Improving Speaking Skill Using Real Objects for Business and Management Class in the Second Years at SMK PSM Warujayeng ABSTRACT ………………… : Improving Speaking Skill Using Real Objects for Business and Management Class in the Second Years at SMK PSM Warujayeng Speaking is the goal of learning English. The succesfullness of speaking ability supported by the proper teaching speaking strategy, there are many kinds of strategies which can improve the students speaking skill, the teacher must understand well about the students’ condition their competences to choose the best teaching English strategy in teaching learning process, the strategy should be interesting and attractive. Therefore, the writer would like to present a new strategy using real objects. It is one of strategy that will be used to improve the students speaking skill. The purpose of this strategy are to describe the way of teaching speaking using Real Object for Business and Management class, to find out teaching using Real object can Improve the Students Speaking Skill and to describe the student’s respond toward teaching speaking using Real Object in the class. The research was held in SMK PSM Warujayeng which the total students of second years are 140 students. The sample of this strategy is 44 students from the second years of Vocational High School. This strategy supported by the instrument to collect the data, they are observation, interview and evaluation. The writer uses the quantitative experimental design. It describes how the writer had done the experiment by using his new strategy which called using real objects to improve the students’ speaking skill. The result of data is taken from pre-test and post-test. Pre-test showed that teaching speaking in the second years students of Vocational High School is teacher center, the class condition was passive, because there is not interaction between teacher with students and students with other students. The data instrument showed that application of the way strategy can be received by the students, the treatment done by the writer followed by the students most enthusiastic. The result of evaluation on students language factor in post-test was better than on pre- test. The result of evaluation in pre-test is 39,58 and the result of post-test is 49,50 ( the averages ). It means that by using the new strategy, it can improve the students speaking skill. Looking at the result of research, the writer concludes that the application of using real objects in teaching speaking can improve the students speaking ability. It was hoped can be useful for all of the students. ABSTRACT …………………. : Improving Speaking Skill Using Real Objects for Business and Management Class in the Second Years at SMK PSM Warujayeng Berbicara adalah tujuan dari pembelajaran bahasa inggris, kesuksesan dalam kemampuan berbicara di dukung oleh strategi pengajaran dalam berbicara yang sesaui, ada banyak macam strategi yang mana dapat memperbaiki kemampuan siswa berbicara, para guru harus mengerti dengan baik tentang kondisi siswa dan kemampuan merekauntuk memilih strategi pengajaran bahasa inggris yang terbaik di dalam proses belajar mengajar, strategi ini harus menarik. Oleh karena itu, penulis bermaksud menyajikan suatu strategi baru menggunakan barang yang nyata. Ini adalah salah satu strategi yang akan di gunakan untuk memperbaiki kemampuan siswa berbicara. Tujuan dari strategi ini menggunakan barang nyata untuk menggunakan benda nyatadapat mengetahui respon siswa terhadap kelas. adalah untuk menguraikan mengajar berbicara dengan kelas bisnis dan manajemen, untuk mengetahui mengajar memperbaiki kemampuan siswa berbicara dan untuk pengajaran berbicara menggunakan benda nyata di dalam Penelitian ini di lakukan di SMK PSM Warujayeng yang mana jumlah siswa kelas 2 adalah 140 siswa. contoh yang di ambil dalam strategi ini adalah 44 siswa dari siswa kelas 2 Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan. Strategi ini di dukung oleh instrument untuk mengumpulkan data, yaitu observasi, wawancara dan ujian.peneliti menggunakan pendekatan bersifat percobaan yamg kuantitatif. Ini menggambarkan bagaimana penulis melakukan percobaan dengan menggunakan strategi barunya yang mana di sebut dengan menggunakan benda nyata untuk memperbaiki kemampuan berbicara siswa. Hasil data diambilkan dari pre-tes dan post-tes. Pre-tes menunjukkan bahwa pengajaran berbicara siswa kelas 2 Sekolah menengah kejuruan. berpusat pada guru, kondisi kelas pasif karena disini tidak ada interaksi antara guru dengan siswa dan siswa dengan siswa yang lain. Instrument data menunjukkan bahwa penerapan cara strategi baru dapat di terima oleh siswa. Perlakuan yang dilakukan oleh penulis di ikuti para siswa dengan sangat antusias. Hasil ujian siswa pada faktor-faktor bahasa do pos-tes lebih baik daripada pre-tes.hasil dari evalusi pre-tes adalah 39,58 dan hasil dari pos-tes adalah 49,50 ( nilai rata-rata ). Ini berarti bahwa dengan menggunakan strategi baru itu, ini dapat memperbaiki kemampuan berbicara siswa. Melihat pada hasil penelitian, penulis menyimpulkan bahwa penerapan menggunakan benda nyata dalam pengajaran berbicara dapat memperbaiki kemampuan berbicara siswa. Ini di harapkan dapat berguna bagi semua siswa. TABLE OF CONTENT TITLE PAGE ………………………………………………………………………………….. i APPROVAL PAGE………………………………………………………………………….. RATIFICATION PAGE……………………………………………………………………. ii iii MOTTO…………………………………………………………………………………………. iv DEDICATION………………………………………………………………………………… v ACKNOWLEDGEMENT…………………………………………………………………. vi ABSTRACT……………………………………………………………………………………. vii TABLE OF CONTENT…………………………………………………………………….. LIST OF TABLE……………………………………………………………………………… x CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION A. The Background of Study…………………………………… B. The Statement of the Problem……………………………… 1 3 viii C. The Purpose of the Study……………………………………. 3 D. The Significant of the Study…………………………………. 4 E. The Assumption of the Study……………………………….. 4 F. The Limitation of the Study………………………………….. G. The Definition of the Key Term……………………………. CHAPTER II 5 5 : REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE A. Teaching Speaking…………………………………………….. 8 B. Media……………………………………………………………… C. Real Object……………………………………………………… D. Improving Speaking Skill…………………………………….. 11 12 16 E. Vocational High School………………………………………. F. Business and Management Class………………………….. 23 24 G. Hypothesis……………………………………………………….. CHAPTER III 24 : RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A. Research Design……………………………………………….. B. Location, Population and Sample…………………………. 25 26 C. Instrument of the research …………………………………. 27 D. Technique of Collecting Data ………………………………. 28 E. Technique of Analysis Data ………………………………… 29 CHAPTER IV : RESULT OF THE RESULT A. Presenting of Data …………………………………………….. B. Data Analysis of Pre-test and Post-Test……………….. 46 C. The Result of Data Taken from Observation ………….. 51 D. The Result of Data Taken from Interview………………. CHAPTER V 39 52 : CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION A. Conclusion ………………………………………………………. 54 B. Suggestion……………………………………………………….. 55 APPENDIX BIBILIOGRAPHY LIST OF TABLE Table 1 : Conversational English Proficiency Weighting Table……………. Table 2 : Conversational English Proficiency Conversion Table………….. Table 3 : The Language Factors and Description of Conversational 30 31 Performance……………………………………………………………….. Table 4 : The Students’ Data Score of Pre-Test……………………………… 40 34 Table 5 : The Students’ Data Score of Post-Test……………………………. Table 6 : The Comparison Table of the Language Factors Total 43 Score ……………………………………………………………………….. Table 7 : 46 The Comparison Table of The total Score on each Language Factor …………………………………………………………. 50 CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION This chapter will discuss about the background of the study, the statement of problem, the purpose of the study, the significance of the study, the assumption of the study, the limitation of the study, and the definition of key term. A. The Background of the Study English is an international language. It has four skills such as ; listening, writing, reading and speaking skill. To master those skill is not easy, it needs much time to learn and master those skills perfectly. English is a foreign languages and it is usually so difficult to learn by the student. Speaking is more important than the others skills, because the English learners think if they can speak English fluently, it indicates that they succeed in learning English, it means that speaking ability is the real prove that someone is clever in English. According to Murdibyo in English language education, Department of English at state University of Malang, he said that “Speaking ability is a very important competence that must be mastered by those who want to play a significant role in this globalization era “ ( 30,2000 ). That statement showed if speaking ability is really important, the students must have the competence in speaking, although it is not easy to do because the bravery of English learners is still less where they are still afraid and shy to make out their words from their mouth. As the result when they held speaking in their class they can’t speak anything, they just show up smiling when turn is coming. It is the worst condition in speaking class. For SMK or vocational high school especially in Business and Management Class it is very important, above all for marketing competence program, they must be able to speak in front of their consumers to offer their products or their services, not only using Indonesian languages but also in English. So when they face the consumers, they aren’t confused again about what they must say to their consumers. They can make their consumers interested with their products or their services, but the fact it is so difficult for them. To overcome this problem, it is needed a strategy or method that interesting for the students. The teacher must be able to lose the negative image of students about speaking, make them brave and sure with their ability in speaking. The most important is to make them happy in their learning. The description above is as according to the next statement “ research finding shows that appropriate use of strategies may increase student’s learning “ (Huda, 1990 in ELE:53) Based on the statement above the writer can give conclusion that the using of a proper strategy is able to improve the quality of teaching learning, especially in teaching speaking. Finally, based on the problem above the writer presents a speaking strategy using Visual aids such as Real Object. This strategy lead the English learner to practice speaking easily. By using real object likes; soap, detergent, toothpaste etc. The students try to explain them to their friends about the products that they have, about the surplus of the product so they can explore their word from the products. To make clear, the writer thinks that it is very important to do the research entitled “Improving Speaking Skill using Real object for Business and Management Class in the Second Years at SMK PSM WARUJAYENG “ at 2010. B. The Statement of the Problem Based on the background presented, the problem of this study formulated as following : 1. How is the way of teaching speaking using Real Object ? 2. Can teaching speaking English using Real object for Business and Management Class improve the students speaking skill ? 3. How is the students respond toward teaching speaking using Real Objects for Business and Management Class C. The Purposes of the Study 1. To describe the way of teaching speaking using Real Object for Business and Management class. 2. To find out whether teaching using Real object can Improve the Students Speaking Skill or not. 3. To describe the student’s respond toward teaching speaking using Real Object in the class. D. The Significant of the Study This study can be useful for teachers and students to learn, practice and improve their speaking skill. It is also hoped the useful for teachers and the students. For the teachers, it can help them to develop their teaching speaking method so they can make their students active in their speaking class where all students give their participation well for their friends that perform in front of the class. For the students, it can make them more active in their speaking without being shy and afraid because they use real objects, where they can explore their words from the real object that they brought. This way of course can encourage the students to improve speaking skill because the students must explain about the products that they have. E. The Assumption of the Study This is the assumption of the writer that using Real Object. The students of the second years of SMK PSM WARUJAYENG will be more creative, interested in their study and improve their speaking skill. F. The Limitation of the Study In order not to have general discussion, the scope must be limited. It has goal in order the study can get the focus and easy to understand. Therefore, the writer just limits the study in teaching speaking using Real Objects, because speaking is the real prove of studying English, because in the reality, someone will get a good predicate as master of English if they are able to speak English well, fast and fluently. According to the writer teaching using real objects as the media it is an interesting strategy for business and management class. This research will be held to the second students of SMK PSM WARUJAYENG. G. The Definition of the Key Terms The definition of key terms is the definition refers to the title presented in this study. The definition can rise either from source or from the writer’s mind. In this case, the writer will definite the part of the title such as Teaching, Speaking, Teaching Speaking, Real Object, Business and Management Class and Vocational High School. 1. Teaching Teaching can be described as transformation of information process concerning with language which consist of four skill, they are speaking, listening, writing and reading, also supported with its elements, vocabulary, pronunciation and spelling to enlarge the students. The statement above is supported by the following sentences; “ Teaching is an art of presenting knowledge, science and skill to the students.” (Communicative Teaching, 2003) A good teaching is the teaching which is able to guide the students to face a new improvement in their mind. 2. Speaking Speaking is the process of releasing voice influenced by thinking process in the brain. Before a word of a sentence goes out from the mouth, it passes a thinking process in the brain. It is supported by “ Speaking is a process of releasing voice that can understand as mind expression from the coordination between centers talking in brain.” (Encylopedia Indonesia 1,1980,465) 3. Teaching Speaking Teaching speaking is the management of interaction which involves such thing like how to invite some one else to speak, how to keep conversation going, and how to terminate the conversation. 4. Real Object Using real items found in everyday life as an aid to teaching English. Using real objects helps to make English lessons memorable by creating a link between the objects and the word or phrase they represent. 5. Business and Management Class Business and management class is a study program that exist at vocational high school which have purposes to create graduates that have skill to compete in global era or to be a success entrepreneur. 6. Vocational high school A vocational school (trade school or career school), providing vocational education, is a school in which students are taught the skills needed to perform a particular job. Traditionally, vocational schools have not existed to further education in the sense of liberal arts, but rather to teach only job-specific skills, and as such have been better considered to be institutions devoted to training, not education. That purely vocational focus began changing in the 1990s ” toward a broader preparation that develops the academic ” and technical skills of students, as well as the vocational. CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE A. Teaching Speaking In this case the writer will discuss some aspects that support of teaching speaking. They are the goal of teaching speaking, the way of teaching speaking and Step of teaching speaking (Suparno, 2007:7). 1. The Goal of Teaching Speaking Teaching speaking is the management of interaction which involves such thing like how to invite someone else to speak, how to keep conversation going, and how to terminate the conversation (Dian Eko Bintariyani, 2003:9). The statement above implies about the goal of teaching speaking. Generally the goal of teaching speaking is communicative efficiency. Learners should be able to make themselves understand, using the current proficiency that they mastery. They should try to avoid confusion in the message due to faulty pronunciation, grammar or vocabulary and to observe the social and cultural rules that apply in each communication situation. 2. The Way of Teaching Speaking The teachers should know about the way of teaching speaking in order they will not get the difficulty in their teaching. Based on Anatologi Pengajaran Bahasa Asing Khususnya Bahasa Inggris, (1987:86) the way of teaching speaking is classified by Prof. Dr. Sadjono E. as following: totally manipulative, most manipulative, most communicative and totally communicative. Totally Manipulative means the English the English teacher will pay attention to the whole of speaking activity in the class or teacher becomes the main role in the speaking class (The students imitate what the teacher says). It can be done by drilling and the students follow what the teacher says. Most Manipulative means that the teacher still becomes the main role but the students have been active. It means the students don’t imitate what the teachers says totally but the students are able to use and develop their own words, even it is a simple word. Most Communicative means the students start to speak actively but this activity still get the controlled from the teachers. The control given by the teacher just adds the unknown vocabulary. And the last is Totally Communicative it means the teacher has let the students to speak actively each other without getting help from the teacher. In this case the students can develop their word without getting interference from the teacher. If this condition can be set up, it means the speaking activity in their class can be said success 3. Step of Teaching Speaking After knowing the way of teaching speaking, the teacher should know the step of it, because the step of speaking can help the teacher to make effective the time. The steps are Presentation, Practice, and Production (Carol Read in Presentation, Practice and production at glance, 1998:3) a. Presentation In this step the teacher has function to be the announcer in which the teacher gives the student’s motivation and lead question in order they get the description about the material which will presented by the teacher. The teacher should do this step because it will lead the teacher to know the students’ ability to imagine and guess about an abstract thing. Carol read in Presentation, Practice, and Production at glace explain the purposes of presentation are to give the students opportunity to realize the usefulness and relevance of a new language item, to present the meaning, form and to check the understanding. b. Practice Practice in speaking activity is very important because by this way, the teacher can measure the student’s ability. In this step the teacher gives an example to the student then the students try to imitate the teacher. In teaching speaking this step can be done by the flexible way, for instance, in pairs, a group or individually by telling something in front of the audiences in which the students still use the teacher’s example. c. Production In this step the student is hoped be able to produce a speaking activity by using their way without getting intervention from the teacher. In this step the English teacher just have little role. Carol read explains the purposes of production are to provide the opportunity for students to use a new language in freer that no press from out, more creative ways, to check how much has really been learnt by the students or the learners, to integrate new language with old language, practice dealing with the unpredictable and the students’ motivation. B. Media Media is a tool or an aid that used as mediator between teacher and students in teaching learning process which is called media of learning or media of education. In languages teaching, teaching material which involves the using of different kind of media such as visual and printed media are sometimes known as multi media or mixed media. Media of teaching languages is an aid as mediator for communicating message or information about language in cognitive, affective and psychomotor from resource to receiver. In teaching learning process message or information generally come from resource that is the teacher and students are as receiver. The media is as mediator, Suparno said in his book Media pendidikan “media is an aid used as channel for delivering message from resource to receiver “. (Suparno, 1988:1) According to Suparno in his book Media pendidikan, he said that, “ there are three kinds of media in teaching language, those are Visual, Audio and Audio Visual “ (Suparno, 1988:110-115). 1. Visual Media Visual Aids are kinds of media that can only been seen and can be touch by the student. For examples Flashcards, Pictures, real Objects, Photographs, Magazines Pictures, etc. 2. Audio Aids Audio Aids are kinds of media which can only be heard, it usually used to teach listening comprehension, for examples: Radio, Cassette, Language Laboratory, CD. 3. Audio Visual Audio Visual Aids are kinds of media that can be seen and heard by the students, for examples: TV, VCD, Film, and LCD. C. Real Object Real Object is kind of Media which is used in learning process. It used for helping in learning process. Based on the classification above real object is included in visual aids media exactly non projection visual media. And in this research the real objects that use are kinds of products likes, shampoo, soap, detergent, food, medicines, cosmetics, etc. Using Real Object the students can understand and retain the meaning of a word better when they have seen or have touched some objects associated with it. For this reason, teachers are suggested to make a collection of every day objects. Object in here are kind products of trade that sells at the market or shops. The teacher emphasizes the objects by showing and demonstrating them into some relevant activities such as How to use it, how to save it, and the students also can explain about the product’s surplus. 1. The Advantages of Using Real Objects The advantages of using real object As English teacher, the use of real objects is only limited by your imagination. It is possible to use real objects to teach almost any subject. Using real objects stimulates the mind, and is one way of encouraging creativity by involving the senses. Real objects saves time, as recognition of an object is immediate and so cuts out the need for lengthy explanations and drawing funny pictures on the board. Real object breathes life into new vocabulary, and the chances of your students remembering the new words you have taught them increases. Take the word biscuit: the probability of remembering it becomes much higher after experiencing the taste, touch and smell of the object! Real object doesn’t have to be limited to food or drink. Timetables, tickets, newspapers, clothes etc. in fact any object you can think of can be used as a teaching aid. 2. The Important Things that must be paid attention in Using Real Objects When you have determined the characteristics of your audience, then you are ready to plan and organize your material. The tips listed below will assist you in tailoring your approach accordingly. Keep in mind that the use of visual aids will help to produce effective one-way or two-way communication. Many factors are involved in choosing these visual aids, and the type of interaction you want to develop with the audience will Influence your choice. a. Planning the Material 1. Do not wait to prepare your presentation while on you way to the training session you cannot do your best at presenting. 2. Prepare an outline of goals, major issues to be discussed, and information to be presented to support main themes. 3. Limit content to your major point and no more than five key supporting points. 4. Analyze your audience. Prepare your content considering such things as whether they are likely to be friendly or unfriendly, lay or technical in their background, and whether they want only to listen or to respond and contribute. 5. Select appropriate visual aids and a presentation style that will be effective in the physical setting for your training session. b. Organizing the Material When organizing your material, consider an “old chestnut” of public speaking – “Tell ‘em what you’re going to tell ‘em; tell ‘em; and tell ‘em what you told ‘em.” This recommendation: Recognizes the importance of reinforcement in adult learning Completes the communication for the listener Informs people who arrive late of what they missed Recognizes the importance of organization, highlighting, and summarizing main points for the audience Serves to clarify main themes for the audience at the end of the presentation 3. Procedure of Teaching Speaking Using Real Object All of the strategies have the procedure to apply where the rule will lead and guide the students to know how to do or use the strategy effectively. And the procedure of using real objects, such as: a. The teacher gives an assignment for students to bring a product that the students’ likes. b. The teacher explains about what the students must do with the product, they must explain the product’s surplus and how to use the product or the advantages of using their products to their friends in front of class c. The student presents in front of the class by bring their products and begin to explain it. d. The others students can give their attention when their friends perform in front of the class after that they can give some question for them. e. The teacher can help their students that performs when the students find out the difficulties in their speaking likes vocabulary, the pattern and the others f. The teacher can elicit their student to speak more by giving them some question about their product. 4. The Evaluation of Using Real Objects To know the result of this strategy is needed an evaluation on the application. The evaluation can be used the following ways such as; observation, interview and scoring where they all can support to get the result of this strategy. The first way is observation, by doing observation the writer can know the process and result of teaching speaking using Real object to support the observation. The writer can use video camera to record the class condition or the writer can follow with the activity when the application of this strategy is in progress, The second way is interview. The interview can be used to know the students’ respond toward the application of this strategy in teaching speaking to sport interview the writer can use recorder to know the student’s respond directly The third way is scoring, here the writer score the value of language factors (Accent, Grammar, Vocabulary, Fluency and Comprehension). The scoring is done when the application of this strategy is in progress. D. Improving Speaking Skill 1. The Definition of Speaking Speaking is the process of releasing voice influenced by thinking process in the brain. Before a word of a sentence goes out from the mouth, it passes a thinking process in the brain. It is supported by “ Speaking is a process of releasing voice that can understand as mind expression from the coordination between centers talking in brain.” (Encylopedia Indonesia, 1980:465) Burns and Joyce states that speaking is an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing and receiving and processing information (Florez and many Ann C,1999:1). Its form and meaning are dependent on the context in which it occurs, including the participants themselves, their collective experiences, the physical environment, and the purposes for speaking. It is often spontaneous, open-ended, and evolving. However, speech is not always unpredictable. 2. Speaking Skill Speaking Skill as suggested by Dra. Siti Era Mardini in her book Module Teaching Speaking Skill II : “ speaking skill is kemahiran aktif dimana anda di tuntut untuk aktif berbicara “ (Sunarti, 2009 : 11) Speaking is one of the languages skill in learning activity that are use in communication, there are three situation in which the students find in speaking activity : a. Interactive Interactive speaking situation include face to face conversation and telephone calls, in which the students are alternatively listening and speaking, and the listeners or audiences have a chance to ask for clarification, repetition or slower speech from the speaker. b. Partially Interactive Some speaking are partially interactive, such as when the speakers are giving a speech to alive audience, which the audience doesn’t interrupt about the speech. The speakers nevertheless can see the audience and judge from the expressions of the audiences face and body languages, whether may be the audiences is being understood. c. Non interactive The other situation is non-interactive, such as when recording a speech for radio broadcast. In here the audience only listen the speech. 3. The Way to get a Mastery / Successful Speaking According to Prof. Dr. E Sadjono in Anatologi Pengajaran Bahasa Asing Khususnya Bahasa Inggris States “The mastery of speaking is based on the iron laws that can not be changed” (Sadjono, 1987:18). In this book, the iron laws are classified become for there are: the high duration of study, the high duration of practicing, the small quantity of the speaking class, and a good teacher. The high duration of study, generally to get a good result in studying the learner must spend much time to study. It also happens in studying English (especially in speaking skill), if an English learner wants to get a good result in their English, of course he must set up their time to speak as much as possible. It means he must improve the duration of study. The high Frequency of practicing is very important way to develop the English learner’s speaking ability. The successfully of speaking bases on how often the English learner uses their time to practice their English. The small quantity of speaking class influences the learner’s ability in speaking mastery. By creating the small quantity of speaking class the teacher’s attention is more focus and can control the mistakes made by he students easily. A good teacher is power of education because a good teacher also influences the students’ successfully. The good teacher here means a teacher being able to set up the class to be a conductive class where the communication between the teacher and the students flow fluently. In speaking class, if the communication between them can run well the condition of speaking activity in the class will happen without getting depression. 4. The Important thing that must be paid attention in Speaking a. A Theme A theme is the important things in the class speaking activity because by presenting the theme, the students are going to understand about something that they want to talk and ask, so without a theme in speaking activity, the fluent speaking will never reach well b. Self Confidence The students self confidence is the based on speaking activity, the students who do not have a good self confident they will get difficulty in improving their speaking ability because they feel afraid and shy to show opinion in speaking activity. c. Student Experience Students experiences, there are the differences between the students who has many experiences and poor one. In speaking class, the students experience is needed in the speaking activity because by having large experience, the students will be easier to make out word from their mouth controlled. 5. Languages Factors Language factors are component of mastering speaking subject, when speakers are speaking. It means that the speaker produce their ability of language component. According to Higgs and Clifford, “ that either five languages factors are recognized in analysis of speech process. They are Accent/pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension”.(Ricard and renandya’s book, 2005:221). a. Accent / Pronunciation A particular person’s way of pronouncing a language or the word of language (Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English:879, 1984) and D.P. Harris states “ Pronunciation is including the segmental features vowels, consonants, and stress and intonation patterns “ (TESL:81, 1974). From the meaning and statement above shows that the quality of speaking can look from the ability in producing words by using proper pronunciation. In speaking English must get more attention because if the English Learner made mistakes in their pronunciation, it causes misunderstanding for the listeners. So pronunciation is very important target to catch. b. Grammar Learning a language ( especially in English ) the learners must give their attention with the grammar. The reason is grammar has an important function in creating a language. A language consists of words and sentences and they are arranged and combined by a rule that called a grammar. The explanation above bases on the following statement “ grammar is rules for forming words and making a sentences “ (Oxford Learner’s Pocket Dictionary:182, 1991) Based on the explanation above the writer concludes that every language can not avoid from the grammar, in learning and teaching English grammar gets serious attention not only in writing and speaking but also in other skills. The learners will get predicate master in English when the learners are able to apply their grammar well in speaking and writing. In speaking, grammar has important role, the quality of arranging words and sentences are decided by grammar, so the grammar understanding is needed. There are many kinds of English grammar such as tenses, modal auxiliary, gerund, etc. the grammar have important role in arranging, managing and combining words and sentences. c. Vocabulary “Vocabulary is total number of words in language which make up the words” (Oxford Learner’s Pocket Dictionary:461, 1991) besides mastering of grammar, the English learners must have many of vocabulary because vocabulary that had by the learners influence with their ability to produce any sentences, because the learners that have many vocabulary are easier to produce sentences than the learners who have poor of vocabulary. d. Fluency According to Longman, the definition about fluency is : “fluency is able to speak easily” (2001:158). In teaching speaking, one of the purposes is that the students have to speak English clearly and correctly. They can make their speaking effectively by pronounce acceptable words to make the listener understand about what they are speaking. Therefore, the English teacher has to help the students by using many kinds teaching aids and the appropriate technique in order to the students easy to catch the lesson in teaching learning process. e. Comprehension The last languages component is comprehension. Comprehension has meaning the mind’s act power of understanding or the exercise to improve one’s understanding (Oxford Learner’s Pocket Dictionary:81, 1991). The statement above means that understanding is a subject which is very important for the learners to study, because the learners can be easy to learn it if we are able to catch or understand the point of subject learnt. So, comprehension has a great role in learning. E. Vocational High School A vocational school (trade school or career school), providing vocational education, is a school in which students are taught the skills needed to perform a particular job. Traditionally, vocational schools have not existed to further education in the sense of liberal arts, but rather to teach only job-specific skills, and as such have been better considered to be institutions devoted to training, not education. That purely vocational focus began changing in the 1990s ” toward a broader preparation that develops the academic ” and technical skills of students, as well as the vocational. In KTSP 2006 of Vocational High School, it explains about the purpose of vocational school education that have purpose “ Increasing the intelligence, knowledge, attitude, noble character, along with skill for life stand alone and to follow the next education that appropriate with their program” (2006:1). Based on that explaining above shown that it’s important for students to master speaking skill and it is a compulsory for the teacher to make their students good in speaking skill. The explanation above supported with the point of view of vocational high school especially at SMK PSM Warujayeng where the researcher takes her research, The point of view is “ To create a school as education institute and business and management training with the graduation that be able to compete in global era” (KTSP, 2006:1) F. Business and Management Class Business and management class is a study program that exist at vocational high school which have purposes to create graduates that have skill to compete in global era or to be a success entrepreneur. It is so clear, if the student wants to be a success entrepreneur which is able to compete in global era they must have a good skill especially in speaking skill of English. G. Hypothesis According to Surakhmad states that “pada umumnya penelitian dimaksudkan untuk menguji hipotesis, maka dapat dipahami mengapa menyusun/merumuskan hipotesis merupakan langkah yang penting sekali di dalam penelitian (Surakhmad, 1978 : 99) Here, the writer will predict that using real object the students can speak English more fluently and not afraid to produce their words. BAB III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The definition of research is the way to find the truth theory or to find out a new strategy to improve something that is useful for the environment. Musyafiqul (1992 :1) said that : “ The research is the activity to collect, process, analysis and presents the data done by systematic way and objective to solve a problem and examine a hypothesis to do the general principal” The opinion above shows that a research is needed as the way to get new technology and improve it. In this chapter will discuss about research design, location, subjects of the research, and the instrument of the research. A. Research Design The research design in this study is quantitative approach. This research with intervention from the researcher that is using real object as a treatment to improve the student’s speaking skill. So, it’s using experiment because the researcher wants to apply and prove the technique whether it will be successful. The result of the research is to find the difference of the student’s speaking skill between before and after using the real object. Data of the research is collected by the way of the operational technique. It means that the data is obtained from the field. All the data obtained from the observation and interview collected will be analyzed in statistic method. In collecting data, the writer takes the data from the result of the test which was treated to describe the students’ speaking skill. To take value, the writer uses the following formula of the language factors mean. B. Location, Population and Sample In this case it will be discussed about the location, population and sample. By the focused location and subject the point will be gotten easily and the writer will not get difficulty doing his research besides, the clear place and subject will help the writer to collect the data needed. 1. Location The researcher takes SMK PSM Warujayeng as the location of the research, The location of the school at Jalan Kha. Wachid Hasyim 267 Tanjunganom, Nganjuk. SMK PSM Warujayeng is one of the Vocational High school in Nganjuk. It has one program, Business and Management Class with marketing of competency program. 2. Population Prof. Dr. Sugiyono stated “ Populasi adalah wilayah generalisasi yang terdiri atas : objek atau subjek yang mempunyai kualitas dan karakteristik tertentu yang di tetapkan oleh peneliti untuk di pelajari dan kemudian ditarik kesimpulannya”.(Sugiyono, 2002:80). It means that population is generalization area consist of objects, subject, which has certain quality and characterization which is state by researcher to be learned to take the conclusion. Based on the explanation above, the population of this research is the second class students in SMK PSM Warujayeng. It is taken from the students of second years that totally 140 of population which consists 3 classes where it has 44 students per class. 3. Sample Prof. Dr. Suharsimi Arikunto Stated “Sampel adalah sebagian atau wakil population yang di teliti” (Arikunto, 2002:109). Based on the statement above, the researcher has the sample of their research in business and management class that consist of 44 students. The research takes this class because the writer got the information that class has low competence in speaking, so the writer research was interested to take this class as sample. C. Instrument of the Research Instrument is the tool or the facilities that are used by the researcher in collecting data in order that the researcher’s job is easier and the result is better. (Arikunto, 1997:151). The statement explain clearly that a research needs an instrument to make the research can be done well. In this research the researcher used two instrument there are Observation and Interview. a. Observation Suharsimi Arikunto said “Observation is the loading attention activity toward a subject by using all of the senses” (2002:133). Base on the statement above, the meaning of observation is a certain object by using tools of sense. b. Interview Arikunto stated “Interview adalah sebuah dialog yang dilakukan oleh pewawancara (interviewer) untuk memperoleh informasi dari dari terwawancara (interviewer)” (2002:132). It means that by doing interview to get information the writer is able to collect information from the students directly. In this study, the writer will use guide interview. Guided interview means the interviewer will ask everything he needs using some of complete questions (Arikunto, 2002:133). The interview is used to collect the data about the quality of the new strategy given. The items of interview given, containing the question about the students’ respond and the difficulty faced when the student are doing speaking activity using the new strategy. D. Technique of Collecting Data Data of this research is collected by the way of the operational technique. It means that the data is obtained from the field. All the data obtained from the observation, interview and treatment were collected as the following for getting the easiness. The data taken from observation are to know the students condition before that application of the new strategy and to know the improvement of students’ speaking ability through the applying a new teaching speaking strategy. The following, to support more data the writer will interview some students in order to know more information about their responds toward the applying of the new strategy in teaching speaking. The interview will be held after the students apply the strategy in their speaking activity. The last step, the writer will do evaluation. The evaluation do to know the students’ speaking improvement. The writer will score the language Factor such as accent/pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension. The scoring will be done when applying of the strategy is in progress, so the writer is easy to observe. E. Technique of Analysis Data The data that has been collected will be analyzed in statistic method, because the research is done base on the quantitative research, so the analyzing of the data will use numeral. To answer the question How is the way of teaching speaking using Real Objects, Can teaching speaking English using Real object for Business and Management Class improve the students speaking skill, How is the students respond toward teaching speaking using Real Objects for Business and Management Class, the writer will do observation and interview. In this research, the writer will do evaluation by scoring to know the students’ speaking ability improvement toward the applying of the new strategy. To take the value, the writer uses the following formula. ΣX : Total of Language Components M : Means of Language Component N : Total of Subject (Prosedur Penelitian, 1996:335) The writer uses the formula because the script is content of one variable. Mean is the average score and by knowing the mean, the writer is able to know the students’ speaking ability using the new strategy given. The formula above is also supported the following scale. It is used as the reference. TABLE 1 CONVERSATIONAL ENGLISH PROFICIENCY WEIGHTING TABLE No Proficiency Description 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 Accent 0 1 2 2 3 4 2 Grammar 6 12 18 24 30 36 3 Vocabulary 4 8 12 16 20 24 4 Fluency 2 4 6 8 10 12 5 Comprehension 4 8 12 15 19 23 Total The third way is scoring, here the writer score the value of language factor (Accent, Grammar, Vocabulary, Fluency, and Comprehension). The scoring done when, the application of this strategy is in progress. As the reference (taken from Jack C. Ricards & Willy A. Renandya, MLT, 2005:223) the writer can use the following Conversational English Proficiency Conversion to know the students ability were included in which level. TABLE 2 CONVERSATIONAL ENGLISH PROFICIENCY CONVERSION TABLE Total Score Level 16 – 25 0+ 26 – 32 1 33 – 42 1+ 43 – 52 2 53 – 62 2+ 63 – 72 3 73 -82 3+ 83 – 92 4 93 – 99 4+ According to Higgs and Clifford (1982) in Jack Ricard and Willy A. renandya’s book. (2005:221), it explains that in Conversational English Proficiency Ratings there are five levels. Level 1 The students are able to satisfy minimum courtesy requirements. Can ask and answer questions on very familiar topics; within the scope of his or her very limited language experience, can understand simple questions and statements, allowing for slowed speech, repetition or paraphrase; speaking vocabulary inadequate to express anything but the most elementary needs; error in pronunciation and grammar are frequent, but can be understand by a native speaker used to dealing with foreigners attempting to speak his or her language. Level 2 The students are able to deal with routine social exchanges. Can handle with confidence but not with facility the simplest type of conversation, including introduction and chat about autobiographical information; can get the gist of most conversations on nontechnological subjects[i.e., topics that require no specialized knowledge] and has a speaking vocabulary sufficient to express himself or herself simply with some circumlocutions; accents, though often quite faulty, is intelligible; can usually handle elementary constructions quite accurately and appropriate but does not have through or confidents control of the grammar. Level 3 The students are able to speak with sufficient structural accuracy and appropriateness and vocabulary to participate effectively in most informal conversation on practical and social topics. Can discuss particular interests and special fields of competence with reasonable easy; comprehension is quite complete for a normal rate of speech; vocabulary is broad enough that he or she rarely has to grope for a word; accent may be obviously foreign; control of grammar is good; errors never interfere with understanding and rarely disturb the native speaker. Level 4 The Students are able to use the language fluently, accurately and appropriately on all level normally pertinent to conversational needs. Can understand and participate in any conversation within the range of his or her experience with a high degree of fluency and precision of vocabulary; would rarely be taken for a native speaker, but can respond appropriate even to unfamiliar topics; errors of pronunciation and grammar quite rare; can handle informal interpreting from and into the language. Level 5 The students are conversational proficiency equivalent to that of an educated native speaker. Has complete fluency in the language such that his or her speech on all level is fully accepted by educated native speaker in all of its features. Including breadth of vocabulary and idiom, colloquialisms and pertinent cultural references. In English conversation there are five factors and descriptors of conversational performance that used by the researcher .in the oral English of students test.(Ricard & Renandya, 2005:222) TABLE 3 THE LANGUAGE FACTORS AND DESCRIPTORS OF CONVERSATIONAL PERFORMANCE Factors Description 1. Pronunciation frequently unintelligible 2. Frequent gross errors and a very heavy accent make understanding difficult require frequent Accent repetition 3. “Foreign accent” requires concentrated listening and mispronunciations lead to occasional misunderstanding and apparent errors in grammar or vocabulary. 4. Marked “foreign Accent” and occasional mispronunciations that do not interfere with understanding. 5. No conspicuous mispronunciations, but would not be taken for a native speaker 6. Native pronunciation, with no trace of “foreign accent” 1. Grammar almost entirely inappropriate or inaccurate, except in stock phrases. 2. Constant errors showing control of very few conversational microskills or major pattern, and frequently preventing communication. 3. Frequent error showing inappropriate use of some Grammar conversational microskills or some major pattern uncontrolled, causing occasional irritation and misunderstanding. 4. Occasional errors showing imperfect control of some conversation microskill or some pattern, but no weakness that causes misunderstanding. 5. Few errors, with no pattern of failure 6. No more than two errors during the conversation. 1. Vocabulary limited to minimum courtesy requirements 2. Vocabulary limited to basic personal areas and very familiar topics (autobiographic information, personal experiences, etc) 3. Choice of words sometimes inaccurate, limitation of vocabulary prevent discussion of some common familiar topics. Vocabulary 4. Vocabulary adequate to discuss special interest and any nontechnical subject with some circumlocutions. 5. Vocabulary broad, precise an adequate to cope with complex practical problem and varied topics of general interest (current events, as well as work, family, time, food, transportation) 6. Vocabulary apparently as accurate an extensive as that of an educated native speaker. 1. Speech is so halting and fragmentary that conversation is virtually impossible. 2. Speech is very slow and uneven, except for short or routine sentences; frequently punctuated by silence or long pauses. 3. Speech is frequently hesitant and jerky; sentences may be left uncompleted. Fluency 4. Speech is occasionally hesitant, with some unevenness caused by rephrasing and groping for words. 5. Speech is effortless and smooth. But perceptibly nonnative in speed and evenness 6. Speech on all general topics as effortless and smooth as a native speaker’s. 1. Understand too little to respond to conversation initiations or topics nominations. 2. Understand only slow, very simple speech on Comprehension topics of general interest requires constant repletion and rephrasing. 3. Understand careful, somewhat simplified speech directed to him or her with considerable repetition and rephrasing. 4. Understand quite well normal educated speech directed to him or her, but requires occasional repetition or rephrasing 5. Understand everything in normal educated conversation, except for very for very colloquial or low-frequency items or exceptionally rapid or slurred speech. 6. Understand everything in informal and colloquial speech to be expected of an educated native speaker. BAB IV RESULT OF THE RESEARCH In this chapter, the writer will present the data obtain to test, interview and observation. There is also an analysis following the data and explanation about the finding of the result. A. Presenting of Data In this sub chapter, the writer will present the result of the data the classroom research by applying a new teaching speaking strategy one. The presentation of the data is divided become two parts, they are presentation of Pre test and presentation of post test 1. Presentation of Pre-Test The presentation of pre test is based on the data got from observation, interview and evaluation result. The explanation from pre data result is s the following Before doing the research, the writer took the pre data by doing the observation. The data was collected by joining in speaking class activity at SMK PSM WARUJAYENG. The condition of speaking class was not active, it was caused many student were silent when the speaking activity was in progress. The method of teaching speaking was teacher center which teacher just gives explanation in front of the class. In here the teacher was dominant in speaking. This condition caused there was not communicative between the teacher and the students. Based on the result above, the writer concluded that this condition was not interesting so it was going to make the students bored. After that, the writer interviewed some students to know their opinion about their class speaking condition. According to them, this condition was common happen in their class, the student wants to get a new strategy in their speaking activity that was more attractive. They felt difficult to improve their speaking skill if they were just as the passive listener. In the middle of observation, the writer did the evaluation by scoring the students speaking performance. The result was as the following: TABLE 4 THE STUDENTS’ DATA SCORE OF PRE –TEST N STUDENTS’ NAME LANGUAGE FACTORS O ACC GR VOC FLU COM TOTAL LEVEL 1 ALFAN ALI SABANA 1 6 8 4 8 27 1 2 ANIS WAHYU N. 1 6 8 4 8 27 1 3 ANISA PRAHASTIWI 1 6 8 6 12 33 1 4 ARIES DEBIANA K. 1 6 12 6 12 37 1 5 ARINTA YUSWANTI 1 6 8 4 8 27 1 6 ASRI SETYOWATI 2 18 16 10 15 61 2+ 7 BINTI NUR WASILAH 1 12 12 6 12 43 2 8 DEWI RATNASARI 1 12 8 6 12 39 1 9 DIAH AYU P. 2 18 12 10 12 54 2+ 10 DWI ARUM P. 1 6 8 4 8 27 1 11 DWI RAHMADILLA 2 18 16 10 15 61 2+ 12 DWI YOLANDA 1 6 12 6 12 37 1+ 13 ELITA NOFIANTI 1 6 8 6 8 29 1 14 ENY FARIDA 2 12 12 8 12 46 2 15 FATMA MAWAR S. 1 6 4 6 12 29 1 16 FINA SAFITRI 2 12 16 10 15 55 2+ 17 FITRI WULANDARI 2 12 12 8 15 49 2 18 GITA TRI INDARTI 2 12 12 8 12 46 2 19 HENI RAHAYU 1 12 12 6 12 43 2 20 IKA LINDAWATI 1 6 12 6 12 37 1+ 21 ISMIATI 1 6 8 4 8 27 1 22 LUKY SASMILA 1 6 8 4 8 27 1 23 MUSTOFA 1 6 8 4 8 27 1 24 NANIK MARIYATI 1 12 12 6 12 43 2 25 NOVITA MEILIANA 1 12 12 6 12 43 2 26 OKFINDA L. H. 1 6 4 6 12 29 1 27 OKTAVIA NARIANTI 1 12 8 6 12 39 1+ 28 OLWIN SHINTA Y. 1 6 8 4 8 27 1 29 PALUPI RETNO W. 1 6 12 6 12 37 1+ 30 PITRI NILAM SARI 2 18 12 10 12 54 2+ 31 RITA SETYA N. 1 12 12 8 12 45 2 32 ROJABIL AMANU 1 6 8 4 8 27 1 33 SANTI HARIANI 1 12 12 6 12 43 2 34 SITI EKA YANTI 1 12 12 6 12 43 2 35 SITI NURROHMAH 2 18 12 10 15 57 2+ 36 SITI ZULAIKAH 2 12 12 8 12 46 2 37 SRI WAHYUNI 1 6 8 4 12 31 1 38 SUCI TRIUTAMI 1 6 8 4 8 27 1 39 SUKENTI 1 12 12 6 12 43 2 40 SUPRAYITNO 1 12 12 6 12 43 2 41 TRI WAHYUNI 2 12 12 8 12 46 2 42 WIWIK WIDIYANTI 1 6 12 4 12 35 1+ 43 YEYEN KRISTIANI 1 6 12 4 12 35 1+ 44 ZULIANA 1 6 12 4 12 35 1+ 52 408 432 258 467 1617 JUMLAH From the pre-test the researcher got the students’ data score: 1. The highest score is 61 2. The lowest score is 27 Based on the conversational English proficiency conversion table, the students’ score above shown that in here the students find out the difficulties in speaking activity, the data score was not satisfied. It can see in table IV which the minimum score is 27 and the maximum score is 61. And many students were included in level one, when their score was conversion with the Conversational English Proficiency Conversion Table. And to get the score data of pre-test the writer got difficulties, because many students were silent and looks shy to produce their words. The result of this experiment class before applying the new strategy can find from the table IV. From the result of pre-test, the writer could take the conclusion that the students hoped the interesting method in teaching speaking class. To solving the students’ problem in their speaking class, the researcher will do the classroom research to improve the students speaking skill by using real objects. 2. Presentation of Post-Test In this sub chapter, the writer will present the data taken from the treatment in the research. The students do the treatment in post-test by using the new strategy, which the new strategy is by using real objects. TABLE 5 THE STUDENTS’ DATA SCORE OF POST –TEST N LANGUAGE FACTORS STUDENTS’ NAME O ACC GR VOC FLU COMP TOTAL LEVEL 1 ALFAN ALI SABANA 1 6 8 4 8 27 1 2 ANIS WAHYU N. 2 6 8 6 12 34 1+ 3 ANISA PRAHASTIWI 1 6 12 6 12 37 1+ 4 ARIES DEBIANA K. 2 12 12 8 15 49 2 5 ARINTA YUSWANTI 2 6 12 6 12 38 1+ 6 ASRI SETYOWATI 2 24 20 10 19 75 3 7 BINTI NUR WASILAH 1 12 16 6 15 50 2 8 DEWI RATNASARI 2 12 12 6 15 47 2 9 DIAH AYU P. 2 12 12 10 12 48 2 10 DWI ARUM P. 1 6 12 4 12 35 1 11 DWI RAHMADILLA 2 18 16 10 15 61 2+ 12 DWI YOLANDA 2 12 12 6 15 47 2 13 ELITA NOFIANTI 1 12 12 6 12 43 2 14 ENY FARIDA 2 12 12 8 15 49 2 15 FATMA MAWAR S. 2 12 8 8 12 42 1+ 16 FINA SAFITRI 2 12 16 10 15 55 2+ 17 FITRI WULANDARI 2 12 16 10 15 55 2+ 18 GITA TRI INDARTI 2 12 12 8 15 49 2 19 HENI RAHAYU 1 12 12 8 12 45 2 20 IKA LINDAWATI 2 12 12 6 15 47 2 21 ISMIATI 2 12 12 6 12 44 2 22 LUKY SASMILA 2 12 8 6 12 40 1+ 23 MUSTOFA 1 6 12 4 12 35 1+ 24 NANIK MARIYATI 2 12 16 6 12 48 2 25 NOVITA MEILIANA 2 12 16 8 12 50 2 26 OKFINDA L. H. 2 12 8 8 12 42 1+ 27 OKTAVIA NARIANTI 1 12 12 6 12 43 2 28 OLWIN SHINTA Y. 1 6 12 4 12 35 1+ 29 PALUPI RETNO W. 1 6 12 8 15 42 1+ 30 PITRI NILAM SARI 2 24 16 10 15 67 3 31 RITA SETYA N. 2 12 16 8 15 53 2+ 32 ROJABIL AMANU 1 12 12 6 15 46 2 33 SANTI HARIANI 2 12 16 8 15 53 2+ 34 SITI EKA YANTI 1 18 16 8 15 58 2+ 35 SITI NURROHMAH 2 24 20 10 15 71 3 36 SITI ZULAIKAH 2 12 12 8 15 49 2 37 SRI WAHYUNI 2 6 12 6 15 41 1+ 38 SUCI TRIUTAMI 1 12 12 6 15 46 2 39 SUKENTI 1 12 12 6 12 43 2 40 SUPRAYITNO 2 18 12 6 15 53 2+ 41 TRI WAHYUNI 2 18 20 8 15 63 3 42 WIWIK WIDIYANTI 2 12 12 6 15 47 2 43 YEYEN KRISTIANI 2 12 12 6 15 47 2 44 ZULIANA JUMLAH 2 12 12 4 15 45 74 534 572 308 606 2094 2 From the post test the researcher got the students’ data score: 1. The highest score is 75 2. The lowest score is 35 Based on the students’ data score of post –test above, it shown that the students’ score were increasing. It can see in table V which the minimum score increase from 27 to 35 and the maximum score from 61 to 75. And many students were included in level two and in this post-test 4 students were included in level 3 when their score was conversion with the Conversational English Proficiency Conversion Table. From the result of post-test, the writer could take the conclusion that the students interesting use this strategy of using real objects in teaching speaking class. So, it prove that to solving the students problem in their speaking class, the teacher can use the new strategy in their learning which in here by using real objects. B. Data Analysis of Pre-Test and Post-Test In this chapter, the researcher compare the students’ score which the average of total score in pre-test comparing with the average of total score in post-test, compare the students’ level of conversational English proficiency in pre-test with post-test and the researcher also compare the total score of each language factor. TABLE 6 THE COMPARISON TABLE OF LANGUAGE FACTORS TOTAL SCORE PRE-TEST NO 1 STUDENTS’ NAME ALFAN ALI SABANA POST-TEST Total Score Level Total Score Level 27 1 27 1 2 ANIS WAHYU N. 27 1 34 1+ 3 ANISA PRAHASTIWI 33 1 37 1+ 4 ARIES DEBIANA K. 37 1 49 2 5 ARINTA YUSWANTI 27 1 38 1+ 6 ASRI SETYOWATI 61 2+ 75 3 7 BINTI NUR WASILAH 43 2 50 2 8 DEWI RATNASARI 39 1 47 2 9 DIAH AYU P. 54 2+ 48 2 10 DWI ARUM P. 27 1 35 1 11 DWI RAHMADILLA 61 2+ 61 2+ 12 DWI YOLANDA 37 1+ 47 2 13 ELITA NOFIANTI 29 1 43 2 14 ENY FARIDA 46 2 49 2 15 FATMA MAWAR S. 29 1 42 1+ 16 FINA SAFITRI 55 2+ 55 2+ 17 FITRI WULANDARI 49 2 55 2+ 18 GITA TRI INDARTI 46 2 49 2 19 HENI RAHAYU 43 2 45 2 20 IKA LINDAWATI 37 1+ 47 2 21 ISMIATI 27 1 44 2 22 LUKY SASMILA 27 1 40 1+ 23 MUSTOFA 27 1 35 1+ 24 NANIK MARIYATI 43 2 48 2 25 NOVITA MEILIANA 43 2 50 2 26 OKFINDA L. H. 29 1 42 1+ 27 OKTAVIA NARIANTI 39 1+ 43 2 28 OLWIN SHINTA Y. 27 1 35 1+ 29 PALUPI RETNO W. 37 1+ 42 1+ 30 PITRI NILAM SARI 54 2+ 67 3 31 RITA SETYA N. 45 2 53 2+ 32 ROJABIL AMANU 27 1 46 2 33 SANTI HARIANI 43 2 53 2+ 34 SITI EKA YANTI 43 2 58 2+ 35 SITI NURROHMAH 57 2+ 71 3 36 SITI ZULAIKAH 46 2 49 2 37 SRI WAHYUNI 31 1 41 1+ 38 SUCI TRIUTAMI 27 1 46 2 39 SUKENTI 43 2 43 2 40 SUPRAYITNO 43 2 53 2+ 41 TRI WAHYUNI 46 2 63 3 42 WIWIK WIDIYANTI 35 1+ 47 2 43 YEYEN KRISTIANI 35 1+ 47 2 44 ZULIANA 35 1+ 45 2 JUMLAH 1725 2094 MEAN 39,58 49,5 In table V above, we can see that there is any increasing of students’ score. It can see from the mean of total score in pre-test and post-test: The mean score of pre-test = = 39,58 The average score of post-test = M : Mean of the Language Factors score ΣX : Total of the Language Factors score N : Total of the Subject/Students = 49,5 From the formula above it prove that in pre-test the students’ means score is 39,58 and the students’ mean of post-test is 49,5. The increasing is not significant but the researcher think that it is enough to prove that the new strategy can receive by the students. And if the teacher frequent to use it, the students’ ability of speaking must be better. Based on the table above we can look in level column of pre-test and post-test, there is any changing of students’ proficiency level. Which in the pre test the students that include in level 1= 23, level 2 = 21 students, and in the post-test the students that includes in level 1 = 12, level 2 = 28 and level 3 = 4. From this data the researcher take the conclusion if this new strategy can receive by many students because many students is able to move from the low level to the higher level above. TABLE 7 THE COMPARISON TABLE OF THE TOTAL SCORE OF EACH LANGUAGE FACTORS Language Factors Total Score Pre-Test Post-Test Accents 56 74 Grammar 432 534 Vocabulary 464 572 Fluency 274 308 Comprehension 499 606 The next analysis, the researcher compares total score in each languages factor. Which in this table shown, that in each of languages factors the score have increasing From pre-test to post-test. We can see for accent the score increase from 56 to 74, grammar from 432 to 534, Vocabulary from 464 to 572, fluency from 274 to 308 and for the comprehension from 499 to 606. From this table we can find that the increasing is exist at each language factor. This data can support the result of research that this strategy can improve the students speaking skill. C. The Result of Data Taken From Observation The data taken from observation is to know the students’ condition before got the new strategy and to know the improvement of the students’ speaking skill through the new strategy. The result of the data which taken from the observation by the researcher before using the new strategy are the condition of speaking class was not active, many student were silence when the speaking program in progress, the method of teaching speaking was teacher center, which in here the teacher was dominant in speaking. And the students get difficulties in their learning, not only because of the condition above but also the students’ vocabulary are limited, and they do not have self-confident enough. The result of the data which taken from the observation by the researcher after using the new strategy are the students were interested when they were using real object, they can more focus in their speaking topic based on their product, the students are more active than before using the new strategy, they give more attention to some language components such as accent, grammar, fluency, vocabulary and comprehension. The students got the same opportunity to practice their speaking ability. The observation result was taken by the researcher, when the research of using real objects to improve the students speaking skill in progress. D. The Result of Data Taken From Interview In order to know the students’ opinion about the usage of use real object, the researcher held the interview before and after the new strategy was done by the students. The researcher use some question to get the data from the students (see appendix 1). And from the interview the researcher got some data as follow: 1. The result of interview before using real objects In here the students said that they have difficulties to learn speaking skill, they feel shy and afraid to produce their words or sentences, boring in the speaking class because they just keep silence, so their class is not active and interesting. And they need a new strategy to make them more interest to learn speaking. So they hope their teacher has a new way to improve their students’ speaking skill. 2. The result of interview after using real objects In here the students said that real object is interesting strategy to use, because using the real object, they can more focus with their speaking, because real object can limit the students imagination. This strategy is using a product that the students likes, so if the students likes their material that they bring of course it is easy for them to explain about the product in front of the class without shy and afraid. And by using this strategy they said that they can improve their speaking ability, they like this strategy because they do not find the difficulties to get the real object that used. When the researcher asked the students about the strategy, how do they know that using real objects is appropriate for them and able to improve their speaking skill. The students answered that by using this strategy they feel very comfort, when they must explain in front of the class, because in their hand bring the product that can remember them if they forget about what will they want to say. The students can produce their words without shy and afraid because before their present in front of the class their teacher gives motivation, so they get self confident. The last he said that this strategy is appropriate for them because their feel easy to speaking when they bring something likes real objects. BAB V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION In this chapter, the writer will present the conclusion. That is taken from the research done and the writer will give some suggestion based on the research. This chapter is presented in order to make the reader becomes clearer toward this thesis. A. Conclusion From the research, the writer takes the conclusion that: 1. The application of this strategy that is using real objects in teaching speaking can run well. They are open the program, give some motivation, read the rule and practice it. 2. By applying of this strategy, the writer knows that it can reach the target of the goal of this strategy. It can be proved by the significant result of the research. Besides that, it also can be shown by the fact of the research in the class that the passive students became active students and the active one became easy to express what he or she wanted to say. The application of this strategy in teaching speaking can improve the students’ speaking skill. Based on the observation and interview result before treatment and after treatment showed that the students enthusiastic toward teaching speaking uses the new strategy is better than teaching speaking before the application of the new strategy. Based on the evaluation result showed that the students’ score on language factors are better than before. It can see from the data of pre-test score and from the data of post test score. (see table IV and V) 3. By applying this strategy that is using real objects. The writer knows the students’ speaking ability is really well and they are really enthusiasm by using this strategy in their speaking class. It is known from the interview and observation result that is done by the writer after the students apply of the strategy in their speaking class. B. Suggestion Based on the research held, the writer states that the speaking ability of the second years at SMK PSM Warujayeng using the presented strategy is good enough, but there are still many problems faced. So, to minimize the problems the writer will give some suggestion in order the application in teaching speaking by using real objects will be better. The writer will give the suggestion to the teacher as the guide of education and the students as the subject of education. The suggestion are as the following: 1. The Teacher a. The teachers must pay their attention the students in the class every time. They must control the improvement of the students’ speaking ability and must be able to create the way how to improve their students’ speaking skill. b. The teacher must give motivation to the students before they begin the speaking activity class to make their students more confident in their speaking. c. The teacher can help their students by eliciting them with giving some question about their topic. 2. The Students The writer will present some suggestion to the students in order the students can improve their speaking. a. When the students are studying something, they must have a good intension because it is as a controller of heart. The students’ feel will enjoy in studying if their heart is constituted by a good intension. b. In learning speaking the students have to be able to loose their feeling shy and afraid to speak. They should not be afraid to produce a wrong word. The problems above are commonly found in speaking class activity and it can make the students difficult to improve and explore their speaking ability. So, the conclusion to solve this problem is the students must have self-confidence. c. Speaking is daily activities, if the student wants to be able to get fluently in speaking they must practice it more and more. d. Praying to the God. By praying we hope the knowledge that we got useful for our future life. Appendix 1 The list questions of interview: A. The list question of interview before Post-Test 1. Do you like speaking activity in your class ? 2. When you are speaking in English, do you find out any difficulties ? 3. How was the condition of your speaking activity in class ? 4. What do you feel, when you were following the speaking activity in your class ? 5. According to you, what the teacher must be done to make their speaking activity more interesting for students ? B. The list question of interview after Post-Test 1. What do you think about using real objects to improve the students’ speaking skill ? 2. Is the strategy appropriate to apply in your speaking activity ? 3. What the advantage of using real objects ? 4. Do you find out any difficulty by using real object in your speaking activity 5. Is this strategy ( Using real objects ) be able to improve the students’ speaking skill ? 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