant drawbacks that have negative impact on
the study process. The solution of this problem is seen in the implementation of a broader approach to the
curricula development. It gives the priority to the use of larger courses dedicated to the research
approaches rather than individual methods and techniques. The introduction of this broad approach is
hampered by a number of obstacles in teaching empirical sociology. The first obstacle is the existing
curricula. While developing new curricula, the department (faculty) is usually limited by the existing
number of hours within particular courses. The next obstacle is related to the need for online learning
support. The most effective way to do this is to use online educational environments/interfaces. The main
problem of their use lies in the significant organizational resistance, and when it is bared down – in the
inertia of innovation implementation. The last obstacle is the insufficient number of qualified specialists
in empirical sociology. Of course, there is a sufficient number of qualified researchers, but they often
prefer self-realization in marketing, which not only provides an opportunity for professional growth, but
is also better rewarded.
Keywords: curricula, empirical sociology, higher education.
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