CALL FOR SYMPOSIA – Sfécologie 2016 – Marseille, Palais du Pharo DEADLINE : December 1st 2015 Title of symposium: Principal organizer (Name, institution, email) Note that this person is the point of contact for the session, responsible for communicating with speakers, and will play the role of moderator during the symposium (possibly with another person to be cited): Co-organizers (Names, institutions, emails): Session description (max 250 words): Describe the topic of the session by including background information, objectives and importance. The description should be written in such a way that any ecologist attending the meeting should be able to understand it. It will appear in the program and at the entry of the dedicated room in due time Keynote speaker(s) (Names, affiliations, emails, and tentative talk titles). Not compulsory. Two keynote speakers maximum. Only speakers who have been contacted and have committed to the session should be listed. Speakers (Names, affiliations, emails, and tentative talk titles). Only speakers who have been contacted and have committed to the session should be listed. Please ensure that the number of talks (and their length) is in line with the timing of the session (2 hours). Proposals not respecting this point will be discarded. Note that speakers who commit to speaking in a symposium should be aware that he cannot also present in another scientific session (symposium or any other sessions). Organizers are responsible for notifying any speakers they recruit about this rule. Sponsorship: Provide a list of one or several partners that have been contacted (names of the company/institution, contact details) and describe succinctly the interests they may find in supporting your symposium. This list will include only those who have declared their interest, even if a final agreement has not been reached at the time of submission. Please provide the date at which final response for funding is expected. We encourage applicants to use the document presenting the conference when contacting potential funders. Please note that we do not ask for final agreement regarding funding.