CURRICULUM NEWSLETTER Autumn 2015/2016 YEAR 3 CLASS TEACHERS Mr Mills (M3) Ms Inglis I3 Dear Parents, Your child will be working on the following curriculum during this term. Please note that our topic this term is the Anglo Saxons and many of the lessons will be cross curricular. Spellings and homework will be given every Friday and tested/ handed in the following Friday. Religious Education Literacy Homes Stories with a familiar setting Promises Information Texts Visitors Playscripts Islam Instructional Writing Advent / Christmas Comprehension Grammar Spellings and handwriting Numeracy Science Number and place value Animals and Humans Addition and subtraction Rocks and soils Measurement Time Fractions Statistics DT/Art History Anglo Saxons Anglo Saxons Pop art P.E. Competitive sports Dance Rugby Music Recorder Computing We are programmers – Coding E- Safety Geography Settlements P.S.H.E. New beginnings Dates for your diary Yr 3 &4 Tableau – Wednesday 9th December TLCs: Monday 5 October 2015 Monday 23rd November 2015