File - Columbia Ballet Collaborative

Over the past seven years, Columbia Ballet Collaborative (CBC) has grown as a vital part
of the arts community at Columbia University and in New York City as a whole. Since its
inception, CBC has periodically presented new works, featuring up-and-coming choreographers
in the New York City area. These performances are essential to the Collaborative’s mission. We
are proud to provide resources for our choreographers and to continue to expand the Outreach
Program in which we visit elementary schools to teach beginner ballet classes.
In past years, Miller Theatre graciously allowed us to perform free of charge; however,
budget restructuring requires that CBC now has to pay for the use of our campus theatre. While
we are grateful for the support that the university does provide for us, unfortunately it does not
provide us with nearly enough funds to cover our financial burden. Without the support of
generous private supporters, it will no longer be possible for CBC to present new shows both at
Miller Theatre and other theatres in the New York City. We therefore ask you or your company
to please consider becoming a Friend of CBC. Friends of CBC will be listed in the program to
thank you for your support. In addition, Friends of CBC at the ‘PhD level’ and above will
receive a tax-deduction. Please note that even though donations will be categorized by amount,
any amount will be gladly accepted and greatly appreciated.
Please do not hesitate to contact us at with any
questions. For more information about CBC and all that we do, you can also visit our website at
Thank you for your consideration of Columbia Ballet Collaborative.
Columbia Ballet CollaborativeMail Code 26012920 Broadway New York, NY 10027
Step 1: Please check box next to your desired friendship level.
Bachelor’s: $25-$99
Master’s: $100-$299
PhD: $300-$599
New Work: ($600 and above) This amount covers the cost to create a new
work for CBC. Your name will be listed below the work in the program as
the sponsor for its creation. If you wish to sponsor a specific work or
choreographer, please email CBC at for more information.
2: Please make check for your desired amount payable to Columbia University,
with Columbia Ballet Collaborative in the memo line.
Step 3: On the line below, please write the name or names of the person, persons,
or company that we can print in the Fall 2013 CBC program to thank you for your
generosity. (If you wish to be listed as anonymous, please write ‘anonymous’
Step 4: Please include your email address below if you wish to receive the CBC enewsletter in the future.
Step 5: Please mail this form and your check to:
Columbia Ballet Collaborative
Mail Code 2601
2920 Broadway
New York NY 10027
Step 6: Please accept our sincerest appreciation of your friendship!
Columbia Ballet CollaborativeMail Code 26012920 Broadway New York, NY 10027