Portfolio Committee Processes and Procedures Faculty eligible for rank and/or tenure consideration will submit their portfolios directly to their respective Associate Deans of Faculty Evaluation. Associate Deans will send a reminder approximately one month before the deadline1 to eligible faculty that their portfolio is due to their respective Associate Dean’s office by the deadline. Faculty may submit portfolios in hard copy format or electronically. Hard copy format is preferred at this time. The Portfolio Team will use the following meeting guidelines: 1 Prior to the initial team meeting, the Associate Deans will meet with the Department Heads/Program Directors to discuss their leadership responsibilities for the portfolio reviews. The Associate Dean will ensure all team members (including the faculty member submitting) have completed the Portfolio Training. Portfolio Review Initial Team Meeting o The Associate Dean of Faculty Evaluation will convene the first portfolio committee meeting no later than the submission deadline. o Department Head/Program Director responsibilities will include: Facilitating a discussion on how the team will use the rubric to make our recommendation Setting the date for the Portfolio Review Team Decision Meeting (during the week prior to the recommendation deadline to the Dean) o Team Member Responsibilities will include: Reviewing the ‘portfolio instructions for tenure and promotion’ (as stated in the faculty contract) and review the portfolio rubric Maintaining confidentiality Committing to review the portfolio individually between during the week after submission Preparing for the Portfolio Review Meeting o Each member of the team will review the portfolios on his/her own, using the rubric to make notes and comments during the week after the initial submission Portfolios will remain in the Associate Dean’s office Faculty will contact the Associate Dean’s ESP for access to the portfolio Portfolio Review Team Decision Meeting During 2013-14, 2014-15, 2015-16 this is March 1 for Rank Committees; During 2015-2016 this is January 1 for Tenure Committees o o o The team will meet to collectively discuss its findings using its rubric notes and make a recommendation after the week of individual portfolio review Department Heads/Program Directors will submit a final recommendation based on the team discussions and send it to the Dean This recommendation should include the results of the team’s decision for rank or tenure with a discussion of each section of the rubric, including highlights or areas of concern (if any) The recommendation will be sent to the appropriate Dean for review. The Dean will submit his/her recommendation to the Provost by the deadline outlined in the yearly evaluation calendar. The Provost will complete rank and tenure decisions by the deadline outlined in the yearly evaluation calendar and will notify the candidates of his/her decision. • Portfolio Submitted on a Friday • Team members review indivudially thefollowing week Individual Review Week Team Review Week • Team meets as a group to make a decision • Department Head writes up summary • Team reviews and submits to the Dean by the end of the week • Dean reviews team summary and portfolio • Submits decision to the Provost by the end of the week Dean Review Week Provost Review Week • Provost reviews recommendations • Contacts faculty regarding decisions