AVMA core competence 7: Health promotion, disease prevention/biosecurity, zoonosis, and food safety Intended overall program outcomes of the BSc-program Demonstrate overview of different views on animals and perceptions of health and disease in a veterinary medical context, including explanation and reflection on ethical and animal welfare issues. Describe the principles of risk assessment and tracing of pathogenic microorganisms and substances. Explain and classify general clinical and pathological findings, lesions and parameters, including describing the overall etiology, pathogenesis and pathology of the most common medical conditions in domestic mammals, poultry and fish in Denmark. Explain microorganisms and toxic substances important in disease and food hygiene, roles in animal and human disease, including mechanisms of infection and poisoning. Describe the most important methods and principles of health management in cattle, pigs, fish, poultry, mink and laboratory animals. Describe relevant legislation, environmental aspects and food safety aspects in relation to the veterinary profession, animal production and public health. Describe the roles and tasks that are part of the veterinary profession, including functions like "Herd Veterinarian" and "Official Veterinarian" (in accordance with Danish Veterinary legislation and EU food law). Assess the quality and health significance of the presence of microorganisms and undesirable substances in food and feedstuffs. Assess breeding strategies and diet plans. Be aware of conditions of significance to health and disease in animals, and on a veterinary professional and legal basis assess the importance of these conditions. BSc-courses supporting competence 1 Intended course outcomes Formative assessment and final approval (e.g. course certificate) Active course participation SVEB13386/S VEB13387 Anatomy & Physiology 1/2 SVEB11001 Veterinary Genetics SVEB13002 Immunology, Gen. Pathology and Pathophysiology SVEB13003 Basic Statistics and Epidemiology SVEK13005 Animal Nutrition Summa - tive exam Course assignments Explain the morphological structure of organ systems among different groups of wild vertebrates and the systematic relations to companion animals and production animals. Describe the metabolism of main nutrients. Describe the background of the problems regarding inbreeding and how it affects health and production. Describe the principles of genetic tests including mutation tests and marker tests. Use simple methods to calculate expected segregation ratios and risk of monogenetic diseases. Explain how breeding restrictions based on DNA-tests can have consequences for the population. Apply genetic principles and theories when solving genetic problems in relation to monogenetic disease. Immunological principles of antigens, antibodies, T and B cells and their interactions. Special focus is placed on immunity by infection, hypersensitivity as well as immunoprophylaxis. x Be able to describe epidemiological measures of disease incidence and the importance of risk factors. Be able to explain the methods of analysis of population data involving the concepts of interaction and confounding. Analyze conditions regarding disease preventative nutrition. X x x x x x X X X SVEB13015 Animal Breeding SVEB13016 Infection Microbiology SVEB13018U Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology SVEB13006 Microbial Food Safety Calculate degree of inbreeding, genetic parameters, breeding value and heterosis for simple sets of data. Calculate expected genetic advance for a specific domestic animal population. Calculate degree of inbreeding, genetic parameters, breeding value and heterosis for simple sets of data. (Gentagelse af same læringsmål som over). Discuss and evaluate the effect of different breeding interventions on animal health in a domestic animal population. Explain the principles of prevention and control of microbial and parasitic disease. Explain the relationship between the occurrence of veterinary and zoonotic important microorganisms and parasites, and disease incidence in animals and humans. Explain the significance of structure and function in veterinary and zoonotic important microorganisms and parasites, and the incidence of disease in animals and humans, as well as infectious agents’ transmission between hosts and survival in the environment. Discuss methods of prevention and control of infectious diseases. Develop the ability to understand complex issues related to animal husbandry, such as production environments and their influence on the occurrence of infections and disease. Explain how organ systems in different vertebrates reflect accommodation to the environment. Forstå grundlæggende farmakologiske og toksikologiske problemstillinger, herunder at kunne anvende farmakologiske og toksikologiske principper, begreber og metoder til at etablere sammenhængen mellem dosis og virkning samt til at vurdere effektiv og ansvarsfuld brug af lægemidler. (Er de fire overstående et samlet læringsmål??) Understand the basic pharmacological and toxicological issues, including being able to use pharmacological and toxicological principles, concepts and methods to establish the relationship between dose and effect, and to determine effective and responsible use of drugs. Describe the occurrence and transmission of food-related microorganisms with emphasis on pathogenic microorganisms. Describe the development of zoonoses in Denmark and the EU. Explain the principles of analytical methods used for detecting microorganisms in food. Describe the principles of risk assessment and outbreak tracking. List the principles and hygiene requirements for HACCP and food production control, explain overall legal requirements regarding this including hygiene requirements and be able to apply the principles in relation to a simple food production. Demonstrate overview of national and European regulations regarding this area. Apply knowledge of survival and transmission of foodborne bacteria, including pathogenic microorganisms, and combining this with knowledge of food technology to predict the microbial composition and presence of pathogenic microorganisms and their metabolites in food. Establish criteria for and conduct microbiological tests on food. Assess food suitability for human consumption. x x X X X X X X X x x x x x x x X X X X x X X X x X x X SVEB10403 Special Pathology and Poultry Diseases SVEB13009 Basic Clinical Theory, Companion Animals SVEB10408U Herd Health and Public Health Explain causes, predisposing factors and complications of commonly occurring pathological changes and conditions in Danish domestic mammals, as well as their morphological expression in organs and tissues. Explain the main poultry diseases regarding etiology, epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical presentation, pathology, diagnosis, treatment and prophylaxis. Explain the population’s significance in relation to disease development and immunoprophylaxis. Describe production systems importance in relation to welfare, disease, breeding, disease prevention, disease control, quality assurance programs and prevention of zoonoses in poultry farming. Knowledge of basic disease concepts, spread of diseases and prophylaxis in individuals and small populations x Describe the most important methods and principles of health management in cattle, pigs, fish, poultry and mink. Identify relevant legislation and key environmental and food safety aspects in relation to animal production and public health Evaluate the tradeoffs in health, welfare and production economy in livestock herds. Relate to the veterinarian's duties and responsibilities in food safety, environmental hygiene, animal welfare and public health. X X x X X X x X