Year 2010-2011 Submitted by Executive Summary Institute’s Specific Information Government college of Education Panvel is established on 29/06/1970 in its own building. It is located in Taluka Panvel in Raigad district of Maharashtra state. It is affiliated to Mumbai University. It is very near to Panvel S.T. stand & 1km from Panvel Railway station. The total campus Area is 15054.50 m2 with 7ft. high boundary wall. In the campus there are two separate hostel for boys & girls, one administrative building and Educational building. Ours is the only Govt. Collage in Raigad District. The college is run by the state Govt. The college’s motto is; Sheelam Param Bhushanam’ which describes the ultimate aim of education as character building formation. A well educated & well trained trainee with high quality diversified characteristics is ready to Enlighten the sphere as this workplace is being depicted through a lighted lamp portrayed on the top of the emblem. We try to chase excellence through teaching. The planning & executio9n of the program run by the college are testimony of the efforts being taken to enable bearing high quality of character. The admissions are done by the centralized admission process. The intake capacity is 100. We are having nearly 22 practicing schools in & around Panvel. The college caters to the needs of city as well as rural students. The college has been upgraded as College of Teacher Education (C.T.E.). Ample space, airy classrooms, beautiful green Surrounding, well-equipped laboratories, indoor & outdoor sports facilities, Healthy & cheerful atmosphere are few of our special characteristics. A) Profile of the institution 1. Name and address of the institution: Government Collage of Education, Near S.T. stand PNVEL, Dist-Raigad (Maharashtra), Pin-410 206 2. Website URL- 3. For communication: Office Telephone Number with STD Code Name Head / Principal (022) 27453000 Vice-Principal Self-appraisal Co-coordinator Fax No. 022-27453000 (022)27453000 E-Mail Address - - - Residence Telephone Number with STD Code Name Mobile Number Head / Principal - 09890850336 Vice-Principal - - Self-appraisal Co-coordinator (022)27458884 Location of the institution: Uran Semi-urban Rural Tribal Any other (specify and indicate) 09022530644 5. Campus area in acres: 3.7 acres 6. Is it recognized minority institution? Yes No 7. Date of establishment of the institution: Month and Year MM 06 YYYY 1970 8. University / Board to which the institution is affiliated: Mumbai 9. Details of UGC recognition under section 2(f) and 12B of the UGC Act. Month and Year 2(f) MM 06 YYYY 1996 Month and Year 12B MM 06 YYYY 1996 10. Type of Institution a. By funding i. Government ii. Grant-in-aid iii. Constituent iv. self-financed v. Any other (specify and indicate) b. By Gender i. Only for Men ii. Only for Women iii. Co-education c. By Nature I. university Dept. ii. RIE iii. IASE iv. Autonomous College v. Affiliate college vi. Constituent college vii. Dept. education of a composite college viii. CTE ix. Any other (specifies and indicates) 11. Does the University / State Education Act have provision for autonomy? Yes No If yes, has the institution applies for autonomy? Yes No 12. Details of Teachers education programmers offered by the institution: S1 NO i) ii) iii) Level Per-primary Primary/ Elementary Secondary/ Programme / Course - Entry Qualification Nature of Award Duration Medium of instruction - - - - Certificate Diploma Degree - - - - - - - - - Certificate Certificate Sr. secondary iv Post Graduate Other (Specify) B.Ed. M.Ed. Any degree - YCMOU Vocational B.Ed. v. 1Year - - e Diploma Degree Certificate Diploma Degree Certificate Diploma 1Year - Marathi Marathi Marathi - Any degree Degree 2Year Marathi (Additional rows may be inserted as per requirement) 13. Give details of NCTE recognition (for each programmer mentioned in Q.12above) Level Per-primary Primary/Elementary Secondary / Sr.secondary UG Post Graduate Other Programme - B.Ed. M.Ed. Order No. &Date WRC/56/2K/10904 Dt.11-12-2000 WRC/5-6/ 119/2009 56341 (Additional rows may be inserted as per requirement) B) Criterion-wise inputs Valid Up to - Sanctioned Intake - Permanent Previously-60 At present-100 Permanent 35 - - Criterion I: Curricular Aspects 1. Does the Institution have a stated? Vision Yes No Mission Yes No Values Yes No Objectives Yes No 2. Does the institution offer self-financed programme(s)? Yes If yes, a) How Many programmes? 1 - M Ed b) Fee chargfed programme Rs 44.000 3.Are there programmes with semester system? - 4.Is institution representing / participating in the curriculum development / recision processes of the regulagtory bodies Yes No If yes, how many faculty are on the various curriculum development / vision committees /boards of universities /regulating authority. 1(principal) 5. Number of methods / elecvtive options (programme wise) D.Ed. B.Ed. M/Ed. (Full Time) M.Ed. (Part Time) Any other (specify and indicate) 6. Are there Programmes offered in modular form Yes No √ Number 7. Are there Programmers where assessment of teachers by the students has been? Introduced Yes No √ Number 8. Are there Programmers with faculty exchange / visiting faculty? Yes √ No √ Number 9. Is there any mechanism to obtain feedback on the curricular aspects from the Heads of practice teaching schools Yes NO Academic peers Yes NO Alumni Yes NO Students Yes NO Employers Yes NO 10. How long does it take for the institution to introduce a new programme with The existing system? 11. Has the institution introduce a new programme with the Existing system? Yes Number √ No 12. Are there courses in which major syllabus revision was done during the last three years? Yes √ Number No 1 13. Does the institution develop and deploy action plans for effective implementation of the curriculum? Yes √ No 14. Does the institution encourage the faculty to prepare course outlines? Yes √ No Criterion II: Teaching-Learning and Evaluation 1. How are students selected for admission into various courses? a) Through an entrance test developed by the institution b) Common entrance entrance test conducted by the University / Government c) Through an interview d) Entrance test and interview e) Merit and the qualifying examination f) Any other (specify and indicate) - Marks at Degree level (If more than one method is followed, kindly specify the weight ages) 2. Furnish the following information (for the previous academic year): a) Date of start of the academic year 06/07/2009 b) Date of last admission 30/08/2009 c) Date of closing of the academic year 31/05/2010 d) Total teaching days 206 e) Total working days 210 3. Total number of students admitted Number of Students D.Ed. M F Total B.Ed. - 100 M.Ed. (Full Time) - 16 M.Ed. (Part Time) - 4. Are there any overseas students? Programme Yes √ M - F - Reserved Total - M F 6 10 - Open Total 46 - No If yes, how many? 5. What is the 'unit cost' of teacher education program? - (Unit cost + total annual recurring expenditure divided by the number of students / Trainees enrolled). a) Unit cost excluding salary component - b) Unit cost including salary component Rs 52000 (Please provide the unit cost for each of programme offered by the institution by the detailed at Question 12 of profile of the institution) 6. Highest and lowest percentage of marks at the qualifying examination considered for admission during the previous academic session Programme Highest (%) D.Ed. B.Ed. M.Ed. (Full Time) M.Ed. (Part Time) Lowest (%) - 75.15 45% - 7. Is there a provision for assessing students' knowledge and skill for the Programme (after admission)? Yes √ No 8. Does the institution develop its academic calendar? Yes √ No 9. Time allotted in percentage Programme Practice Theory Teaching Practicum D.Ed. - - - B.Ed. 50 35 15 M.Ed. (Full Time) - - - M.Ed. (Part Time) - - - 10. Per-practice at the institution a) Number of pre-practice teaching days - 15 b) Minimum number of pre-practice teaching lessons given by each student 5 11. Practice Teaching at schools a) Number of schools identified for practice teaching - b) Total number of practice teaching days - c) Minimum number of practice teaching lessons - 22 42 20 - given by each student 12. How many lessons are given by the student teachers in simulation and pre-practice teaching in classroom situations? Number of lessons in simulation - Number of lessons Pre-practice Teaching - 04 09 13. Is the scheme of evaluation made known to students at the beginning of the academic session? Yes √ No 14. Does the institution provide for continuous evaluation? Yes √ No 15. Weight age (in percentage) given to internal and external evaluation Programme D.Ed. B.Ed. M.Ed. (Full Time) M.Ed. (Part Time) 16. Examinations Internal 500 Marks - External 500 Marks - a) Number of sessional tests held for each paper b) Number of assignments for each paper - 02 - 02 17. Access to ICT (Information and Communication Technology) and technology. Yes Computers Intranet Software / courseware (CDs) Audio resources Video resource Teaching Aids and other related materials NO Any other ( specify and indicate) Laptop 18. Are there courses with ICT enabled teaching process? No √ Yes Number - 19. Does the institution offer computer science as a subject? No √ Yes If yes, is it offered as a compulsory or optional paper? Compulsory Optional Criterions III: Research, Development and Extension 1. Number of teaching with Ph. D and their percentage to the total faculty strength Number 03 % 50 2. Does the Institution have ongoing research projects? Yes No √ If yes, provide the following details on the ongoing research projects Funding Amount (Rs.) Duration (years) Agency (Additional row/ columns maybe inserted as per the requirement) 3. Number of completed research projects during last three years. Collaboration, if any - 4. How does the institution motivate its teaching to take up researching in education? (Mark '√' for positive response and 'X' for negative response) Teachers are given study leave x Teachers are provided with seed money x Adjustment in teaching schedule √ Providing secretarial support and other facilities √ Any other (specify and indicate) - 5. Does the institution provide financial support to research scholars? Yes No √ 6. Number of research degrees awarded during the last 5 years. a) Ph. D. b) M. Phil. 7. Does the institution support student research projects (UG & PG)? Yes No √ 8. Detail of the publications by the faculty (Last five years) Yes √ √ NO International Journals National Journals-referred papers Non referred papers Academic articles in reputed √ Magazines / news papers Books √ Any other (specify and indicate) √ Participation in seminars & conferences 9. Are there awards, recognition, patents etc received by the faculty? Yes √ No Number 02 05 28 14 10 Number 02 10. Number or papers presented by the faculty and students (during Last five years): Faculty Students 05 - 02 - National seminars International seminars Any other academic forum 11. What types of instructional materials have been developed by the institution? (Mark '√' for yes and 'X' for no.) √ Self-instructional materials √ Print materials √ Non-print materials (e.g. teaching) Aids / audio-visual, multimedia, etc.) Digitalized (Computer aided instructional materials √ √ Question bank Any other (specifies and indicates) - 12. Does the institution have a designated person for extension activities? Yes √ No If yes, indicate the nature of the post. Full-time Part-time √ Additional charge 13. Are there any NSS and NCC programmes in the institution? Yes No √ 14. Are there any other outreach programmes provided by the institution? Yes √ No 15. Number of other curricular/ co-curricular meets organized by other academic Agencies/NGOs on campus Yes √ No 16. Does the institution provide consultancy services? Yes √ No In case of paid consultancy what is the net mount generated during last three Years. - 17. Does the institution have networking/linkage with other institution/ Organizations? Local level √ State level √ National level √ International level √ Criterion IV: Infrastructure and Learning Resources 1. Built-up Area (in sq. mts.) 2. Are the following laboratories been established as per NCTE Norms/ a) Methods lab Yes √ No b) Psychology lab Yes √ No √ c) Science lab (s) Yes No d) Education Technology lab Yes √ No e) Computer lab Yes √ No f) Workshop for preparing teaching aids Yes √ No 3. How many Computer terminals are available with the institution? Yes √-10 No 4. What is the Budget allotted for computers (purchase and maintenance) during The previous academic year? Rs 1,11,57000 + 300 Computer 5. What is the Amount spent on maintenance of computer facilities during the Previous academic year? Rs 300 6. What is the amount spent on maintenance and upgrading of laboratory facilities during the previous academic year? Rs 1692000 7. Budget allocation for campus expansion (building) and upkeep for the current academic session / financial year? 8. Has the institution developed computer-aided learning packages? 9. Total number of posts sanctioned Teaching - 10 Non-Teaching - 10 10. total number of posts vacant Teaching - Non-teaching - 10 10 11. Number of regular and permanent teacher (Gender - wise) Open Lecturers M 1 - Readers Professors Reserved F 3 - M 2 - F 1 - b. Number of temporary/ad-hoc/ part-time teachers (Gender - wise) Open Lecturers Reserved M F M F Readers - 1 - - Professors - - - - - - - - c. Number of teachers from Same state Other state 11. Teachers student ratio (program - wise) Programme D.Ed. B.Ed. M.Ed. (Full Time) M.Ed. (Part Time) Teachers student ratio 20:1 - Open M Reserved F M F 13. a. Non - teaching staff - 2 - - Permanent Temporary b. Technical Assistant Open Permanent Temporary M - Reserved F - M - F - 14. Ratio of Teaching - non- teaching staff 2.1 15. Amount spent on the salaries of teaching faculty during the previous academic Session (% of total expenditure) Rs 56,55,000 16. Is there an advisory committee for the library? Yes No 17. Working hours of the Library On working days On holidays During examinations 8 Hours 8 Hours 18. Does the library have open access facility Yes No 9550 12 19.Total collection of the following in the library 02 a. Books -Textbooks - -Reference books b. Magazines c. Journals subscribed -Indian journals -Foreign journals - d. Peer reviewed journals - e. Back volumes of journals - f. E- information resources -Online journals / e-journals - -CDs/ DVDs - -Databases -Video Cassettes -Audio Cassettes - 20. Mention the Total carpet area of the Library {in sq. mts.} - Seating capacity of the Reading room - 21. Status of automation of Library Yet to initiate Partially automated √ Fully automated 22. Which of the following services/ facilities are provided in the library? Circulation √ Clipping Bibliographic compilation √ Reference Information Display and notification' √ Book Bank Photocopying Computer and Printer √ Internet Online access facility Inter-library borrowing - Power back User orientation/ information literacy - Any other (please specify and indicate) 23. Are students allowed to retain book for examinations? Yes No √ 24. Furnish information on the following Average number of books issued/ returned per day 60 Maximum numbers of day books are permitted to be retained By the students 07 By the faculty 15 Maximum numbers of day books are permitted for issue For students For faculty 02 Unlimited 10 Average number of users who visited/ Consulted per month Ratio of library books (excluding textbooks 100.1 And bank facility) to the number of students enrolled 25. What is the percentage of library budget in relation to total budget of the Institution - 26. Provide the number of books/ journals/ periodicals that have been added to the Library during the last three years and their cost. I (07-08) Number Total cost (In Rs.) II(08-09) Number Total cost (In Rs.) i. text books ii. Other 57 343 Rs.53,272 Rs.13,390 books iii. Journals/ Periodicals iv. any others (specify and Indicate) (Additional rows / columns may be inserted as per requirement)- Criterion V: Student support and Progression 1. Programme wise "dropout rate" for the last three batches III(09-10) Number Total cost (In Rs.) - - 528 Rs.1,14,606 - - - - Year 1 (07-08) Year 2 (08-09) Year 1 (09-10) D.Ed. - - - B.Ed. 3 2 2 M.Ed. (Full Time) - - - M.Ed. (Part Time) - - - 2. Does the Institution have the tutor - ward / or any similar mentoring system? Yes √ No If yes, how many students are under the care of a mentor/tutor? 12 3. Does the institution offer Remedial instruction? Yes √ No 4. Does the institution offer Bridge courses? Yes No √ 5. Examination results during past three years provide year wise data) UG PG I II III 7-8 8-9 9-10 Pass percentage 97 97 98 Number of first classes 11 18 8 I II M. Phil III I II Number of distinctions Exemplary Performances (Gold Medal and university ranks) 6. Number of students who have [passed competitive examination during the last there year (Provide year wise data) III I II III NET 1 1 1 SET/SET - - - Any other (specify and indicate) - - - 7. Mention the number of students who have received Financial aid during the past there years Financial Aid (I) Merit Scholarship (ii) Merit-cummeans scholarship (iii) Fee Concession (iv) Loan facilities Any other (specify and indicate) Bharat Sarkar Scholarship I 2008-09 - II 2009-2010 - III - - - - - - - 50 50 (Additional rows may be inserted as per requirement) 8. Is there a Health Center in the campus of the institution? Yes No √ 9. Does the institution provide Residential Accommodation for: Faculty Yes No Non-teaching staff Yes √ No 10. Does the institution provide Hostel facility for its students? Yes √ No 25 √ If yes, number of students residing in hostels 17 Men Women 11. Does the institution provide indoor and outdoor sports facilities ? Sports fields Yes √ No Indoor sports facilities Yes √ No Gymnasium Yes √ No 12. Availability of rest rooms for Women Yes √ No 13. Availability of rest rooms for men Yes √ No 14. Is there transport facility available? Yes √ No 15. Does the institution obtain feedback from students on their campus experience? Yes √ No 16. Give information on the Cultural Events (Last year data) in which the institutions participated /organized. Organized Participated Inter-collegiate Yes No Number Yes No Number Inter-university - - - √ - 02 National - - - - - - - - - - - - Amu other (specify and indicate) (Excluding college day celebration) 17. Give details of the participation of students during the past year at the university, state, regional, national and international sports meets. Participation of students Outcome (Numbers) (Medal achievers) State - - Regional - 05 National - - International - - 18. Does the institution have an active Alumni Association? Yes √ No If yes, give the year of establishment 2010 19. Does the institution have a Student Association/ Council? Yes √ No 20. Does the institution regularly publish a college magazine? Yes √ No 21. Does the institution publish its updated prospectus annually? Yes No √ 22. Give the details on the progression of the students to employment/ further study (Give percentage) for last three years Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 (%) (%) (%) Higher studies - - - Employment (Total) - - - - - - Teaching Non teaching 23. Is there a placement cell in the institution? Yes √ No If yes, how many students were employed through placement cell during the past three years 1 2 3 - - - 24. Does the institution provide the following guidance and counseling services to students? Academic guidance and Counseling Yes √ Personal Counseling Yes √ No Career Counseling Yes √ No No Criterion VI: Governance and Leadership 1. Does the institution have a functional Internal Quality assurance Cell (IQAC) or any other similar body/ committee Yes No √ 2. Frequency of meeting of Academic and Administrative Bodies: (last year) Governing Body/management 02 Staff council 08 IQAC/or any other similar 08 Body/committee Internal Administrative Bodies 10 Contributing to quality improvement Of the institutional processes. (mention only for three most important bodies) 3. What are the Welfare Schemes available for the teaching and non-teaching staff of the institution? Loan facility Yes √ No Medical assistance Yes √ No Insurance Yes Other (specify and indicate) GPF, GIS Yes No √ √ No 4. Number of career development programmes made available for non-teaching staff during the last three year - - - 5. Furnish the following details for the past three years a. Number of teachers who have availed the Faculty Improvement Program of the UGC / NCTE or any other recognized organization - 1. - Refresher Course b. Number of teacher who were sponsored for professional development programmes by the institution National - Nil International - Nil c. Number of faculty development programmes organize by the Institution: - - - d. Number of Seminars / working / symposia on Curricular development, teaching0-learning, etc. organized by the institution - - - e. Research development programmes attended by the faculty - - - f. Invited / endowment lectures at the institution 03 - - Any other area (specifies the programme and indicates) - - - 6. How does the institution monitor the performance of the teaching and nonteaching staff? a. Self-appraisal Yes √ No b. Student assessment of faculty performance Yes √ No c. Expert assessment of faculty performance Yes √ No d. Combination of one or more of the above √ Yes No e. Any other (specify and indicate) Yes No 7. Are the faculty assigned additional administrative work? Yes √ No If yes, give the number of hours spent by the faculty per week? 5 to 7 8. Provide the income received under various heads of account by the institution for previous academic session Grant-in-aid √ Fees - Donation - Self-funded courses - Any other (specify and indicate) - 9. Expenditure statement (for last two year) Year 1 Year 2 2008-09 2009-10 52,02,000 56,55,000 % spent on the salary of non-teaching employees - - %spent on books and journals - 1,14,606 % spent on development activities (expansion of building) - - 1.31.000 57.000 - - Total sanctioned Budget % spent on the salary of faculty % spent on telephone, electricity and water -% spent on maintenance of building, sports facility, Hostels, residential complex and student amenities etc. % spent on maintenance of equipment, teaching aids, contingency, computer, etc. 3000 1000 - - 11,000 73,000 Any other (specify and indicate) - - Total expenditure incurred - - % spent on research and scholarship (seminars, conferences, faculty development programs, faculty exchange, etc) % spent on spent on travel 10. Specify the institutions surplus / deficit deficit budget during the last three years? (specify the amount in the applicable boxes given below Surplus in Rs. Deficit in Rs. - - - - - - 11. Is there an internal financial audit mechanism? Yes √ No 12. Is there an external financial audit mechanism? Yes √ No 13. ICT/Technology supported activities / units of the institution: Administration Yes √ √ No Finance Yes No Student Records Yes Career Counseling Yes No Aptitude Testing Yes No Examinations / Evaluation/ Assessment Yes An other (specify and indicate) Yes √ √ No √ √ No No 14. Does the institution have an efficient internal co-ordinating and monitoring mechanism? Yes √ No 15. Does the institution have an inbuilt mechanism to check the work efficiency of the non-? Teaching staff? Yes √ No 16. Are all the decisions taken by the institution during last three years approved by competent authority? Yes √ No 17. Does the institution have the freedom and the resources to appoint and pay temporary / ad hoc / guest teaching staff? Yes √ No 18. Is a grievance redressal mechanism in vogue in tehinstitutiion / a) For teachers b) For students c) For non-teaching staff √ 19. Are there any ongoing legal disputes pertaining to the institution? Yes No √ 20. Has the institution adopted any mechanism / process for internal academic audit / quality checks? Yes √ No 21. Is the institution sensitized to modern managerial concepts such as strategic planning, team work, decision-making, computerization and TQM? Yes No √ Criterion VII: Innovative Practices 1. Does the institution has an established Internal Quality Assurance Mechanisms? Yes √ No 2. Do students participate in the Quality Enhancement of the Institution? Yes √ No 3. What is the percentage of the following student categories in the institution? Category Men a. SC 7 12 b. ST 3 1 c. OBC 17 17 d. Physically challenged - - e. General Category 09 22 f. - - Rural % Women % g. Urban - - h. Any other (specify) - - I. DT 2 - J. NT 4 4 - 2 K. SBC 4. What is the percentage of the staff in the following category? Category Teaching Staff % Non Teaching staff a. SC 1 1 b. ST - - c. OBC 2 - d. Women 4 1 - - General Category 2 3 e. Physically challenged f. g. Rural - - h. Urban - - i. - - Any other (specify) % 5. What is the percentage incremental academic growth of the students for the last two batches? Category At Admission SC Batch I On completion of the course Batch II Batch I Batch II ST - - - - OBC - - - - Physically - - - - - - - - Rural - - - - Urban - - - - Any other - - - - - - - - challenged General Category (specify) Category Criterion I: curricular Aspects 1.1 curricular Design and development 1) State the objectives of the institution and the major considerations addressed by them (intellectual, academic, training, access to the disadvantaged, equity, selfdevelopment, community & national development, issue of ecology & environment, employment, global trends and demands etc.). Goals of our institution are, To create well trained teachers having capacity & capability of working in the changed constructive social environment To develop positive attitude towards curricular/co-curricular & extracurricular aspects of secondary & higher secondary education To cater to the needs of in-service training of secondary/ senior secondary teachers of Raigad district Our motto is excellence through training. Emblem of our college is 'Sheelam Param Bhushanam' The general objectives of the B.Ed. course are, To develop personal, professional and social skill and competencies to teach Subjects on the basis of principles of learning & teaching To enable the students to foster creative thinking among pupils for reconstruction of knowledge To develop competencies to utilize community resources as educational inputs To create awareness of current thrust areas in education To develop awareness about role of education in building up a democratic & secular society To develop competencies in school management To develop skills in preparation & use of instructional material 2) Specify the various steps in the curricular development processes (need assessment, development of information, database pertaining to the feedback from the faculty, students, alumni, employers & academic experts and formalizing the decisions in statutory academic bodies) Curriculum development is done by the university. However, the suggestions are given considering the needs and feedback. 3) How are global trends in teacher education reflected in the curriculum & existing courses modified to meet the emerging needs? The global trends like education for peace, globalization, and computer assisted learning, use of different methods of teaching are reflected in the curriculum. In the existing course few units in theory are added to it. 4) How does the institution ensure that the curriculum bears some thrust on national issues like Environment, value education& ICT? In the revised syllabus of Mumbai University a separate optional paper of environmental education & computer education are introduced. Co curricular activities like daily prayers, celebration of days of National & International importance, topics based on core elements display the importance of value education. Students are needed to take 2 computer lessons which help the use of ICT. 5) Does the institution make use of ICT for curricular planning? If yes, give details. For institutional planning there is a use of ICT. 1.2 Academic Flexibility 1. How does the institution attempt to provide experience to the student so that Teaching becomes the reflective practice? The Institution certainly attempts to provide experiences to the Students. Mumbai University B.Ed. Course id having theory papers of 500 marks and practical of 300 marks. Each student ops for two teaching methods, one from his special subject and the other choose from his related subjects at graduation. Five paper of theory are learnt in the regular classes and are implemented in the practice teaching. Foundation papers like Psychology, Evaluation, School Administration, Environmental Education, ICT in Education are worth of practical purpose. Micro - Teaching, simulated Teaching, Practice Lessons, Internship provide tremendous scope for the implementation of theory. Schools in Urban as well as Rural areas give experience of different types of classes. Co - curricular activities and social service, different clubs, and education a excursion provide informal experiences. Psychological experiments also provide experiences so that teaching becomes a reflective practice. Some experiences are verbal some are non-verbal. Some are formal and others are informal. Some are community based which makes teaching reflective. 2. How does the institution provide for adequate flexibility and scope in the operational curriculum for providing varied learning experience to the students both in the campus and in the field? The institution provides for adequate flexibility and scope in the operational curriculum. Paper IV - Sec. II his having following options:1. Action Research 2. Computers in Education 3. Education for Rural Development 4. Environmental Education 5. Guidance and Counseling 6. Inclusive Education 7. International Education The students choose the subject according to their liking and Specialization of the subject. For practice teaching as per the time table of the school they choose the subject of teaching, sometimes time-table is also adjusted. Types of simulated teaching like Role-Play method, Dramatization, Play Way method, Models of teaching Journey method, Project method, Discussion method, Story Telling method, are used in practice teaching. Instructional material is also used in teaching. Here the workshop for preparation of teaching Aids is having highest practical use. Similarly I.T. lessons enhance their creativity. 3. What value added courses have been introduced by the institution during the last three years which would for example: Develop communication skill ( verbal & written), ICT skills, Life skills, Community orientation, Social responsibility etc. From the last three years the college has adopted extension service programs of Dept. of Adult and Continuing Education and Extension (old name - DACEE) new name - Dept. of Lifelong Learning. Among the different activities two activities namely population education club for boys and survey of women's status for girls are implemented by the students. In these activities students develop communication skills (verbal and written) for example: Boys take additional seven lessons in different schools on the topics like Pollution, Aids, Protection of environment, Population, etc. The students have to prepare a lesson note according to the topic. Apart from the teaching they president college level activities like Street Play, One act Play, Poster Making, Book Exhibition, Poetry Singing, Role Play, Poster Making, Book Exhibition, Poetry Singing , role Play, Organization of lectures, Visits, etc. From these activities communication skill is developed. Girl students make survey of Women's status (S.W.S.) in different regions. Each girl student makes survey of 30 to 50 women in low economic status. For this a questionnaire is prepared. Student go to the community and interact with the people in this way communication skill is developed. After survey a conclusion is derived. A separate report is submitted to the department. This activity is of 120 hrs/ DLL gives certificate and 210 additional grace marks to the students. At the UDAAN festival students present Street Play and Posters in the Inter college Competitions. ICT skills - Each student has to take two computer lessons. For this they make use of computers. For theory papers the information for many ne topics is received by using internet. For preparation of instructional material computer is used. In Internship they have to take Unit Test and prepare result for this also they make use of computers. Life Skills - In our college all the students have opted for Environmental Education. By learning the syllabus informally life skills are developed. In social service activity Cleanliness of campus, tree plantation, help to learn a lot. In the teaching of Economics, Geography, Environmental science, Languages, science, Some life skills are developed Visit to Shantivan help to develop the sense of social responsibility. Programs of Andharshraddha Nirmulan Samiti' organized at college also develop sense of social responsibility. 4. How does the institution ensure the inclusion of the following aspects in the curriculum? i. Interdisciplinary / Multidisciplinary Methodology of teaching two methods is the same. The topics like co-operative learning,. Constructive learning, maxims of teaching, Review of text book, Implementation of unit test, Qualities of teachers, Globalization are included in most of the papers. Five micro-Teaching skills like Introduction, Skill of explanation, Skill of Blackboard Writing, Stimulus Variation, Bridge Lesson, Simulated teaching and Models of teaching and models of teaching have Multi-disciplinary aspect. Nature of practicum course is inter-disciplinary. ii. Multi Skill Development The skill of speaking, Reading, Listening and Writing is developed While teaching languages. Other skills like Singing, Drawing, Acting, Enacting, Imitation, creativity, and Craft Skills are developed while teaching. Communication and I.T. skills are developed during I.T. lessons. iii. Inclusive education We offer co-education also handicap students and unprivileged students get admission for the B.Ed. course. As the admissions are through centralized admission process and through merit only, students from all parts of Maharashtra as well as for mother states also get admission. We also offer two percent Quota for out of Maharashtra seats. Students from agriculture, Engineering, Commerce, social Science, Economics stream also get admission. As there is no age l limit primary teachers employees from other department, housewives get admission. This inclusiveness is not only limited for types of students but also found in various subjects. B.Ed. course nature is based on inclusiveness. It is inter-disciplinary. iv. Practice Teaching Students take ten lessons of teach method (in all 20 practice teaching lessons). These are taken from vth to ixth std. and xith and xiith for those who re post-graduate students. The [practicing schools are from rural as well as urban areas there are near about 22 practicing schools (a list is attached). Thrice in a week the students take lessons. The whole day is spared for preparation and observation of lessons. A separate lesson note book is maintained. Each lesson is observed by the method master and given feedback on the lesson. Each student prepares a lesson plan a week in advance under the guidance of his method master. He prepares a lesson plan on a content which is provided by the practicing school. Teacher from practicing schools decided the unit according to t heir planning. v. School experience / internship As a part of pre-teaching activity students visit concerned schools in their area and collect information regarding the school time-table. There are near about22 practicing school the students get experience to teach to different classes indifferent schools. They interact with the subject teachers, supervisors and receive information regarding the working or the school. They also get informal guidance and feedback on their teaching. Internship - In Mumbai University syllabus Internship activity of a week is compulsory for each student. In Internship the student is expected get information regarding the working of the school. In our college we divide students in 3 to 4 groups. Students run the school for a week completing all the activities in the school. A separate Internship note book is maintained. The following activities are taken in the Internship:- 1. Preparation of time-table of all classes 2. Daily prayer and paripath 3. Class teacher ship 4. Daily attendance 5. Daily teaching 6. Information regarding the school office registers 7. Implementation of unit test 8. Mass P.T. 9. Sports 10. Cultural program 11. Competitions 12. Exhibition 13. Three plantation 14. Health Check up of students 15. Organization of annual program 16. Field visits, etc. vi. Work experience / SUPW There is no weight age for SUPW in syllabus of Mumbai University. Still we give experience in the activity like Book Binding, arrangement, Rangoli making and Mehndi drawing, etc. vii 1.3 1. the Any other (specifies & gives details) Feedback on Curriculum How does the institution encourage feedback and communication from Students, Alumni, Employers, Community, Academic peers and other stack holders with ref. to the curriculum? In daily teaching students active participation is taken such as giving answers, expressing their opinions, asking the difficulties, etc. At the end of the lecture review is taken and student's feedback is also taken. At the end of the year a formal feedback form is given to the students and they are asked to fill it openly. After analyzing these feedback forms lecturers improve their teaching sometimes. In informal discussion with the students either in college or in practicing schools the teachers receives feedback. Sometimes discussions with the alumni also focus on the comparison of syllabi. For demonstration lessons of micro-teaching, simulated teaching, and regular teaching feedback is received from the peers. Feedback is also received from the subject teachers of practicing schools. Sometimes the lectures are supervised by the Principal and collects valuable suggestions. In our college we have Alumni Association as well as parent teacher association they are our stake holders they always provide feedback. 2. Is there a mechanism for analysis and use of the outcome from the feedback to review and identify areas for improvement and the changes to be brought in the curriculum? If yes give details on the same There is certainly a mechanism for analysis and use of the out come from the feedback to review and identify areas for improvement. Principal discusses the feedback opinions with the staff and gives the oral suggestions. As the syllabus is prepared by Mumbai University, we just convey our remarks to Academic council and B.O.S. of Mumbai University. At the end of five years suggestions are invited from the teachers and changes are made in the next syllabus. Before forming a syllabus for next five years suggestion and opinions are invited from the lecturers. Considering the new trends and concepts syllabus is revised. Before Implementing the new syllabus orientation about syllabus at different colleges are arranged. 3. What are the contributions of the institution to curriculum development? (Member Of B.O.S./sending timely suggestions, feedback, etc.) At present no lecturer is member of B.O.S. but informally discussion with the members of B.O.S., lecturers from the education Dept. of Mumbai University and other experts is done. If needed suggestions are informed to the body of curriculum development. These suggestions are taken in to consideration while forming the next syllabus. Our Principal worked as a member of B.Ed. syllabus reformation committee at Shivaji University Kolhapur in 2008-2009 1.4 Curriculum Update 1. Which courses have undergone a major curriculum revision during the last five years? How did these changes contribute to quality improvement and students satisfaction? (Provider details of only the major changes in the content that have been made) B.Ed. syllabus is revised after every five years. The present syllabus is introduced from the year 2008-2009. The following changes have been made in the syllabus:1. Paper IV sec. II - The following options have been dropped i. Education for women ii. Population education The following new options have been included i. Environmental educations ii. Guidance and consoling iii. Inclusive education iv. International education These changes contribute to quality improvement and students satisfaction. As the state Govt. has included the subject Environmental education in the secondary and higher secondary syllabi, students get employment as they have learnt environmental education. The option like International education provides information of education system abroad. The option like inclusive education helps the student to learn about special educational needs of learners in inclusive schools. Also they get information about different educational policies of Govt. The option of guidance and cancelling help the student to stack guidance and consoling center of their own. Thus Mumbai University always try to reframe up to date syllabus as per needs and demands of today's age. 2. Weightage for practical work is also changed a little. Ten marks for Viva Voce by other staff members of the same college on individual project work. This helps the students to prepare for Viva Voce in which his interview skills are developed. Seminar presentation in any one paper is having ten marks. Students get the opportunity to [present paper in the seminar and thus his preparation is developed. The skill of preparing the we matter on the given topic, presenting it, satisfying the queries on it and present it confidently is his achievement. Open book examination is also included for ten marks. Here the students are allowed to use reference books and write the answer of the question asked. Open book examination is a new concept. Basically questions asked in open book exam are on application level here the skill of thinking, organizing the points using different references selecting the most appropriate references, presenting the answer in a particular time and the skill of writing descriptively is developed. This skill can be later used by the students in writing articles in the news paper, magazines, preparing the papers for the seminars, etc. Two computer assisted presentation mode (one in each special method) is added for 20 marks. The students use computer in their teaching the skill of using the computer can be developed. In theory papers new topics have been added. The following new topics have been added;- a. Universalization of education b. Sarva Shikshan Abhhiyan c. Education for peace d. Education for human rights e. Golemans theory of emotional intelligence f. Kohlberg's theory of moral development g. Erickson's theory of psyuchocial social development h. Learning diversity i. Ausubel's theory of meaningful learning j. Bnruner's discovery learning k. Vygotsky's social development theory l. Co-operative learning and constructivist learning m.Information communication technology in education and special field n. computer assisted language learning o. Models of teaching p.simulated teaching q. Vedic mathematics, etc. All these units help student teachers to become an advanced teacher. 2. What are the strategies adopted by the institution for curriculum revision and update? (need assessment, student input, feedback from practicing schools) Mumbai University prepares and revises the curriculum and makes it update so the institution has no right to change it. However suggestions from teachers, feedback from practicing schools regarding the methods is taken in to consideration. 1.5 Best Practices in curricular aspects 1. What is the quality sustenance and quality enhancement measure undertaken by the institution during the last five years in curricular aspects? For quality sustenance and quality enhancement the following measures are undertaken by the institution. 1. Use of instructional material by trainee teachers as well as lecturers 2. Use of modern equipments like O.H.P., Computer, LCD projector. 3. Use of internet 4. New books have been purchased in the library 5. Teachers attend orientation lectures for new Syllabus 6. Discussion in the staff meetings 7. Participation in extension activities 8. Guest lectures 9. Visits 10. Refresher and orientation courses 2. What innovation / best practices in 'curricular Aspects' have been planned / implemented by the institution? Innovation / best practices in 'Curricular Aspects' is not assigned to individual institution. University takes the decision regarding that Additional information to be provided by institutions opening for reaccreditation / re-assessment: 1. What are the main evaluative observations/ suggestions made in the first assessment report with reference to curricular aspects & how they have been acted upon? 2. What are the major quality sustenance and enhancement measures undertaken by the institution since the previous assessment & Accreditation? Some important concepts of pedagogy in curricular design such as learner center Pedagogy in campus, inclusive education, promoting self learning, internship approach to practice teaching, school experiences, community work, extension work, participation in annual festivals of Mumbai University, etc. are highlighted and integrated more effectively in the teaching process. Criterion II: Teaching - Learning and Evaluation 2.1 1. Admission Process and Student Profile Give details of the admission processes and admission policies (Criteria for admission, adherence to the decisions of the regulatory bodies, equity, access, transparency, etc.) of the Admission are done through centralized admission committee of Maharashtra state and through merit only. A detailed All the decisions regarding the admission are taken by Hon. Director, Higher education, Maharashtra state, Pune. In Maharashtra there is separate B.Ed. admission Cell. MKCL provides computerized program for B.Ed. admission 2. How are the advertised/ What information is provided to prospective students about the program through the advertisement and prospectus or other similar material of the institution? The programs are advertrise3d in all the major news papers. Also the information is available on the web site. Information broacher is prepared by centralized admission committee. It gives Hostel facility, Intake capacity of the students, Medium of (For details please refer Appendix) 3. How does the institution monitor admission decisions to ensure that the determined admission criteria are equitably applied to all applicants? As per the Director's guideline each college has its admission committee. Committee members check original documents and check validity. 4. Specify the strategies if any, adopted by the institution to retain the diverse student population admitted to the institution ( for e.g.:- Individuals of reverse economic, cultural, religious, gender, linguistic, backgrounds, and physically challenged) All the information is available in the admission brochure only. (Please refer Appendix 5. Is there a provision for assessing student's knowledge / needs and skills before the commencement of teaching program? If yes give details on the same. Before taking the admission to the B.Ed. course the students have to pass a common entrance test (CET). After filling the admission form online the student feet admitted in the respective college through merit only. After admitting in the college the student has to pass content test which tests his previous knowledge regarding the subject of this specialization at graduate level. In meet the staff program student's background, his hobbies, his previous knowledge is assessed informally. Then his teaching second method is fixed. While dividing the students in group for club activities their skills are taken into consideration. Also informing different clubs like literary club, Science club and environmental club their skills and previous knowledge is taken into consideration. 2.2 1. Catering to Diverse Needs Describe how the institution works towards creating and overall environment conducive to learning and development of students? Our college is very near to S.T. stand and Panvel railway station. It's hardly five minutes' Walk from Panvel railway station. It is on NH- 4 Mumbai - Pune highway. It's the only Govt. College in Raigad district. We are having a total area of '5023' sq. meters. Ours is an old building having airy class rooms and a beautiful campus. Only ground floor is existed. Campus consists of administrative building,. Ladies hostel, boys hostel, library, reading room, lecture rooms, multi-purpose hall, ladies room, seminar room, Principal's bungalow, mess, play ground, etc. So it helps to create an overall environment to learning. Regular maintenance is done by PWD department. All these facilities create external environments, we organize various activities. 2. How dies the institution cater to the diverse learning needs of the students? In our college students from all parts of Maharashtra and also out of Maharashtra get admissions. In order to cater to the diverse learning needs we adopt the following activities:- 1. Book bank facility is available for B.C. students. In the year 2010-2011 we have provided book bank facility to all students. Apart from that every student gets two books from the library for a week. In the library there are educational magazines, news papers and reference books. 2. In daily teaching with the lecture method students difficulties are solved by informal discussion. 3. There is a scheme of essay writing (tutorial) students are given the questions in advance so they can prepare themselves and if any problem discuss with teachers. 4. In practice teaching feedback is given orally as well as in written and suggestions are discussed. 5. Students answer papers are shown to them and they are guided regarding the model answers. 6. 3. Assignments are given and duly checked by the teachers. What are the activities envisioned in the curriculum for student teachers to understand the role o diversity and equity in teaching learning process? In the curriculum there are theory papers like Sociology, Psychology, School administration, Evaluation, and Environmental education. By learning the topics from the theory papers the student teachers understand threefold of diversity and equity. In teaching different schools also they come to know about the diversity in the classes. The practicing schools are from Rural as well as Urban areas. In Psychology, the students have to do the experiments which are group experiments as well as individual activities. The celebration of national festivals and other club activities display diversity and equity. There are also activities like Excursions and Fields visits, seminars which help to understand the role of diversity and equality. For inculcation of diversity and equity in teaching we organize group and individual activities. 4. How does the institution ensure that the teacher educators are knowledgeable and sensitive to cater to the diverse student needs? Some of our students are D.Ed. Students some have teaching experience. All the students are graduates and some are post - graduate also. They are from different streams like Arts, Commerce, Science, Agriculture, Social science, Computers, etc. so they are knowledgeable and sensitive to cater to the diverse student needs. 5. What are the various practices that help student teachers develop knowledge and skills related to diversity and inclusion and apply them effectively in classroom situations? Students are divided in five houses and three clubs. For performing activities for houses cretin core elements are given to each house for e.g. the core elements like India's common cultural heritage, equality of sexes, protection of environment, display the diversity. Presenting the programs on these like one act play, singing, poster making, the students develop knowledge and skills related to diversity. Also studying the topics like globalization, social change, communication, the students develop knowledge. They apply this knowledge while teaching by giving examples on this. Also in Internship for preparing the program for cultural activities of the school students they guide about these topics. While preparing the teaching aids they prepare charts, flash cards, hanging charts, they display these topics through them. While conducting sports activities in college as well as in schools they apply this knowledge effectively. 2.3 1. Teaching - Learning Process How does the institution engage students in "active learning"? (Use of learning resources such as library, web site, focus group, individual projects, simulation, peer teaching, role playing, internships, practicum, etc.) The institution always engages the students in active learning in following way:i. In regular classes after teaching of each unit some assignments are given to the students and they are expected to prepare answers using the reference book or other material. Some topics are given to them for self study. For these topics they are active learners. Teachers ask students to use dictionaries, encyclopedias and other educational magazines. Our library is having many books of the same title but of different writers so students can use and study comparatively. For open book examination and for preparation of tutorials they use library. ii. Most of the students are computer literate and have passed MSCIT course. So they are able to operate computer. In college we have computer lab with internet connection. In regular teaching lecturers give reference of various useful, informative web sites. In our syllabus comply also a list of reference books and web sites is given for each section. Discussion on the new topics is done in the classes. iii. Focus group (diary group) - Each professor is given twenty students in this diary group. In tech group one group leader is elected. For planning lessons in the school the teacher guides the students in this group so in this way six to seven months in a year there is student - teacher interaction. The students themselves prepare the time table for his allotted school. In this way they are active. In Internship they run the school for a week and they carry out all the activities of the school. Here they are more active learners. iv. Individual projects - In Mumbai University syllabus project work is of 30 marks (20 marks of internal guide & 10 marks of viva voce by other staff member of the same college ). Projects are based on educational topics. Each lecturer is having 20 students in his group for individual guidance. There are two periods a week for project guidance. The students are active while doing the activities for projects like stating problem, objectives, preparing a tool filling up questionnaires, collecting data, interpreting it, deriving conclusions, etc. For completing the projects of extension activities they are more active learners. v. The students have to take four simulate lessons (Role play, Games, Models of teaching, Creative techniques, etc.). For preparing these lessons they sometimes write script, prepare equipments for games, prepare charts, cards, etc. For creative techniques they think of they new techniques, observe, etc. so in this way they are active learners. vi. peer teaching - For micro - teaching, for simulated teaching the students are divided in groups. While teaching in groups they have to prepare teaching aids, lesson note, etc. They record the observations of other students in his note book. vii. Role playing, for every activity in the college the students are divided in groups and assigned the responsibility for e.g. the activities like social service, cleanliness, preparing the programs, the students play different roles. College is having separate hostels for boys and girls. A mess is run by club system. Here also the student play different roles like group leader, hostel representative, casher, planner, etc. viii. Internship - In Mumbai University syllabus, internship period is of a week. 4 to 5 schools mostly in rural areas are selected for internship. For this activity the students ar4e most active learners as they have the responsibility to run a school for a week completing the activities of a school in that particular week. They maintain a report note book of internship. During this period they play various roles such as teacher, administrator, supervisor, counselor, examiner, etc. ix Practicum - For other practical work like seminar, preparation & administration of unit test, unit plan, open book exam, tutorials, content test, two terminal exams, psychological experiments, gives experience of active learning. Nature of B.Ed. course makes students active learners. 2. How is learning made student - centered? Give a list of the participatory learning activities adoptee by the institution and those which contributed to self management of knowledge and skill development by the students. We prepare student centered year planning. Student is always at topmost position in our organization. We give freedom for enhancing his creativity. In the revised syllabus paper IV section I IS information communication technology in education and special field. By studying this paper they learn the theory of communication. There are new topics like co- operative learning and constructivist learning. In regular teaching the teachers take constant feedback room the students regarding their teaching. Some time students are asked to express their opinions freely. Open discussions also carried out. Considering the students needs, the teachers adopt the methods which makes teaching student centered. The activity like seminar helps students to develop their skills of self management. The students are free to decide bout which programs to be presented in club programs. While performing house activities they have the freedom to organize various activities. While taking additional seven lessons for extension activity they choose their own topic and class For selecting the problems for projects they have the freedom. They choose various subjects as per their liking. They discuss freely with there guide. 3. What are the instructional approaches (Various Models of teachings used ) and experiences provided for ensuring effective learning? Detail any innovative approach / method developed and used. Teachers give demonstration and guidance to the students. Under their supervision students take effective learning experiences. We follow open instructional approach. We are always ready for a change. For effective instructions teachers use ICT skills, The following Models of teaching are being used:i. Concept Attainment Model ii. Enquiry Training Model iii. Role Play Model iv. Memory Model v. Simulation Students apply these Models in their practice teaching. We distribute various topics for seminar. With prior preparation students present his content in groups. 4. Does the institution have a provision for additional training in Models of teaching? If yes provide details on the models of teaching and number of lessons given by each student. Our Principal Dr. R.A. Bhoslay participated in a workshop on models of teaching conducted by Y.C.M.O.U., Nasik. One of the staff members, Dr. N. More has attended the training program on models of teaching conducted by Y.C.M.O.U. Nasik. For students there is no provision for additional training skill while demonstrating the model lessons on Models of teaching theory is discussed. There are books on Models of teaching in our library. Students can themselves read and add knowledge. Our Y.C.M.O.U. students take four lessons on Models of teaching. 5. Does the student teachers use micro - teaching technique for developing teaching skills? If yes list the skills practiced and number of lessons given by each student per skill. In fact the training at the B.Ed. course starts with the micro Teaching workshop. Four micro skill lessons and one integrated lesson (Bridge) is compulsory for each student. The following skills are practices:- i. skill of introduction ii Skill of blackboard writing iii. skill of explanation iv skill of stimulus variation These skills have a 'teach' and re-teach program. For detailed please refer Appendix - micro teaching time table. 6. Details the process of practice teaching in schools (Lessons a student gives per day, lessons observe by the teacher educators, peers / school teacher, feedback mechanism, monitoring mechanisms of lesson plans, etc. In every academic year our practicing schools are informed the dates of our terms. A meeting of all the head masters of practicing schools is called up on. In this meeting feedback is received on last years teaching programs. The program 'school visits' helps the students to familiar with different practicing schools. We are having near about 22 practicing schools in and around Panvel. In school visits the students get the time tables of each school. Under the guidance of lectures they prepare the time - table of the lessons for their group students. A copy of time - table is sent to school in advance. Also the students are informed the same. Then the respective students go to schools and get the unit of their teaching in advance. Then they prepare a rough lesson note, get it approved by the method master, fair it in the lesson note book and prepare according to it. We conduct lessons thrice in a week - Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Each student takes lesson twice in a week and one day is free for observation. The students take lessons by their turn either of any method. In this way each student takes 20practice lessons (Of two separate methods). He records total observation of 40 lessons and maintains a record in observation book. Sometimes in the absence of lecturer school teachers observe the lessons. Post graduate students are given chance to teach for junior college classes. These lessons are also observed by local school teachers. A separate observation sheet is given to them and collected by the group leader recording the grades and comments. In their lesson note book supervisor records the positive points as well as negative points with suggestions. Oral discussion and feedback is also given. Two separate lesson note books are maintained. Lesson planning workshop is also conducted in the college. (A copy of lesson plan is attached in Appendix) 7. Describe the process of block teaching / internship of students in vogue Internship - In Mumbai University syllabus internship is of a week. 4 to 5 schools mostly in rural areas are selected for internship. For this activity the students are most active learners as they have the responsibility to run a school for a week completing the activities of a school in that particular week. They maintain a note book and prepare a record of internship. For the year 2005-2010 internship program was completed in the following schools:- Year Period School s 2005-06 30-01-06 To 04-02-06 1. CHH. Shivaji Vidyalay, Palaspe. 2006-07 12-02-07 To 20-02-07 1. CHH. Shivaji Vidyalay, Palaspe. 2007-08 04-02-08 To 09-02-08 1. CHH. Shivaji Vidyalay, Palaspe. 2.P.J.Mhatre High School, Navade . 3.Dnyanvardhi ni High School, Savale. 2.M.E.S.O. Dyanmandir, Kalamboli 2.Agri High 2.Ner High school, School, Khanda nere.(Mornin Colony. g Shift) 3.Kopara High School 3. New Kopara Enghish School, 4. New Ritaghar 4.Janta High Enghish School Ajiwali. School, 4.Kopara Ritaghar. High School 5.M.E.S.O. Kopara Dyanmandir, 5.Agri High Kalamboli. school, 5.KamluPatil Khanda Vidyalaya, Colony. Taloje. 8. 2008-09 09-02-09 To 14-02-09 1. CHH. Shivaji Vidyalay, Palaspe. 2009-10 08-02-10 To 13-02-10 1.Ner High School, nere.(Mornin g Shift) 2. New Enghish School, Ritaghar 3.Ner High School, nere.(Afterno on Shift) 3.Agri High school, Khanda Colony 4.Sanjay Gandhi Smarak Vdyalaya, Pale, Panvel. 4. CHH. Shivaji Vidyalay, Palaspe. Are the practice teaching sessions / plans developed in partnership, co-operatively involving the school staff and mentor teachers? If yes give details on the same The practice teaching plans are developed co-operatively in the following way:In every academic year our practicing schools are informed the dates of our terms. A meeting of all the head masters of practicing schools is called up on. In this meeting feedback is received on last year's teaching programs. The program 'school visits' helps the students to familiar with different practicing schools. We are having near about 22 practicing schools in and around Panvel. In school visits the students get the time tables of each school. Under the guidance of lectures and school teachers they prepare the time - table of the lessons for their group students. A copy of time - table is sent to school in advance. Ac copy of format of daily lesson time table is attached. School teachers also suggest some changes in time - table as per their flexible program. In this way co-operatively we developed a plan of practice teaching. 9. How do you prepare the student teachers for managing the diverse learning needs of students in schools? The students are given the classes from Vth to IXth, all divisions in rural as well as urban schools. There are Zilla Prarishad Schools also. Post graduate students teach class 11th also. The schools are girl's school, coeducation schools, Semi English medium schools, Private schools, Aided schools, etc. So the students get experience of the aching to all types of students. Trainee teachers get the time table of lessons 12 to 15 days in advance. They get the unit by discussing with the respective subject teacher of school. In lesson guidance period he takes the guidance from the subject expert and discusses with him orally. By receiving the written feedback and discussion with the peers he manages the diverse learning needs of students in schools. The student teachers use different methods learnt in his subject theory papers. B.Ed. Practicum course helps students to prepare for managing the diverse learning needs of school students. 10. What are the major initiatives for encouraging student teachers to use / adopt technology in practice teaching? For using technology demonstration is given. Students are encouraged to use tape recorder, computer, OHHP, LCD, etc. Some schools make available the equipments like computer and projectors,. Now a day's students are making use of mobiles in a positive way. Student teachers used technology of education and technology in education. They used all supportive technology for effective teaching. (Projected and nonprojected) 2.4 1. Teacher Quality What is the ration of student teachers to identified practice teaching schools? Give the details on what basis the decision has been taken? The ratio of student teachers to identified teaching schools is 7:1 - There are 20 students in a group and 3 regular and 2 extra schools are allotted to each group and 3 regular and 2 extra schools are allotted to each group. (A list of practicing schools attached separately) The students living in particular locality are given the schools existing in that area. The schools are having morning as well as afternoon shifts. First eight periods in a day are engaged by the students. 2. Describe the mechanism of giving feedback to the students and how it is used for performance improvement? Before practice teaching guidance is given in the lesson guidance period. In practice teaching positive points and suggestions are entered on the lesson note book. There is an informal discussion in groups in the school recess as wee as after the school timing. Individual guidance is also given. Peer students also give feedback. Best lessons are appreciated and displayed in the method periods. As every lessons having a weight age of 10 marks and these marks are added in the internal evaluation so the student try to improve their performance. Continuous feedback helps to enhance student teacher's performance of teaching. 3. How Does the institution ensure that the student teachers are updated on the policy directions and educational needs of the schools? We decide our annual program as per our aims and objective of institution. All planned activities in our program push students on the policy direction. The institution ensures that the student teachers are updated on the policy directions and educational needs of the schools in the following way:1. New methods of teaching such as play way method, Models of teaching, dramatization, discussion are used. 2. Student teachers are encouraged to use hand books for teachers. 3. Student teachers use syllabus books prepared by Maharashtra state textbook burrow, Pune. 4. While taking teaching units from the school the student teachers personally meets subject teachers in the school and discuss with them about the educational needs of the school / class. 4. How do the students and faculty keep pace with the recent developments in the school subjects and teaching methodologies? The students and faculty come to know about the recent developments in the school subjects by reading the articles in different news papers or by reading articles in manor educational magazines. They come to know about the changes by reading circulars published by Gove. From time to time .They also receive information by senior teachers, by subject experts, through different seminars, hearing to the news, etc. The information regarding recent teaching methodology is received through teachers hand hooks and different orientation workshops. They compulsory used various teaching methods of related subjects in steps involved in a particular method. 5. What are the major initiatives of the institution for ensuring personal and professional / career development of the teaching staff of the institution (training, organizing and sponsoring professional development activities, promotional polices, etc.) The institution recommends the faculty members to orientation and refresher courses organized by Academic Staff Colleges. Some concession in the timing is also given. For personal and career development of the teaching staff guidance from Principal and Senior Lecturers is given time to time. In the library there are magazines like University new, Educational world, Edusearch, CET journal, Perspective in education, shikshan Sankraman, Jeevan Shikshan, General knowledge, Spardha Pariksha, Daily news papers, etc. Which helps teaching staff for their professional development. 6. Does the institution have any mechanism to reward and motivate staff members for good performance? If yes give details. The institute facilitates the staff members for good performance., In college's annual magazine, 'Vidyanidhi' appreciatory report is published. Some times news is given in local news papers such teachers get appreciation by Principal and Director of H.E. through confidential reports. Feedback is given on the CR's. 2.5 1. Evaluation Process and Reforms How the barriers to student learning are identifies, communicated and addressed? (conducive environment, infrastructure, access technology, teacher quality, etc.) There are no such barriers still due to load shading or failure of electronic gadgets there is some kind of obstacles in learning. But we try to have an alternate arrangement, so that learning can be a continuous and enjoyable process. 2. Provide details of various assessment / evaluation processes (Internal assessment, Mid-term assessments, Term end evaluations, external evaluation) use form assessing student learning? The skim of assessment is as follows:- Part A: 1. The amended regulation 4253 relating to theory-external assessment - 500 marks. 5 Papers of 100 marks each. Part B: Internal assessment:1. practice lessons - (500) - 250 Marks a. 4 micro-skill lessons and 1 integrated lesson compulsory - No marks b. 4 simulated lessons - 4 * 5=20 c. 2computer assisted lessons - 10* 2=20 d. 20 practice lessons of 10 marks each - 10*20=200 e. Preparation and administration of unit test Total 2. Practical work 10 - 250 Marks - 50 Marks a. Research based individual project work - 20 Marks - 10 Marks b. Seminar presentation - 10 Marks c. One co- curricular activity - 10 Marks Total of 2 - 50 Marks a. 2 Terminal examinations - 140 Marks b. Open book examination - 10 Marks c. 1 essay per section in each theory paper - 10 Marks d. Content test (Both methods) - No Marks Viva voce 3. Year's work ( 500*2=1000 Marks converted to) total of 3 Total of 1, 2, & 3 - 200 Marks (250+50+200=500 Marks) A detail regarding passing scheme, grade points and class awarded is attached in the syllabus copy. (Page no. 2 to 5) 3. how are the assessment / evaluation outcomes communicated and used in improving the performance of the students and curriculum transaction? For internal assessment for example: lessons remarks are communicated to the students and oral feedback is given for improving the performance. For essay writing and terminal examination answer paper are shown to the student s and grades are displayed on the notice board. For seminar co-curricular activity and project work grades are displayed on notice board. 4. How is I.C.T. used in assessment and evaluation processes? Internal result is prepared with the help of computer. 2.6 Best practices in Teaching - Learning and Evaluation process 1. Detail on any significant innovations in teaching / learning/ evaluation introduced by the institution? Different methods of teaching like cooperative learning and constructivist learning are being adopted. 2. How does the institution reflect on the best practice in the delivery of instruction including use of technology? The institution has a comprehensive and integrated set of evaluation measures that provide information for the use in monitoring students' performance and managing and improving the institutional processes. Additional information to be provided by institutions opening for re-accreditation / re-assessment: 1. What are the main evaluative observations /; suggestions made in the 1st assessment report with reference to teaching learning and evaluation and how have they been acted up on? 2. What are the other quality sustenance and enhancement measure under taken by the institution since the previous assessment and accreditation? The institution has sustainable practices in teaching learning & evaluating which have the greatest impact on performance, leading to quality enhancement in teaching, learning & evaluation and good institutional performance. Criterion III: Research, Consultancy and Extension 3.1 1. Promotion of Research How does the institution motivate its teachers to a research in education? The institution motivates its teachers in following ways:a. Informally the problems in education, govt. educational polices, new text books, new methods, recent research works are discussed in staff meeting, in peer groups, while interacting with other education colleges, etc. It helps the teachers to think over the research. b. Hon. Director (H.E.) gives two additional increments to ph. D. holders and seniority is allotted. c. In the library we have research volumes and magazines like University news, Edusearch, Samvads, Shikshan sankraman, Bhartiya shikshan, shikshan sameeksha, Jeevan Shikshan, etc. which help to motivate the research activity & research publications. d. Our outgoing Principal Dr. Sonawane S.M. is a guide for Ph.D. for Nanded University and YCMOU Nashik. Our existing Principal Dr. Raamaa a. Bhoslay is a guide for M.Phil. and Ph.d. course in Shivaji University & lecturer and always motivates for research activity. 2. What are thrust areas of research prioritized by the institution? The thrust areas of research prioritized by the institution are educational problems related to secondary and higher secondary education. Also different new teaching methods and their effectiveness, impact of mass media on the educational process, students' problems regarding learning, evaluation process, social problems, environmental problems, effectiveness of innovative practices, etc. 3. Does the institution encourage action research? If yes give details on some of the major outcomes and the impact. Our college is having Extension center of Raigad dist. Under SCERT. We guide primary and secondary teachers for action research. These teachers take action research. For B.Ed. student's individual project work of 30 marks is compulsory in their syllabus. The students are also encouraged to take action research. Following are some major outcomes:Year 2005-06 2006-07 Name 1) Mrs. Vechya Sandhya Gavit 2) Mr. Jayant Kashinath Kadu 3) Mr. Shyamrao D. Mane 1st Position Section Primary 2nd Primary 3rd Primary 1) Mr. Galgale Anil A. 2) Mr. Ashok M. Mahajan 3) Mrs. Mrunalini G; Thakur 1) Mr. shyamrao D. Mane 1st Secondary 2nd Secondary 3rd Secondary 1st Primary 2) Mrs. Savita S. Astekar 2nd Primary 3) Mr. Shubhas 3rd Primary 1st Primary 2nd at state level Primary D. Jamdad 2007-08 2008-09 1) Mr. Shivram M. gharat 1) Mr. Shivram M. Gharat 1st at district level 2) Mrs. Nilima D. JOshi 2nd at state level Secondary 1st at district level 2009-10 1) Mr. Vechya R. Gavit 2nd at state level Primary 1st at district level 2) Mrs. Umma Desai Consolidated prize Primary at state level 2nd at state level 3) Mr. Ravindara Consolidated Prize Secondary Kumar Jadhav at state level 1st at district level 4. Give details of the conference / seminar / workshop attended and / organized by the faculty members in last five years. 1. Principal Dr. S.N. sonawane attended the work shop on 'Education for Peace' organized by NCERT New Delhi (19/02/2007 to 24/02/2007) 2. Prof. B.G. Khade participated in the seminar organized by N.C.T.E. at Pune on the subject 'Draft Curriculum document some specific issues and concerns of Teacher Education' (25/11/2004 to 26/11/2004 3. Prof Dr. N.A. More participated in state level seminar on Qualitative development of teacher education ate Secondary training college, Mumbai. (22/02/20007 to 23/02/2007) 4. Prof. S.A.Sonawane participated in state level PowerPoint presentation workshop organized by Govt. College of education Aurangabad. 5. Prof. Mrs. S.S. Paithankar attended Teleconferencing workshop for NAAC accreditated colleges at VLC CENTER, Pillai's college NEW Panvel. 6. Prof. Mrs. S.S. Paithankar participated inaction research workshop organized by Sterling College of education, Nerul. 3.2 1. Research and Publication Output Give details of instructional other materials developed including teaching aids and / or used by the institution for enhancing the quality of teaching during the last three years. Every year we organize the workshop of preparation of teaching aids / instructional material for B.Ed. students. Experts from the schools, institutions guide the students regarding preparation of Charts, Flash cards, Folders, Models, CD's, etc. The students prepare the teaching aid in their two methods. In Mumbai University new syllabus two lessons with the help of computer are must, so every student presents the lessons using CD's. Transparences are prepared by the lecturers for use of daily teaching. 2. Give details on facilities available with the institution for developing instructional materials. Guidance is given by the subject experts, computers are provided and reference material is supplied. Instructional material prepared by the students is exhibited every year. Tape-recorders, projector and CD players are provided. Ample space, working tables, airy class rooms, electricity is provide 3. Did the institution develop any ICT / Technology related instructional; material during the last five years? Give details. Transparences are prepared by the lecturers for use of daily teaching. By using internet notes of new topic have been prepared by the lecturers. For demonstration lessons instructional materials is prepared by lecturers. 4. Give details on various training programs and / or workshops on material development (Both instructional and other materials). a. Organized by the institution - Every year workshop for preparation of teaching aids is organized by the institution. 5. b. Attended by the staff - Nil. c. Training provided to the staff - Nil. List the journals in which the faculty members have publish papers in last five years. a. Principal Dr. Raamaa A. Bhoslay has published an article on self-instructional material in geography in Bhartiya Shikshan on of August 2010 6. b. Shikshan Smiksha c. Shikshan Snkraman d. Annual Magazine of different colleges. Give details of the awards, honors and patents received by the faculty members in last five years. 1. Principal 2. Prof. Dr. N.A. More received Shahu Ratna Puraskar by Manav Seva Sangh and environment protection committee. (17-02-08) 3. Prof. S.S. Paithankar received Maniratna shikshak Gaurav Purskar by Dr. Mnibhi Manv Seva Trust, Pune. (02-10-2009) 4. Prof. Dr. N.A. More received The Best Caretaker by N.C.C wing in the year 2006 7. Give details of Minor / Major research projects completed by staff members of the institution in last five years. 1. Prof. Mrs. S.S. Paithankar has completed a minor research for the degree of M.A. (Subject Communication) By Y.C.M.O.U., Nasik. This research is a part of degree course. Title - Development of comprehensive reading material in lower level English for VII the and IX the std. Students and study its effectiveness. 3.3 1. Consultancy Did the institution provide consultancy services in last five years? If yes give details. Our outgoing Principal Dr. S.M. Sonawane is a guide for Ph.D. in Nanded University and Y.C.M.O.U., Nasik. As well as our present Princi Dr. R.A. Bhoslay is a guide for M. Phil. And Ph.D at Shivaji University and Y.C.M.O.U. Nasik. They informally guided the B.Ed. students regarding the dissertations and other research activities at B.Ed., M.Ed., M.Phil., Ph.D. level. 2. Are faculty / staff members of the institute competent to undertake constancy? If yes list the areas of consultancy of staff members and the steps initiated by the institution to publicist the available expertise. Two of our existing staff members are Ph.D. holders and our Principal Dr. Raamaa Bhoslay is guide for M.Phil and Ph. D. students at Shivaji University and Y.C.M.O.U., Nasik. The other staff members are also qualified and can undertake constancy. Through the hundred students of B.Ed. regular course and fifty students of Y.C.M.O.U., in service B.Ed. course the informal publicity of the consultancy is conveyed. Through the informal discussion among the lecturer and teachers of Practicing School the message is conveyed. 3. How much revenue has been generated through consultancy in the last five years? How is the revenue generated shared among the concerned staff members and the institution? Ours is a govt. organization hence we do not charge any revenue for the constancy. We feel that it's our part of work and we do it happily. Our informal constancy strengthens our social bonds. This is our non returned investments which help to enhance our college's image in society. 4. How does the institution use the revenue generated through constancy? Not applicable , 3.4 Extension Activities 1. How has the local community benefited from the Contribution of the institution through various activities, outreach programs, partnering with NGO’s and GO’s) institution? extension We are following the activities of extension services of Department of Adult and continuing education services of (DACEE) Of Mumbai University. Through this the local community has been benefited from the institution. 1. SWS activity (Survey of Women’s Status) – The women in the low economic status in the age group of 15 to 30 are surveyed by our girl students. The conclusion is derived and conveyed to the extension department. While taking information the problems of women are discussed and solutions for that are thought over. 2. Boys take additional seven lessons on different environment, department. While taking information the problems of the school are awarded regarding these problems. 3. We arrange social service camp at Shantivan, Nere which is a famous social institution and rehabilitation center for leprosy patients. Our students interact with the patients, take information of different projects and contribute a little by doing social work like cleanliness, road building, tree plantation, work in library, collect fund, advertise and any other assigned work. 4. We make available our multipurpose hall for the lecturers, exhibitions, blood donation camps, etc. 5. We guide the teachers to complete their innovative projects. Some projects are kept in library. We also offer books, magazines to the teachers, past student on their request. 2. How has the institution benefited from the community? (community? participation in institutional development, institution community networking institution school networking, etc.) Every year we publish college’s annual magazine, “Vidyanidhi”. The funds are collected for the publication of magazine through advertisement only. We get good response from the local community. Every year Andhashraddha Nirmulan Samiti organizes orientation program for the students as well as for the secondary teachers of Z.P. and other schools. The students find the activities supporting to their subjects. A very informative lecture by Dr. p.p. patkar on the subject ‘Status of Mind’ was very supportive for the topics in Psychology. Programs by Prajapita Vidyalaya ware also useful development. Brahmakumari for students’ Vishwa spiritual Expert teachers from Banthiya School guide students for preparation of different teaching aids. They provide guidance to our students throughout the year. Lectures of different experts contribute in development of students. To name a few1. Shree Chandrashekhar Kaskare – Awareness of Aids -13-09-08 2. Shree Chandrakant Padgaonkar – Educational contributioin of DR. Babasaheb Ambadkar. 3. Dr. S.A. Subbrao - National integration contribution of Mahatma Gandhi – 03-02-09. 3. What are the future plans and major activities the institution would like to take up for providing community orientation to students. By continuing the same programs and by adding some new Programs in the future we would like to take up best for orientation of community 4. Is there any project completed by the institution related to the community development in the last five years? If yes, give details. The programs by extension service Dept. of Mumbai University is completed from the last two years. The programs such as survey of women’s status are completed bay girl students and population education club activities programs are completed by the boys. Programs Survey of Women’s status PEC-lessons PEC-College level activity 5. Year Boys Girls 2007-08 - 57 2008-09 - 58 2009-10 - 60 2007-08 43-7 - 2008-09 42-7 - 2009-10 40-7 - 2007-08 43-7 - 2008-09 42-7 - 2009-10 40-7 - How does the institution develop social and citizenship values and skills among its students? like Values are developed by studying the theory papers philosophy, sociology, school administration, etc. For preparing programs for club activities certain core element are allotted to each house (Kul). Students prepare small dramas, poems, scripts, etc. elaborating the core element and in this way develop values. Other programs like field visits, educational exertions, social service, projects, daily prayer and weekly paripath develop social and citizenship values among the students. 3.5 Collaborations 1. Name the national level organizations if any with which the Institution has established linkages in the last five years. Detail the Benefits resulted out of such linkages. 1. NCERT 2. UGC 3. NCTE 4. SCERT 5. BALBHARATI Grants institution. are received by UGC for development of the NCTE has given us the permission for starting of M.Ed. course. SCERT invites our experts. We have completed some projects funded by Balbharati. 2. Name the international organizations with which the institution has established any linkage in the five years Detail the benefit resulted out of such linkages. AIAER – Some teachers are members of AIAER’s. We have participated in AIAER’s conferences and present our research papers. They publish our research articles in their magazines 3. How did the linkages if any contribute to the following? ● Curriculum development ● Teaching ● Training ● Practice teaching ● Research ● Consultancy ● Extension ● Publication ● Student placement 4. What are the linkages of the institution with the school sector? (Instituteschool – community networking) For practice teaching the institute gets full co-operation of the practicing schools. For demonstration lessons also practicing school co-operates. There are near about 22 practicing school in and around Panvel area. Sometimes schools also provide maps, globes, apparatus, charts, etc. for practice teaching. For internship of a week practicing schools are made available with full co-operation and help. 5. Are the faculty actively engaged in schools and with teacher and Other school personnel to design, evaluate and deliver practice teaching? If yes give details. At the beginning of practice teaching session faculty member actually visit the practicing schools in their group and guide the students regarding the preparation of practice teaching time-table. They themselves observe and evaluate each lesson of every student. They are with the students for a period of week in internship They guide the students for preparation of time-table and other activities. 6. How does the faculty collaborate with school and other college or University faculty? 1. For demonstration lessons the faculty collaborates with school. For extension activities subject expert from the school are available for guiding the in-service teachers and secondary teachers for orientation. 2. The faculty is having informal discussions, meetings, get-together, and guidance by the other college. There is always exchange of ideas, concepts, etc. among the colleges. 3. For guidance regarding the new topics, activities involved in the syllabus there is collaboration with the University faculty. For assessment of papers of annual exam discussion with the University faculty is carried out. 4. For viva-voce of Y.C.M.O.U. student faculty from the other colleges are available. 3.6 Best Practices in Research, Consultancy and Expression 1. What are the major measures adopted by the intuition to enhance the Quality of Research, Consultancy and Criterion IV: Infrastructure and Learning Resources 4.1 Physical facilities 1. Does the institution have the physical infrastructure as per NCETE norms? If yes specify the facilities and the amount invested for developing the infrastructure. Enclose the master plan of the building. Our college established in the year 1970. The institution is run by state government, dept. of higher education. The construction of the building is thought not NCTE norms but we are having ample space and number of class rooms. We are having separate hostel facilities for boys and girls, a common mess, administrative building, principal’s bungalow, staff quarters, a library with reading room, conference hall, science lab, psychology lab, computer lab and multi-purpose hall. The maintenance is done by PWD dept. of state government. We are receiving grants by state government, UGC and DPDC. (The master plan of the building is attached) 2. How does the institution plan to meet the need for augmenting the infrastructure to keep pace with the academic growth? Our college is having the total area of 5028 sq. meters. It is very near to Panvel S.T. stand and railway station. It is on N.H. 4 highway. We are having total eight class rooms, a separate library, boys and girls separate common rooms, etc. Our building is on ground floor only. It’s an old one having ample space and height. So we can keep pace with the academic growth. In future we propose to build four storied building in the open space from State Govt. grants. We have submitted a proposal of campus development, extension of administrative building and ladies hostel. 3. List the infrastructure facilities available for co-curricular activities and extracurricular activities including games and sports. We are having a lecture cum multipurpose hall for extra curricular activities. As there is ample space in front of the building all the outdoor game ground can be made. For indoor games we are having a gymkhana room and also a recreation hall in both the hostels. We are having enough facility, sport equipments ,tables, electricity, computers, internet facility, sports equipments, musical instruments, tape recorders, CDplayer, amplifier, cameras, etc. 4. Give details on the physical infrastructure shared with other programs of the institution or other institutions of the parent society or University. Physical infrastructure is shared with other programs like internal examinations, social service, seminar, project, etc. The physical infrastructure is shared with other institutions of parent society as DIET Panvel, Secondary Training College Mumbai, Y.C.M.O.U. Nasik, Joint Director Office (Higher Education) Konkan region, etc. 5. Give details on the facilities available with the institution to ensure the health and hygiene of the staff and students. (Rest rooms for women, wash room facilities for men and women, canteen, health center, etc.) The institute is having following facilities:1. Wash room facilities for boys 2. Wash room facilities for girls 3. 24 hrs drinking water supply 4. 24 hrs electricity 5. First aid facility 6. All sports equipments 7. Airy class rooms 8. Gymkhana room 9. Recreation halls in both the hostels 10. Outdoor sports grounds 11. Beautiful and green environment 12. Hospitals at five minutes distance 13. Separate cabins for the lecturers 6. Is there any hostel facility for students? If yes give details on capacity, number of rooms occupancy details, recreational facilities including sports and games, health and hygiene facilities, etc. We are having a separate two stored hostel building for boys. The students from DIET Panvel also live in the hostel. Rooms are shared by two or three students as per necessity. A bed, a table, chair, shelf, common ceiling fan is provided to each student. In ladies hostel we have solar water heating system. The intake capacity is normally 50 students per year. Total numbers of rooms in use in hostel are 28. There is recreational hall in both the hostels. The daily news papers and T.V. facility is provided on demand. All the indoor games equipments are also available in college and can be supplied on demand. Cleanliness is maintained by the sweeper. Panvel municipality helps in removing the garbage. There is a separate ladies hostel which is a newly constructed building. There are 8 rooms and a recreational hall. A Solar water heater system is installed for hot water facility. In ladies hostel also each room is furnished with a bed, a table, chair, shelf and a common ceiling fan. For ladies hostel clean & pure drinking water facility is also provided. A large & cool terrace is the best feature of the hostel. 4.2 1. Maintenance of Infrastructure What is the budget allocation and utilization in the last Five years for the maintenance of the following? Gove justification for the allocation and unspent balance if any? Years:→ 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 Building Laboratories Furniture `99,423 `66,000 `21,600+ Equipments `1,23,086 UGC 11th plan`22,7373 Computers `76,832 `1,11570 Transport / Vehicle 2. How does the institution plan and ensure that the available Infrastructure is o9ptimally utilized? In the available rooms we see that they are used in a multi purpose way. For example:- English method room is also used for Geography method. Gymkhana room is sometimes used as exhibition hall. A multipurpose hall is used for regular teaching and club activities. There are separate science lab, psychology lab, conference hall, etc. 3. How does the institution consider the environmental issues Associated with the infrastructure? We have tried our best to keep the campus green and pollution free. We have planted till today 60 coconut trees, other trees, etc. We get co-operation from the municipality to remove the garbage in the campus. Through the social service activity we maintain the cleanliness of the environment. Our campus is eco-friendly; we get compost and green manure from our campus itself. 4.3 Library as a Learning Resource 1. Does the institution have a qualified librarian and sufficient Technical staff to support the library (material collection and media / computer services)? The institution was having a qualified librarian named Shri G.R. Patil. But he is retired on 31-05-10. A post of librarian is to be recruited earliest. At present one of the lecturers, Prof. P.P. Subhedar is in-charge librarian. There is no technical staff to staff. We have one peon cum assistant to the library who maintains cleanliness in the library as well as he assists our in-charge librarian. 2. What are the library resources available to the staff and students? (Number of books – volumes and titles, journals – national and International, magazines, audio visual teaching - learning Resources, software, internet access, etc. Library is open for six days a week except govt. holidays. It is open to staff and students from 09:00 AM to 05:00 PM. A separate reading room having accommodation for 24 students is adjacent to the library. In the library there is separate reference section. Books on education in Marathi, Hindi, English language along with other literature, Journals, Magazines, Daily news papers are there in the library. Grants received from U.G.C. And D.P.D.C. is spent on the books especially for B.C. Students. Year 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 Amount `58,618 `72,295 `53,272 `13,390 `1,14,606 List of magazines in the library: 01. Bhartiya Shikshan (monthly) 02. Shikshan Samiksha (monthly) 03. Shikshan aani Samaj (quarterly) No. of Banks Purchased 303 451 343 57 528 04. Jeevan Shakshan (monthly) 05. Shikshan Sankram (monthly) 06. Loka Rajya (monthly) 07. Spardha Pariksha (monthly) 08. General Knowledge (maonthly) 09. University News (Weekly) 10. Perspective in Education (quarterly) 11. Education World (montahly) 12. The C.T.E Journal 13. Jadan Ghadn (monthly) 14. Lok Prabbha (Weekly) 3. Does the institution have in place a mechanism to systematically review the various library recourse for adequate access, relevance, etc. and to made acquisition decision? If yes give details including the composition and functioning of library committee. We are having a library committee as per the Maharashtra University act 1994 Rule no. 75, the body members of the committee are as follows:- a. President – Principal, Dr. Raamaa A. Bhoslay b. Secretary -- Prof. P.P. Subhedar (In-charge librarian) c. Members – Prof. S.S. Paitahankar, Prof. Dr. N.A. More. 4. Is your library computerized? If yes give details. We are trying to made our library computerized. The process of computerization is going on. 5. Does the institutional library have computer, internet and reprographic facilities? If yes, give details on the access to the staff and student and the frequency of use. The library is having a computer with internet facility. THE staff members use it as per the need. For student there is separate computer lab adjacent to the library. They use it as per their need. 6. Does the institution make the use of Inflibnet / Delnet / IUC facilities? If yes, give details. Nil 7. Give detail on the working days of the library? (Days the library is open in an academic year, hours the library remains open per day, etc.) Library is open for six days a week’s except got. holidays. It is open to staff and students from 09:00 AM to 05:00 PM. A separate reading room having accommodation for 24 students is adjacent to the library. Our vocational batch of Y.C.M.O.U., B.Ed. also takes benefit of our library. So our library is opened even in vacations also. 8. How do the staff and students come to know of the new arrivals? There is a display stand for new magazines and books. By the display of new arrivals the staff and the students come to know about that. 9. Dose the institutions library have a book bank? If yes, how is the book bank facility utilized by the students. A book bank facility is available for B.C. students only. A set of six books is given to each B.C. student for yearly use. SSS Year 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 No. of Students Benefited 61 62 62 38 33 From this year we provide book bank facility to all students. 10. What are the special facilities offered by the library to the visually and physically challenged persons? Our library is on the ground floor only. There are comfortable Chairs to sit in the library. So some physically challenged students can make use of the library easily. Our peon gives help to such students as per their demand. 4.4 ICT as learning Resources 1. Give details of ICT facilities available in the institution (Computer lab, hardware, software, internet connectivity, access, audio visual, other media and materials) and how the institution ensures the optimum use of the facility. We are having a separate computer lab. There are computers in a lab. We are having internet connectivity in the office as well as in the computer lab. Office correspondence is done on computer. We are having advance instructional equipments like a Laptop. OHP, LCD, etc. The teachers make use of them in their lecturers. Students have to take two computer lessons, for that they use computer. 2. Is there a provision in the curriculum for imparting computer skills to all students? If yes give details on the major skills included. There is an optional paper—Paper IV section ll – Computers in education. The students who opt this section learn all the computer skills. For others Paper IV section I is information communication technology in education and special field. Here they learn the topics like Concept of ICT, Support media in ICT, Process of communication and technology mediated communication. For extra information, regarding new topics in the syllabus, students use internet. 3. How and to what extent does the institution incorporate and make use of the new technologies / ICT in curriculum transaction processes? Faculty use ICT in their teaching as per need. The teachers use compulsory, projectors in their demonstration lessons also. Each student must know about I.C.T. Two computer lessons are compulsory for students. 4. What are major areas and initiatives for which student teachers use / adopt technologies in practice teaching? (Developing lesson plans, class room transactions, evaluation, preparation of teaching aids) We offer seven methods of teaching as follows:● English ● Marathi ● Hindi ● Geography ● Science ● Mathematics Teaching all the above methods there is much scope for use of technology. Every student uses it according to his own method, scope of unit. References, photos, maps, figures can be taken with the help of computer. Use of technology has now become a part of practice teaching. But for evaluation purpose they cannot use technology. 4.5 Other Facilities 1. How is the instructional infrastructure optimally used? Does the institution share its facilities with others for e.g.: serve as information technology resource in education to the institution (Beyond the program) to other institution and to the community. We share our hostel facility with D.Ed. students. We share our conference hall with joint Director Office. In case of emergency J.D. office uses our computer and fox facilities. Not applicable 2. What are the various audio visual facilities / materials (CD’s, Audio and video cassettes and other materials related to the program) available with the institution? How are the student teachers encouraged to optimally use them for learning including practice teaching? The following audio visual facility / material available in the institution ● Readymade charts ● Globe ● Maps ● Compass box ● Flannel boards ● Tape recorders ● Cassettes ● CD’s ● Projectors ● LCD ● Laptop ● CD played ● Models ● Photos of scientist, etc. This material is made available to the students as per their demand. Some of the instructional material maternal is prepared by the students in the workshop for preparation of teaching aids. The students prepare the material as per the demand of the unit. Teachers use the material for micro lessons, simulated lessons and for demonstration lessons. 3. What are the various general and methods laboratories available with the institution? How does the institution enhance the facilities and ensure maintenance of the equipment and other facilities. We are having following labs:● Psychology lab ● Computer lab ● Science lab Our institute is Govt. organization and we compulsorily do annual stock verification as per Govt. rule. The equipments, objects, instruments in the lab are verified annually. Out dated acids, powders, other material is discarded, new one is replaced. Some instruments, contract. New material is purchased as soon as the grants are available. Precaution is taken to keep the material intact. Sweeper does the work of cleanliness. Separate method rooms are there in the institution. Each room is having a capacity of 50 students. 4. Give details on the facilities like multipurpose hall, workshop, music and sports, transports, etc. available with the institution. We are having a large well furnished multipurpose hall, having the capacity of accommodation of 150 students. A stage, public address system, fans, projector, T.V. is available in the hallo. Hall can be used for workshops also. There is gymkhana room. All the musical instruments and sports equipments are there. Transport is not needed as some students are living in the hostel in the campus area only. Tape recorder and CD players are there. 5. Are the class rooms equipped for the use of latest technologies for teaching? If yes give details. If no, indicate the institutions future plans to modernize the class rooms. Some of the class rooms are equipped for the use of latest technologies for teaching. In the seminar hall we are having LCD projector, public address system, dark room, etc. In the lecture hall (Multipurpose hall) we have OHP, glass board, public address system, computer, T.V., tape recorder, etc. As soon as the grants from UGC or state Govt. are available we will furnish all the class rooms with latest technology. We propose to purchase a generator and air conditioner to most of the rooms. Our YCMOU students have donated ceiling fans and pedestal fans to the institution which are kept in the hall. 4.6 Best Practices in Infrastructure and Learning Resources 1. How does the faculty seek to model and reflect on the best practice in the diversity of instruction, including the use of technology? The faculties are well prepared and ready enough to take challenges of the new trends in education, so they try their best to make use of the technology available in the college. They use OHP, LCD. Slide projector, tape recorder, etc. Different methods of teaching are used. In teaching. Notes for lecture are prepared taking references from different web sites and latest books. 2. List innovative practices related to the use of ICT, which contributed to quality enhancement. ● Use of internet for references ● Use of multi-media in practice lessons ● Presentation with multi-media 3. What innovation / best practices in ‘Infrastructure and Learning Resources’ are in vogue or adopted / by the institution. We have made our campus pollution free and ambient atmosphere for studies. We have planted more trees to add to the previous ones. Additional Information to be provided by Institutions opting for Re-accreditation / Re-assessment 1. What were the evaluative observation made under infrastructure and learning resources in the previous assessment report and how they have been acted upon? a. The institution needs to purchase some more journals prescribed by the N.C.T.E -- We have purchased some journals and wish to add some new one. b. Provide for adequate book bank under book scheme – We are giving facility of book band to all the students now. We have purchased few books under UGC grants. c. Adequate numbers of computers should be provided for the use of students – we have purchased few computers and made it available for students use. d. Labs should be updated and provide required accessories – We have purchased some apparatus for psychology lab and science lab. We have purchased some educational CD’s for language labs. e. Courts for outdoor games should be built – A plan for building up courts for outdoor games is prepared with the help of local community, it will be completed. 2. What are the other quality sustenance and enhancement measures undertaken by the institution since the previous Assessment and Accreditation with regard to Infrastructure and Learning Resources? Since the previous assessment (2005) we have purchased the following material:- ● Books for the library of total amount of _____ ● Furniture in seminar hall ● LCD projector ● Laptop ● Tape recorders ● Psychology lab equipments ● Science lab equipments ● Furniture in the hostel ● Solar water heating system ● Coolers ● Computers ● TV ● Fridge, etc. Criterion V: Students Support and Progression 5.1 Student progression 1. How does the institution assess the students preparedness for the program and ensure that they receive appropriate academic and professional advice through the commencement of their professional educational program. (Students pre-requisite knowledge and skill to advance) to completion. The advertisement for the B.Ed. course is published by Hon. Director (H.E.) in all leading news papers as well as on the web site of B.Ed. admission committee. All the rules and regulation are given in detail in the prospectus. CET is must for the student who wants to seek admission to B.Ed. course. Student’s attitude towards teaching profession, his aptitude is tested in the CET exam. Students fulfilling the passing criteria and his merit enable him to get admission. While taking admission in the respective college, his original documents are verified by the admission committee of the college. His doubts are cleared regarding the second method, medium of instructions, etc. After getting admission his content knowledge is assessed in the content test organized in the college. 2. How does the institution ensure that the campus environment promotes motivation, satisfaction, and development and performance improvement of the students? Our college is one of the best B.Ed. colleges in Mumbai University. It is Govt. College is the only Govt. College in Raigad Dist. Free structure is decided by the state Govt. We are having a separate building very near to Panvel S.T. stand and Railway station. It is on N.H.4 highway. Still a calm and quite atmosphere adds in the educational environment. A green and beautiful campus large airy class room attracts the students towards education. We are having Y.C.M.O.U. Nasik, two years vocational B.Ed. course also. Extension Dept. of SCERT and Mumbai University run various courses / activities in the campus. DIET is also very near to us. So interaction with the teachers, students of DIET adds to the academic development of the students. 3. Give gender-wise dropout rate after admission in the last five years And list possible reasons for the dropout. Describe (If any) the mechanism adopted by the institution for controlling the dropout. Years 2005-06 2006-07 Male - 1 2007-08 1 2 Personal problems 2008-09 1 1 Personal problems & job 2009-10 1 Female 1 Reason Personal problems Continues absent students are contacted on phone. A warning letter is sent. They are consulted for their individual problems. Sometimes concession in timing is given. Sick students are allowed to re appear for the internal exams. Sometimes parents are called in the institution and consulted 4. What additional services are provided to students for enabling them to computer for the jobs and progress to higher education? How many students appeared / qualified in SLET / NET, Central / State services through competitive examination in the last two years? Advertisements of different course are displayed on the notice board. In projects guidance, learning the theory, taking lessons at Jr. College they informally receive information regarding different P.G. courses. Teachers also give guidance regarding the competitive exams casually. In the library there are all leading news papers and magazines like Spardha Pariksha, General knowledge, University news, etc. a. Shree Vikas Kamble – NET in Marathi in the year 2009. b. Shree Sachin Gapat – qualified NET in Hindi in the year 2008. c. Smt. Poonam Survey – qualified NET in the year 2008. 5. What percentage of students on an average go for further studies / choose teaching as career? Give details for the last three years. We definitely say that our many students choose teaching as a career. Most of them are in permanent service. Few of them run their own coaching classes. Also some students go for further studies like M.A., M. Com., PhD. Etc. Some appear for competitive exams and also some try for SET / NET, etc. 6. Does the institution provide training and access to library and other education related electronic information, audio / video resources, computer hardware and software related and other resources available to the student teachers after graduating from the institution? If yes give details on the same. We provide access to library to our past students of regular as well as Y.G.M.O.U. students. WE provide the facilities like audio / video resources as per their demand. Some action research projects are made available for them for observation. 7. Dose the institution provide placement services? If yes give details on the services provided for the last two years and the number of students who have benefited. Ours is a government college hence there is no facility as such but we recommend our students in different schools and organizations. In the year 2010 the following students got employment: 1. Shree Ganesh Ahirrao – St. Joseph’s Jr. College Kalamboloi 2. Smt. Harshada Bhande – Jr. College Kuran Malven 3. Smt. Archana Gadilkar – D.A.V. school New Panvel 4. Shree Anil Kale – Jr. College Wada Thane 5. Shree Nitin Khandke – C.K.T. J.r College New Panvel 6. Shree Ramesh Lodhande – Jr. College Navade Panvel 7. Shree Ramdas Muchgule – Jr. College Nasik 8. Shree Ramesh Nagle – Secondary High School Rajapu 9. Shree Swapnil Naik – Jr. College, Vatore Ratnagiri 10. Smt. Prachi Torankar – Jr. College Ratnagiri 11. Smt. Poonam Surve – New Horizon School New Panvel 8. What are the difficulties (if any) faced by placement cell? How does the institution overcome these difficulties? Sometimes due to the delay in annual result of B.Ed. exam by the university students are not able to join the various institutions as a lack of mark sheets. Sometimes the vacancies are at distant places. There is always pursuit of request for early exams and early results. The college makes available the subject teachers for central assessment programs. 9. Does the institution have arrangements with practice teaching schools for placement of the student teachers? The institute recommends some student for placement in practicing schools. Sometimes practicing schools asks the institution to send outstanding students as per their requirements. 10. What are the resources (financial, human and ICT) provided by the institution to the placement cell? Human resources and ICT is provided by the institution to the placement cell. 5.2 1. Student Support How are the curricular (teaching-learning processes), co-curricular and extracurricular programs planned? (Developing academic calendar, communication across the institution, feedback) evaluated and revised to achieve the objectives and effective implementation of the curriculum? Academic calendar is prepared at the beginning of each academic year. The terms dates are fixed by the University. Taking into consideration the days of National Importance, birth anniversaries, death anniversaries, special days, club activities, house activities, exams, practice lessons, the academic calendar is prepared. Some changes are made into it according to the necessity. (A yearly plan is attached in the appendix) 2. How is the curricular planning done differently for physically challenged students? In order to meet the challenges time to time to changes are implemented. 3. Does the institution have mentoring arrangements? If yes, how is it organized? The institution has the mentoring arrangements. In-charge lecturer of practice teaching allots the work of lesson observation. Lesson observation is done using the observation scale of Dr. Bhalvankar. 4. What are the various provision in the institution which support and enhance the effectiveness of faculty in teaching and mentoring of students? To enhance the effectiveness of the faculty in teaching and mentoring of students an educational surrounding is provided. Availability of reference material, teaching aids, large campus, large and airy class rooms, spacious and well maintained library and riding room adds to the proficiency of the teachers. 5. Does the institution have its website? If yes, what is the information regarding the location, courses, faculty, admission procedure is posted on the site. Our web site: ‘’ is upgraded every year. The information regarding the location, courses, faculty, admission procedure is posted on the site. 6. Does the institution have a remedial program for academically low achievers? If yes, give details. After essay writing, content test, first and second term exams, student’s achievements is displayed on the notice board through grades. Low achievers are asked to rewrite the papers after consultation. If needed extra books from the library are provided. Sometimes model answer papers are also shown to them. They are consulted during college hours to them. They are consulted during college hours and after college hours also. 7. What specific teaching strategies for teaching? a. Advance learners b. Slow learners During regular classes different strategies are adopted like simulated teaching, discussion method, use of instructional material, etc. Darning the lectures some high level question are asked or sometimes the students are asked to interpret some important points, so that the advance learners think and act accordingly. For slow learners there are strategies like repetition, focusing main points, solving of question papers and discussion on that, guidance regarding the reference material, checking of everyday assignments, etc. 8. What are the various guidelines and counseling services available to the students? Give details. Guidance is given regarding the University external examination as well as various competitive exams. Guidance regarding the SET / NET exams is also given. Guidance regarding the admission processes of different PG courses, in-service training courses, refresher courses is given. Counseling for choice of second method, optional paper and practical is done 9. What are the various guidelines and counseling service available to the students? Give details. Grievance redressed mechanism is opted by the institution for the students whose attendance is very less. If is used for the students whose percentage is also very les in internal practical work. Such students are given notice and asked to reappear for the practical work. 10. How is the progress of the candidates at different stages of programs monitored and advised? Starting with the CET student’s progress is assessed. The students who pass the CET exam and have the percentage prescribed by the admission committee only get admission to B.Ed. course. After admitting in the college 10 tutorials, 1st term exam, 2th term, exam, practice lessons, seminar, open boos exam, are the areas of assessment at different stages of program. After each of the above exam, grades are displayed on the notice board and student progress is monitored. A record of all the above exams is maintained consolidate. For adding the marks in external University exam, the above internal marks are concerted into the given ration. Those who are below the passing criteria are advised and given chance to score more marks in other internal heads. 11. How does the institution ensure the students’ competency to being practice teaching (pre-practice preparation details) and what is the follow up support in the field (practice teaching) provided to the students during practice teachings in schools? After getting admission to the college students are divided in groups to have practice of micro teaching. The concept of micro teaching is cleared by giving lecture. The demonstration of the micro skills like introduction, explanation, BB work, stimulus variation, etc. are shown. The guidance regarding the lesson plans of micro lessons is also given. In peer groups students practice the micro skills by teach and re-teach program. After teaching feedback from teachers and peer students is given. If necessary the teaching program is again repeated. A Micro teaching note book is maintained. Observation sheets are attached to it. The combination of different micro skills is used in the bridge lesson. This is useful for practice teaching in schools. Guidance regarding the lesson note and practice teaching is given in the lesson guidance period. 5.3 Student Activities 1. Does the institution have an Alumni Association? If yes, i) List the current office bearers. Recently we have formed Alumni Association. Still the work of Alumni is going on from the last few years. The current office bearers are:- President – Principal Dr. Raamaa A. Bhoslay Vice President – Mr. Ramesh Aadabe Co Vice President – Mr. Vdyadhar Patil Secretary – Mr. Nagesh Hirve Treasure – Mr. Suchita Mhatre Members – Mr. Kiran Kot Mr. Anil Patil Mr. Aditya Phadke Mr. Pankaj Bhagat ii) Give the year of last election 5th September 2010 iii) List Alumni Association Activities of last two years ● Tree plantation ● Partition on stage ● Advertisements in college annual magazine ‘Vidhyanidhi’ ● Follow up for beautification of campus ● Co-operation to regular students in practice teaching in their schools ● Contribution in the implementation of different activities of the College iv) Give details of the top 10 Alumni occupying prominent position. Not Applicable v) Give details on the contribution of Alumni to the growth and development of the institution. Our past students as well as YCMOU batch students have contributed a lot in the development of the institution The contributed a lot in the development of the institution. Coconut and other trees by the Alumni. Local students also Help in the beautification of campus. Different programs of institution and admission dates are conveyed orally to other students by the Alumni. Some have donated useful things to college as well as to hostel. Few of them are available as subject’s experts for our vocational B.Ed. batch. 2. How does the institution encourage the student to participate in extra curricular activities including sports and games? Give details on the achievements of students during the last two years. College is having all the sports equipments. Outstanding sports persons take advantage of this. The entry fee for other competitions is paid by the college . These students are appreciated at annual social gathering by receiving certificates. 1. Shree Ramdas Muchgule bagged first prize in Hopping at Malhar Sports competitions – 2010, organized by Malhar Sports Academy Panvel. 2. Shree Ramdas Muchgule bagged second prize in Hoping at sports and cultural festival organized by Karnala Sports Academy Panvel. 3. How does the institution involve and encourage students to publish materials like catalogues, wall magazines, college magazine and other material? List the major publications / materials brought out by the students during the previous academic session. We have three clubs namely- ● Literary Club ● Environment Club ● Science Club Each club displays informative articles, catalogues, important news on the display board. Literary club publishes special issues like ‘Adarsh Shikshak Visheshank’, ‘Tridal’, etc. Students are encouraged to write the articles, poems in these issues. Science club also publishes informative booklet on current issues. College publishes its annual magazine, ‘Vidyanidhi’ every year. Students collect the advertisements and committee is formed. A specimen is attached in the appendix. 4. Does the institution have a student council or any similar body? Give details on constitution, major activities and funding. The institution forms a student council according to the guidelines given by the University. The members of students council are selected strictly on merit basis. Student council helps in celebratai8ng different college activities. It helps to Gymkhana and celebrates the annual gathering. It helps to maintain discipline and everyday activity of the college. No funding is available. 5. Give details of various bodies and their activities (academic and administrative) which have student representation on it. Hostel Body – Chief of Body hostel – Rahul Raut Chef of Ladies hostel – Sayali Parab Dept. of Lifelong learning and Extension – Mumbai University Student Managers – Santosh Shinde Digambar Keni Shraddha Vanarase Vaishali Malshikare ● Literary Club – Patil Mahesh ● Environment Club – Dinesh Lad ● Science Club – Prashant Chipkar ● Vidhyanidhi Committee – Deepak Gosavi & Shraddha Thakur ● Diary Group Leaders – Vaishali Bade ● Project Group Leader – Hrshal Raut ● Social Service Group Leader – Atul Patil 6. Does the institution have a mechanism to seek and use data and feedback from its graduates and from employers to improve the preparation of the program and the growth and development of the institution? Feedback from is filled by the student at the end of academic year. Feedback regarding the course, planning and faculty is taken After analyzing it and seeking suggestions from them some changes are made in the annual planning. There is no formal mechanism to get feedback from employers. Still in meetings, informal are maintained. All the decisions are taken co-operatively. Best practices in student support and progression 1. Give details of institutional best practices in students support and progression? The institution has effective mechanisms in place for assisting successful movements of students to the next higher level of education or towards gainful employment. The institution provides career guidance & counseling services informally, specialized training programs & coaching for students for competitive examination for jobs & entrance tests for admission to higher educational programs & monitors their progression. The institution identifies the needs of the students and provides individualized support depending on nature & extent of problems, confronting the students. For e.g.: w take some fees in installments. The various support services taken into account. Their educational, social, personal & vocational needs are comprehensively satisfied. Additional Information to be provided by Institutions opting for Reaccreditation / Re-assessment 1. What are the other quality sustenance and enhancement Measures undertaken by the institution since the previous assessment and Accreditation with regard to student support and progression? The institution ensures participation of most of the students in various curricular extra-curricular & co-curricular activities which can provide ample learning opportunities leading to students’ intellectual, social and personal development. From the last 3 years the extension activities on & off the campus has helped in developing positive social interaction & self motivation fostering the holistic development of the students. 2. What were the evaluative observations made under student support and progression in the previous assessment report? And how have they been acted upon? The labs need to be more well-equipped & maintained.With the economic support from state Government the institution has purchased more equipment in the labs. They are properly maintained now. Criterion VI: Governance and Leadership 6.1 Institution Vision and Leadership 1. What are the institution’s stated purpose, vision, mission and values? How are they made known to the various to the various stakeholders? The institution’s stated purpose is to bring ‘excellence through teaching’. We care to develop an outstanding personality, all-round development of students through curricular and extracurricular activities. The mission of the college is to produce competent, committed, professional teachers and to develop responsible citizens who will work as agents of social change in society. ● Emblem of our college is ‘‘khye ije Hkq”k.k’ and our motto is excellence through training. ● To create well trained having capacity and capability of working in the changed constructive social environment. ● To develop positive attitude towards curricular / co-curricular and extracurricular aspects of secondary and higher secondary education. ● To cater to the needs of in-service training of secondary / Sr. secondary teachers of Raigad District. These missions are reflected in every activity of the institution. 2. Does the mission include the institution goals and objectives in terms of addressing the needs of the society, the students it seeks to serve, the school sector, education institutions traditions and value orientation. ● To develop personal, professional and social skills and competencies required by a teacher. ● To develop competences to teach subjects on the basis of Principles of learning and teaching. ● To enable them to foster creative thinking among pupils for reconstruction of knowledge. ● To develop communication skills and use information technology for effective communication. ● To develop competences to utilizes community resources as educational inputs. ● To create awareness of current thrust areas in education. ● To develop awareness about Role of Education in building up a democratic and secular society. ● To develop competencies in school management. ● To develop skills in preparation and use of instructional materials. The above objectives are achieved through the various activities of the institution. Ours in only one Govt. B.Ed. College in Raigad Dist. As the medium of institution is Marathi it fulfills the needs of society. We permit 70% students from the graduates of Mumbai University. In which most of the local students are admitted. 3. Enumerate the management's commitment, leadership role and involvement for effective and efficient transaction of teaching and learning processes (functioning and composition of various committees and board of management, BOS, etc.). Our institution has state Govt. management. All the appointments are done by Maharashtra State Public Service Commission. There is local advisory committee also. There are different committees like purchase committee, admission committee, library committee, scholarship committee, extension, gymkhana, students’ council, etc. The decisions are taken unanimously. The meetings of the above committees are held as per the demand and the minutes of the meeting are recorded in a register. 4. How does the management and head of the institution ensure that responsibilities are defined and communicated to the staff of the institution? Our institution has Govt. organization. All appointments are done by M.P.S.C. The Principal assigns the duties and responsibilities to the staff members and other non teaching staff of the college. The duties are defined and communicated to the staff by meetings, notices, informal talks, annual plan, etc. All our activities are preplanned. Each activity is related with one coordinator. Everybody knows/familiar with their responsibilities. 5. How do the management / head of the institution ensure that valid information (from feedback and personal contacts, etc.) is available for the management to review the activities of the institution? Self appraisal forms duly filled by the faculty are recommended by the Principal and they are sent to Hon. Director (H.E.) for their observation. By these forms the information regarding the activities in the college is conveyed to the management. Feedback is also taken form students, parents & teachers. All stake holders are free to give their suggestions. There is a suggestion box kept in the hall which helps to ensure about collection of valid information. 6. How does the institution identify and address the barriers (if any) in achieving the vision / mission and goals? There are few barriers such as discipline barrier, campus, development barrier, lack of faculty lack of funds, changes in time table, late admission, etc. But we try to overcome these barriers by trying our best. The help from community is taken for fund raising. Lecturers for CHB are appointed. Extra lectures are arranged in the timetable for late admitted students. For campus development help from YCMOU and regular students is taken. 7. How does the management encourage and support involvement of the staff for improvement of the effectiveness and efficiency of the institutional processes? The management encourages for the support by organizing meetings. All are members think for the institutional progress. The subjects of the meeting are conveyed in advance. Sometimes new topics / subjects are discussed. The responsibility is assigned to everybody and it is seen that the work is done according to the schedule. Year plan is also prepared and all the activities are carried out according to it. We follow democratic way of decision making Plan of action is decided after discussion. All members are free to suggest for effective action & decision making. There is co-ordination in all department. 8. Describe the leadership role of the head of the institution in governance and management to the curriculum, administ5ration, allocation and utilization of resources for the preparation of students. Our principal worked as member of B.Ed. curriculum reformations committee at Shivaji University, Kolhapur. For the sake of good teachers training we utilize resource from commui8ty also. We get funding from state plan. At the beginning of every academic year we prepare a plan for economic distribution. Also, the Principal gives motivation to different workshops are prepared by the in-charge teachers. Principal gives motivation to all the staff members for smooth implementation of the planning. Review is taken after each program. Extra curricular activities lie beautification of campus, tree plantation, social service activities are carried out from time to time 6.2 1. Organizational Arrangements List the different committees constituted by the institution for management of different institutional activities? Give details of the meetings held and the decisions made, regarding academic management, finance, infrastructure, faculty, research, extension and linkages and examinations during the last year. Name of the committee Administration In-charge Principal Duties Total administration of the institution Planning Dr.BG. khade Yearly plan, changes in daily plan, overall discipline. Library G.R. Patil Purchase of new books, entry, daily issue of books, maintenance of library. Scholarships Mrs, Darne Notification and filling up forms of Salary, cash Mrs. Javre Monthly salary fee, bills, etc. Purchase Mrs. Javre Purchasing of goods of requirement. Extension Prof. S.A. Sonawane Extension activities. Vidyanidhi Prof. P.P.Subjedar Publication of annual magazine. DACEE of Mumbai Prof. S.S. Paithankar Extension work for University 10grace marks. Student Council Dr. B>G. Khade Formation of student council and implementation of activities. Maintenance P.W.D. Dept. of State Maintenance of college Govt. and campus. YCMOU Batch 2009-11 Dr. N.A. More Conducting a course FOURFOLD ADMINISTRATION PLAN (2010-11) 1. Joint Committees Sr.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Committee Collage Magazine Committee Wallpapers Committee Annual Social Gathering And Prize Distribution Committee Sexual harassment Prevention Committee Teachers Study Forum P.P. Subhedar Felicitation Committee Incharge Prof. S.S. Paithankar S.S. Paithankar Dr.B.G. Khade P.P. Subhedar Dr.N.A. More P.P. Subhedar S.S. Paithankar 2. Academic Departments Sr.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Department English And Eng. Literary association Marathi And Marathi Vangamay Manadal Geography And Env. Education Science Mathematics Extension Education IQAC Incharge Prof. S.S. Paithankar Dr.B.G. Khade S.A. Sonawane Dr.N.A. More P.P. Subhedar S.S. Paithankar Principal Dr.R.A. Bhoslay 3. Sr.No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Committee for CO-Curricular Activities Department Competitive Exams Employment Guidance And Placement Cell Student Council Science club Ladies Association Academic competition Social Service Alumni Association Prayer And Weekly Paripath Art And Cultural Programs Extension Activity Tea Club Incharge Prof. All teachers Dr.B.G. Khade Dr.N.A. More P.P. Subhedar Dr.N.A. More S.A. Sonawane Dr.B.G. Khade All teachers S.S. Paithankar S.S. Paithankar S.S. Paithankar 2. Give the organizational structure and the details of the academic and administrative bodies of the institution? Organizational structure - Secretary (H.E.) Joint Secretary (H.E.) Secretary (H.E.) Honourable Director (H.E.) Regional Administration (Joint Director H.E.) Principal of the institution (Institutional &Academic) (Joint Director H.E.) Teaching and Non teaching staff of the institution Students 3. To what extent is the administration decentralized? Give the structure and details of its functioning. The administration is decentralized by distributing the work to different sections or committees as per the above diagram. SS YCMOU B.Ed. course Guidance & Placement cell Students' Council Admission Committee Alumni associati on B. C. Cell Vidyanidhi Principal Hostel Library Social Service Annual Planning & Daily Planning Extension Examinati on 4. How does the institution collaborate with other sections/departments and school personal to improve and plan the quality of education provisions? We are having the institutions like D.I.E.T., I.T.I. very near to us. The students from E.I.E.T. live in the same Boys hostel in our campus. Our play ground is used by the above institutions. Our experts are made available for different workshops conducted by D.I.E.T. Our library is also shared by the staff members of D.I.E.T. in this way we have the interactions. We are having the collaboration with other sister concerns like secondary Training College Mumbai, Gove. Colleage of Education Ratnagiri. We are having collaboration with the few ocal senior colleges like A.S.C College , C.K.T. College, Mahatma B.Ed. Collage Vispute E.Ed. College, etc. Our principal remains present there as Gove. Nominee for interviews. Local colleges are CET centers for B.Ed. admissions. We are having collaborations with few social institutions like Karnala Sports Academy, Malhar Network, Roatary club, Laxmi eye institute, Ekata Mahila Manch, etc. 5. Does the institution use various data and information obtained from the feedback in decision-making and performance improvement? If yes, give details. Some changes are made in the annual plan, daily timetable, internal exams, etc. taking in to consideration the information & suggestions obtained from the feedback by students, parents, etc. 6. What are the institution's initiatives in promoting co-operation, sharing of knowledge, innovations and empowerment of the faculty? (Skill sharing across departments' creating / providing conductive environment) Institution promotes cooperation in the faculty by assigning group responsibility, for example, project work, annual gathering, social services & practice teaching. Sharing of knowledge is done by group discussions. Empowerment of the faculty is done by recommending them to different refresher, orientations courses, seminars, etc. 6.3 Strategy Development and Deployment 1. Has the institution an MIS in place, to select, collect align and integrate data and information on academic and administrative aspects of the institution? The institution has management information system in place. All the data of government and institutions under the joint secretary region is collected and made available. The information like the status of the college, number of students recruited staff, vacant seats, official staff, fee structure, etc. is available at joint director's office. 2.. How does the institution allocate resources (human and financial) for accomplishment and sustaining the changes resulting from the action plans? The institution allocate resources (Human) according to the different sections. Financial resources are planned according to the needs of the institution. 3. How are the resources needed (human and financial) to support the implementation of the mission and goals, planned and obtained? If needed the human & financial resources are taken from outside. C.H.B. lecturers are appointed for practice teaching & vacant posts. For beautification of the campus, financial support from NGO's & well-wishers is obtained. The sources of income for the program in particular and the institution in general are legitimate & known. Financial planning ensures that no planned activity is withheld or dropped due to lack of funds. The financial management. All items of expenditure are budgeted & known. The overheads in expenditure are managed within acceptable limits & there is a transparency in transactions. 4. Describe the procedure of developing academic plan/ How are the practice Teaching schoolteachers, faculty and administrators involved in the planning process? Academic plan is developed taking into consideration the term dates given by the university. The planning of practice teaching is done according to the dates given by respective practicing schools. Academic plans are developed taking into considerations all the practical, work internal &external exams. Faculty discusses it among themselves. Guide lines are taken from the administrators. Academic plan is displayed on the notice board. 5. How are the objectives communicated and deployed at all levels to assure individual employee's contribution for institutional development? Objectives are communicated & discussed from time to time. Individual employee is motivated to work for his institution. There is a feeling of brotherhood and all are supposed to be a part of a family 6. How and with what frequency are the visions, mission and implementation plans monitored evaluated and revised? Vision, mission & implementation plans are monitored from time to time. At the end of the year objectives are evaluated. If needed they are revised. 7. How does the institution plan and deployed the new technology? The institution plans & deploys new technologies wherever there is a need. Sometimes guidelines from the higher authorities are received and action is taken according to that. 6.4 Human Resource Management 1. How do you identify the faculty development needs and career progression of the staff? The faculty development needs are identified after assessing their self appraisal forms. Sometimes with the implementation of revised syllabus there is a need of faculty development. Newly recruited teachers have to complete orientation & refresher courses. These entries are made in the service book. 2. What are the mechanisms in place for performance assessment (teaching, research, service) of faculty and staff? (Self-appraisal method, comprehensive evaluations by students and peers) Does the institution use the evaluations to improve teaching, research and service of the faulty and other staff? The director (H.E.) provides self appraisal forms. The dually filled forms are checked and counter signed by the head of the institution. Again they are sent to the Director (H.E.) promotions, increments, placements are issued by studying the remarks by the higher authorities. 3. What are the welfare measures for staff and faculty? (Mention only those which affect and improve staff well-being, satisfaction and motivation) As our institute is Government institute the welfare measures like G.I.S. and G.P.F. are implemented. The faculty is having other measures like L.I.C., P.P.F., recurring, etc. 4. Has the institution conducted any staff development program for skill upgradation and training of the teaching and non-teaching staff? If yes, give details. The institution conducts staff developments programs like lectures, expert's advice, informal training, guidance regarding various circulars etc. For non-teaching staff short training programs are arranged in the institution or they are sent to such courses in sister institutions. 5. What are the strategies and implementation plans of the institution to recruit and retain diverse faculty and other staff who have the desired qualifications, knowledge and skills (Recruitment policy, salary structure, service conditions) and how does the institution align these with the requirements of the statutory and regulatory bodies (NCTE, UGC, University etc.)? The staff is recruited by state Government only. The information regarding vacant posts, approved posts, posts after retirement are informed to the Government & the government recruits these posts. Salary is given according to the Govt. scale. Service books are maintained from time to time. All leaves are granted as per the Government rules & regulations. 6. What are the criteria for employing part-time/ Adcock faculty? How is the parttime/ Adcock faculty different from the regular faculty? (E.g. salary structure, workload, specializations) Part time teachers are recruited by the principal only. The work load is assigned as per the guidelines. Consolidated salary is given. 7. What are the policies, resources and practices of the institution that support and ensure the professional development of the faculty? (E.g. budget allocation for staff development, sponsoring for advance study, research, participation in seminars, conferences, wor4kshoops, etc. and supporting membership and active involvement in local, state, national and international professional associations) For professional development of the faculty they are recommended for orientating & refresher courses. They are encouraged to participate in different seminars, workshops & conferences. Circulars &^ brochures are circulated among the staff & they are informed. Magazines like 'shikshan Samiksha' newspapers University News, 'Sikshan Sankraman', daily provide information regarding that. 8. What are the physical facilities provided to faculty? (Well-maintained and functional office, instructional and other space to carry out their work effectively) our college is situated on a large area of total 15042 sq. meters. Hence we have big class rooms, seminar room, staff room, functional office and non-functional office, instructional & other space to carry out the work effectively. Every faculty is having a separate cabin with a computer and sore well. All the rooms are on the ground floor only. Our campuses green with trees which help to maintain cheerful ambience. 9. What are the major mechanisms in place for faculty and other stokeholds to seek information and / or make complaints? The information regarding the admissions, university exams, dates of YCMOU contact sessions, results are displayed on the notice boards. All the members of the college also provide information regarding it. There are no such complaints, still, The information regarding the scholarships, T.C.'s, etc. are given via telephone. Sometimes they are informed by post also. 10. Details on the workload policies and practices that encourage faculty to be engaged in a wide range of professional and administrative activities including teaching, research, assessment, mentoring, working with schools and community engagement. Work load policy is decided as per the guidelines of state Government and Mumbai University. A copy of daily timetable is attached. 11. Does the institution have any mechanism to reward and motivate staff members/ If yes, give details. The institution has definitely a mechanism to reward & motivate staff members for their outstanding achievements. They are felicitated & congratulated in the presence of students. Also their achievements are published in the college annual magazine 'Vidyanidhi'. Their achievements are noted in the self appraisal report. 6.5 Financial Management and Resource Mobilization 1. Does the institution get financial support from the government? If yes, mention the grants received in the last three years under different heads. If no, give details of the source of revenue and income generated. As ours is a Gove. Institute we get financial support from the Govt. The grants received in the last 3 years is as follows, Year Grants 2009-10 2 lakhs 2008-09 2 lakhs 2007-08 99,423 2. What is the quantum of resources mobilized through donations? Give information for the last three years. We first make the list of improvements to be made urgently. Then it is approved by the state Govt.& aid is received. Some improvements are made with the help of the community. 3. Is the operational budget of the institution adequate to cover the day-to-day expenses? If no, how is the deficit met? Operational budget of the institution is sometimes adequate to cover the day to day expenses. But the grants are sometimes delayed. Sometimes the demand is to be made in advance. Some adjustment from the development fund of UCMOU is made. 4. What are the budgetary resources to fulfill the missions and offer quality programs? Budget allocations over the past five years, depicted through income expenditure statements, future planning, resources allocated during the current year, and excess / deficit) Some quality programs are arranged. The planning for the budget is to be dome in advance. Sometimes after allocation of budget the expender is increased & for that, again, some special grants are to be asked for. Sometimes faculty is also changed. 5. Are the accounts audited regularly? If yes give the details of internal and external audit procedures and information on the outcome of last two audits. (Major pending audit paragraphs, objections raised and dropped). The accounts are audited regularly. For internal audit, principal monitors it. External audit is done by Govt. auditors. 6. Has the institution computerized its finance management systems? If yes, give details. The institution has the computerized finance managements system. Budget distribution slips are received from the computers. 6.6 Best practices in Governance and Leadership 1. What are the significant best practices in Governance and Leadership carried out by the institution? The institution has well established functional organizational structure & governance system for planning, implementing, monitoring & evaluating the administrative and academic provisions of the institutions. Additional Information to be provided by Institutions opting for reaccreditation /Re-assessment 1 What were the evaluative observations made under governance and Leadership in the Previous assessment report and how have they been acted upon? Nil. 2. What are the other quality sustenance and enhancement measures undertaken by the institution since the previous assessment and Accreditation with regards to Governance and Leadership. Since the previous assessment and accreditation with regards to Governance & Leadership, we would like to inform that the institute has a regular Principal, Joined recently, and recruited by M.P.S.C. The institution maintains adequate number of academic & administrative personnel & sufficient resources to ensure that the institution meets the standards of regulatory & professional bodies. Criterion VII: Innovative Practices 7.1 Internal Quality Assurance System 1. Has the institution established Internal Quality assurance cell (IQAC)? If yes, give its year of establishment, composition and major activities undertake. The institution has established IQAC in the year 2010 Its composition: Chair person - Head of the institution - Dr. Raamaa A. Bhoslay A few senior Administrative officers - Joint director (H.E.) - Mr. Gupta Teachers - Dr. B.G. Khade Mrs. P.P. Subhedar Dr. N.A. More Shree S.A. Sonawane Mrs. S.S. Paithenkar Member from management - Our Institution is a Govt. Organization Nominees from local society - Dr, Neeta M. BIrari Mrs. Manasi Vaishampayan Co-coordinator of the IQAC - Mrs. S.S. Paithenkar Major activities:- 2. To review the yearly performance of the institution. To guide the faculty regarding the various activities. To provide facilities for all round development of the students. To provide expert guidance. To develop feedback program for practice lessons. Describe the mechanism used by the institution to evaluate the achievement of goals and objectives? There is no formal mechanism but in formally and time to time review is taken of the activities and overall development of the institution. Our daily routine arranged in such manner that ultimately covers up our goals and objectives. 3. How does the institution ensure the quality of its academic programs? It is seen that the activities run smoothly according to the yearly plan. Each faculty tries to complete the syllabus prescribed by the University. Each faculty uses innovative techniques, tries to update his knowledge and consults with the other sister concerns. It is seen that all the programs are completed within the given period and maintaining the quality in it. We prepare a plan of action after discussions in meetings. In next meeting all members reviewed that plan. But we can't use standard tool for evaluation of each program. If there are some lacuna's in plan of action we well rectify it and make some changes in a plan, this process helps us to ensure the quality of academic programs. 4. How does the institution ensure the quality of its administration and financial management processes? The quality of administration is ensured by completing the tasks within given time. Admissions, Scholarships, enrollment, notices, filling up examination forms, maintaining the office record, budgets,etc. are completed within the time. If needed the work is completed in extra timing. Financial management is done according to the guidelines of Hon. Director of Higher Education. Govt. audit is a part of our financial management. 5. how does the institution identify and share good practices with various constituents of the institution? There is a co-operation among all the constituents of the institution. Ours is a small unit and we suppose as a part of united family. So there is always a feeling of oneness and brotherhood and all are bind to the progress of the institution. 7.2 Inclusive Practices 1. How does the institution sensitize teachers to issues of issues of inclusion and the focus given to these in the national policies and the school curriculum? We have one unit of content - cum - methodology in our methodology in our methodology syllabus. Where, analysis o content is one part of the practice. Here focus given on inclusion. Even textbook bureau (Balbharati) also very sensitive towards inclusion while preparing books they given emphasis on national policies. Certain changes carried out in curriculum reframing process in 2004. They give more importance for life skills as per our national policies. 2. What is the provision in the academic plan for students to learn about inclusion and exceptionalities as well as gender differences and their impact on learning? All the students are given a copy of syllabus at the beginning of every academic year. Students are informed about all the syllabus books prescribe by Maharashtra State Govt. All our practicing school are having co-education and most of them are aided schools. In college the activity like daily prayer, weekly Paripath, impart of values, club activities and house activities, give training of inclusion. The Students are divided in different groups consisting of boys and girls serially. Co-operatively they work together. Through their syllabus also they learn the topics like gender discrimination, education of exceptional child, globalization, etc. 3. Details on various activities envisioned in the curriculum to create learning environments the foster positive social interaction, active engagement in learning and self-motivation? We motivate our students to learn. We maintain a friendly interaction with the students. Some students are living in hostel, so they have the feeling of a member of one family. During regular teaching we encourage the students to ask difficulties. They are well come in open discussion. The activities like seminar, open book exam, tutorials, simulated teaching: develop social interaction and which actively engage the students in learning and self motivation. We invite clite dignitaries on a various co-curricular activities and tries to motivate students. These types of learning culture in our institute motivate students themselves. 4. How does the institution ensure that student teachers develop proficiency for working with children from diverse backgrounds and exceptionalities? We are having total 22 practicing schools which in which there are Rural as well as urban schools. Some schools are aided, private, municipality schools; as there is diversity in the schools the students get chance to develop proficiency for working with children from diverse backgrounds and exceptionalities. Theory part behind it, we explained during daily lectures. 5. How does the institution address to the special needs of the Physically challenged and differently disabled enrolled in the institution? The institution addresses to the special needs of the physically challenged and differently disabled students as per their demand. 6. How does the institution handle and respond to gender sensitive issues (activities of women cell and other similar bodies dealing with gender sensitive issues)? At the beginning of the year students are introduced to the activities of women's cell and anti-ragging committee. There is a suggestion box kept in a lecture hall. In our staff the female teachers are more in number as well as in office all the clerical staff is of female only. There are two ladies representative in the student council. All the teachers maintain friendly relationship with the students. So there are no such issues. We also impart value education and guidance regarding the core elements like gender equality. Students are encouraged to present programs on core elements in house activities. In our institution there is separate women's cell formed as per rules and regulations of Mumbai University. One societal worker and one advocate are members of our women cell they provide legal advice to our female students 7.2 Stakeholder Relationships 1. How does the institution ensure the access to the information on organizational performance (Academic and Administrative) to the stakeholders? Parents, members from local population, students, passed students; teachers and experts from community are all our stakeholders. Whenever they visit the college, through informal discussions our academic work is informed to them. Sometimes reports of our major activities are published in the newspapers. Through our annul magazine 'Vidyanidhi' a yearly report of academic as wells co-curricular activities, results are publicized. Our magazine is distributed in all major academic colleges and Government institutions. Through this also the information is conveyed 2. How does the institution share and use the information / data on success and failures of various processes, satisfaction and dissatisfaction of student and stakeholders for bringing qualitative improvement?. At the end of every academic year faculty reviewed their yearly work by filling self appraisal forms. They compare the progress with the earlier year. They think over of their some what failures, if any. The entire faculty discus among themselves the overall performance of the students. Review is also taken of the yearly programs and their planning. Annual working days, available days for teaching, days for extra activities, contribute in the success of failure of various processes. But after all, all the activities try to bring the qualitative improvement of the institution. 3. What are the feedback mechanism in vogue to collect, collate and data from students, professional community, Alumni and the stakeholders on program quality? How does the institution use the information for quality improvement? At the end of every academic year feedback is received from the students regarding the teaching of faculty. Informally students' opinion is taken regarding the course. N the gathering of Alumni feedback is received. The suggestions of alumni, regular students and stakeholders are conveyed to all factors of institution. Sometimes if possible the suggestions are implemented. Sometimes some changes in the annual plan are done Additional Information to be provided by Institution opting for Re-accreditation 1. How are the core values of NAAC reflected in the various functions of the institution? Core values of NAAC are as follows:- 1. Contributing to national development 2. Fostering global competencies among students 3. Inculcating a value system among students 4. Promoting use of technology 5. Quest for excellence We try to pursue these values through our different activities in the following way:1. We prepare teachers so that they can contribute to National Development. We try to give them enormous experiences so that they Can serve for the cause of social justice, ensuring equity and creating interest for teaching. When these teachers take up teaching professing they definitely contribute to National Development. They try to implement theory knowledge into practical. 2. We try to develop every skill of the student. To have the global competencies among students we give chance to their creativity, innovativeness and entrepreneurial skill. For that we establish collaborations with our sister institutions, local agencies, NGOs, etc. 3. As our courses teachers training we try to impart most of the values among students. Through the teaching of paper like Philosophy, School management, etc. the imparting of values is informal. Through the activities pursued. like daily prayer, weekly panipath, cultural Students are encouraged to collect good thoughts, prepare wall papers, etc. Through the activities like social service the co-operation and leadership is pursued. Different group works, project works also helps a lot. 4. We made available all the latest electronic equipments. Students are encouraged to make use of it. They take lessons with the help of computers. Results are prepared with the help of computers. Our library is under computerization process and we are giving facility of internet. 5. We see that every student reaches up to excellence. We try to improve our results continuously. We try to identify the strengths and weaknesses of our students in the teaching and learning process. And give guidance of feedback according to that. Declaration by the Head of the Institution I certify that the data included in this Self – Appraisal Report (S.A.R.) are true to the best of my knowledge. This S.A.R. is prepared by the institution after internal discussions, and no part thereof has been outsourced. I am aware that the Peer team will validate the information provided in this S.A.R. during the Peer team visit. Signature of the Head of the Institution with seal Place: Date: