Risk assessment review and agreed changes – Finance Committee meeting of 28th October 2014 LCRS 6: Assessment 2012/13 – Risks above 5 for 6 areas previously identified by Finance Committee Area / Risk Hazard Control Score Action to be taken Cemeteries / Headstones/ Ensure that a comprehensive survey is 4 Arrange for a full churchyard – kerbstones completed. survey physical safety survey Arrange for completion of any necessary work. Ensure that users are aware of danger. Arrange for regular inspections to ensure that standards are maintained. Maintain appropriate records. Ensure adequate insurance cover in place. Cemeteries / Loss arising from Determine responsibility for stock 1 Annual check of churchyard – theft/misappropriation control. tools/equipment physical Arrange for regular stock checks. Maintain proper records. Reconcile stocks to sales etc. records. Investigate significant differences. Provide for internal audit testing. Cemeteries / Maintenance of Define responsibility for property 1 Monthly check of churchyard – buildings maintenance. buildings and report physical Carry out/arrange regular inspection of defects to Clerk. all buildings. Maintain detailed records of all work Scheduled /completed. Actions for resolution Cemeteries / churchyard – physical See the Health and Safety Advice Note adopted by Council on 18th March 2014. Refer review of COSHH to the Burial Ground and Open Spaces Committee. Control of hazardous substances including certification for use etc. Define responsibility for use and control. Provide for any necessary training. Provide for appropriate clothing. Ensure that any necessary licences, certificates for use have been obtained. Ensure that security is sound. Ensure that any disposals are properly dealt with. Maintain proper records. 4 Review COSHH at cemetery Refer need for survey to Burial Ground and Open Spaces Committee. Liaison on insurance and risks being pursued with the Treasurer to Parochial Church Council. Stock check undertaken in March each year by Cemetery Supervisor with next expected in March 2015. This informs the Asset Register held by RFO. Regularly checked by the Cemetery Supervisor. 1 Cemeteries / churchyard – physical Maintenance of equipment Cemeteries / churchyard – physical Personal injury Cemeteries / churchyard – physical Security of cemeteries and buildings Cemeteries / churchyard – physical Security/control of equipment Define responsibility for equipment maintenance and ensure any necessary training is complete Ensure that all equipment is properly maintained through regular inspection/servicing. Ensure that proper maintenance records are complete and up to date. Ensure that all staff have appropriate training and adhere to approved working practices. Ensure that the correct, properly maintained tools are available as appropriate. Ensure that all appropriate disclaimer notices, warning signs etc. are in place. Ensure that any risks to the public are minimized and eliminated wherever possible. Maintain records of training. Maintain records of any injuries. Ensure adequate insurance cover held. Define responsibility in job descriptions. Responsibility for security defined. Staff employed or contract with service provider in place. Appropriate staff training completed. Detailed schedules/records maintained. Liaison with local enforcement agencies maintained. 1 Pre-use inspection. Budgetary provision for repairs. Regularly checked by the Cemetery Supervisor. Budget allocated for repairs and replacement. 4 Review working methods See the Health and Safety Advice Note adopted by Council on 18th March 2014. Refer working methods review to the Burial Ground and Open Spaces Committee. 4 Review security measures Following recent attempted break in the Police advised on security and satisfied with action. Define responsibility for security. Ensure that security of all plant, equipment and premises is recognised as a priority. Maintain register of assets. Maintain liaison with local enforcement agencies. 4 Annual check of tools and equipment Refer review of COSHH to the Burial Ground and Open Spaces Committee 2 Financial management administration /legal Incurring expenditure without proper legal authority Record in minutes powers under which expenditure is being approved 1 Clerk to record powers OR Council to adopt Power of General Competence Purchase proprietary accounts package. New Clerk to receive SALC training. Clerk records expenditures. Clerk has CiLCA so Council can adopt at Annual Meeting in May 2015 General Power of Competence. Financial management administration /legal Failure to comply with Customs & Excise Regulations 1 Financial management administration /legal Failure to comply with Inland Revenue Regulations Ensure that value added tax is properly administered. Refer to guidance in HMCE Notice 749. Seek further guidance from HMCE where necessary. Ensure that all input tax and output tax is properly recorded Complete and submit vat claims promptly and on a regular basis. Reconcile claims to cashbook. Maintenance of comprehensive records of all calculations of income tax, national insurance deducted from pay. Regular returns to Inland Revenue; prepared by the Clerk; checked by the Assistant Clerk (RFO). Arrange prompt payment of all sums due 1 Council to monitor quarterly Pay is administered on a real time basis through HMRC website by Clerk and checked by RFO. Approval by Finance Committee and signed and/or authorised by two of the five approved signatories. Financial management finance Loss of money through theft / misappropriation. Determine responsibility for cash at all sources. Ensure that receipts are issued for all income. Ensure that secure arrangements are in place for all monies held pending banking. Ensure that proper arrangements are in place for prompt recording and banking of all cash received. Ensure regular bank reconciliation Arrange regular report to council. Ensure that council holds adequate fidelity guarantee insurance. 1 Use receipt book for cash received With limited cash receipt any money is immediately paid into the Council’s bank through the Sudbury branch. Accounts 2010 finance package purchased January 2013. Clerk trained in bookkeeping. RFO with financial training. 3 Financial management – finance Failure to set a precept within sound budgeting arrangements Financial management – finance Poor financial management Financial management – finance Failure to keep proper financial records Financial management – finance Failure to maintain an effective payments system. Determine responsibility of clerk / committee/council. Ensure that presentation to committee /council follows an agreed timetable. Ensure that precept is set as a result of a full report detailing requirements for forthcoming year for all heads of income and expenditure. Review all charges made by the council. Review adequacy of all balances and reserves. Ensure that effective budget monitoring is in place throughout the Determine management responsibility of the financial affairs of the council. Maintain and review Standing Orders /Financial regulations. Maintain an effective budgetary control /financial reporting system. Maintain an effective internal audit. Define responsibility with appointment of Proper Financial Officer Ensure appropriate standing orders and financial regulations in place that are subject to periodic review. Implement independent internal audit. Introduce periodical checks by Chairman /other appointed members. Arrange for regular financial reports to committee/council. 2 Prepare three-year cash flow and budget plan Budgets for 2016/17 and 2017/18 be based on financing the phased replacement of street lights; new burial provision; a village centre; maintenance of the BMX track and the Country Park. 2 Review Standing Orders and Financial Regulations annually. Both regularly reviewed. 2 Maintain internal controls and reporting. Robust internal control with SALC internal audit in place. Accommodation of two authorised signatory process and verification of bank reconciliation. Determine responsibility for control of expenditure. All payments to be supported by an Invoice /voucher. All detail to be checked and payment entered into a cashbook. All payments to be approved by council and recorded in minutes. 2 Monthly report to Council with comparison to bank statements and income/expenditure against budget. Purchase suitable accounts package. All spend along with bank reconciliation reported each month to Council. Accounts 2010 finance package purchased January 2013. Accommodation of two authorised signatory process with all payments including progression to electronic ones. 4 All cheques to be signed by at least two authorised members. Signatories to endorse cheque counterfoils and check payments against invoices/payment vouchers. All expenditure to be the subject of sound budgetary control Land environmental Maintenance of land including grass cutting Define responsibility for maintenance and ensure that a planned programme is in place. Ensure that any service contracts are properly signed and sealed. Maintain adequate records of inspection to ensure that maintenance has been properly carried out and, where appropriate, all contract conditions have been met. Enforce penalties for non-performance. 1 Establish maintenance budget and maintenance regime. Establish sinking fund for future renewals /replacements Budget established but Cordell Road Play Area lease terminated on 31st March 2014. Recovery of non-required flood lighting costs from S106 grants. Land – financial Inadequate budget provision Ensure that all anticipated Income /costs are provided for in budgetary process 2 Prepare three year budget forecast annually. Land –physical Public/Personal Injury Ensure that all staff have appropriate training and adhere to approved working practices. Ensure that the correct, properly maintained tools/equipment are available as appropriate. Ensure that all appropriate disclaimer notices, warning signs etc. are in place. Ensure that any risks to the public are minimized and eliminated wherever possible. Maintain records of training. Maintain records of any injuries. 2 Establish training budget and protective clothing budget. Review training needs annually. Budgets for 2016/17 and 2017/18 be based on financing the phased replacement of street lights; new burial provision; a village centre; maintenance of the BMX track and the Country Park. Both budgets established. Training and Development Policy adopted by the Council on 18th March 2014 was regarded by SALC as a good example and publicised in the Local Councillor. 5 Define responsibility in job descriptions. Ensure that the council holds adequate insurance cover. Land –physical Unauthorised access/trespass Determine council policy for access. Ensure that appropriate signage is in place. Maintain liaison with enforcement agencies. Instigate appropriate action against offenders. 2 Review key holders for Milestone House. Change computer passwords regularly Limited key holders. New domain and computer hardware / software with password protection in place from February 2013. Robustness of data integrity with external back-up through Dove Support. Open spaces Administration/ Legal Absence of agreements with users, permits etc Ensure that signed contracts/ agreeements /permits are in place where necessary. Maintain a register of users. 2 Open spaces – financial Inadequate budget provision Ensure that service income/expenditure is detailed in budgetary process 2 Review after decision of Community Association regarding play equipment on Cordell Place. Prepare three year forecast budget. Allow for renewal and maintenance in budgets with funds. Open spaces – physical Personal injury Ensure that appropriate regulations/ controls are in place to minimise the risk of injury to all users. Arrange regular site inspection to ensure that defined standards are being maintained. Ensure that, where necessary, appropriate signage is in place. Maintain detailed records. Ensure appropriate insurance cover in place. 2 Carry out risk assessments and introduce control measures. Review risks annually, Cordell Road Play Area lease terminated on 31st March 2014 – paperwork awaiting Babergh District Council consideration due to the Community Association agreement for play equipment with the District Council. Budgets for 2016/17 and 2017/18 be based on financing the phased replacement of street lights; new burial provision; a village centre; maintenance of the BMX track and the Country Park. Controls in place up to the termination of the Cordell Road Play Area lease terminated on 31st March 2014. Separate insurance and risk assessment of the Country Park and Railway Walk by Long Melford Open Spaces – under review with Suffolk County Council. Open spaces – physical Property Maintenance Define policy for maintenance of assets. Allocate responsibility and ensure 2 Review schedule quarterly. Burial Ground and Open Spaces Committee to review litter / dog / grit 6 that any training requirement is complete Staff employed or contract with service provider in place. Ensure all property is properly maintained through regular inspection/servicing. Ensure that proper maintenance records are complete and up to date. Where posting information to web site, or storing personal information, ensure that permission is in place and the eight principles of data protection have been followed: The data must be; fairly and lawfully processed; processed for limited purposes; adequate, relevant and not excessive; accurate; not kept longer than necessary; processed in accordance with the data subject's rights; secure; and not transferred to countries without adequate countries protection. Physically check assets annually bins and bus shelter. Replacement of the Council’s Streetlights under review with three ‘urgent’ upgrades replaced. Any stock changes inform the Asset Register held by RFO. 2 Parish Clerk to receive training in data protection Clerk trained in data protection. Freedom of Information charges using model template adopted by Council on 18th March 2014. Web sites Administration /legal Non-conformance with the Data Protection Act Web sites Administration /legal Ownership and Control of Universal Resource Locator (URL) Ensure that Clerk to the Council is listed as registrant of website when Web address is purchased and registered. Ensure that hosting charges and domain renewal charges are met by council. Ensure that council has full details of web address, account name, user name and password to manage the web address. 2 Parish Clerk to implement/action Use of the Long Melford Business Association subscription based website with password protection. Web sites Administration /legal Non-compliance with Freedom of Information Act Ensure that legal requirements are met in full. Ensure that all information, as declared in the Council Model publication, is available via the clerk to the council and alternatively via the web site. 2 Publish ALL policies, member details, and other useful documents on the website. All details along with agendas, reports, minutes are published on the used website immediately on production. 7 Web sites Administration /legal Dependence upon an individual Web sites technical Inadequate control of website Ensure that a minimum of two people have the necessary ability to undertake all website activity and are up to date with current site status. Provide training where necessary to minimise risk. Ensure in all circumstances where third party is involved in design and control of web site that a written formal agreement is in place that details financial and other responsibilities between the council and third party(s). Issue a set of written guidelines controlling site content. 2 Clerk and Chair to be trained. Any new Chair to receive training Clerk maintains and updates as above. 2 Parish Clerk to ensure Use of the Long Melford Business Association subscription based website with password protection. 8 END OF REPORTS 9