Tournament of Champions 2015 Application Forms Please submit all relevant forms electronically via email to Linda Barker at by March 13th, 2015. At-Large applications are also due March 13th. TOC School Information and Entry Fee Form ..................................................................... 2 Bid List Sheet ....................................................................................................................... 2 Video Release Form ............................................................................................................ 4 At-Large Application Form Instructions .............................................................................. 4 TOC At-Large Application Form .......................................................................................... 6 TOC At-Large Application Form .......................................................................................... 6 Entry Check List: Online entry of debaters and judges at School Information Form submitted via email Bid List Sheet submitted via email Entry Fees submitted via mail Principal Signature on School Letterhead via mail At-large Application Form emailed (if applicable) and application fee mailed Video Release Form either scanned and emailed or faxed or brought to registration at the tournament TOC School Information and Entry Fee Form 2015 Please fill in the grey boxes, they expand as you type. Send your completed packet to: School Name: Coach Name: School Information School Address: City: Coach Email: Coach Cell Phone: Accompanying adult name: and State: Coach Office Phone: Entry Fees School Administrative Fee- required 1 per school Number of Congressional Debate entries: Number of Lincoln Douglas Debate entries: Number of Policy Debate entries: Number of Public Forum Debate entries: Number of Speech Round Robin entries: Number of Additional Lunches (Sat + Sun)*: At large application fee, nonrefundable: *see invitation pg. 18 for meal information $75 @ $140 each = $ @ $140 each = $ @ $165 each = $ @ $165 each = $ @ $100 each = $ @ $16/person = $ @ $50 each = $ Total Amount Due: Entry Information Names of Entries/Teams (one per line, continue list on separate a separate sheet if necessary): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. At-large Entries/Teams (one per line, continue list on separate a separate sheet if necessary): 1. 2. 3. Additional information List any dietary restrictions for those eating tournament provided lunch: List any judges for your school that are first year out of high school: Coach electronic signature (type name): Date: “By submitting the above electronic signature, I certify that I am submitting this application as the coach or accompanying adult representing the applying students. The information contained in this application is accurate, and I understand that any falsification of this application is grounds for its rejection from consideration of the tournament, at the Tournament Director’s discretion.” 2 Bid List Sheet 2015 Please list all of the TOC bids earned for each debater/team entry (use a separate section for each entry), listing EACH tournament where each bid was earned. Please note if an entry is an automatic qualifier through reaching the TOC elims in 2014 or the requisite level of the 2014 NFL National Tournament (formerly the NFL, now the NSDA). Example: Entry #1- debater name(s): Jane Doe and Sarah Smith event: Public Forum Tournaments where Bids Earned: Florida Blue Key, Crestian (Pine Crest), Wake Forest School Name: Coach Name: Entry 1- debater/entry name: Event: Tournaments where Bids Earned: Entry 2- debater/entry name: Event: Tournaments where Bids Earned: Entry 3- debater/entry name: Event: Tournaments where Bids Earned: Entry 4- debater/entry name: Event: Tournaments where Bids Earned: Entry 5- debater/entry name: Event: Tournaments where Bids Earned: Entry 6- debater/entry name: Event: Tournaments where Bids Earned: Entry 7- debater/entry name: Event: Tournaments where Bids Earned: For additional entries, please include an extra sheet (you can submit it as a separate word document with your application). Check this box, just so we know to look for extra entries (failsafe measure!): 3 Video Release Form 2015 Please submit one form per student by the start of the tournament I hereby give my permission, as the parent/legal guardian of the participating student named below, to the Tournament of Champions (TOC) hosted by the University of Kentucky Debate Program for the collection, use, and reproduction of video footage, photographs, and/or voice recordings of this student. I understand that the use of this video will be for educational and/or historical preservation purposes by the TOC. The signature below indicates my permission for the TOC to use video footage recorded for the project described below: We are excited to announce our new video archive. Starting this year, we will video record every final round and house it on our website. We will also attempt to record as many other elimination rounds as possible. As the practice of debaters recording their own debates is quickly spreading, we also welcome any debaters or schools that want to contribute their own footage to our archive. I understand that video may be posted on the TOC website video archive. There is no obligation for students, coaches, or judges participate in the video archive. You have to opt-in to participate. Any student for whom we do not receive a video release form will be treated as having opted out. We will not publicly post or distribute any video for which we do not have video release forms for all participants in the video. You may mark YES for your child to participate or NO to decline their participation: Yes, video of this student may be used by the TOC for the above project No, video of this student may not be used by the TOC for the above project For Minors (students under 18): Student Name: School: Parent/Legal Guardian Name: Parent/Legal Guardian Signature: _______________________________________________ Date: Email: Phone: For Students 18 and Older: Student Name: School: Student Signature: ________________________________________________________ Date: Email: Phone: 4 At-Large Application Form Instructions Instructions for all events: 1. Please fill out each form completely. We still need you to fill out the school information sheet at the top of this document, even if your school is only applying for an at-large. 2. For all events, 1 bid is required for application.** For the Speech, no bids are required, but reaching finals at notable tournaments is expected. Please use the Congressional Debate/Speech form. 3. The At-Large application fee is $50, nonrefundable, and is due by the application date. If your application is selected, this fee will be applied towards your entry fees. Do not send any entry fees or extra lunch fees with your at-large fee. This will save both you and us extra paperwork. Unfortunately, we cannot accept cash. Please make checks payable to “UK Debate Tournaments”. 4. Each coach may submit a ONE page letter in addition to this form detailing any additional information that she or he thinks would be useful in helping the Advisory Committee rank the at-large applicants. Please include it at the same time as this application. 5. ALL tournaments must be included with the team’s record. Failure to include all tournaments may result in denial of the at-large application. 5 TOC At-Large Application Form 2015 Page 1 of 2 LD, Policy, and Public Forum Form due March 13th, 2015 School Name: Street Address: City: and State: Coach Name: Coach Cell Phone: Accompanying adult: Zip code: Coach Email: Coach Office Phone: Which debate event: Name of debater(s): Tournament where 1 bid was earned: Directions: 1. Please list ALL tournaments attended during the 2014-2015 Season in either the section for TOC Bid Qualifying tournaments, or in the “Additional Tournaments” grid section. *failure to include all tournaments may result in rejection of your application 2. You may submit an (optional) ONE PAGE letter explaining any extenuating circumstances that you think would be useful information for the ranking committee (student illnesses, financial hardships, ect) TOC-Qualifying Tournaments (“Bid” tournaments) # sample Tournament Name/Location *Ohio Valley Invitational/Lexington KY Prelim Win-Loss Record? 5-1 Elim Round Reached? Speaker Awards, if applicable Quarterfinals J. Doe-10th, S.Smith-21st 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Enter Bid Tournament Prelim Win/Loss RECORD Enter Bid Tournament Prelim Win/Loss PERCENTAGE % 6 All Other Tournaments (local, Round Robin, state tournaments, ect) # sample Tournament Name/Location *Harvard Round Robin Prelim Win-Loss Record? 3-3 Elim Round Reached? Speaker Awards, if applicable J. Doe-10th, S.Smith-21st 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Enter Other Tournament Prelim Win/Loss RECORD Enter Other Tournament Prelim Win/Loss PERCENTAGE % OPTIONAL-- List Any tournaments with other partners, if applicable # sample Tournament Name/Location *Local Fall Classic 2013 Prelim Win-Loss Record? 3-1 Elim Round Reached? List Partnership n/a J. Doe debated with L. Jones 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 7 TOC At-Large Application Form 2015 Congressional Debate and Speech Form due March 13th, 2015 School Name: Street Address: City: and State: Coach Name: Coach Email: Coach Cell Phone: Coach Office Phone: Accompanying adult: Zip Code: Name of debater: Tournament where 1 bid was earned (leave blank for Speech): Event covered by this form (1 per form): Directions: Please list ALL tournaments attended during the 2014-2015 Season here. *failure to include all tournaments may result in rejection of your application # sample Tournament Name/Location *Harvard National Congress, Boston MA Number of total Debaters 450 # of chambers Performance at the tournament? 15 Advanced to finals, 3rd place 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 8